very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1593-1594

"Is there any reaction from the butterfly family?" Kevitan sat in the owner's seat of the conference room and asked a son of the family in charge of intelligence. This conference announcement has become the temporary headquarters of the family, and any orders from Keweitan to the outside world are issued from here!

Soledi, Thomas, Laokejiu and Jetson are also sitting in this conference room. The first three are all sitting in the elder's seat, and Setherson is Drokvetan sitting side by side to highlight the importance of his status. Report to the owner that the butterfly family has no special reaction. They still go their own way and have not made any response. The disciple reported it.

"Oh?" After hearing this, Keweitan frowned slightly. How could the butterfly family not move? Didn't he hear his declaration: "Did they receive the news from us?"

"It should have been received. The people of our intelligence department deliberately spread the news in Ailuo Town. Unless the intelligence department of their butterfly family is a decoration or deaf, it is impossible not to receive any news." The disciple replied. That's right. They have no reason not to know. Are they pretending to be crazy? Or don't you believe that we have this strength? Keweitan snorted coldly and asked.

"This... Naturally, I don't know, and everything will be decided by the owner!" How dare that disciple speculate? What's his own? The current head of the family is the strongest head of the Lancer family in history.

"Where is the Buffon family? How did they react? Keweitan snorted and felt a little upset. He had been so strong, but the other party listened to thunder. It seemed that nothing had happened. How could this make Keweitan not angry?

"Tone to the head of the family, there is no movement of the Buffon family." The disciple said carefully, "However, it is said that the patriarch of the Buffon family is not at home, so...

"Awesome, I think they don't believe in my ability. One by one, they should not believe in cousin Jetson's ability. Shall we teach them a lesson?" As Keweitan said that, he looked at Jetson, which was the only backbone of their Lancer family. As long as Jetson nodded and agreed to destroy the Butterfly family and the Buffon family, it would be useless to say what he said.

"Kavitan, don't worry," Jetson said lightly, "I Bai ■ Center, there are also rules. You can't casually destroy some rules of the secular world. I'll come out to help you this time. "It's already broken. However, there should also be preconditions, that is, when others are really unfavorable to you, it is not me who takes the initiative to find trouble for others!"

Of course, there is another point that Jetson didn't say. There is no need to talk to Keweitan and others, that is, it is impossible to talk about Dr. Benjamin's ambition with these people. If the strength is exposed too early, it will cause some unnecessary trouble later.

However, if the butterfly family or the Buffon family come to provoke them in one fell swoop, it will not let people say anything. Otherwise, it will not be a fun thing for everyone to boycott the "center" together in danger. Although the "center" may not be afraid of these so-called big families. But it is impossible to easily ignore the influence of these big families.

Seeing that Jetson is not slow, Kevitan can't say anything. After all, the only hope of his family is Jetson. If he doesn't take the initiative, others can't force him. With his strength, who dares to communicate with him?

"I don't think the butterfly family will give up." Thomas quickly straightened his position after seeing Jettson's terrible strength. He has adapted to the status of elder: "We were too weak before, which also caused the main reason why the butterfly family despised us for not to move! In their opinion, we may be the bow of the crossbow, but in the final struggle, they did not expect that we had Mr. Jetson, a powerful Austrian aid. So I support Mr. Jetson's intention. Seeing that we are over, the butterfly family has not fulfilled it for a long time to hand over Good's head to calm their anger. It will definitely be difficult for us!"

"Um, what Thomas's second brother said makes sense" Now Lough has also completely given up the battle for the head of the family, and it is simply overesote to compete for the position of the head of the family with Keweitan, a guy with such a powerful backstage as Jett. Therefore, there was no profit-seek relationship between him and Thomas, and his attitude also changed. From being independent at the beginning to thinking about the interests of the family at the same time: "However, second brother, are you really sure that the butterfly family can take the initiative to trouble us?

Ruckoff didn't say this to Thomas, but he was afraid that the butterfly family would die later, so he sacrificed a chance to teach the butterfly family a lesson in vain! If Jetson can take action, it is estimated that the Butterfly family will no longer dare to provoke the Lancer family in the future, and the Buffon family will also avoid rats. Knowing that there is a big backstage behind the Lancer family, they dare not look for the awkwardness of the Lancer family. In this way, the Lancer family's status in the Second time.

"Ha ha, I don't think the butterfly family will give up." Thomas smiled and said with great certainty, "Before, the butterfly family vowed to say that if they didn't say anything, it would definitely become a big joke. Unless his butterfly family did not want to be famous, it would never have the face to appear in the upper class, and it would also be regarded as a laughing stock, so I think the butterfly family will definitely come to trouble us.

