very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1304 Looking for trouble

Yang Ming smiled indifferently. In this case, Xu Qianxing was right. Sometimes, he unconsciously violated the regulations, but Yang Ming had not been stopped by anyone, perhaps because of his own brand or the pass issued by Captain Yang.

"Maybe 0" Yang Ming nodded.

"You will know when you drive in the car. If you don't drive, you won't feel it. Really

It's difficult." Xu Qianxing patted Yang Ming on the shoulder with a smile.

"Maybe my driving experience is too short..." Yang Ming smiled and the remote control stopped at Xu Qianxing

Cheetah's own BMW not far away: "Why don't you take my car?"

Xu Qianxing looked at the BMW with flashing taillights not far away; how funny his face was.

He looked at the scene in front of him with some disbelief. Is this car Yang Ming's? Although he doesn't believe it, the facts are in front of him. How can he not believe his eyes?

In college, there are many students driving, but there are definitely not many! It's great to have ten or eight in a school. Of course, it refers to undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students. Many graduate students and doctoral students have jobs outside and even their own companies, so it is not surprising to drive to school, just like Sun Jie.

But among undergraduates, there are very few undergraduates who can drive by themselves. The original Wang Zhitao is one, Zhang Bin is one, Sun Zhiwei is one, and there is no one, so Xu Qianxing's expression is so complicated when he sees Yang Ming's BMW 5.

When it comes to the grade of two cars, even a fool can see it. Xu Qianxing naturally knows that Yang Ming's car can buy several of his cars. At this time, he hasn't seen Yang Ming's license plate number, otherwise his expression will be more wonderful. this your car?" Xu Qianxing still didn't believe it. After Yang Ming was in the limelight before, the school newspaper followed and interviewed Yang Ming for a period of time, and Yang Ming drove a BMW to school. If it was true, could the school newspaper not report it? But there was no similar news at that time!

Therefore, Xu Qianxing couldn't help asking, if the car was not Yang Ming's, but borrowed by him, then Xu Qianxing did not have to be too embarrassed.

"Yes, I also think the SUV is better, right?" Yang Ming said with a smile, "Zhe

Yun and me, you lead the way ahead, Chairman Xu.

Xu Qianxing's lungs are about to explode. Originally, he wanted to show off in front of Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun, but he didn't expect to show it clearly. Now Yang Ming is the first to let Lin Zhiyun sit in his car. Even if Xu Qianxing wants Lin Zhiyun to be his own car, it is impossible. If he says I quarreled with Yang Ming.

Thinking of this, Xu Qianxing nodded depressedly and said, "Okay, but you have to follow me. If there is a traffic jam, I'll turn on the siren. Don't be able to keep up..."

Although so, Xu Qianxing still hopes that Yang Ming can't keep up. Now the car model is not as good as Yang Ming's. He can only show off his privileges like Yang Ming, but he is still a little weak.

But up to now, Xu Qianxing can't do anything. He had to get into the car and started the car depressedly. Looking at Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun getting on the BMW together, he was extremely unhappy.

Looking at the license plate of Yang Ming's car in the back, Xu Qianxing's heart jumped again. What number is this? Is it all g? However, after a closer look, I found that there are two B's in them, not}, but they are almost the same as } when they are far away.

But even so, this license is not cheap, and Xu Qianxing is even more annoyed. How can Yang Ming look more like a rich second generation than himself?

This car and the license plate are not cheap. Why didn't Xu Qianxing hear about it before? Isn't it true that Yang Ming really wants to think of Lin Zhiyun? Xu Qianxing has heard that some prosperous princes always change girlfriends and even maintain relationships with several women at the same time, and those girls also love vanity and pretend not to know.

So, the more Xu Qianxing thought about it, the more angry he became. Lin Zhiyun was simple. Don't tell Yang Ming to cheat! Originally, I didn't have much idea about Yang Ming, but now I'm full of hostility.

Xu Qian said in secret, and the license plate numbers are all}, so what? Although there is no} in your license plate, it still has 4, but it is a privileged number segment, which will make you suffer a secret loss at that time!

Thinking of this, Xu Qianxing secretly formed a small plan in his heart. After a while, it must be the retrograde section. I hope that there is a traffic police on duty. At that time, his car can pass, and Yang Ming's car will definitely be intercepted. After being intercepted, he will go to relieve the siege by himself, so that he can highlight his position.

This is the so-called installation moment. When watching some TV series, the hero appears at the most critical moment, solves the problem, and then gets the admiration of the heroine.

Xu Qianxing knows very well about this research. Now if he wants to get his face back, he must do something stronger than Yang Ming! Even if you can't relieve Yang Ming, you can let Yang Ming stay there for treatment and take Lin Zhiyun to dinner.

No matter what, he will not suffer losses, so after Xu Qianxing made up his mind, he secretly decided so.

"Zh Yun, did he just go to the class to find you?" Yang Ming drove behind Xu Qianxing and asked

Lin Zhiyun said.

"No?" Lin Zhiyun shook her head: "I just finished class, and he seems to have just finished class,

He stopped me and said that he had met me.

