very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 14971498

In the current situation of the butterfly family, Yang Ming can only sigh with a wry smile.

Originally, it was not difficult to withdraw from the marriage, but in the case that the divorce was about to be successful, the storm rose again. Wang Songshan's sister Wang Weoshui suddenly appeared.

Although this is undoubtedly a big thing for Fang Tian, the old man's previous wife has been dead for several years. Now when you meet Wang Weak Water, it will definitely rekindle, but for Yang Ming, it has become a headache.

Wang Weakshui is very stubborn. It seems that he doesn't listen to his explanation at all. He has to compete with himself anyway. Moreover, whether he loses or wins, it seems that the end is the same.

Yang Ming rubbed his slightly painful temple. I don't know how Fang Tian communicated with Wang Songshan and Wang Weakshui. Yang Ming wanted to explore the movements of the three people with his power, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

These three people have been reunited for a long time, and it is very unlikely to talk about their own affairs. It's nothing more than to catch up with each other. Yang Ming is too lazy to pay attention to their affairs. Let's discuss countermeasures when he sees Fang Tian in the evening.

At the same time, in Wang Songshan's study, Wang Songshan and Fang Tian looked excitedly at Wang Weanshui sitting on the sofa with a plain expression.

"Girl, it's been so long, why don't you send a letter to your family? I thought I had thought you had already said. At this point, Wang Tanshan couldn't help choking because of his excitement.

Looking at Wang Songshan's excited look, Wang Weishui sighed faintly, and his previous plain expression couldn't help but be a little moved: "I originally wanted to die, but I was saved by a senior. If I want to die later, I can't make up my mind."

Wang Songshan and Fang Tian were shocked after hearing Wang Weakshui's words. If it hadn't been for the coincidence that Wang Weak Water was rescued, I'm afraid that at this time, the two of them could not see Wang Weak Water. As for Wang Weakshui, he died once but not. If you want to die again, I'm afraid it's not easy.

People's hearts are like this. They have died once and never died. It's hard to make up your mind to die for the second time, which is normal.

"It's good if you don't die, it's good if you don't die." Even if Wang Songshan looked at the living Wang Weakshui now, he couldn't help but take a breath of tension.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Although Wang Weoshui is more than 40 years old, he has been living in seclusion, but his heart stays on a little girl in her twenties. At this moment, seeing that Wang Songshan was so worried about her, he couldn't help but be moved, revealing the weakness of his little daughter.

"Weak water, in fact, the most sorry thing is me." Fang Tian sighed and looked at Wang Weakshui in front of him, as if he had returned to 20 years ago.

Wang Weoshui did not respond to Fang Tian's words, but snorted coldly. The hatred for facing him in my heart has not faded. But on the contrary. This hatred should also contain love. Where does no love come from? Otherwise, if you treat Fang Tian as a stranger, what does love and hate have to do with yourself?

Fang Tian saw that Wang Weakshui did not respond to him. An awkward smile. The old man blushed and looked at Wang Songshan for help.

Wang Songshan was also hateful and angry but helpless to Fang Tian, an old man. He was the one who forced Wang Weakshui to commit suicide in those years, but he was also the one who had the best relationship with him. Now, since Wang Weishui has come back, Wang Songshan's heart knot has been untied, and he will no longer complain about Fang Tian. On the contrary, it's yours. If you can match Fang Tian and Wang Weakshui together, it's a beautiful thing.

So when Wang Songshan saw Fang Tian's look for help, Wang Songshan hurriedly said: "Weak water. Come back this time. Why don't you go?"

"It depends on the situation." In Wang Weakshui's heart, he naturally doesn't want to go anymore, but women's unique reserve, especially in front of Fang Tian. She won't say anything positive.

"Then don't go." When Fang Tian heard that Wang Weoshui did not refuse directly, he was suddenly happy. He also belonged to the cunning category. When he was young, he was just carried away by the so-called love. Now naturally, he will not make such a low-level mistake again. Since Wang Weoshui did not resolutely say that he wanted to leave, Fang Tian climbed up directly along the pole.

