very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1307 Performance on the same stage

Before, Ren Jianren felt that he had lost to Yang Ming, because Yang Ming played a scoundrel and had a good game. You take a brick and hit me. Do you think I've practiced iron head skills?

The most annoying thing is that it is obviously Yang Ming's rogue move. I am the victim, but the solidarity under the stage is all in support of Yang Ming! Ren Jianren was so angry when he thought of it. He thought to himself that Yang Ming was very cunning!

I made a smoke bomb in advance, with a broken banner hanging on my body, and what else can I say "punch Nanshan nursing home, kick Beihai kindergarten" horizontal criticism of "brick-breaking martial arts"!

In fact, what he wanted to highlight was the sentence "brick-breaking martial arts", but he was confused by the two sentences "punch Nanshan nursing home and kick Beihai kindergarten" at the beginning, so he didn't pay attention to the horizontal criticism. He thought that Yang Ming was just a gimmick and didn't take it seriously at all

So, he suffered a loss on this. Yang Ming said several times that his unique move was the words written on the banner behind him, but Ren Jianren just didn't take it seriously. He felt that Yang Ming was just grandstanding.

Until later, even if Yang Ming said that he was going to make a unique move, Ren Jianren still didn't care, so he suffered such a complete loss. He was hit on the forehead by Yang Ming, and immediately broke his head.

I was beaten like this, but the students watching the game under the stage were still facing Yang Ming, but it's no wonder. Yang Ming did remind himself many times before he made a move. He didn't care. Who can be blamed?

Even if Ren Jianren is not convinced, he has to drop his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. Who makes himself so moldy? So this time, Ren Jianren will be particularly careful of Yang Ming's plots.

He felt that there was no problem in his kung fu to defeat Yang Ming. The main reason was that he was afraid that Yang Ming would make those crooked evil ways again. As long as he guarded himself well, he could completely beat Yang Ming.

He discussed it with Li Jiasheng. I decided to send an invitation to Yang Ming before the art festival starts. Obviously, it is an invitation, but it is actually a challenge. It's just that the challenge is more elegant. The two of them co-starred in a kung fu program at the art festival.

Ren Jianren is the president of the school's running boxing club. Naturally, he has a close relationship with the student union. He also has the phone number of Xu Qianxing, the chairman of the student union, so Ren Jianren called Xu Qianxing.

Xu Qianxing walked out of the Songjiang International Hotel. He felt that today was his most failed day and completely lost his face. He didn't know how to face Yang Ming and Lin Zhiyun in the future.

He opened the door of his cheetah car and laughed at himself. He drove a car of more than 100,000 yuan and obviously waved with Yang. It was embarrassing to think about it.

The phone rang, and Xu Qianxing sighed. He didn't want to answer, but he saw that the call number was Ren Jianren, the president of the school's road boxing club. He really couldn't help answering the call.

Although the prestige of the running boxing club has plummeted in the school and has not been taken seriously, at least it is also the official community organization of the school. Ren Jianren, as the chairman of the student union, can't ignore it, so he answered the phone: "Hello, I'm Xu Qianxing."

"Chairman Xu, I'm Ren Jianren from the Walking Boxing Club!" Ren Jianren said enthusiastically.

"Hello, President Ren. What can I do for you at this time? It's night. Xu Qianxing is not in the mood to gossip with Ren Jianren now. He plans to calm down and calm down. It's too humiliating today. He has to think about how to pursue Lin Zhiyun in the future. The current method is definitely not enough.

So he didn't want to argue with Ren Jianren. He was ready to say a few words to him quickly and just end the call. Then find a reason to hang up the phone. If you have any work, let him talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, Xu Qian is not in the mood to walk at all now. He is very unhappy.

"Chairman Xu, are you free? I'll treat you to dinner." Ren Jianren said with a smile.

"You don't have to eat. After finishing the martial arts network. If you have anything to say, just say it. Xu Qianxing is not in the mood to have dinner with Ren Jianren.

"It's about the end of the art festival." Ren Jianren heard that there was something wrong with Xu Qianxing's voice, but he didn't think much about it: "Our road boxing club is going to participate in the art festival and perform a kung fu program."

"Oh, that's a good thing. Write a plan later, and I'll just have a look." After listening to Ren Jianren's words, Xu Qianxing said casually, "This is not a big deal. Every community will have a program, so let's do it first? I have something else to do

After saying that, Xu Qianxing planned to hang up the phone. As soon as Ren Jianren was anxious, he hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, Chairman Xu, I have something else to say!"

"What's the matter?" Xu Qianxing can't help it. I had to ask patiently. He is the president of the student union. Naturally, it is impossible to hang up the phone of the presidents of various associations casually. That's a little outrageous. Even if the road boxing club is no longer famous recently, at least it is still one of the important clubs under the student union. He can't neglect Ren Jianren too much and let him gossip about it, which is not good for him.

"It's like this, we run boxing. I want to invite the new kung fu star of the school to perform a show with us!" Ren Jianren quickly talked about the focus of his topic.

"Kung Fu new star? Who is the new kung fu star of the school? Xu Qianxing was stunned and inexplicable. He was the chairman of the school's student union.

