very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1325 Withdrawal

"No problem!" Xu Xiaobin agreed. He was deeply honored and happy to participate in Liu Jifei's investment plan. This is the opportunity he has been waiting for for many years. If he can make this order, his position as the office manager of the small Songjiang company will naturally rise. There is a solid business here, and he is Those people in the head office just want to grab credit to pick peaches, and there is nothing they can do. After all, they are the office manager themselves. They either promote themselves to the group, or let themselves continue to be the position of office manager. But at that time, they could not be now. The light pole commander, this office will at least be upgraded to the company level.

Of course, Xu Xiaobin is not afraid that the children of the Liu family of the group will be promoted to him and transferred to an idle position within the group. It is obvious to all that the group treats this business like this. If the group treats the meritorious officials in this way, I believe that who will sincerely expand the business after L? Who dares to work for the company? Mr. Liu, who doesn't care much about the company's affairs, will not allow such a thing to happen, which hurts the foundation of the group.

These problems may destroy a towering tree.

"One of the top priority businesses of our Liu family is the bank deposit business, do you know that?" Liu Jifei began to introduce his own business to Xu Xiaobin in detail. He wants to create an illusion that the Liu family is very sincere. Only in this way can the famous security company be deceived step by step.

Now, Liu Jifei doesn't care whether this famous security company has anything to do with Yang Ming. Even if it doesn't have much to do with him, he has decided to do with him. After all, this is a good opportunity. Who makes this bad luck? In Liu Jifei's eyes, he represents the Liu family. At that time, he will suffer losses, so let him settle accounts with the Liu family. What can he do with his low-level gangster?

Liu Jifei feels that any individual figure is weak in the face of the absolute family joint forces. Mr. Liu's words can make him defect and can no longer live in the business world!

So - Liu Jifei came up with a sinister idea to borrow chickens and lay eggs. If this famous security company has something to do with Yang Ming, it should be regarded as a lesson for Yang Ming. If this security company has nothing to do with Yang Ming, it will be unlucky.

"So we are going to do bank transportation business here!" After listening to this, Xu Xiaobin's eyes lit up. "Mr. Liu of the group attaches great importance to this aspect of business. He also knows that if the Liu family successfully achieves this business under his own promotion, Mr. Liu will definitely look at himself with new eyes and entrust him with heavy responsibilities, which will be a problem sooner or later. Thinking about it, Xu Xiaobin felt hot-blooded ***.

"Um, but you'd better not mention me. I don't want to show up. When you are talking about business, you can say that you represent the Jiangyan Group in Haicheng City." Liu Jifei said, "I'm different. After all, I'm surnamed Liu, but I'm a nephew of a collateral line. If I do too much and jump up and down, I can't guarantee that I won't give people the impression of fighting for power, which is not good for my future development. But you are different. Although you are a son of the Liu family, you are a foreigner after all. No matter how much you develop in the future, you can only exist as a senior white-collar worker of the group. Mr. Liu can't give you the power of the group.

"That's true." Xu Xiaobin was overjoyed. Liu Jifei was low-key, so the greater his own credit. Thinking of this, "It's hard to be happy &qu;+ describe: "Brother Fei, don't worry, "I won't mention you!" Your worry is grounded. Your surname is Liu, and you are also very close to Mr. Liu. You can't be regarded as a distant relative, so it is wise for you to avoid those direct children to suppress you.

"Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you." Liu Jifei's face was as usual, but he said in his heart, **One, do you really think I'm low-key? If I really have a chance to show myself, how can I give it to you? It's just that Yang Ming, it's not easy for him to come forward. He is not afraid of 100,000 yuan, just in case. If Yang Ming recognizes himself and reminds Bao Sanli to be vigilant, his plan will not be carried out. So he decided to be a behind-the-scenes manipulator, and this violent identity did not completely make him fearless. Although he disdained, he still knew in his heart that this kind of hoodlumman would not have some banditry. In case he embezzled his company's property at that time, he would jump over the wall. But everything can be done.

In Liu Jifei's opinion, this kind of person can't turn over the wind and waves, and can't shake the foundation of the Liu family at all! But they are so bad. What if they work hard with themselves? He is porcelain. He is a broken stone. He bumps into him. Isn't it stupid?

With Xu Xiaobin's participation, he will leave, but Xu Xiaobin will still stay in Songjiang. At that time, he will find someone to retaliate, and he can only find Xu Xiaobin Yun! Thinking of this, Liu Jifei smiled sinisterly.

He felt that he was so talented that he could think of such an awesome meaning. Looking at Xu Xiaobin's excited face, Liu Jifei felt that he was a conspirator.

In the courtyard of a single-family villa, an old man dressed in simple clothes, squinting his eyes, holding an old-fashioned radio in his hand, leisurely listening to the opera.

The elegant and luxurious decorative environment around him and the old man's clothes form a sharp contrast with the broken radio in his hand in the 1980s, but he didn't care.