"I can't walk. What does it have to do with you? Wang Weakshui stared at Fang Tian.

Fang Tian was not annoyed at all. Wang Weoshui didn't say a word to him before, as if it didn't exist. At this time, you can talk to yourself. It has been a lot of progress, so no matter what Wang Weishui said. Fang Tiandu is very happy.

"You haven't been to China, have you? Shall I take you around?" Fang Tian said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I've been there over the years." Wang Weoshui said faintly and directly choked Fang Tian's words back.

"It doesn't matter. We can travel around the world and go around the different places." Fang Tian doesn't know what thin-skinned is at this moment. If you can't seize this opportunity, you will have to be laughed to death by Yang Mingbei when you go back. "Let's talk about it later." Wang Weishui frowned and seemed to be a little annoyed by Fang Tian's nagging. He turned to Wang Songshan and said, "Is my room still there? I'm a little tired. I need to take a break.

Fang Tian directly ignored Wang Weoshui's frown expression, although Wang Weoshui's attitude was still not good. But the sentence "Let's talk again" can express most of the thoughts. If she really doesn't want anything to happen with Fang Tian, she can just refuse directly. I won't say any ambiguous words like "Let's talk about it again".

"It's still there. I'll take you there." Wang Songshan stood up, and Fang Tian also quickly got up, ready to send Wang Weishui out.

"No need, I... Pinzhu Wang's weak water took a deep breath, and the cannon's heart is very confused now, and he came back with tears. I just want to attend my niece's engagement ceremony, but. Is that really the case? Wang Weakshui shook his head. Perhaps, deep down, I still want to see Fang Tian, but when I see it, I don't know what to do.

Should I hate him and ignore him, or? Wang Weakshui practiced his skills hard. He wanted to kill Fang Tian, an ungrateful guy when he came back, but somehow, he inexplicably turned into a martial arts competition with Fang Tian's apprentice!

Even Wang Weoshui couldn't figure out how his empty-minded idea came from. At the moment when he returned to the family, he excitedly asked the disciples of the butterfly family to send a message to Fang Tian and let him out. At that moment, my idea was to kill Fang Tianyi to wash the shame of being divorced.

However, Fang Tian is not the only one who came out of the Butterfly Castle, but also his brother Wang Songshan and Fang Tian's apprentice Yang Ming! This short-term chaos disrupted Wang Weoshui's original plan. Later, when he heard that Yang Ming also came to cancel the marriage, Wang Weoshui directly transferred the resentment to Yang Ming. So much so that after following Wang Songjiang and Fang Tian into the Butterfly Castle, the previous thought of killing Fang Tian also disappeared. But it has become an indescribable and very complicated feeling.

Do you really want to kill him? It didn't seem to mean that. Wang Weoshui listened to Fang Tian's messy words, and his heart became very messy, so he wanted to be quiet.

"This. Wang Songshan hesitated for a moment and still stopped. Wang Weoshui has lived here for more than 20 years, and he is very familiar with the terrain of Butterfly Castle.

"Old man Fang, I really didn't expect that the weak water could come back," Wang Songshan sighed. However, the expression is indescribably relaxed. Although in the more than 20 years since Wang Weakshui disappeared, Fang Tian and he have a tacit understanding not to mention this matter, it does not mean that both of them have forgotten the existence of this person.

Don't mention Wang's weak water. First of all, both of them will be sad because they are afraid of mentioning her. The second reason is also. After all, this matter was caused by Fang Tian. If Wang Songshan mentions it, it will inevitably hurt the friendship between the two for many years.

But now. Wang Weoshui came back, and there were no scruples between the two, and Fang Tian also looked particularly excited: "Hey hey, it can't be said that it's a double happiness this time

When Wang Songshan heard Fang Tian's so-called double happiness, he was stunned at first, but immediately understood what he meant. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan are a couple, Fang Tian and Wang Weak Water

"Old man Fang, I can tell you that my sister's happiness for the rest of her life depends on you. Don't let me down again this time." Wang Songshan looked at Fang Tian and said with a serious and resolute expression.

