very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1505-1506

"Apise?" Wang Weak snorted coldly, "My niece has been married for a long time. You'd better go!" Besides, I don't like you!" Don't you like it..." There was a sharp look in Good's eyes. He had never been so despised since he was a child. Wang Weoshui actually didn't pay attention to himself.

"Don't be delusional. Even if Xiaoyin can't get engaged this time, he will never marry you. Wang weak water was faint and ruthlessly hit Goode's self-esteem: "A gangster family fed by Ailuo, nothing."

"You one by one" After listening to Wang Weakshui's words, Goode looked ferocious. He raised his head in red every two days and stared at Wang Weakshui fiercely: "Ha, very good, very good! In that case, I don't need to say anything more today! Wang Weakshui, I hope you don't regret what you said today!" Regret? Are you threatening me?" Wang Weakshui did not pay attention to Good's threat.

"Isn't it, think about it yourself." Good gritted his teeth and said, "Since I've reached this point, I'm not afraid to tear my face with you! From then on, the Douglas family and your butterfly family are at no end!"

Wang Songshan looked at this imminent situation and shook his head helplessly. It seems that today, because of Wang Weakshui's intervention, the bridge between the Butterfly family and the Douglas family has been settled! Wang Songshan doesn't think that he can save anything if he opens his mouth to persuade him now. Now that he has tore his face, "then both sides have nothing to say.

Although Wang Songshan is a little afraid of the attitude of the Lanqi family, he doesn't have a chair to pay attention to the Douglas family. Now that he has a bad relationship, let's continue! The rift has been created, and I will not give up the lead! So Wang Songshan closed his mouth calmly at this moment. In any case, he was standing on the side of Wang Weak Water.

"A small Douglas family is also qualified to shout in front of the butterfly family. It seems that we haven't done anything for a long time..." Wang Weoshui shook his head and said lightly, but his thoughts returned to the catastrophe brought to the European upper class when he was eight years old!

Dozens of families hostile to the butterfly family disappeared in an instant under the encirclement and control of the butterfly family. What a terrible power! Since then, the butterfly family has established its identity in the European upper class!

Although she was still young at that time, Wang Weoshui's memory was very vague, but the shock brought by the catastrophe made her fresh in her memory.

Now that so many years have passed, I'm afraid that many people have long forgotten that the children of some small families dare to stand in the butterfly family and openly threaten the butterfly family!

It's impossible to do this before! Is the butterfly family declining, or has it been forbearable for too long? The first possibility is that Wang Weakshui does not recognize it. After all, over the years, the position of the butterfly family in the killer world has never changed, and even the operation is stronger, so it can only be attributed to the second point, that is, forbearance for a long time!

"Small family? Very good! Very good!" Good company said two very well: "Since you said we are a small family, I'll see how you, a big family, finally cry and beg Xiaodie to marry me!" I believe that day will not be too far away! Remember what I said today, hahahaha ten! "

Good's wild laughter echoed throughout the restaurant. His ferocious and bloody face, combined with this laughter, makes people feel a little horrible!

"Hey!" Wang Songshan sighed faintly. He respected the Douglas family, which did not mean that he was afraid of the Douglas family. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he was not afraid of trouble. Since things came, it was irreparable!

Wang Songshan believes that even if he opens his mouth to mediate now, Good will not let go of this grudge so easily. Unless he agrees to marry his daughter to him, this contradiction will be difficult to resolve 1

However, this is impossible. The matter of Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming has become a conclusion and cannot be changed. Wang Songshan can only choose to be the enemy of the Douglas family! Unexpectedly, Wang Weoshui just came back and brought a lot of trouble to the family!

However, despite this, Wang Songshan did not say anything to stop Wang Weakshui in front of Goode, Yang Ming and Fang Tian. If you want to read the book, you can still get a QB to remember our website.91u.nè Butterfly family, you must not be bullied!

Originally, Good thought that when things were up to this point, Wang Songshan would definitely make up. After all, this is a society where family interests are more important than everything else! Good believes that between the marriage of the Lancer family and his daughter, Wang Songshan will definitely make the right choice! But he was disappointed, and Wang Songshan did not speak.

Good gritted his teeth! Well, since you don't know how to praise, don't blame yourself for being rude! There is a fierce and gloomy brilliance in Good's eyes. He is his grandfather's favorite grandson. I believe that as long as he has a request, his grandfather will satisfy himself! Good firmly believes that as long as Wang Songshan is put pressure on through his grandfather Thomas, then Wang Songshan will definitely have to send his daughter to Douglas's house obediently! The high-end arms of the Lancer family is the foundation of the butterfly family. Without the support of these high-end arms, would the butterfly family be so prominent?

