very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1577-1578

On all pages, there are fingerprints of Jing Xiaolu, Bao Sanli, Liu Routing and Xu Xiaobin, as well as several staff members carried by both sides. There is only one page, but the fingerprints of Xu Xiaobin and several staff are missing. What does this mean?

indicates that there is no problem before other pages, and there are only one hundred problems. This page has not been done by Xu Xiaobin. Theoretically, it is impossible for Xu Xiaobin to miss this page without reading, but directly read the other pages of the contract.

"What's on this page?" Liu Huamei pointed to the problematic page number on the appraisal report and asked, but then shook his head with a smile: "I know, it must be the most important page, which is the specific number of investment and benefit distribution, right?" There is nothing wrong." Jing Xiaolu nodded, and she was not surprised by Liu thrush. After all, if it hadn't been for this page, this fingerprint identification report would have been useless.

Liu Thrush did not doubt the authenticity of this fingerprint identification report. Not to mention that there is the seal of the authority on it. The key question is that if it were not stolen beams and pillars, Jing Xiaolu and Bao Sanli's heads would have been flooded? Can you sign such a detrimental contract?

So the only possibility is that a page in the middle of the contract was replaced by Liu Jifei's people. As for how to change it, whether to use incense, this can only be a guess, there is no evidence, and this fingerprint identification report can be regarded as a favorable evidence.

Of course, from the fingerprint development on the report, there is no tamperage on the problematic page, and it is impossible to erase Xu Xiaobin's fingerprint alone. However, I'm afraid that Liu Jifei will strongly deny it and claim that the identification report has been tampered with.

With a slight sigh, Liu Huamei said, "I can believe the authority of this report, but it is not enough for me to face Liu Zhenan as a very favorable evidence. After all, you also know that Mingyang Security Company is a subsidiary of Songjiang Police Station. This report is also the judicial institution of Songjiang. Yes, so, if Liu Zhenan grasps this... After all, the current counterfeiting methods are also very smart.

There is something in Liu Thrush's words. Although it is not clear, it is actually reminding Jing Xiaolu that if this appraisal report is done in Jiangyan City, it may become forged under the intervention of Liu Zhenan's strong network.

"Hehe" Jing Xiaolu smiled carelessly and tapped her finger on the appraisal report: "On this page of our contract, there is no fingerprint of Mr. Xu Xiaobin, and the contract in Liu Jifei's hand also does not have Mr. Xu's fingerprint, and the most important point is that it is his, not only not allowed The total fingerprints are not as good as our general fingerprints!"

Liu Huamei's eyebrows raised gently, and there was a trace of strange color in her beautiful eyes, which I didn't expect! That's right. Since Xu Xiaobin is on the side of the famous security company at this moment, it means that he did not know about this matter in advance, and he is also a victim, so he must not have contacted Liu Jifei, the problematic page of the contract! As for whether Bao Sanli has touched it, Liu thrush is not unclear.

Thinking of this, Liu Aomei's eyes looked a little approving: "Mr. Jing is very thoughtful, but I didn't think of this."

Through a short contact, Liu Huamei has simply understood the two people in front of him. Liu Huamei checked the information after the company's news of cooperation with the famous security company. Bao Sanli is a gangster with a low education. Judging from today's connection, he is indeed a rough man.

And this Jing Xiaolu, from the past to the present, is always she is talking. It can be seen that in the middle of the violent Sanli, it is dominated by her (ir Therefore, the evidence of this fingerprint must be what Jing Xiaolu thought of, not the violent Sanli. I'm ashamed that although I thought of it, it was just Zhuge Liang after the event. Jing Xiaolu's face turned red: "This time, I'm annoyed with Director Liu."

Liu thrush nodded. She would be in charge of this matter, whether it was public or private. It is a joke to expect the two sides to cooperate sincerely in this kind of contractual relationship. For the future development of the company, the contract must also be changed to be fair and beneficial to both parties.