Goose Wang Family Banquet

"Don't worry, Fang Tian smiled." Do you think I can still make the mistakes of those years?

"Yes, it's not because of you that. After that, we made an agreement that we don't limit the number of your apprentices, girlfriends, otherwise. I'm afraid that the original tragedy of Wang Songshan sighed, "But why were you so stubborn at the beginning? Although there was no such rule at the beginning. But if you insisted on taking weak water away, my father would not have disagreed at the beginning. "Oh, don't mention it. I can't keep up with the sky blushing and waved my hand: "If I had accepted Yang Ming as an apprentice earlier, I'm afraid I wouldn't have made this mistake

"Your apprentice is very playful. Wang Songshan frowned: "If he hadn't had fallen in love with Yanyan long ago and said that he couldn't have divorced this time, I would have really agreed, so many women. I'm afraid Yanyan will be angry!"

"Come on. Fang Tian rolled his eyes and said, "Who dares to make her angry? At the beginning, I didn't marry the weak water together, and I was afraid that she would not agree with my mother-in-law, so I drew a knife and killed her

"It's also Wang Songshan nodded and said, "Yang Yan is a killer

Fang Tian smiled and didn't say anything, but he didn't think so in his heart, the ability of his apprentice. Fang Tian is very clear and believes that he will be able to deal with these things well.

"Yes, you said. Do you want to tell Weak Water about our divorce plan? Fang Tian suddenly thought that Wang Weoshui seemed to be involved in this farce and had to fight with Yang Ming just now. He quickly asked Wang Songshan.

"This one. Wang Songshan also hesitated. Originally, this farce of divorce was about to end with the meeting of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan, but now it seems to be making waves again. Wang Weakshui also wants to participate: "I think it's okay not to tell her first. It's quite interesting to have her involved

"With her participation, I'm afraid that the more involved she is, the more complicated the matter will be." Fang Tian smiled bitterly.

"No, anyway, her purpose is to let Yang Ming marry Yanyan Wang Songshan.

Yang Ming lay bored in ** and watched TV for a while, and the internal phone in the room suddenly rang. Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and picked up the phone: "Hello?

"Mr. Yang? The master asked me to inform you that the dinner is ready. Please go to the dining room on the first floor of the castle. A respectful voice came from the phone.

Are you ready for dinner? It's so fast.

Yang Ming didn't think that the dinner party would be specially prepared for himself, probably because Wang Weoshui suddenly returned to the family. Wang Songshan wanted to celebrate, and he was just an escort.

Since Yang Ming doesn't want to have anything to do with the Wang family, he doesn't want to meet Wang Weakshui again at this time. Obviously, this woman was hurt in her heart and vented her resentment on her body. Mao Ming did not want to bear the sins done by Fang Tian, so at this moment, she wisely chose Jian Erxiao in the room: "I'm sorry, I'm not very hungry, so I won't go."

The disciple of the Wang family who called was stunned after hearing Yang Ming's words. He didn't expect this to happen. In his opinion, it was normal to inform the guests to go to the banquet, especially this kind of formal dinner. How is it possible for guests to refuse? However, Yang Ming refused, which made the disciple of the Wang family not know what to do for a while.

"I'm not feeling well. Help me apologize to Uncle Wang." Yang Ming didn't wait for the people on the phone to speak, so he continued to say to himself, "Okay, that's it. I want to take a break."

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Yang Ming smiled bitterly. He was obviously alive, but he had to pretend to be ill. This was all caused by the woman Wang Weakshui.

Forget it, put up with it, you can't starve to death without eating a meal. Yang Ming changed the TV to several channels and casually stopped watching an entertainment program.

Not long after, outside the door, there was a knock on the door and a refreshing laughter. It was Wang Songshan's: "Yang Ming. I heard that you are not feeling well?"