"In that case, I'm going to leave! Put my words here, five days! It will never come out for five days, Wang Songshan, and you will obediently send the little butterfly to our Douglas family!" Good put down his cruel words: "In five days, I won't be Douglas!" Humph, boy, Xiaodie's fiance is you, right? I advise you not to come here; $ Water, be careful to break you in! Wisely, end the marriage contract as soon as possible. That's the smart choice. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't go out of Ailuo!"

After saying this, Good also knew that it was useless to say more about staying in the butterfly family now. He could only show it to them and make them regret today's stupid behavior!

With the pain on his face, Goode strode left the restaurant. Although no one stopped him, he looked at him with a trace of strangeness and anger. Wait a minute." Yang Ming, who had never opened his mouth, opened his mouth at this time. It's not that Yang Ming wants to do a lot of things, but that Gu De is too arrogant.

Goode's contempt for Wang Weak Water before was entirely because he regarded her as a person of Yang Ming, so it can be said that what Good said before was also said to Yang Ming. However, Yang Ming is not a hairy boy in the past. Naturally, he will not be angry because of this. After listening to his words from his depressed family, he just laughed it off. Yang Ming didn't come from a family, so he didn't care about his words at all.

However, what really made Yang Ming angry was the last few "advice" before Goode left!

Although Yang Ming came to cancel his marriage this time, he didn't need others to point fingers in front of him! The marriage is to be divorced, but it's not because of Good's words.

And Good's last few threats made Yang Ming laugh and cry! Yang Ming didn't dare to do anything about Wang Weakshui and Wang Songshan. That's because these two people are Fang Tian's old friends and old friends, but a young master of a local underworld family dared to threaten himself and can't get out of Ailuo's feed. This is simply a fantasy!

In Vietnam and Africa, under the rain of bullets and bullets, Yang Ming can leave safely. Will he be afraid of him, a young master of the underworld family? Don't forget what Yang Ming did when he first walked! Six months ago, Yang Ming had the ability to destroy all the gangsters in Gitton, and he was not short of the Douglas family. What? Have you made up your mind? Good turned around and looked at Yang Ming eagerly. He thought Yang Ming was afraid and flinched. He took the initiative to withdraw from the marriage!

If this is the case, then Good will save a lot of trouble. As long as Yang Ming takes the initiative to withdraw from the marriage, the butterfly family will not have to insist on any marriage contract. In this way, in the big family of the whole European upper society can match the butterfly family, that is, he Douglas. Family! ! Of course, it is really with the help of the Lancer family. The reason for forbearance is "Yes, it's up to you." Yang Ming took a look at Good and said indifferently.

"Ha ha, it's good to make friends with smart people!" When Good heard Yang Ming's words, he was immediately overjoyed: "Don't worry, as long as you make the right choice, then the benefits are yours!" As you know, the strength of our Douglas family!"

Yang Ming's words made Wang Songshan, Wang Weakshui and Fang Tian suddenly nervous! They all know that Yang Ming wants to withdraw from the marriage, so they are really afraid of this. 1 Yang Ming said something inappropriate! When the time comes, it will be difficult for Good to really get the handle!

If Yang Ming and Good said that he would withdraw from the marriage, Good must climb up. Since the marriage has been divorced here, why doesn't your butterfly family choose the Douglas family? Do you look down on the Douglas family or even the Lancer family?

Thinking of this, Fang Tian quickly winted at Yang Ming! For the first time, he felt that he had played a little big this time! If Yang Ming tells the matter of withdrawing the marriage in public, there will be some trouble between him and Wang Xiaoyan!

However, Yang Ming turned a blind eye to Tian and others. No matter how Fang Tian squeezed his eyes, Yang Ming did not react at all. Fang Tian could only sigh on the side and turned his head to glare at Wang Songshan, which means, what kind of bullshit divorce game are you playing? Is it all right now? It has become like this. Let's see how you end up in the future?

Wang Songshan can only sigh with a wry smile! How could he have thought that it was a very fun divorce game. Wang Weakshui would insert a bar, and Good also got involved.

"The Douglas family?" Yang Ming repeated Good's words, but his words were full of disdain, "Very good. I'll wait and see. Why don't you let me out of the town of Airo?"

Good's face stiffened. He thought Yang Ming was here to be soft, but Yang Ming's words did not mean to be soft at all, but full of provocation! Suddenly, Good's expression became more ferocious and gloomy: "Since there is a way to heaven, you are not, and there is no door to hell, but you come in. So good, you will pay for your curiosity." All right." Yang Ming said lightly, "I'll wait and see, but I also have something to tell you.

"What are you talking about?" Goode sneered. He didn't think Yang Ming would have any good advice. For such an overesotericious person, Goode had made up his mind not to teach him. "He doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth."