In private, Liu Huamei also wanted to beat Liu Zhenan with this matter. If there was no shadow of Liu Zhenan behind this matter, Liu Huamei would not believe it. Liu Jifei dared to do such a thing so boldly. It was impossible to say that Liu Zhenan didn't know.

"I will bring this matter up at tomorrow's board of directors, Mr. Bao, Vice President Jing, "Are you waiting for my news?" Liu Huamei did not make any promise on the spot. Although she was fully sure that she could let her grandfather ask about this matter, Liu Huamei did not want to make any promises before it came true.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you, Director Liu." Jing Xiaolu also knows that since the willow thrush chair has been taken over, she will definitely try her best to do it, and it is not so important whether to make a promise or not. Director Liu, I'm bothered!" Bao Sanli also stood up and said, "I will do my best to come to Songjiang as a guest in the future!"

Liu Huamei smiled. This violent Sanli is really a rough person. It seems that Jing Xiaolu beside him is a think tank. I just don't know what's wrong with Bao Sanli and Jing Xiaolu?

Looking at the words and behavior of the two, it is not like a lover's relationship, and even against Jing Xiaolu, with some respect, which does not seem to be a president's attitude towards the vice president.

Even if the vice president is quite intelligent, it is possible to be kind, but this respect seems to reverse the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

However, this is someone else's business. Liu Thrush was just a little curious, but she didn't ask much, "After all, the two sides are not very familiar with each other. After they are familiar with each other, they can understand some things without asking.

After getting out of the Jiangyan Building and getting on the car, Bao Sanli asked, "Mr. Xu, will you, Director Liu, do your best to help us?"

"I think so. She and Liu Zunan have always been at peace. Liu Zunnan is trying to exclude her from the core of power of the group. This time, it has an obvious relationship with Liu Zunan. I think Liu Huamei can't ignore it, can she?" Xu Xiaobin thought for a moment and said. "That's right," Jing Xiaolu agreed, "However, Mr. Xu only said one of them." And the other two? Bao Sanli and Xu Xiaobin asked curiously at the same time.

"Second, I have seen it in the traffic department before. Liu Huamei is a person who is single-minded about the company. She has a high reputation among the middle-level leaders of the group. This is not a secret. You can see it in the forum of Jiang Yanji Group." Jing Xiaolu said, "See you today, this rumor should be true!"

"Why are you so sure?" Xu Xiaobin was a little curious: "I'm from within the company. I've heard something about Director Liu. What she did is indeed beneficial to the company and has a clear conscience. It's not like Liu Zhenan's struggle for power and profit." Mr. Xu, if I tell the truth, don't be angry..." Jing Xiaolu hesitated for a moment. Me? Angry? How come? Vice President Jing, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Xu Xiaobin was a little puzzled and said to himself, what does comment on Liu Huamei have to do with me?

"Before, when she was recording on her mobile phone, although Liu Jifei used a trick... to insult Wang Lixia, after listening to it, Liu Huamei only had disgust in her eyes, but she was not very angry." Jing Xiaolu said, "This shows that Liu thrush is just full of disdain for what Liu Jifei did, but it is far from being angry, because to put it bluntly, it has little to do with her! Because it has no impact on the interests of the company, Liu Huamei has such an expression.

"That's true, but it doesn't mean anything, does it?" Xu Xiaobin is also used to it. Since he accepted Wang Lixia, this knot has been untied long ago. Of course, he will not avoid this matter again.

"Of course it can explain something! If she wants to fight for power and profit, she can completely use this matter to attack Liu Jifei, and Liu Jifei is Liu Zhenan's person, so if you want to use this matter to make an article, you can also attack Liu Zhenan. Jing Xiaolu said, "However, Liu thrush did not have such an idea, because there is no excitement in her eyes that can hit Liu Zhenan!"