Yang Ming nodded. Naturally, Lin Zhiyun would not have those messy thoughts? Where does she know


Xu Qianxing's sinister intentions? So he said, "This Xu Qianxing may want to pursue you. Be careful.

"Ah? No way, right?" Lin Zhiyun was shocked, his face turned red, and his little hands were a little panicked

bai bai in front of him: "I have nothing to do with him..."

"Of course I won't doubt what you have with him." Tong Ming smiled and held Lin Zhiyun's

Hand said, "How can I doubt you? I'm just asking you to beware of him."

"Well... I'll just stay away from him in the future." Lin Zhiyun nodded, "Yes

No, I won't participate in this art festival?"

"You have signed up, just participate." Yang Ming smiled and said that he didn't want Lin Zhiyun to feel

You have your own authority to kill her interests and hobbies, and even interfere with her study life.

"Yes, Chairman Xu said that in the festival of the art festival, you can find companions, or we

Two perform together?" Lin Zhiyun asked.

"This is okay, so let's go on stage together." Yang Ming naturally readily agreed,

That's what he planned at the beginning. Since Lin Zhiyun had stage fright, it would be good to accompany her to the stage.

Seeing that Xu Qianxing's cheetah in front of him actually turned into a one-way road, Yang Ming suddenly frowned. Now it's time to go to and from work, and it's time for a lot of traffic. What is Xu Qianxing doing? How can the section of so many cars also go backwards?

However, Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and followed. Since he was willing to go like this, he didn't follow himself, as if something was going on. Anyway, Xu Qianxing's car was driving in front of him, and he just followed him, and there was no need to conflict with the opposite car.

Xu Qianxing was afraid that Yang Ming would not keep up. Seeing that Yang Ming also turned in and followed him, Xu Qianxing was immediately relieved. Since he came in, it would be easy to do.

Seeing that there is a traffic policeman on duty not far ahead, Xu Qian said to himself, you can wait for bad luck in a moment!

However, even so, Xu Qianxing's Qianli is still a little nervous. His license plate is indeed the license plate of Songjiang official car. Occasionally, it is indeed very good to violate the regulations. Generally speaking, the traffic police will not intercept it when they see it.

It's just the first time for Xu Qianxing to go retrograde on such a one-way road with such a large traffic flow. As long as the general official license plate is not too much, the traffic police will not care about it. However, Xu Qianxing does not know whether he will give face in this blatant retrograde situation, but I think it

For Xu Qianxing's retrograde behavior, those vehicles that are driving normally are complaining. Originally, the one-way section is narrow, and there are three lanes. You can take one of them retrograde by yourself. We are already in a traffic jam, so there is even more traffic jams.

However, Xu Qianxing didn't care about this. In order to pretend, he turned on the police horn in the car and began to press it wildly. However, in this way, it had an effect, and the opposite car also took the initiative to give way.

"There's something wrong with him doing this." Lin Zhiyun frowned. Obviously, she was not excited about Xu Qianxing's behavior, but felt a little ashamed.

"Who knows what he thinks." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders, and Yang Ming also had violations, just like today's speeding, but he did go to do things and perform official duties, which is understandable.

But like Xu Qianxing, he used his privileges in order to have a meal. Yang Ming was also very disgusted and a little funny in his heart. He said, you and Jing Xiaolu are showing off. She may still look at you, but in front of Lin Zhiyun, you are purely looking for contempt.

Xu Qianxing didn't think so. He thought that girls liked boys who were in the limelight. He was proud, but a traffic policeman came in front of him and stopped his car.

Xu Qianxing was stunned, but when he thought that his license plate belonged to the number section of the official car, he was not very nervous. He opened the window and asked the traffic police, "What's wrong?"

"Sir, this is a one-line section. You'd better go back." The traffic police are still for Xu

Qianxing's license plate face did not punish him, just let him go back.

After all, the road is very long. Xu Qianxing just came in, and it's more convenient to reverse the car, but it's a little too eye-catching to keep going like this.

If it were normal, Xu Qianxing would have reversed the car, and it would not be a big deal. The current situation is still retrograde, and it is indeed a little suspicious of looking for trouble.

But now Xu Qianxing is trying to pretend in front of Lin Zhiyun. If he reverses out so gloomyly, he will lose face to grandma's house. Lin Zhiyun will definitely despise him, and he just brags for nothing.

So Xu Qianxing had to brace and say, "I have something urgent to do. It's too far from there: i;..r...

"Oh?" The traffic policeman was stunned and didn't know what was going on with Xu Qianxing. However, some official cars did have the possibility of emergency, so the traffic police nodded, but said, "Sir, let me have a look at your driving license."

Generally, the people who take this kind of photos are in the system or in various organs, and there are also some senior management of state-owned enterprises. But there are also signs made through relationships, which cannot be banned.

Most of the signs made through the relationship are lent, and you can't apply for a driving license, because the driving license is personal and cannot be settled. And Xu Qianxing is exactly like this. Where does he have a driving license?

Seeing his squeak, the traffic police also felt ** in his heart, but he still asked, "It's okay to show your ID."

"I forgot to bring it..." Xu Qianxing had to say bravely.