"Well, what Uncle Thomas said makes sense, so let's wait for the rabbit!" Keweitan agreed that, in fact, he is not very sure whether the butterfly family can come to him, but the key problem at present is that Jetson does not take the initiative. There is really no other way but to wait for the rabbit. Since Thomas is reasonable, Keweitan will find a step down, otherwise he will also treat his family. The Lord's face is not good.

"I estimate that the target of the butterfly family is probably Good, so I suggest that Mr. Jetson rest next to Good's room, so as not..." Thomas is naturally most worried about the safety of his grandson. He was able to make it located in Keweitan before, because of Ge's grandson. Son, so it's true that he said such a big thing. $;: "I want Jetson to protect his grandson Good.

"Second uncle, cousin Jetson is a distinguished guest of our family. It's not enough for him to protect a child of Gude, right?" After listening to Thomas's words, Keweitan frowned slightly. He finally understood what Thomas's words meant before. It turned out that he wanted Jetson to be Good's bodyguard. It was really a good calculation!

"It's okay, I'll just stay in Good's room!" Jetson waved his hand and said lightly, "Since I'm here to protect your Lancer family, naturally I won't let everyone in your family hurt. Since Good is the other party's first choice, I will naturally focus on protecting it."

There is another sentence that Jetson didn't say, that is, if the other party really kills Good under his own eyes, where is his face? Where is the face of the center?

"Mr. Jetson, thank you very much!" What hope did Thomas have before? What kind of identity is Jetson? How can I be a bodyguard for a little boy? So Thomas just said it with a try, but he didn't expect that Jetson would agree, which made Thomas a little overjoyed! The speech also became shivering and excited.

Toma thought to himself that Jetson is worthy of being a big shot. He doesn't care about that much at all. What a good man!

And Keweitan, when he saw that cousin Jetson agreed, naturally he would not say anything against it again. He pushed the boat and said, "Then there will be Cousin Lauetson. My little cousin is really blessed. It seems that this time, it is impossible for anyone to hurt him at all. In the praise and gratitude of Keweitan and Thomas, Jetson smiled proudly.

However, it's still different - Thomas is right! In the evening of that day, the butterfly family came, and it was still a big man! L5q4 Break into the Lancer family at night

Under the arrangement of Keweitan, Jetson lived in Good's room. In fact, Jetson did not tell these people that he no longer needed sleep. The so-called sleep was just a cover-up.

In the past few days, Good has been in a state of fear and thrill. After his grandfather left the main position in Beijing, he has already understood what a disaster he has caused! At the beginning, if you put up with it, you may not have brought such a big disaster to the family for a long time, and you would not involve your grandfather. However, at the beginning, you were fascinated and wanted to marry the eldest daughter of the butterfly family home, and did not hesitate to use the power of the grandfather family to carry out a fatal blow to the butterfly family

But less than a day after all this happened, the butterfly family actually took the huge backer of the Buffon family, which made Goode so scared that his scalp exploded. Especially when he heard that the other party's condition was actually on his cheek, which made Goode even more afraid, when he knew that his grandfather was because of his strength. It is even more disheartened to protect yourself and lose the position of the head of the family.

Later, two opinions came out from the Lancer family. One was to give himself to the rough butterfly family for glory, and the other was to protect himself. Later, it was my grandfather's persistence that he was able to barely save himself temporarily. This made Goode feel that he was in danger. Who could guarantee that the Lancer family would not hand him over in the end?

It was not until the arrival of Jetson, the strong man, that Goode felt a sense of security! Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he did go to see the marble conference table that turned into gravel in the conference room. How could this be done by manpower? It's just Superman! Hearing that Jetson called himself the Terminator, Good was suddenly full of confidence!

Since Jetson has said that he wants to protect himself, he must have saved his life, especially Jetson Mai Dingjian's insists that the eldest daughter of the butterfly family is his wife, which makes Goode ecstatic. This Jetson is really a good man. Save himself from water. In the midst of the fire, he suddenly raised his eyebrows. With the previous depression, Good's face was full of smiles.

Finally, I don't have to worry anymore. To be honest, Good has no great hope about whether he can marry the young lady of the butterfly family again. As long as he can save his own life, is there no need for a woman?

Just as Good breathed a sigh of relief, there was a great good news today! That's why Jetson is going to live in ten rooms with him! In this way, there is a super guarantee for your life!

