very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1527-1528

1527 Help you, let me get divorced

"Transaction?" Wang Songshan and Wang Weoshui were stunned when they heard Yang Ming's words. Why did Yang Ming come to negotiate a deal with them at this time? What the hell is going on?

"Yes, the deal!" Yang Ming nodded affirmatively: "I don't know if the two seniors are free?"

Before, after Wang Weoshui listened to Wang Songshan's explanation, his previous bad feelings for Yang Ming had disappeared. He knew that he had come to quit his marriage, which was purely a combination of Wang Songshan and Fang Tian. Therefore, he was not going to make unreasonable demands such as martial arts competition, because she felt that Yang Ming's child was really The old man pretended and didn't know it. He actually wanted to terminate the marriage contract and was coerced by his own martial arts competition. It's really tragic.

So, when Yang Ming came in, Wang Weakshui had an impulse to tell the truth to Yang Ming. Even if he didn't tell the truth, he would cancel the meaningless competition first, so that Yang Ming would not be worried.

However, before Wang Weoshui opened his mouth, Yang Ming opened his mouth first, and he also vowed to negotiate a deal with himself and Wang Songshan, which made Wang Weoshui temporarily forget the previous idea and quietly waited for what Yang Ming was going to say.

"Oh? Yang Ming Xiaoyou, what kind of deal do you want to do with me? Wang Songshan looked at Yang Ming with great interest. He really didn't understand how Yang Ming chose to come to the door at this time.

"My transaction is actually very simple." Yang Ming did not go around the circle and said directly and openly, "I will help your butterfly family solve the troubles of the Lancer family, and then ask Uncle Wang and Wang Weoshui to fulfill the requirements of the younger generation to cancel the marriage. As for the martial arts competition, let's cancel it together."

"You? Can you solve it?" Wang Songshan looked at Yang Ming incredulously. Before that, Yang Ming said that there was nothing he could do. Moreover, Wang Songshan asked himself a little about Yang Ming's details. In addition to cooperating with the Charles family, Yang Ming's other resources are Fang Tian, and Fang Tian has no choice. What else can Yang Ming do? Should the Charles family give up all the arms to the butterfly family to share?

However, Yang Ming's trading conditions made Wang Songshan and Wang Weoshui laugh and cry. After solving the trouble, the only condition is to cancel the marriage, which is too dramatic, isn't it?

Even if the family is in trouble now, Yang Ming can solve the problem, but Wang Weoshui really wants to laugh! There is no other reason. Yang Ming tried his best to cancel the marriage. In the end, if he knew that the person to cancel the marriage was Wang Xiaoyan, I don't know what he would think?

Wang Weakshui is really a little sad for Yang Ming. Isn't this equivalent to playing with people? I'm still being played with my skin! Thinking of this, Wang Weoshui couldn't help but feel a little pity when he looked at Yang Ming.

However, Yang's killer didn't know it, and Dabao nodded: "As long as the senior agrees to the younger generation's request, then this matter is up to me.

"Are you sure you can solve the problem from the Lancer family?" Wang Songshan still doesn't believe that Yang Ming has this ability: "You know, the Lancer family is one of the largest families in the upper class in Europe. It can be said that it is even more difficult for them to change their minds! If their conditions are not met, how can they change their words?

"That's right... Do you mean, let my niece marry Good, and then you can also withdraw from the marriage smoothly?" Wang Weoshui also looked at Yang Ming in surprise.

"How can it be..." Yang Ming suddenly touched his nose with a wry smile: "Senior Wang Weoshui, your imagination is too rich, isn't it? If I do this, what kind of deal is it?"

"It's true!" Seeing that he had misunderstood, Wang Weoshui was a little embarrassed: "So, since that's not the case, how can you make the Lancer family change their mind?"

"When did I say I would let the Lancer family change their mind?" Yang Ming looked at Wang Weakshui drinking Wang Songshan with tears and laughter. Why do these two people always like to figure out other people's thoughts? And it's not right to figure it out... Yang Ming is a little speechless. Can these two people have the patience to listen to what they say?

"Don't let the Lancer family change their mind?" Wang Songshan didn't understand this time. Since he didn't let the Lancer family change his mind, what should he do to solve the immediate crisis of the Butterfly family?

"Uncle Wang, don't you just think that only the Lancer family in Europe supplies arms, do you?" Yang Ming said, "You can't hang this tree. There are so many choices. Why do you have to stare at the Lancer family?"

"Do you mean... to open up new supply channels?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Wang Songshan was immediately overjoyed: "Do you have a channel?"

"Yes, but I don't know if you are not satisfied..." Yang Ming said here and paused, "I can only get special arms from an arms factory, and not all of them can be..."

"A family? Which one?" Wang Songshan asked quickly. Don't talk about one family at this moment, half of the family is OK! It's good to have a glimmer of hope. What else can you be picky about?

"It's the arms factory that supplies the Lancer family." Yang Ming said, "I also have some friendship, so basically I can promise you how much goods you can get from the Lancer family!"