This person... is Fang Tian. Because the relocation of the shantytown is imperative, Yang Ming can't let Fang Tian be a nail household in it by himself. That's simply too conspicuous, and the other party's identity is unfavorable.

So Yang Ming bought a villa for Fang Yao in a relatively quiet community. Originally, Yang Ming intended to buy one in the Chinese business community, but Fang Tian was unwilling to come over and had feelings for the old place. Yang Ming had to buy a villa for Fang Tian in the rich area next to the shantytown, that is, his uncle's house.

Sun Jie also has a villa there, but she usually doesn't live there. She usually lives in a high-rise apartment not far from the company. The villa only goes there occasionally with Yang Ming.

Since he bought a house for Fang Tian here, Yang Ming also bought a house for himself and another one for Lin Zhiyun's family. Although I don't live there for the time being, it's also good to have a foothold. Yang Ming sometimes needs to ask Fang Tian for some things. It's impossible not to live without a place to live, and he can't always live with Sun Jie, right?

Fang Tian didn't have much luggage, a few broken boxes, a few clothes, a broken TV and a broken radio. Although Yang Ming installed him with a 55-inch LCD TV and high-end audio equipment, Fang Tian still insisted on taking his junk. It was difficult for Yang Ming to understand Fang Tian's feelings, but he did not stop it.

A phone bell rang, and Fang Yao touched aside and took out a mobile phone. This is Wang: Township! Township; Township Township Township; $,; - Apple """ Yang Ming is very speechless about his behavior. The reason is very simple. Fang Tian thinks that the apple has a lot of functions and it is inconvenient to use... Yang Ming is really ashamed, and there are too many functions for him to him?

Looking at the caller ID, Fang Yao's sleepy eyes suddenly opened, and he also regained his usual shrewdness. The mobile phone card has opened the function of international caller ID. Fang Tian's friends are all over the world, and many of them are from abroad, such as Li Fatty in Vietnam.

In order to confirm who is the last phone call, Fang Tian handled the international caller ID function. The monthly function fee is still a lot of money. Ordinary people will not handle this business, except for Fang Tian, who has special needs.

"Hello? Lao Wang?" Fang Yao picked up the phone and said, "Why do you remember to call me, an old guy?

"..." The person on the other side of the phone held back for a while, which was obviously quite uncomfortable. After a while, he finally couldn't help but swearing: "Fly, old man Fang, what do you mean? I'm one year older than you. You're an old guy. Aren't I about to beearthed?

"Look at the tone, are you in a good mood?" Fang Tian didn't mind. He knew that the more Wang Songshan talked to him in this tone, it meant that he was in a better mood. However, if he was serious and extremely dull, it meant that he was in trouble.

"It's okay," Wang Songshan recognized it and smiled: "I heard that your apprentice and my precious daughter have made a black butterfly killer group together, and they are doing it well?"

"I heard that you are an egg, you just heard that?" Fang Tian said angrily, "I don't believe you didn't secretly follow up the investigation."

"You found all of this." Wang Songshan didn't care at all: "Isn't it popular to talk like this now? Look at what those young people have heard as soon as they open their mouths. It is said that, by the way... and so on."

Fang Tian rolled his eyes and said, "Are you all right? I'm listening to storytelling, so I don't have time to talk to you.

"It's daytime here, and it's midnight here. Do you think it's okay?" Wang Songshan said angrily.

"Oh, it turns out that you can't sleep, so you came to harass me." After hearing this, Fang Tian said calmly, "Then I'll hang up. Shan Tianfang will start to talk about storytelling immediately."

"You are immortal, wait!" Wang Songshan was furious: "I mean, if I'm free, can I call you in the middle of the night?"

"..." Fang Tian turned off the radio and put it aside: "Okay, what's the matter?" Well, I suddenly thought of something fun. Do you want to play with me? Wang Songshan lowered his voice and whispered.

"What's so funny?" Fang Tian was not interested. Generally speaking, if Wang Songshan said that he had something to do, he must have something to do, so Fang Tian also became serious.

"Let's get divorced as soon as we play!" Wang Songshan said mysteriously.

"What the hell? What are you talking about? "Did you get divorced?" Fang Tian was scared =_, "Lao Wang, what are you doing? Who divorced from whom? Didn't your sister and I get divorced a long time ago?

"It's not you, it's my daughter." Wang Songshan had a black head and said in his heart that when he mentioned Zhao's sister's coming, the boy's reaction was so fierce. He was so old. In a few days, he called his sister back in a few days, and then set up with the two of them. Maybe someone would be happy, and his family would be happy.

"Your daughter? Is your daughter engaged again? As soon as Fang Tian heard that it was Wang Xiaoyan's business, he immediately said strangely.

