very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1278 Skycar Time

"What are we going to play later? There are still a lot of projects that haven't been played. Yang Xin took the guide picture on the ticket and looked at it: "There is also an aquarium and an acrobatic troupe in front of you!"

"Then go and have a look later!" Wu Yunsheng agreed repeatedly. As soon as he heard that it was not such a sense of speed, he was naturally happy. Otherwise, he would always play with such things. He really couldn't stand it. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming and Sun Jie't come, he would have really suffered this afternoon!

Yang Xin smiled and naturally understood Wu Yunsheng's thoughts, but out of concern and love for him, she also decided not to pull him to play with these things with strong speed and excitement in the future.

The team was still very long. The four people stood in line at the end of the line and chatted about some interesting things they had encountered in their lives. However, in most cases, it was Sun Jie and Yang Xin. Yang Ming and Wu Yunsheng listened silently, but the two of them couldn't get involved in the topic they discussed. It's really hard to say.

Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu ran all the way to the vicinity of the skycar. Sure enough, they saw Sun Jie, Yang Xin and others queuing in the crowd at a glance. Yu Tianzhu said excitedly, "Brother Qian, look, they are over there!"

"Yes, it's very good. It seems that they are going to play the car! It's all right this time, quack!" Qian Tangjiang was excited when he thought of the power outage in mid-air for a while, and Sun Jie and Yang Xin were stunned. At that time, he could show his skills to save the beauty!

It's just a little troublesome to save other people. However, in order to gain a good reputation for himself, Qian Tangjiang can only endure it. In those cruel people in those years, didn't become ninja turtles? That's the highest title of ninja...

"Let's not let them find out." Yu Tianzhu reminded.

"That's right. Let's go to the control room over there and wait. After a while, Sun Jie and Yang Xin get on the flying car and tell the people in the control room to stop the machine!" Qian Tangjiang said.

"Okay, I'm going to get the little rabbits in the security department to prepare the ladder, and it's time for us to show our skills!" Yu Tianzhu said quickly.

Qian Tangjiang nodded, came to the nearby car control room with Yu Tianzhu, and knocked on the door, originally. The people in Li Zai said impatiently, "This is a heavy control, and idle people are not to enter!"

"Who is this? So awesome? Did you tell me that idle people are not to enter?" Qian Tangjiang snorted coldly and did not knock on the door. He directly pushed open the door of the workshop.

The airman in the workshop looked up and was about to curse, but he saw that it was Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu. He hurriedly said with a smile, "It turned out to be Mr. Qian and Captain Yu. Please come over quickly..."

These two. People are all real power figures of the carnival playground, and the tactors dare not offend, especially Qian Tangjiang. This carnival playground is contracted by the second uncle, let alone offend this guy.

"It's not bad that you have eyesight!" Qian Tangjiang snorted and sat on the sofa beside him: "In a minute, please do something!"

"Oh, Mr. Qian, if you have anything to do, just tell me. What are you asking for? Isn't it shivering!" The tographer said quickly as soon as he heard it.

He said so, but he muttered in his heart. A small pilot is just a manipulator. Qian Tangjiang is the manager of Carnival's business development department and the nephew of the chairman. No matter what. Can't you ask for it on your own head?

What he can do, not to mention Qian Tangjiang, even Yu Tianzhu can do a word. The positions of the two people are much higher than their own.

"You have to do this. We really don't understand!" Qian Tangjiang waved his hand and said.

"In this case, what on earth do I need to do?" The tographer asked nervously.

"After a while, when you operate the skycar. If I ask you to stop, you can stop. Do you hear me?" Qian Tangjiang ordered.

"Stop? What do you mean?" The tagonist didn't quite understand.

"It's to make you pause the machine in your hand, do you understand?" Qian Tangjiang pointed to the operating platform next to the operator and explained.

"Ah?" The pilot was stunned: "Isn't the flying car parked in the air?"

"That's right, I just want you to stop it in the air." Qian Tangjiang nodded.

"Mr. Qian, what do you mean? If you stop in mid-air, won't those tourists be unable to get off? The tographer still didn't understand what Qian Tangjiang meant.

"Let you stop in the air, and you will stop in the air. Why is there so much nonsense?" Yu Tianzhu was impatient, stared at him and snorted coldly.

These two gods are both high-level figures in the carnival playground, and neither of the smen can afford to offend. Hearing Yu Tianzhu's anger, he subconsciously shrank his neck and explained with a smile, "Mr. Qian, Captain Yu, look, if I stop the car, those tourists will not be able to get off in mid-air. What if they don't want to? Let's talk about it. If the above knows, I have to be fired"

"What? Aren't you afraid that I will fire you?" Qian Tangjiang's face turned black and threatened the murderer: "Let me tell you. Do what I said today. Then nothing will be tied up. If you are worried, I will bear the problem for you. If you don't listen, I will tell the personnel department later and ask you to get out of here tonight!"