"The factory supplied by the Lancer family? Isn't that the Buffon family? Wang Songshan was stunned, but showed a surprised expression: "Yang Ming, do you mean you know the Buffon family?"

"Yang Ming nodded slowly. Wang Songshan is the head of the family. Why is he so in-depth? Just a Buffon family made him look so gaffe...

"I don't know what Uncle Wang thinks of my deal?" Yang Ming asked.

"If you can really bypass the Lancer family and have direct contact with the Buffon family, that's certainly a good thing... But..." Wang Songshan said for a moment. Obviously, she has not been carried away by the excitement. In the past two days, she has made her very careful: "According to what I heard, the Lanser family The eldest has a good relationship with the previous patriarch of the Buffon family. Although the previous family of the Buffon family has passed away now, the Buffon family should not easily offend the Lancer family, right?

"Won't you offend?" Yang Ming sneered faintly: "Didn't Thomas, an old bastard, say that? The arms factory of the Buffon family has reduced the arms quota for their Lancer family..."

"Then how can you believe it?" After listening to Yang Ming's "in ignorance" words, Wang Songshan immediately smiled bitterly and said, "That's just an excuse for the Lancer family and Thomas to make trouble!" She just wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail our butterfly family and let me agree to my daughter's marriage with Good. It's not true..."

Wang Weishui also frowned. Yang Ming is really not so naive, is he? Do you believe all this? If so, then the king will also solve the problems of the butterfly family, and there seems to be no hope.

"Is it an excuse?" Yang Ming curled his lips and said contemptuously, "Maybe his dream will come true soon..."

"Dreams come true?" Wang Songshan immediately tightened his eyebrows: "What does it mean that dreams come true? Do you really want me to marry my daughter to Good?

"No...Uncle Wang, you misunderstood me." Yang Ming smiled and said, "What I mean by the dream of coming true means that the reduction of the arms quota she said will soon come true. Since she wants less of the Buffon family's supply to her, we will fulfill her!"

"Fuls him?" Wang Songshan suddenly showed an expression of consteritonishment. Yang Ming's words were not great! It's so arrogant! Can Yang Ming actually reduce the arms supply of the Lancer family? Is this possible?

Wang Songshan only feels that he is dreaming now? Yang Ming is so bragging, isn't it too big? It's a little unrealistic! Wang Weakshui also has the same feeling. He only feels that Yang Ming's bragging is going to heaven.

"That's right, it's just to fulfill him." Yang Ming nodded: "Since we buy arms directly from the Buffon family, the number of arms is limited. Since it has been sold to us, we have to reduce our share with other dealers, so who's it? Naturally, it is the most suitable for the Lancer family..."

1528 I wish your dream come true

Yang Ming's words made Wang Songshan stunned to drink Wang's weak water. Does Yang Ming dare to think too much? How can the Buffon family obey Yang Ming? You know, it may be the largest family in Europe. What should Yang Ming ask them to do?

Is the person Yang Ming knows his son or something about him? This is not a trivial matter. It is impossible to bow down and obey the order, right? Moreover, the person Yang Ming knows, even if he is an important figure in the Buffon family, there are several elders in the Buffon family. Above the elders, there is also the old Buffon, the head of the family. Even if that person is willing to help Yang Ming, it is impossible to ask for the consent of so many people at the same time,

You know, this is not an ordinary thing. This involves the friendship between the previous generation of the head of the family and the Lancer family. It can't be changed by anyone saying a word!

Therefore, for Yang Ming's big words, Wang Songshan and Wang Weak Water Pressure don't believe it at all. They don't believe that Yang Ming has this ability! It is possible for Yang Ming to know an important person in the Buffon family, but it is impossible to say that Yang Ming can clean up the Lancer family with the help of the Buffon family.

"Yang Ming... What you said... It's a little big..." Wang Songshan finally couldn't help saying, "We don't ask for revenge on the Lancer family, as long as we can guarantee the arms supply of the butterfly family..."

Yang Ming looked at the trembling Wang Songshan. After a long time, he finally sighed helplessly, but there was more contempt in his eyes: "Uncle Wang, I thought that as the owner of the butterfly family, you were a responsible man, but at this moment I didn't expect you to be so timid! You have been bullied by others, but you don't even dare to resist. Even if you have the opportunity to resist, you have to take the initiative to give up..."

Wang Songshan was so sneered by a junior, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly. He said to himself, you really don't think it hurts to stand and talk. If I have so much strength, who doesn't want revenge? But now, the butterfly family is obviously evenly matched with the Lancer family, or even a little weaker. In this case, it is absolutely unwise to have a bad relationship with the Lancer family!

"Yang Ming's little friend, you don't have to provoke me..." Wang Songshan took a deep breath and calmed down a lot: "A man is upright. If you have revenge, you have to revenge, but you also need to have strength! If you have the strength to revenge, that's called pretending (ZB), and you don't have the strength to revenge! That's ** (B)! I believe you don't need to say this, do you understand?

