very pure and ambiguous

No. 1280 Flying Man

"Well, you can stay with me in the evening." Sun Jie reluctantly let go of Yang Ming and whispered in Yang Ming's ear.

In a word, Yang Ming's blood suddenly boiled. Zi felt that it was worth it even if he fell to death this time. This was the first time for Sun Jie took the initiative to send an invitation to herself. In the past, he either relied on Sun Jie's place, or cheated Sun Jie through Xiao Qing. Anyway, Sun Jie was reluctant every time In the end, he got what he wanted, but Yang Ming was also uncomfortable in this situation.

And the current situation is different. This is Sun Jie's willingness to invite herself to accompany her from the bottom of his heart. The meaning is naturally different.

"Well, let's talk about it in the evening. Now I have to save Sister Yang Xin." Yang Ming is also unwilling to give up the lingering opportunity, but the situation is compelling. Yang Ming should at least save Yang Xin!

As for others, Yang Ming can't control so much. Yang Ming is not a savior, a carnival staff, or a firefighter. These tricks should be left to these people. All Yang Ming can do is to save his relatives and friends.

Of course, this is not Yang Ming's selfishness, but the current situation. These people don't seem to be in danger, and they don't need Yang Ming to reach out. As for why Yang Ming saved Sun Jie and Yang Xin online, it's just because Yang Ming is afraid of accidents. This accident is mainly aimed at Qian Tangjiang and Yu The mechanical failure of the flying car itself!

Like now, the car parked safely in the air. Even if it stops for a week, there will be no danger for these people. As long as the ladder is sent to rescue them one by one.

Yang Ming let go of Sun Jie, asked her to go to Wu Yunsheng to have a rest first, and then jumped on the track again.

Yang Xin is no longer afraid at this moment, because she is sure that she has seen the scene of Yang Ming saving Sun Jie! Sun Jie is now standing there safely below and waing to herself! And Yang Ming climbed up again!

At this moment, Yang Xin is more convinced that Yang Ming does not take the car because he is afraid, but just to take care of Wu Yunsheng's face! If you are afraid, can you climb up the car with your bare hands?

"Sister Yang Xin, hold me tightly later, just like Xiao Jie just now... But my brother-in-law won't be jealous, will he?" In order to ease the atmosphere, Yang Ming pretended to be a joke and opened Yang Xin's seat belt and guardrail, saying.

Because Yang Ming had seen it before, Yang Xin was more nervous than Sun Jie. The reason why she saved Sun Jie first was that on the one hand, Sun Jie was one of her closest people, and on the other hand, she also wanted to give Yang Xin an example to see that Sun Jie was intact after being saved by herself, which could also add some confidence to her

Sure enough, now Yang Xin has forgotten her fear. She nodded to herself confidently and smiled, "He dares to be jealous. Besides, you are my brother. What kind of jealous is he?"

After saying that, Yang Xin hugged Yang Ming generously, although she felt the softness of Yang Xin. But Yang Ming didn't dare to think about anything. He took a deep breath and jumped down.

I've had it once before, so this time I'm familiar with it. It's still a few bounces, and it's still a steady fall

On the ground, the tourists on the car and the families of the tourists on the ground exclaimed again!

Wu Yunsheng jumped up excitedly. Sure enough, he was not jealous, and he didn't even think about that. He was just grateful to Yang Ming for too late.

After the two landed, Yang Ming quickly pushed Yang Xin away without leaving a trace to avoid embarrassment to each other. Seeing that Yang Ming was so understanding, Yang Xin smiled gratefully: "Thank you."

"You, my sister, why do you thank me?" Yang Ming waved his hand.

Before the two of them finished speaking, there was another ** in the crowd!

Because they saw a ladder driving this way, but because of the distance, there were more tourists in the carnival playground, so they drove very slowly.

However, before the ladder car, two other people ran to the side of the skycar, holding a loudspeaker in their hands. While running, they shouted to the tourists above, please pay attention to the tourists above. The car has a mechanical failure and cannot operate for the time being, but it doesn't matter. We have called the ladder. The car will rescue you immediately. Please sit in your seats and don't move or fight. We will rescue you in order from the front to the rear of the car!

Of course, there is a reason why Qian Tangjiang said this, because he saw that Sun Jie and Yang Xin were sitting in the front of the car before, so he could save Sun Jie and Yang Xin first.

Save first and save later. Although it looks the same, the feeling in his heart is definitely different, so he must give Sun Jie and Yang Xin a preconceived impression, so that he can highlight his heroic image.