Before, although Good was also confident in Jetson, who knows if there were any accidents? Don't be afraid of 100,000 yuan, just in case. In case the butterfly family comes and finds himself and Jetson can't get there as soon as possible, won't he be in danger?

Now, Good is a hundred relieved. If the people from the butterfly family can defeat Jetson and then kill themselves, he will not be wronged even if he dies.

The person who can defeat Jetson is no longer as good as Good. If such a person really comes to take his life, Good would not want to live at all. Sooner or later, he will die. It's better to die early.

It's night. Although it can't be said that the lights are brilliant in the Lancer family, there are bright street lights at several intersections. The patrol of Lancer's drum guards Geng Cun nervously patrols every corner of the family.

Although these people do not have any ability to block the real master, at least it is a deterrent to the intruder. Even if they are defeated, they will send a signal as soon as possible.

Good has fallen asleep. This is the night he slept most peacefully. With Jetson, a super bodyguard, protecting himself, what is Goode afraid of?

Jetson did not fall asleep at this moment. Although the Lancer family prepared a very advanced bed for him, Jetson lay quietly on it, with his eyes closed, seemed to fall asleep, but in fact he was very awake.

He knows that his physiological structure at this moment can hardly be regarded as a person. If he is still the original Jetson, he only retains the previous memory.

I don't know how Dr. Benjamin did it, but Jetson knew that Dr. Benjamin was a normal person. Unlike them, he was a science maniac.

How many people like Dr. Benjamin in the center, Jetson doesn't know that these are not the aspects he can reach. He is only responsible for Dr. Benjamin and obeys the command of Dr. Benjamin. He still knows something about Dr. Benjamin's fanatical thoughts, but he wants to say that the center's final The purpose, Jetson is not clear at all.

He didn't even see the more advanced person in charge behind Benjamin, or he didn't even know the name, but he just knew that there was such a person.

And Dr. Benjamin is in Center 9! There is no way to know the status of j. Is it a senior management or just a subordinate? These Jetsons still know nothing. And Dr. Benjamin won't tell him.

This time, Dr. Benjamin originally wanted to send him to China to help a subordinate code-named Falcon. This man seemed to have a high position in front of Benjamin, so after Jetson went, he just assisted the Falcon and obeyed the Falcon's orders, and It is not in a dominant position.

This is the first task sent to him by Dr. Benjamin, and this time to help the Lancer family, it is also Dr. Benjamin who considered that he had too little experience. Before going to China, it was also a good experience to have such an experience, so he reluctantly agreed to his request.

However, Jetson dared not run away, because his body no longer belongs to him. If he is out of the control of Dr. Benjamin, he will probably die miserably. That is to say, the former Jetson has actually died in the hospital. Now Jetson is just another one who has been reborn as the center of the center. Individual.

But Jetson doesn't regret it. Her mother earns money to live one more day, and this time she came out, which was also a favor she owed to his cousin. One by one, the disciples of the Lancer family opened their mouths wide and were about to call for help, but their mouths were covered, and a cold sharp knife was attached to his neck.

"Don't talk, just move and kill your spoon." This man is just a peripheral son of the Lancer family. To put it bluntly, he is just a subordinate. How can he have any courage? Suddenly, he was shocked and didn't dare to make a sound again. He nodded quickly to show that he understood.

Wang Songshan loosened his hand to cover the disciple, and then asked, "Where is Good's room?"

"In... in the front yard, on the second floor of the red villa, there is a third room on the left..." The man naturally knew Good's residence, and this afternoon, he received a strange order from the owner of the family, Keweitan!

That is, from today on, if outsiders ask the people in their family about Master Good's residence, just tell them the truth and tell them where they are. Although these servants and disciples did not know the intention of the head of the family, since it was what the head of the family said, they did and left.

As soon as this disciple heard Wang Songshan's Qin Wen, he did not hide it, because the head of the family had agreed. What else could he hide?

Wang Songshan nodded, and then asked, "I heard that the Lancer family recently had an Olympic aid. Is it true?"

"Yes...really..." The disciple hesitated for a moment and chose to tell the truth, because the owner of the family, Keweitan, did not hide the arrival of Jetson, but told the whole family, so it was not a secret. The disciple said truthfully, "It is said that it is the owner of the family, Lord Keweitan. His cousin Jetson is here. He is a master and invincible in the world.

Invincible in the world? Wang Songshan snorted coldly in his heart, how dare he brag! However, he finally understood why the Lancer family suddenly became tough recently. It turned out that there was such a so-called "invincible" backer! ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F