very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 15631564

In the afternoon, all the disciples in the butterfly family began to get busy, because today is a special day, the first meeting between Wang Xiaoyan, the eldest daughter of the family, and her future uncle before their engagement! However, because it is a meeting before the engagement, although the family is busy, it is particularly low-key to the outside world. After all, this is a private meeting, not an engagement ceremony!

Looking at the extremely busy and hurried disciples of the butterfly family outside the door, Yang Ming couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I'm here to cancel my marriage, and the meeting in the evening is just a formality. How can it be so formal? It seems that it really seems to be the case.

It's hard to imagine that after meeting the eldest lady of their family, they proposed to cancel the marriage. After these disciples know the truth, will they have a kind of grievance in vain! Now, they should not know that this so-called meeting is actually just a show!

In their opinion, the eldest daughter of the family meets the future uncle for the first time. How important it is. Naturally, it can't be neglected. It is understandable to decorate the family inside and outside the festively.

Yang Ming smiled bitterly, and it was really difficult for these servants.

Wang Xiaoyan is also in the same mind as Yang Ming. Looking at the family being so busy for himself, Wang Xiaoyan's heart is also a little uncomfortable, as if there is a sense of deception. The family is still in the dark. It can be seen that these people are sincerely happy for themselves. After all, the butterfly family is married. The woman is too big to be a big thing, but Wang Xiaoyan herself is very clear that the meeting at night is nothing more than a passing scene, and the final result can now be foreseen.

Thinking of this, I was even more angry with the fiance I had never met. I came to divorce and had such a big battle. What a waste of the human resources of the butterfly family!

If Yang Ming knew Wang Xiaoyan's idea, he would probably not be able to laugh or cry. What does this have to do with himself? Do you think I want to cancel my marriage? If I hadn't had to, I wouldn't have run so far! I'm here to give you the face of the butterfly family, otherwise, the divorce is just a matter of one sentence. There is no need to run so far.

What's more, I also helped your butterfly family solve such a big problem in front of me. Not only are you not grateful to me, but you still slander me there. It's really wronged!

Opening the door and seeing that the faces of the disciples of each butterfly family were full of sincere smiles, Wang Xiaoyan's heart was sad. This time, I'm afraid that these families will be disappointed. With a slight sigh, he finally couldn't help dialing the phone in his father's study.

"Dad, I'm Yanyan!" Wang Xiaoyan hesitated and said, "I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Just say it. Why are you hesitant? You are my daughter. What can't you say?" Wang Songshan was in the right mood at this moment. Yang Ming had just put a big trouble for him, and thinking of the narrowness after seeing his daughter and Yang Ming at night, he felt even more interesting, so he was also very pleasant to Wang Xiaoyan's phone call.

"Dad, I think those disciples and servants in our family seem to be a little too enthusiastic." Wang Xiaoyan said, "It's just an ordinary meeting at night, and it's also a matter of discussing the withdrawal of marriage. There is no need to decorate the family happily,"

"Ha ha, Yanyan, so that's what you're talking about?" Wang Songshan said, of course, it needs to be arranged. After you and Yang Ming meet, you will naturally discuss the marriage. Do you really think you are going to withdraw from the marriage? However, this can't be said now.

"Yes, I looked at each of them with joy on their faces. If they knew that we were just taking the form, how disappointed they would be," Wang Xiaoyan sighed.

"Silly boy, it's a big deal for you to meet your fiance for the first time." Wang Songshan said, "Only a few of us know about the divorce. Those servants and disciples don't know it yet. Before you meet your fiance, this matter must not be revealed. Otherwise, what's the point of your meeting this time? We just want to show it to outsiders. The two of you divorced, not because of a single party, but because you met each other and felt that the personalities of both parties were not suitable, so you divorced

"What Wang Xiaoyan said was that after listening to her father's explanation, she also knew the truth: "But I'm just a little uncomfortable!"

"It doesn't matter. Now that it's arranged, just prepare for your engagement in advance. When this matter is over, you can bring your little boyfriend home so that you don't have to rearrange it!" Wang Songshan laughed.

"Dad, you hate it!" Wang Xiaoyan was a little embarrassed by Wang Songshan. She said a few words of annoy, but she was not upset about those arrangements. Anyway, Yang Minglai also had to arrange it, so even if she arranged it for herself in advance.

"Okay, okay, Wang Songshan said, "I won't talk about it. Dress up beautifully by yourself. You should always be more formal when you meet in the evening

"I don't dress up. Wang Xiaoyan flattened her mouth. The woman is a person who pleases herself. Why did she dress up a fiance who has never met and wants to divorce? What if he looks good on himself again? Wang Xiaoyan doesn't dress up!

"At least it should be a little bit like that!" Wang Songshan shook his head helplessly: "Don't lose face to the family. Maybe, as soon as your fiance sees... Kuchikawa Tianxiang, he will regret his hasty divorce!"