"It's Yang Ming in the first grade." Ren Jianren was a little embarrassed. He had to raise Yang Ming's identity to attract Xu Qianxing's attention. Otherwise, he was afraid that Xu Qianxing would turn him back: he was just a freshman. As for being so stubborn?

So in order to be afraid that Xu Qianxing would not agree, Ren Jianren packaged Yang Ming as a new star of campus kung fu. In this way, he was not afraid that Xu Qianxing would not agree.

With this eyes, Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng discussed how to deal with Yang Minglai. He didn't have time to go to see the campus. Naturally, he didn't know the voice of Yang Ming above. If he knew that Xu Qianxing had the intention to let Yang Ming play, how could he say so much nonsense?

Xu Qianxing originally wanted to end the conversation with Ren Jianren as soon as possible, but he didn't expect Ren Jianren to talk about Yang Ming, and Xu Qianxing suddenly became energetic! He had no idea about Yang Ming. He just wanted to invite him to perform kung fu at the school art festival to meet the wishes of most of his classmates and show his ability and democracy as the chairman of the student union.

But now, Xu Qianxing changed his mind after listening to Ren Jianren's words. He is not stupid. Naturally, he can hear that Ren Jianren wants to avenge Yang Ming! Ren Jianren lost so miserably last semester that he was directly patted on the ground by Yang Ming, which was a great shame. Therefore, it was a lie that Ren Jianren asked Yang Ming to co-star in the program. It's just that I want to take the opportunity of this art festival to find the previous field for him in front of the whole school.

How could Xu Qianxing not understand this? However, Xu Qian would never agree to walk before dinner. No matter what Yang Ming's kung fu is, he is just one of the eyes of most students. It's just a gimmick. The students are willing to see him, just to see the laughter brought by his funny appearances and messy tricks.

No one really knows kung fu. Therefore, Yang Ming's appearance is completely an artistic act, which has nothing to do with kung fu, but Ren Jianren came to him. That's different. Ren Jianren is purely like revenge. How could Xu Qianxing let him destroy the festival program?

But it's different now. Xu Qianxing was extremely angry with Yang Ming and pursued Lin Zhiyun. Is it none of your business? Just go home and hug your beautiful Chen Mengyan. What are you doing here?

Listening to Ren Jianren's words, he seemed to have the certainty of victory. Xu Qianxing thought for a little and decided to give Yang Ming a lesson. Who told him to make trouble for himself? And you don't have to do this teaching by yourself. Why don't you do it by pretending to be someone else?

"What program are you going to co-star with him? Do I remember that you had a competition with him last semester? What kind of person does Xu Qian walk? The natural IQ of being the president of the student union is not low. He can't let Ren Jianren see what he means, otherwise people like Ren Jianren will definitely ask for more!

Xu Qianxing meant that he stood silently behind his back and watched the yellow finch catch the cicada, so his tone was very flat. There is nothing strange or inappropriate.

"Oh, of course, it's a competition between masters." Ren Jianren knew what Xu Qianxing also heard: "Xu Main Collection. Is this program feasible?

"Let me think about it. Xu Qianxing did not immediately reply to Ren Jianren. He wants to be the mastermind behind the scenes. I don't want people to know yet.

"Chairman Xu, you should also hear what I think," Ren Jianren sighed. Say it.

"What did I hear? I didn't hear anything. What do you think?" Xu Qianxing naturally would not admit that he was very careful and refused to have anything to do with this matter. Otherwise, if it finally reaches Lin Zhiyun's ears, he doesn't have to think about pursuing Lin Zhiyun, so he can just give up automatically.

Ren Jianren smiled. He also thought that it was difficult for Xu Qianxing to make a public statement as the chairman of the student union. So he said, "Chairman Xu, as you know, in last semester's test, Yang Ming defeated me with that very obscene move. After that, the running boxing club was depressed, and now no one wants to come to the road boxing club

"Of course, the running boxing club is the official club of the school. Our student union will definitely support it. As long as you can save the reputation of the Road Kendo Club, I will not interfere in other things. Of course, Xu Qianxing still have to make a statement, otherwise Ren Jianren will not be relieved to do it boldly, and now that he says that he supports Ren Jianren. It's just that Xu Qianxing's way of speaking is more subtle and high-sounding, and he won't let people catch anything.

What can the chairman of the student union grasp to support the development of the school's community? It can only be said that the student union strongly supports the community, and Ren Jianren understands it. It's his business. At that time, if there is a real problem, Xu Qianxing can completely push it all the way, and it has nothing to do with himself.

"Since Chairman Xu said so, I have confidence in my heart." After listening to Xu Qianxing's words, Ren Jianren immediately became happy: "As long as Chairman Xu supports me, I will definitely revive the prestige of the taekwondo club.

"Um. If you want to do this program, you have to communicate with Yang Ming first. As long as he agrees to perform on the same stage with you, there will definitely be no problem with the review of my program. Xu Qianxing said.

"Akay, I will definitely convince Yang Ming to perform with me." Ren Jianren said.

"Yes, Yang Ming has promised me to participate in the art festival performance. Have you read the school's post?" Xu Qianxing asked.