"Isn't there a marriage contract with your apprentice! With Yang Ming, who else can there be besides him? Wang Songshan said helplessly, "Old man Fang, do you have a bad head? Who else can my daughter have a marriage contract with?

"Determination? What do you mean? You old man, are you taking the opportunity to take revenge? Fang Tian was anxious: "If I don't marry your sister, you just want to find the place and let your daughter not marry my apprentice?" If you don't get married, don't get married. Pull it down, then cancel the marriage!"

"Fall, I'm so confused. My daughter has asked your apprentice to coax **. Who else can I marry if I don't marry him?" Wang Songshan said urgently, "Let me tell you, let's get divorced. Have you squeezed your head recently and can't understand people's words?"

"I can understand people's words." He said stingyly.

"..." Wang Songshan really wants to kill Fang Tian through the phone line, but he doesn't have the magic power: "Do you understand playing with divorce?"

"Um, tell me, I'm listening." Fang Tian didn't make fun of him and asked.

"At the beginning, when we were engaged to each other, didn't the two children like each other?

Is my little princess still running away from home because of this? Let's worry about both of us. This time, we will also make a for them. What do you think? Wang Songshan said what he thought.

"Flir on them? Well, I roughly understand what you mean," Fang Tian said after hearing this:

"Do you mean that you agree with Wang Xiaoyan's request to divorce her marriage, and I don't force my apprentice to marry your daughter, and then let them finally find out that it was a tragedy?"

"That's not a tragedy, it's just a big joke for them!" When Wang Songshan saw Fang Tian, he guessed that he would not be divorced, so he said, "That's about what it means. We agree with them to terminate the marriage contract. However, the dissolution is okay. We have to let them meet. That is to say, although marriage is not be benevolent and righteous, even if you want to withdraw from the

"Then they met, and they were all stupid, right?" As soon as Fang Tian heard it, this idea was a good idea. It was interesting. Wang Songshan was really sinister and vicious, and he could come up with such a constructive idea.

"Ha, that's it! Now I'm so happy when I think of the way these two people are at a loss when they meet!" Wang Songshan laughed out loud.

"I said Lao Wang, how did you come up with this idea? This is too..." Fang Tian praised.

"Chasing the u stream? What do you mean?" Fang Tian asked.

"In the novel, the protagonist is divorced, and then tries his best to practice his kung fu, which is awesome. Look at the more popular, such as Proud Sword Ling Yun, Fighting Through the Sky, Summoning Long Live and so on... Moreover, recently, I've been following a super good book called Super Magic Swordsman, the author Tianshi Geng is very good. I recommend you to have a look, and you will know what it means to withdraw from marriage. The book number of that book is 11..." Wang Songshan introduced with an open smile.

"Uh..." Fang Tian listened in the clouds, but no matter what the divorce flow is, Wang Songshan's idea is quite interesting: "Let's talk about reading, but you have decided to play this divorce with you.

"Hey hey, in fact, the divorce is an engagement, and it's almost done. At that time, I will find all my friends in the industry to be a witness and let the two children get married."

"Well, that's fine. That's it. I'll talk to my apprentice in a minute." Fang Tian nodded and agreed.

"I also want to talk to Yanyan, haha." Wang Songshan said with a smile.

So, after Fang Tian hung up the phone, he called Yang Ming.

As soon as Yang Ming entered the classroom, the phone rang. He didn't want to answer it, but he took a look at the caller ID that was from Fang Tian. Yang Ming couldn't do without answering.

"Old man Fang, what's the matter? I have classes at school. Yang Ming lowered his head in a low voice and answered the phone.

Although Yang Ming is used to skipping class in school, and the teacher doesn't care about him, he will not brazenly do his own things in class. After all, he is Xiao Qing's brother. If he doesn't perform well, he naturally has an opinion on Xiao Jing. Even if these people dare not say anything, Yang Ming doesn't want to be despised.

"Come to my place later. I have something to tell you." Fang Tian said, "Then you go to class first, and we'll talk about it then."

"Okay, I'll be there at noon." Yang Ming agreed and hung up the phone.

"Your business is also very busy every day!" Tian Zaihua saw that Yang Ming was not only late, but also answered the phone as soon as he entered the classroom. He smiled.

"Where are you busy? I guess you can't even find the classroom in your class, right? Yang Mingfu said, "It's really amazing that you've been picking up girls to this point!"

"Big boss, don't underestimate me." Tian Donghua pointed to several books on his desk and said, "I've been reading marketing books now, just so as not to humiliate you! If you hand over the company in the East China Sea to me in the future, I will lose money for you, but I will fail your recommendation and trust.

Yang Ming is just a joke. Tian Donghua's recent performance is clear to him. This boy has worked much harder than before, and the dormitory is also full of marketing books. It seems that he really wants to do a big career.

"It's good that you can have this ambition. Perseverance is victory." Yang Ming patted Tian Donghua on the shoulder: "Have you contacted your father recently?"