The trapist suddenly sed, and what Qian Tangjiang said was not alarmist, with his connections and status. Even if it's not the chairman's nephew, he can get rid of himself.

So, after weighing the pros and cons, the sman had to bow down, so he said, "Okay, Mr. Qian, I'll do whatever you say!"

"That's right!" Qian Tangjiang nodded. He said cheerfully, "But don't worry, you have done this well, and you will be Qian Tangjiang's person in the future. It's not a problem to promote you to the commander-in-chief of amusement facilities in the park!"

The commander-in-chief is the immediate boss of Song Shi. As soon as the engineer heard that he could sit in this position, he was immediately overjoyed! He quickly thanked, "Then thank you, Mr. Yu, for your promotion."

If someone else says this, the trapist may not take it seriously. A manager of the business development department is only in charge of the rental of business clothes, billboards, etc. in the carnival playground. He can't reach them and have no direct relationship with their superiors and subordinates.

If you want to fire yourself, it's possible. But promotion is absolutely impossible! How can the appointment and removal of personnel in large companies be done by someone else's greeting?

However, Qian Tangjiang is different. Qian Tangjiang is the nephew of the chairman. In his words, he works well in any department of the carnival amusement park. Look at Yu Tianzhu beside him and you will know that a gangster can sit in the security manager. So what else is impossible?

Qian Tangjiang waved his hand and said, "I'll tell you to stop later, if someone asks you. Just say that the machine is out of order, and let them come to me if there is anything else!"

"Okay, Mr. Qian!" The teller was relieved to hear that Qian Tangjiang had really taken care of the matter to himself. At least if he wanted to investigate this time, it would not be his turn to be unlucky.

On Yang Ming and Sun Jie's side, they naturally didn't know that Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu were ready to risk the bad water. The four of them were lined up. Seeing that it was almost their turn, they were finally relieved.

"This amusement park makes money. So many people come here every day!" Sun Jie sighed, "We will also open one in the future!"

Yang Ming smiled and whispered to her, "The non-state is already doing it

"Ah" Sun Jie was stunned and knew that Yang Ming was talking about the African island, so she nodded. Because these things are not yet ripe. I can't talk to Yang Xin and Wu Yunsheng. I can only talk to them in private.

Finally, it was Sun Jie and Yang Xin's turn. They were the first to get on the bus, so they sat in the front of the car. This is the position with the strongest visual impact. Many people will not choose here even if they come up first, because it is too exciting to stand it.

But Sun Jie and Yang Xin are obviously bold people. When they first made the roller coaster, they were a little scared, and now they are familiar with the road.

After sitting down, Sun Jie remembered the scene when Yang Ming had just checked the seat belt for herself. She also carefully checked the seat belt of herself and Yang Xin, and found that there was no problem, so she was relieved. Anyway, there is no big mistake in these things, and Sun Jie has also learned these.

After the inspection, Sun Jie said to Yang Xin, "Xiaoxin, you should be careful. Button up your coat tightly, or your chest will fly out!"

That video is very popular, and Yang Xin has naturally seen it. He blushed and said, "I know, but you are very careful. It's safe to sit with you."

"I also learned from Yang Ming" Sun Jie was a little embarrassed. If it were her, she would definitely not pay attention to the inspection of these seat belts.

In fact, the seat belt of Carnival's car is theoretically re-maintenance every time it runs, but in order to save time and make money. Turn this work into once a day. This adds a lot of safety hazards.

"Your Yang Ming is very considerate and takes care of Wu Yunsheng's face.

" Yang Xin said with a smile.

Being praised by Yang Xin, Sun Jie was very happy. Now she and Yang Ming have confirmed their relationship. Naturally, I care about these things.

After a preparation bell struck, the rollerpcart was about to start. Sun Jie took a deep breath, and the rollercar slowly moved and rushed into the air.

At this time, in the control room not far away. Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu looked at the car with excitement. The two of them are particularly excited now, and they can pretend to be in a moment. Some of them dance.

When the car went through several sprints. When he jumped to the top of the sky, Qian Tangjiang patted the triver beside him on the shoulder and shouted, "Stop! Stop! Stop it quickly! It's right here!"

Second update, I would like to ask you to vote for the recommendation vote for Laoyu. Laoyu does not ask for a monthly ticket for the time being, but wants to be on the recommendation list (to be continued)