"I don't want you to do anything too much, or you will definitely regret it. Yang Ming said, "Remember what I said. I have always been targeted. What I have said will be realized. For your family, and the Lancer family behind you, I hope you don't have brain congestion and do some so-called anal disability." Ha!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Good did not feel sad, but laughed, as if he had heard a funny joke! In his opinion, Yang Ming's unself-absorbed behavior is completely ridiculous and pitiful!

Before speaking, I didn't recognize my strength, and I dared to talk nonsense! Good looked at Yang Ming from a completely down-down perspective, so he was not angry! Because he thinks that Yang Ming is an ant. He has never seen the world and doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth.

Good didn't refute Yang Ming's words again. He laughed and left the restaurant and disappeared from everyone's sight. Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders at his indifferent attitude. If this boy did not know himself, Yang Ming would not mind teaching him a lesson.

This is not to help the butterfly family, but just his provocation to Yang Ming! I haven't moved my muscles and bones for a few days. I hope this Good will not seek his own death.

After Goode completely left, Wang Songshan sighed with a wry smile. This situation he didn't expect in advance.

"Brother, a small Douglas family dares to be so arrogant in front of our butterfly family. How have you become so tolerant over the years?" Wang Weoshui was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Good's sudden intrusion: "And he is also a son of the Douglas family. Do they dare to do so. Have they all forgotten the catastrophe that our butterfly family once brought to the upper class in Europe?

"Weak water..." Wang Songshan sighed: "It's not my forbearance, nor the decline of the butterfly family, but the reason for the Lancer family behind Douglas, I have some face for the Douglas family!"

"The Lancer family? What kind of family is that? Are we afraid of him?" Wang Weoshui's face changed: "Even if the Lancer family is the top family in the upper class, we don't need to be a shrinking turtle, right? This has been bullied. What else can you do but smile bitterly?

Seeing Wang Weoshui and Wang Songshan suddenly arguing, Yang Ming and Fang Tian both chose to shut up at the same time. This is not something they can get into. Let's listen to it.

"Weak water, now, is different from decades ago." Wang Songshan waved his hand and said, "The Lancer family, one of the largest arms suppliers in Europe, has cooperated with our butterfly family for many years. The top arms currently used by our family all come from the Lancer family!"

"Oh? Since we bought Ge's arms, we should be regarded as his big customers, so they have no reason to offend us? Wang Weoshui asked strangely after listening to Wang Songshan's words.

"Weak water, you didn't hear the white one by one by one" Wang Haoshan said = "Because of the special nature of our business, our family needs a lot of top-level limited arms every year. These munitions are not easy to buy. This kind of thing belongs to the goods and you don't have to worry about selling, so even if the Lanqi family doesn't sell it to us, some people are rushing for it, and there is no need to pay attention to us at all. On the contrary, we have to maintain a good relationship with the Lanqi family in order to buy these top muns!"

"So that's it!" Wang Weoshui is not stupid. With a few words from Wang Songshan, she understood that the arms that her family needs cannot be easily bought, so once she loses the support of the Lancer family, she may not be able to buy these top arms, so the status of the butterfly family in the killer is in jeopardy! Our family has always cooperated with the Lancer family? Wang Weoshui frowned: "Since arms are so important, the catastrophe that my father moved a few decades ago against the whole big family of the upper society..."

"Weak water. At that time, it was different from now..." Wang Songshan said with a wry smile, "A few decades ago, there were not many models of thermal weapons, and there were many ways to buy them. Almost every arms supplier had these things. But now it's different. With the research and flight exhibition of thermal weapons, many arms specially used for sniping and assassination belong to things that can only be equipped by special forces. The output is not much, and the purchase is limited, so I tried my best to get in a relationship with the Lancer family! Over the years, we have been buying these top arms from them. Otherwise, how can our butterfly family rank second in the killer world? It has long been replaced by others!"

Wang Weoshui listened to Wang Songshan's explanation, and his face gradually changed! She finally understood why Wang Songshan was so forbearing about Good before. Even if he broke into the butterfly family and questioned Wang Songshan for some things in public, Wang Songshan was not angry. Everything came from the Lancer family behind the Douglas family!

The Butterfly family cannot lose the support of the Lancer family! Once they lose their top arms supply, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Brother, my reckless behavior this time offended the Good and Douglas families, so will the Lancer family be with us..." At this time, Wang Wee Shui knew that he had made trouble. This disaster may lead to the decline of the butterfly family!

"It's true that I offended the Douglas family." Wang Songshan frowned and said, "But the Lancer family, they should not cut off their business with our butterfly family because of this. After all, after so many years of cooperation, I won't overdo it to them! After all, the name of our killer family is there, and the Lancer family should also seriously consider it, so as not to make some reckless decisions