"Sir, you can't show your driving license, and you don't have a valid certificate to prove your identity. I

We can only temporarily carry out your car

Come and accept the processing tomorrow! Xu Qianxing didn't expect that the traffic policeman was so faceless. He was a little annoyed, but he didn't

Ways to vent.

Unexpectedly, he has put the cart before the horse in his heart. He gives face. It is true that some cars are performing official duties, not that he makes a privileged sign to show that they deliberately violate traffic rules.

The traffic warning signaled a traffic policeman next to him to come and drive Xu Qianxing's car away, and he walked over to Yang Ming's car.

Yang Ming saw the conversation between Xu Qianxing and the traffic policeman clearly and was very funny in his heart. This guy really pretended not to understand and pretended to be in the trouble. Seeing the traffic policeman coming to him again, Yang Ming was not worried.

The traffic police also wanted to check Yang Ming's certificate, but they saw that Yang Ming's pass on the front wind was issued by the East China Sea Police Bureau, which was a certificate within the system. In their opinion, it was more effective than those official license plates in Songjiang, so they did not check it.

Yang Ming saw that Xu Qianxing was going to be detained by the car. He was a little helpless, but he can't leave him at this moment. He has to treat him to dinner later. Yang Ming asked Xu Qianxing to retreat after knowing the difficulties, and he will talk about it later. Now let him retreat, which will not be a deterrent.

So Yang Ming opened the window and said to the traffic policeman, "Brother policeman, the cheetah in front of us is us. Can you let him go first?"

The traffic policeman originally saw the pass on Yang Ming's car and did not plan to take care of Yang Ming's car, but he didn't expect Yang Ming to let them go of the cheetah in front of him. He was a little angry and couldn't help asking, "Which department are you from?"

Yang Ming was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect the traffic policeman to be so angry. However, after a little thought, he understood that Xu Qianxing's bad attitude must have been bad before, which made him angry.

Yang Ming took out a certificate from his pocket, but it was the military certificate that Xia Donghai gave him. He got out of the car and handed it to the traffic policeman.

The traffic policeman was slightly stunned. He originally thought that Yang Ming was the same as Xu Qianxing in front of him, relying on

The family is rich and powerful dy, but it doesn't seem to be the same thing.

After taking a look at the documents in hand, the traffic policeman's face changed slightly. Yang Ming's certificate is not the same as the general military certificate. Yang Ming's department, most of them are affiliated with the administrative department, but they are all those special departments. The certificates can't be presented casually, so they get another identity. The certificate is coming.

Although I don't know what Yang Ming is doing, the traffic police can't stop him. He returned the certificate to Yang Ming and wants to let the car go. Yang Ming said, "I'm sorry, he led the policeman in front of him, so he drove to this retrograde road. I just let him go out."

The traffic policeman was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yang Ming to be so talkative. Looking at his quality, he was much better than the one who drove the cheetah before, and he was no longer stiff. He smiled at Yang Ming and said, "You have also seen the traffic here. If there is another time, the past will be over

Yang Ming nodded and said, "I'm sorry for you. I'll let him take Che Yi I out."

Since Yang Ming said so, the traffic policeman naturally couldn't say anything more. He waved his hand and asked the traffic policeman in front of him to let the car go. Yang Ming said to Xu Qianxing, "I agreed with this side. Let's go out."

Xu Qianxing was thinking about calling him and asking him to find someone. He let the car go, but he didn't expect that Yang Ming had agreed. Although he didn't know what Yang Ming said, he was also a little unhappy. What did he do? I can handle it with a phone call here. Just keep driving there.

However, although Xu Qianxing's mouth was hard, he was also a little nervous, and he didn't dare to bother himself. Since Yang Ming wanted to take Che Yi 1 out, it was not a disgrace, so he agreed and poured the car out with Yang Ming.

After Yang Ming left, the traffic policeman who deducted Xu Qian's car said to another old traffic policeman, "Look at the quality of the people driving in the car behind him. It's the army's certificate. Even if it's retrograde, we can't control it, but he politely took the car out, the one in front of Nothing. The brands are all set, and they are still so arrogant.

"Do you know who the car behind it is?" The old traffic policeman patted his forehead and said, "I thought the driver was familiar just now, but now I finally remember that the man seems to be the boyfriend of the summer team of the criminal investigation team."

"Ah?" The traffic policeman was stunned: "The person who was driving just now is Xia Xue's boyfriend?"

"You didn't participate in the mysterious traffic accident at the beginning, so of course you don't know!" The old traffic policeman said proudly, "Do you know how to solve that case? It was Captain Xia who broke it with his boyfriend! There was a terrible traffic accident on the section of the road where I was on duty. At that time, he and Captain Xia went to investigate the scene! However, I don't know which department the boyfriend of the Xia team is from, but it seems to be quite awesome.

"Told me about the mysterious traffic accident!" The traffic policeman obviously also listened

He talked about the rumor of the case, and suddenly became interested and quickly asked.

"This... I'll get off work later. Let's talk about it when I have time..." The old traffic policeman took it

Set up a shelf.

"Brother Zhang, I'll treat you to dinner after work. Let's talk while eating..." The traffic policeman hurried