1 Lu Yan. Old Buffon is coming

Jing Xiaolu's words, Xu Xiaobin and Bao Sanli, couldn't help nodding. Indeed, if Liu Thrush wanted to use this matter as a means to attack Liu Zhenan, it was a good excuse and a powerful point.

However, this matter has nothing to do with the company's affairs. Liu Huamei is too lazy to take care of it at all, and it is reasonable. If it hadn't been for this recording as auxiliary evidence, I'm afraid Liu Thrush wouldn't have the patience to listen to it.

"And after I showed the fingerprint identification package, Liu Shimei confirmed that the contract had been stolen and replaced. At this time, her eyes were full of indignation!" Jing Xiaolu said, "It's that kind of deplorable indignation, because this changed contract completely angered her. Once this contract is implemented, it will do no harm to the company! She is very clear that the cooperative relationship based on this unequal contract cannot be continued at all. That's why I'm extremely angry. If it affects the overall interests of the company, Liu Huamei will take care of it! There is nothing wrong with the online evaluation. Even if it is against Liu Zhenan, it is all because of the company's affairs, but there is no personal grudge.

Xu Xiaobin and Bao Sanli couldn't help but be moved. Liu Huamei is really such a person, which is really admirable! If Jiangyan Group has such a helm, why worry that it can't go to the next level? However, I'm afraid that everyone who sits again knows that it is even more difficult for Liu Huamei to master the core of power of Jiangyan Group. That's why I'm so sure that Liu Thrush can help us. Jing Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief: "Up to now, my whole hanging heart has been released."

"If it hadn't been for your explanation, I would have been worried." Bao Sanli smiled rudely: "Xiaolu is still awesome!"

Jing Xiaolu smiled bitterly and was not very excited about the praise of Bao Sanli: "As long as Brother Yang comes back and knows about this matter, just don't scold us." Yes, it's okay for you to say that Brother Yang sympathizes for the jade, but I can't prepare... Bao Sanli also smiled bitterly.

Brother Yang? This is the first time that Xu Xiaobin has heard this name. It seems that even the violent Sanli is in awe? Is it Yang Ming in Liu Jifei's mouth? It's very possible, but this is all internal affairs of the company. Xu Xiaobin is not from the company now, so it's hard to ask more questions.

"Mr. Xu, you are familiar with this place. Find a hotel. Let's stay here now. Although it's not very far from Songjiang, it's not close. It's troublesome to go back and forth." Jing Xiaolu asked Xu Xiaobin in the back seat while driving. Vice President Jing, I guess the manager of my office is about to come to an end. Xu Xiaobin smiled and laughed at himself: "It's okay to call me Xiao Xu and Xiaobin, but don't fight with Mr. Xu."

"Okay, then I'll call you Xiaobin, and you look closer." Jing Xiaolu said, "Then you can also call me Xiaolu. In private, they are all friends, and there are not so many rules."

"Then it's up to you." Xu Xiaobin did not refuse. In his opinion, Jing Xiaolu is a very sincere person. Such a person is worth being a friend.

Under the guidance of Xu Xiaobin, the group came to a good-grade hotel in Jiangyan City and quietly waited for the news from Liu Huamei. Ai Luo's feed, Butterfly Castle.

Early this morning, Yang Ming received a phone call from Old Buffon, saying that he had arrived at Ai Luofu and was moving in the direction of Butterfly Castle. It is estimated that he would arrive in about an hour.

Only then did Yang Ming remember that old Buffon was coming here to see himself. Last night, he chatted very speculatively with Wang Songshan, and he couldn't help drinking a few more drinks. Although Yang Ming was not a lot of alcohol, because after passing through this bird dragon, he finally walked with Wang Xiaoyan and was very happy, Go up.

This is also Yang Ming's open heart. He knows that Wang Songshan can't be unfavorable to himself, so he has no precautions.

After drinking, Wang Songshan asked Wang Xiaoyan to help Yang Ming to rest. As for whose room to rest and what happened after the rest, Wang Songshan didn't ask.