"I don't care what he thinks! OK, I know!" Wang Xiaoyan dealt with it unhappily, but she thought about how to dress up ugly and scary. What if it's really like what my father said, and the other party regrets it?

If the other party suddenly changes his mind and does not agree to withdraw from the marriage, there will inevitably be a lot of trouble, even if he is tough to cancel the marriage. The butterfly family will also be honest, so Wang Xiaoyan has secretly made a decision. I won't give you a chance to go back on your word. I'll make you think about the divorce. An extremely wise choice.

Humph, wait and see, I will let you see me become your nightmare in this life! I don't want to see it again after seeing it once.

Yang Ming, who was far away in the guest room, naturally felt the different atmosphere of the butterfly family in a hurry. Originally, he thought that they were just ordinary decoration, but he didn't expect that the meticulousness could not be more meticulous. There were even private tailors of the family coming to the house to tailor Yang Ming and make it for him. A suit!

This made Yang Ming suddenly laugh and cry. Is it necessary? Is it just a meeting and custom-made suit? Is this a divorce or an engagement?

In desperation, Yang Ming could only go to the next room to find Fang Tian: "I said old man Fang. What does this butterfly family mean? How do you make it look like it? This show is a little too big, isn't it?"

"Oh" Fang Yu looked up at Yang Ming and stopped talking.

"Oh, what? Old man Fang, what should I ask you? After Yang Ming saw Fang Tian's "oh" sentence, there was no follow-up, and he was suddenly a little angry. Do you look at my joke?

"Oh?" Fang Tian looked up at Yang Ming again, and still tinkled, the word "Oh" came out, but unlike before, "Oh" turned into a questionable tone.

Yang Ming's eyes widened, looked at Fang Tian carefully, and suddenly found some clues. The old boy's ears were actually stuffed with two headphones! No wonder he can't hear me talking to him!

Yang Ming was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Did he dare to talk to a deaf man just now? No wonder he is "oh" except "oh". It turns out that he didn't hear what he said!

Yang Ming quickly stepped forward, pulled down the headphones on Fang Tian's ear, frowned, and listened to it in his ear. He wanted to hear what was so attractive that Fang Tian listened with relish.

"Speaking of which, Zhang San picked up a big knife and cut Wang Er Mazi," storytelling? Yang Ming's face suddenly showed strangeness. Can you also receive domestic storytelling broadcasts in Europe? Isn't that amazing?

"It's half over. Earth, this signal is too strong, isn't it? Yang Ming's eyes widened and inexplicably shocked.

"This is thin wood arsenic, which was given to me by Dong Jun." Fang Tian rolled his eyes: "Your imagination is really rich, more powerful than the second generation of the fishman"

"Cancer wood arsenic? What the hell is that?" Yang Ming was stunned and looked at Fang Tian strangely.

"I didn't even listen to Di" Fang Tian looked at Yang Ming contemptuously, took out a square from his arms, and shook it in front of Yang Ming: "See? You can download the storytelling and listen to it. You can listen to it whenever you want, and listen to any paragraph you want.

Yang Ming looked at the things in Fang Tian's hand and suddenly darkened in front of him and fell to the ground, because the things in Fang Tian's hands were amazing!

Cancer wood arsenic? It's too powerful and shocking. Yang Ming said, your old imagination enriches the sail...

Who are you, Gong?

Looking at Yang Ming, who fell to the ground, Fang Tian touched his chin strangely and said to himself, "No, this thing is quite common. Now the cancer has been killed for a long time. It's all old. You haven't seen it, have you?"

Can you cut the cancer wood to death? Yang Ming wiped the sweat on his forehead. The old man was too powerful.

"I talked to you before, didn't you hear me?" Yang Ming took Fang Tian's hand, put it aside and asked.

"I heard it." Fang Tian nodded. He nodded.

"Why don't you answer me when you hear it?" Yang Ming looked at Fang Tian with tears and laughter.

"I answered, I said oh." Fang Tian said solemnly.

"Oh, what do you mean?" Yang Ming almost rolled his eyes: "I think it's just a past, a formality. I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate to make it so grand?"

"There's nothing wrong with it" Fang Tian shook his head: "You can't use it, and we can also use it with weak water."

Yang Ming suddenly fell down. How dare this guy make this idea?

Looking at Yang Ming's strange expression, Fang Tian smiled and said, "Well, to tell the truth, only Wang Songshan and I know about this withdrawal, and these servants and disciples of the butterfly family do not know the inside story. If everyone knows the inside story, what's the point of doing this form?"

"That's true." Yang Ming nodded. Naturally, this kind of secret matter will not be known to some peripheral personnel. In case it spread, the form of the meeting would be in vain: "I thought I helped Wang Songshan solve the big troubles of their family. He didn't want to divorce the marriage."

"Oh, there is also this. Maybe he definitely doesn't want to give up such a capable son-in-law. Fang Tian smiled and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't give up easily. This time, Wang Songshan may really want to leave you in the butterfly family!"