Yang Ming was stunned at first, and then touched his nose with a wry smile. You have too much face, don't you? Did the owners of the butterfly family visit them in person? No matter how big Yang Ming was, he had to get up and walk to the door of the room, opened the door, looked at Wang Songshan and Fang Tian standing outside the room, and said helplessly, "Maybe it's jet lag. I'm a little tired."

When Yang Ming spoke, he turned his eyes behind Fang Tian and Wang Songshan. I was relieved that I didn't see Wang Weakshui. Yang Ming doesn't want to meet this unreasonable woman.

"Is that so?" Wang Songshan glanced at Yang Ming and smiled with deep meaning. Thinking about it, he also saw that Yang Ming had nothing to do at all. What he said was pretending, but he did not expose it: "Eat something. Your body will feel better."

Fang Tian also saw Yang Ming's thoughts: "Let's go, boy, man. Don't worry about small things.

thing? Is this a small matter? Yang Ming was speechless. If you don't marry her niece, don't let yourself leave. If you lose, you have to stay here to practice. Until you win. This rule is simply too domineering.

"Uncle Wang, I want to ask, is Wang Weoshui's predecessor also downstairs?" Yang Ming hesitated and asked.

Wang Songshan and Fang Tian looked at each other, and the two seemed to have guessed that Yang Ming might ask this question. Wang Songshan gave Fang An Angel a win-eye. Fang Tian coughed twice and said, "The weak water is indeed below, but she is very good. Don't worry. She won't make things difficult for you."

Are you a good person? Yang Ming rolled his eyes. In your heart, it's just in your heart. Is she okay? However, to this point, Yang Ming really can't refuse again. After all, Fang Tian has already opened his mouth. Usually at home, my relationship with Fang Tian is also a teacher and friend. It's no problem to joke. But when he goes out, Yang Ming must still give face to Fang Tian, otherwise he will be laughed at for not knowing the rules.

So since Fang Tian had said so, Yang Ming had to say, "Okay, then I'll take it."

Yang Ming followed Fang Tian and Wang Songshan out of the room. Go downstairs and walk in the direction of the restaurant. Along the way, where they passed, the disciples of the Wang family put down the things in their hands and stood respectfully on one side. After they passed by, they continued to be busy with the things in their hands.

"Yes, Uncle Wang, isn't your daughter here?" Yang Ming suddenly thought of an extremely important question, which was the dinner party. Will Wang Songshan's daughter, his fiancee, come to attend? If she also comes, she'd better get away as soon as possible, otherwise with Wang Weakshui present, maybe she will do something whimsal?

"Oh, she's not at home." Wang Songshan waved his hand and said, "She went shopping. I won't be back until tomorrow.

Yang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. If we don't meet, we'd better not meet for the time being, so as not to be embarrassed by each other. As for Wang Weoshui, I hope Fang Tian can convince her as soon as possible not to engage in any martial arts competition. There was no Wang Weakshui in the restaurant. Yang Ming looked around. Maybe she hasn't come yet? Yang Ming's nervous mood eased a little. Follow Fang Tian and Wang Songshan. I came to the front of a luxurious round table in the restaurant.

"Can I sit in the middle of the two of you, Uncle Wang?" Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and asked?

Since Wang Songshan's daughter is not here, this meal. Only four people ate together. If Wang Songshan and Fang Tian sit next to each other, then no matter which side Yang Ming sits on, he will inevitably sit with Wang Weoshui. That's why Yang Ming put forward this request.

If Yang Ming made such a request on another occasion and place, it would be too much. After all, sitting in the middle of the two elders was like he was the host and guest. But now only four people are eating, and they can't distinguish the primary and secondary at all, so Yang Ming took the liberty to make this request.

Fang Tian and Wang Songshan naturally understand the current situation. One of them is Wang Weoshui's own brother, and the other is Wang Weoshui's love brother. Wang Weoshui came back after leaving home for more than 20 years. It's too late for both of them to be close. Yang Ming asked for this. But it's in harmony with their intentions. D