Anyway, the news that the two live together is not secret. It has long been passed on through the tombstone and Wang Kejin. Songshan, the king of the West, is not old-fashioned. He still expects to be able to hold his grandson one day earlier, and naturally he will not care about those nosy affairs.

"Yanyan one by one" Yang Ming pushed Wang Xiaoyan, who was sleeping beside him.

Wang Fuyan said "Uh-huh" and continued to sleep without even opening her eyes. Yang Ming was a little helpless: "You are so alert that you are still a killer, and you don't know how to kill people."

"Well, one by one..." Wang Xiaoyan finally opened her sleepy eyes, looked at Yang Ming and said, "Isn't there you here? There's someone coming. If you can't cope with it, it's useless for me to get up. It's better to sleep. ↓One-one" Yang Ming is very Yuan. What kind of bullshit theory is this? Two against one always have more chances of winning, right?

"Who called just now? Who's here? It's so noisy. I wanted to sleep a little longer!" Wang Xiaoyan was woken up by Yang Ming. I'm afraid it's impossible to continue to sleep. She stretched out and slowly got up from ** to find clothes. She said with complaints, "I haven't slept well these days when I go home. I'm thinking about getting out of getting married and going back quickly. I finally slept peacefully, and I was

"Old Buffon is here!" Yang Ming said, "Do you think I don't want to sleep a little longer?" At this time, the difference has not been turned upside down, but the old man has arrived at Airo's feed, and it is estimated that he will arrive at Butterfly Castle in an hour.

"Ah, he's here!" Wang Xiaoyan was stunned, and then quickly began to put on clothes. As the master of old Buffon, how could Wang Xiaoyan not get up quickly? Otherwise, it's a shameful thing to be caught in bed: "Does my father know he's coming?" Uncle Wang just knew that someone from the Buffon family was coming, but he didn't know it was old Buffon. Yang Ming said, "I didn't tell him at that time for fear of scaring him." Oh, then you don't have to tell him. Give him a surprise. Who asked him to put us together? Wang Xiaoyan didn't think so, and said a little hydroxyally. After listening to Wang Xiaoyan's words, Yang Ming couldn't no choice but laugh = "That estimate) I'm really going to surprise him!"

After Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan quickly washed up, they went out of the room and went downstairs. Wang Songshan, Fang Tian and Wang Weishui had already got up. At this moment, the three of them were sitting in the chair in the dining room and talking about something.

However, Wang Weoshui's face was red. At a glance, he knew that something must have happened last night. And it's not difficult to imagine what happened. Yang Ming and Wang Xiao's mother looked at each other, and they both saw the answer in each other's eyes. They couldn't help smiling, and the face of Xiwang Xiaoyan couldn't help blushing.

In fact, she and Wang Weoshui are just fifty steps of laughter. Only she and Yang Ming know what happened to them last night. Yang Ming, Yanyan, did you wake up?" Wang Songshan saw Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyan walk into the restaurant, and the name of Yang Ming was also changed from the previous Yang Ming's little friend to the current name.

"Um, Uncle Wang, good morning." Yang Ming smiled and said hello to Wang Songshan, and then turned to the other party's Tianhe Wang Weak Waterway: "Master, Master, good morning! Seeing that you both look good, you must have slept well last night?

"Hey hey..." Fang Tian's old ghost smiled obscenely. How could he not understand the meaning of Yang Ming's words? However, he is also a little proud. Although he is old, his strength is not the same as that of those years!

So much so that Wang weakly scolded in a hurry. Why is he so old and so fierce? Although Wang Weoshui is not young, it is also the first time for Huanghua's daughter. While making her depressed, she is also secretly happy. It seems that Fang Tian is in good health.

When Wang Weoshui was teased by Yang Ming, his face turned redder. He stared at Yang Ming fiercely, and then coughed, "Yang Ming, Yanyan, sit down and have breakfast!" ( To be continued, if you want to know... mF