"Damn it, I still have a lot of work!" Laizhou shrugged his shoulders!" If I had known that I wouldn't have helped them solve their problems, I would have done whatever they wanted. There is something wrong with the training."

"That's your own business. It's up to you." Fang Tian waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, I'll continue to listen to the storytelling. You can play by yourself

What do you want me to play by myself? Seeing that Fang Tian actually ignored him, Yang Ming put on his headphones and continued to listen to his "thin wood arsenic". Yang Ming had to push the door and walk out of the room.

The psychological side is muttering. Judging from the tone of Wang Songshan's voice to himself today, he is very likely to repent! You don't really want to turn yourself into the son-in-law of their butterfly family, do you? It's not that Yang Ming is arrogant and feels that his charm is infinite. The main reason is that the strength he shows is too strong. He can deal with the biggest trouble of the butterfly family with a direct phone call. This strength can not keep Wang Songshan from moving. In this way, if he can become the son-in-law of the butterfly family, then It will become a great helper for the butterfly family, taking the strength of today's butterfly family to the next level.

Yang Ming asked himself that if he was in the position of Wang Songshan, he would naturally have such an idea. It's not that Yang Ming is too confident.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming felt that when he met the little princess of the butterfly family at night, he must not be looked at by her! Before, Yang Ming still had an indifferent attitude. Anyway, it was just a formality, but now, since Wang Songshan is not allowed to think about it, if the little princess of the butterfly family also falls in love with her, the father and daughter are united, coupled with Wang Weakshui's forced by the other party, it is too likely that he will be forced Yang Ming has to guard against it!

After fling through the various joints in the middle, Yang Ming couldn't help sweating coldly. It seems that he has to do something, otherwise he will be handsome and handsome, and he is very likely to be looked up for!

If you can't say it, you can only pretend to be, turn yourself into the image that a girl hates the most, and let the little princess of the butterfly family don't want to see the second face when she sees her, so that she can never have future troubles!

Hey, for the sake of justice, my handsome Yang killer also has a day of self-injumination! What Wang Xiaoyan didn't expect was that Yang Ming actually had the same idea as her! This is really a lover's heart-to-heart, and the ideas coincide.

In the evening, the whole. Butterfly Fort is in a festive and happy atmosphere. Wang Songshan saw that it was almost time. Wang Xiaoyan hadn't come out of the room yet. She was a little anxious and knocked on the door: "Yanyan, it's almost time for the two sides to meet. Why haven't you come out yet?"

"Dad, didn't you tell me to dress up well? Am I not dressing up?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at the watch on her wrist. Isn't there still half an hour left? What's the hurry? If I go out now, I may let my father come back to dress up again. At the last moment, even if my father disagrees, there is nothing I can do.

"Oh," then hurry up." Hearing that his daughter was wearing makeup, Ji Songshan had no choice but to stand at the door and wait anxiously.

On the other side, Yang Ming was also preparing in an orderly manner, and Old Fang's voice also came in from outside the door: "Yang Ming, what are you son of a bitch? The time is coming soon. You won't play missing for me, will you?"

"No, no, I don't know which clothes to wear. I'm choosing!" Where is Yang Ming choosing clothes? He is obviously in a hurry to change his clothes!

The clothes in the room are sent by the servants of the butterfly family for him to choose from. Yang Ming can only show off his handsomeness when he wears every piece of clothes on his body. It is of no use for destroying his image. There is no way. Yang Ming can only start to make a big transformation of the clothes by himself.

"Why did you lock the door? Open the door quickly, and I'll give you the staff." When Fang Tian heard Yang Ming's voice, he was most relieved. It was good that the boy didn't run away.

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon." Yang Ming shook his hand-made robe, put it on his body, looked left and right in the mirror, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

After getting dressed, Yang Ming picked up another wrench finger and put it on his hand. The wrench finger was stolen from Wang Songshan's antique showroom before. With Yang Ming's skills, stealing these things was just a piece of effort.

He casually picked up a pair of sunglasses and put them on his face. Yang Ming splashed at the mirror and smiled twice. It was so perfect. He was simply a genius! Touching the bald head he had just shaved, Yang Mingxin said that his current image is no different from that of Huang Shiren's bully in the TV series. It's simply too vivid!

I didn't expect that I still have such a talent for camouflage! This is Yang Ming's first makeup after becoming a killer. Obviously, he is very successful. He doesn't even know himself! If it hadn't been for the fear of exposing the power of directly changing his appearance, Yang Ming would not have worked so hard. It would not be difficult to directly transform into the image of a man who owes a beating.

Look at the time. It's almost time. Yang Ming picked up a cigar, pushed the door and walked out of the room.

"Fuck it? Who are you?" Fang Tian was waiting for Yang Ming at the door. When he saw the door open, he was about to scold the boy. Why was he so ink in his clothes? But before I opened my mouth, I saw a bald sunglasses cigar man wearing a vulgar robe and an upstart wrench in his hand. Who is this man ***? A