Seeing that the rescuers came, the tourists on the skylight also calmed down. Because of the example of Yang Ming who safely saved Sun Jie and Yang Xin before, they did not seem to be in a hurry and knew that they had sat on it.

And the families of the tourists below also calmed down and took the initiative to make way so that the ladder car could pass through here smoothly.

"Brother Qian..." Yu Tianzhu suddenly opened his eyes in consteritonishment and pushed Qian Tangjiang.

"Why are you pushing me?" Qian Tangjiang frowned, put down the shouter inexplicably, and said impatiently, "What's the matter?"

Brother Qian, Yang Ming, that Yang Ming saved Yang Xin and Sun Jie! Yu Tianzhu pointed to Yang Ming and Yang Xin, who were walking aside on the other side of the skylight, and shouted loudly.

Qian Tangjiang looked in the direction pointed by Yu Tianzhu. As expected, it was Yang Ming and Yang Xin, and he was immediately dumbfounded! They tossed around with thirteen moves in order to show a hero to save beauty, but Yang Ming didn't take the lead!

Although I don't know how Yang Ming did it, the facts are in front of us, and they can't allow them not to believe it!

"He. Damn it, what the hell is going on?" Qian Tangjiang suddenly became famous. He tried his best to plan a good plan, but he failed like this. How can he be willing?

"I don't know," Yu Tiansuke said to him, "So we can't save it now?"

Qian Tangjiang frowned and said, "Save, I've said everything. I'm going to die. Didn't Sun Jie and Yang Xin look down on us even more? Even if we can't save them, we can at least be regarded as heroes. Maybe we can be in the newspaper tomorrow. We are not afraid that Sun Jie and Yang Xin will not change their minds, and there will be opportunities in the future. Let's make a good impression on them first!"

Yu Tianzhu heard that it was the same thing, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's continue to save..."

The ladder car drove over and began to save people under the command of Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu.

Yang Ming is sneering at what happened in front of him at this moment. Originally, it was just a guess, but now, there is no need to guess. This matter is 100% related to Qian Tangjiang and Yu Tianzhu.

One of these two people is the manager of the business development department and the other is the security captain. If the security captain is still in the rescue, the manager of the business development department has nothing to do with this matter.

But judging from the situation on the scene, Qian Tangjiang is the leader, and Yu Tiansuke is just an errand runner, which further explains the strangeness of this matter.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming began to find a control room near the flying car. Maybe the problem was there.

With the help of power, Yang Ming quickly found the control room of the flying car.

"If you wait for me here, I'll do something." Yang Ming gently patted Sun Jie on the back and said to her.

Sun Jie waited for Yang Ming to get off Yang Xin. She was about to talk to him, but she didn't expect to leave again. Wu Yunsheng was not in a hurry to say something grateful to Yang Ming, so he had to say it later. Yang Ming had something to do, so he accelerated his pace and quickly broke into the operation room of the scooter. Yang Ming didn't knock on the door at all, but kicked the door away.

The people in this operation room are iron. They can be kicked away by Yang Ming. They immediately jumped off the operator inside and turned their heads in horror and looked in the direction of the door: "You... Who are you..."

However, as soon as he said half a word, he recognized that when Yang Ming saved people before Yang Ming, Qiantangjiang and Yu Tianzhu were busy looking for the ladder car and the loudspeaker, but they didn't see it. But the engineer who has been sitting in the control room can see it clearly!

He is afraid that there will be an accident on the other side of the car. In case someone is injured or killed, he will have a great responsibility. If he says no, he will be sentenced! Although Qian Tangjiang's promise is very big for him, the engineer is also afraid that there will be a big problem. If he really wants to make an appointment, who can't protect him!

So the pilot will also see Yang Ming climb onto the skylight like Spider-Man. Isn't this a terrible move? If he hadn't been sober, he would have thought he would have watched the action blockbuster of the 3D cinema again.

It is not unusual for Yang Ming to kick open the iron door of work. It is possible for this kind of cruel man to smash the workshop with one punch.

"Say it, what's going on?" In the face of Yang Ming's terrible mistake, how dare he be tough?

"Don't say it?" Yang Ming stepped forward and picked up Master Jiang like catching a chicken. "Do you need me to throw it on the flying car and give you a free space trip?"

"The hero... It's really noon with me. I didn't make the skylight..." The pilot didn't know that Yang Ming was a passenger like Sun Jie and Yang Xin. When he saw the previous scene, he subconsciously thought of those American blockbusters and thought that Yang Ming was a hero.

"How much money did Qiantang River and Yu Tianzhu give you?" When Yang Ming saw her soft egg, he also guessed that she was inseparable.