Nowadays, the strength of the butterfly family... How is it possible to compete with the Lancer family. Whether it is the network or economic background, the Lancer family is better. We only have the advantage of killers, but who guarantees that the Lancer family has no life-saving cards? As a family with a history of hundreds of years, it has cultivated a group of its own strength, so if you do it rashly, it is likely to become both losses, and even the butterfly family is even more miserable..."

Wang Songshan was not afraid that Yang Ming would laugh at himself and told the truth about his views and ideas.

After listening to Wang Songshan's words, Yang Ming was a little stunned, but he immediately understood what Wang Songshan meant. Yes... Now, I always look at the problem with my own ideas, but I don't look at the problem from the perspective of Wang Songshan!

Indeed, if you have strength, it is called pretending. Without strength, you can only become **. When you didn't have the strength to deal with Wang Zhitao, didn't you also choose to forbear, knowing that you can move it to that day.

Now that I think about it, although it hasn't been long and I haven't even worked hard for a year, it's like a different world! My strength has advanced rapidly, and I haven't been afraid of anyone for a long time. Now I have been reminded by Wang Songshan, and I also understand that my angle of drinking Wang Songshan is different, and my strength is also different, so Wang Songshan will be afraid of hands and feet, and the son Yang's killer is unscrupulous.

"Uncle Wang, you're right." Yang Ming nodded: "However, I also want to give this sentence to the Lancer family as it is. Only when I have the strength can I pretend in front of me, but now it seems that their family is **."

If Yang Ming was extremely arrogant before, it was understandable, and those who don't know were fearless. But now, after Wang Songshan's suggestion, Yang Ming still doesn't pay attention to the Lancer family, so it can only explain a problem.

Either Yang Ming is really ten-tenth sure that he doesn't pay attention to the Lancer family at all, or Yang Ming is a complete **. Of course, the second possibility is unlikely.

It is possible for the apprentice handed over by Fang Tian to be arrogant, but ** is impossible. Fang Tian's old guy is not stupid enough to take a ** as an apprentice.

"Yang Ming, are you really sure?" Wang Songshan took a deep breath, and finally at this moment, he had some confidence and hope.

"Uncle Wang, you can call the Lancer family now and ask Thomas if it is true that his arms quota has been reduced." Yang Ming nodded. "

"Oh? Why do you ask this? Does it make any sense?" Wang Songshan didn't understand Yang Ming's sitting method.

"Of course." Yang Ming looked at Wang Songshan with a bad smile: "In a while, Thomas may have been reduced by the quota, and his dream has come true. Of course, he has to squeeze him in advance."

Wang Songshan listened to Yang Ming's words and finally understood what Yang Ming meant! Yang Ming is trying to make Thomas feel bad! This boy is so bad. Shortly after he made this call, how could he be so sure? Although Wang Songshan also feels that this is a very cool thing, if it succeeds, it will be a mouthful of anger in his heart!

But it's the same. What if Yang Ming can't do it? Then why don't you throw yourself to grandma's house?

"Yang Ming, can the Buffon family you know really have the final say?" Wang Songshan is still a little worried.

"Of course it's up to you." Seeing that Wang Songshan was so careful, Yang Ming couldn't laugh or cry: "Uncle Wang, anyway, there is an opportunity for revenge in front of him. It's up to you to catch it!"

"Good! I'll fight!" Wang Songshan gritted his teeth. Where did the profit come from not taking risks? After saying that, even if Yang Ming didn't fulfill what he said in the end, what can he do if he loses himself? Isn't it enough to lose face before? It's not bad this time.

And Wang Weakshui, at this time, there are fewer doubts, but more doubts! She didn't say anything, but bowed her head and meditated on something! Because she remembered what Wang Xiaoyan said before!

Wang Songshan said with determination at that time that Yang Ming should have a way to solve this matter! At that time, I didn't care about drinking Wang Songshan, but now, Yang Ming took the initiative to find him and said that he could solve this matter. So what does it mean?

Can Yang Ming really help the butterfly family get through this difficulty? It should be... I don't know why, suddenly, Wang Weoshui had an inexplicable confidence in Yang Ming!

Over there, Wang Songshan's phone has also been dialed, and it was Thomas, the owner of the Lancer family, who answered the phone.

"Master Wang, have you thought it over?" Thomas saw that the phone was from the butterfly family, so he began to ask directly.

"It's me..." Wang Songshan organized his own language. Of course, he can do the work of running people! Now that she has decided, she can let go: "Master Thomas, as far as I know, the Buffon family has not reduced the arms quota of your family!"

"Oh? Really?" Thomas frowned and scolded in his heart, ***, your old man, can't you even tell that I'm an excuse? However, since it comes to this surface, it is naturally not easy for Thomas to say it directly, so he has to say, "How do you know?"

"Who doesn't have many friends?" Wang Songshan smiled and said, "Master Thomas, in that case, do you think we will resume our cooperation?"

"Recovery?" Thomas was stunned and said to himself, you old man is too whimsical, aren't you? He snorted coldly and said directly, "Where can you inquire about the decision of the upper class of the Buffon family? This is the latest decision of their family. I don't think it's been rumored yet. You won't know!"

"Is that so? I wish your dream come true!" D