"Oh? What post?" Ren Jianren

Zhan, for a long time, he slowed his head on how to get revenge on Yang Ming, standard ratio, time to pay attention to the school's posts.

"Yang Ming is very popular among the students. Everyone wants him to perform another show at this art festival. Xu Qianxing briefly talked about the post with Ren Jianren.

Ren Jianyu's heart immediately moved. God is really helping me! The higher Yang Ming's voice, the greater the shock generated by defeating Yang Ming, and the prestige of the running boxing club can resound throughout the school!

On the contrary, if everyone has forgotten who Yang Ming is. It doesn't make any sense to challenge Yang Ming again. Thinking of this, Ren Jianren was even happier: "Chairman Xu. Do you have Yang Ming's contact information? I just don't have to look for it. Give it to me, and I'll contact Yang Ming directly.

"Wait a minute, I'll check it for you." Xu Qianxing has been looking for Yang Ming these days, so he knows Yang Ming's schedule very well. In his mobile phone, there was a copy of Yang Ming's course schedule downloaded from the school's national website. He found today's course and class location, and said, "Yang Ming has a computer basic theory class at six o'clock this evening. The class location is in the computer department teaching building. Let's talk about the classroom. You can wait for him

Thank you, Shan. Chairman Xu." Ren Jianren said gratefully, "I'll go to him now."

Ren Jianren is very happy. After hanging up the phone, I rushed to the teaching building of the Department of Computers with great interest and came to the door of the classroom. He got the support of the Xue Niu Association and had more confidence. This time, he will wash away his shame and trample Yang Ming under his feet to let him know who is the most powerful!

Ren Jianren knocked on the door of the classroom. Teacher Wang heard someone knocking on the door and said, "Please come in."

Ren Jianren pushed open the door of the classroom. He said very politely, "Hello, teacher, I'm Ren Jianren, the president of the school's Taekwondo Club. Let me find Yang Ming in your class."

"Oh? What's the matter with you? Teacher Bu Wang glanced at Ren Jianren and asked. Since he is the president of the Running Boxing Club, Mr. Wang is still very polite to him.

"I'll ask him to discuss the performance of the art festival on the same stage." Ren Jianren said such words in front of so many people in Yang Ming's class, which was also to kill him. He was afraid that Yang Ming would disagree later.

And what he said, as if he had discussed it with Yang Ming, he came this time. I just discussed with Yang Ming how to perform together.

"Oh? Well, Yang Ming, come out for a moment, and the president of the Running Boxing Society will come to you. Mr. Wang didn't think much and shouted to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming curled his lips. What's wrong with Ren Jianren? However, he must be unconvinced that he was repaired by himself last semester. Take advantage of the festival to take revenge on yourself.

Yang Ming is not an ignorant teenager in the past. With a little meditation, he figured out what Ren Jianren was doing. He wanted to use the reason of the performance of the art festival to report the hatred of last semester in front of the whole school and revive the prestige of the road boxing club.

How much has the Running Kendo Club fallen? Yang Ming still heard a little about it. I heard that it is difficult to recruit people now. In the past, he had to withdraw from the club, which made Ren Jianren and Li Jiasheng very embarrassed.

It is also reasonable for Ren Jianren to want to find the venue. Yang Ming sneered at what Ren Jianren said about "discussing about the performance on the same stage of the art festival". Yang Ming was very clear about his little thought.

However, Yang Ming did not expose it. He pretended to be fine and swaggered out of the classroom.

Yang Ming is still worried about what kind of program to perform at the art festival. There is one who took the initiative to send it to himself **. It's too late for Yang Ming to welcome the sea. How could he be kicked him away?

Out of the classroom, Yang Ming closed the door of the classroom, then took a look at Ren Jianren and said carelessly, "Isn't this the president of the walking boxing club? Excuse me, I don't know what's wrong with me as a primary school student?

Ren Jianren got up in anger and scolded in his heart, don't you know what the mother is looking for? However, he knew that he could not be angry now. If he beat Yang Ming at the door of the classroom, he would not only not solve the problem, but also stop being the president of the boxing club. The school will definitely investigate it seriously.

So Ren Jianren took a breath. "Sever put up with it," he said. When he got on the stage, he would fix it to death. So he suppressed his anger and smiled, "Yang Ming, didn't I talk about it just now? I want to discuss with you about the performance on the same stage of the art festival,"

"Performing on the same stage? Can't you act well by yourself? Why do you have to play with me? Yang Ming narrowed his eyes. Look at Ren Jianren.

"You are the new kung fu star of the school. I am the old president of running boxing. Let's perform the program together. Isn't it good?" Ren Jianren half said it and looked at Yang Ming's lukewarm eyes. Some can't go on. He is just talking nonsense. May Yang Ming believe him? There's nothing we can do. Ren Jianren simply said, "Isn't that right?" Last semester, we had a friendly match, which caused a sensation. President Xu Qianxing of the Student Union meant that if we let our two well-known people on campus perform another program together, it can also be very popular!"

Ren Jianren was a little guilty, so he raised Xu Qianxing's name.