very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1611-1612

"Don't worry, second uncle, it is inevitable that Yang Ming will die. He will never escape from the palm of his cousin Jetson!" Keweitan also hated it in his heart. Now that Goode is dead, things have become complicated, and he doesn't know how to maintain the business relationship between himself and Thomas.

"It's inevitable... Humph, if he dies, I won't let him go!" Thomas said viciously, "I'm going to hang his body on the front door of the Lancer family. I want people to know what will be to offend our Lancer family!"

"Of course, this is how it should be..." Kevetan nodded and did not deny Thomas's suggestion, because in this upper-class society, many large families are above the law, especially those who have private territories like the Lancer family, have absolute authority to deal with those who break into private territories. Permission, even if the body is hung at the door, it is a little inhumane, but no one will come to trouble the Lancer family because of this, especially the unprecedented strength of the Lancer family at this moment. Who wants to provoke this giant at this time?

In order to make friends with Thomas, naturally - he will not oppose him in these insignificant matters, and even Kvitan has the idea of making an instrument in his heart. Master, can you make peace with Mr. Jetson and ask him to send Yang Ming's life? I want to kill this thief myself and avenge my grandson Good!"

"This one" Keweitan hesitated for a moment. Although it was not good to interfere with his cousin Jetson at this time, he absolutely did not want to displease Thomas at this moment. Only when Thomas is happy and avenged, is it possible to sincerely assist himself and make his position as the head of his own family more stable.

"Master, please, everything I said before counts!" Thomas promised with hatred.

"Okay," Keweitan sighed, picked up the intercom in his hand, pressed a few sensitive words, which has always been Jetson's terminal number, and then said to it, "Cousin Jetson, I'm Keweitan. I have something to trouble you. Yang Ming, can you capture it alive? I'm still useful for this person..."

Keweitan knew that Jetson would definitely sell his own face. Since cousin Jetson could be invited to help him this time, it showed that Brother Jetson was willing, so Keweitan was not worried that Jetson would refuse him, but out of respect, he still asked in a consultative tone.

After Keweitan finished speaking, he quietly waited for Jetson's answer, but after waiting for a long time, there was no sound in the intercom. Cousin Jetson? Are you there? Please reply when you hear it?" Keweitan said something strangely to the walkie-talkie.

However, after waiting for a while, there was still no movement in the walkie-talkie, and Keweitan frowned.

"Master, is Mr. Jetson angry? If so, I think it's better to forget it..." Although Thomas really wants to kill Yang Ming in person, if it's impossible, it's okay. Anyway, no matter how Yang Ming is destroyed, it's death. As long as the grandson's revenge is done, Thomas will not be so strong.

"No, although Cousin Jetson is a very arrogant person, he is not an inhumane person, and if I open my mouth, Cousin Jetson can't refute my face too much..." Keweitan said, "However, now it seems that Cousin Jetson did not bring the intercom terminal with him.

Thomas nodded and didn't say anything more. Although he was a little upset that he couldn't kill Yang Ming in person, he could only do so at present.

"Do you just want me to live like that?" At this time, a cold voice came, which made Keweitan and Thomas's hearts suddenly chill: "I didn't expect it. It seems that I let you get what you want..."

"Who are you?" Kevetan looked back and watched warily, but he didn't see a figure! This voice is very strange. Keweitan has never heard of it, and the speaker can't be from the Lancer family. The Lancer family can't talk to themselves so rudely.

"Who am I? Aren't the two of you still talking about it just now? Why did you forget it so soon?" The person who spoke was naturally Yang Ming. After Yang Ming killed Jetson with a trick, he sneaked over to the voice of voice. As a result, he heard the conversation between Keweitan and Thomas.

"Are you Yang Ming?" Thomas asked in horror, and at the same time, the hatred on his face emerged unabashedly, and his eyes were looking for the direction of the voice, but there was nothing to do. It seems that the two of them are not very forgetful and know their names. Yang Ming and Gui smiled and said.

"Where did Cousin Jetson go? Why didn't you kill this boy?" Keweitan said to himself doubtfully, but he did not think at all that cousin Jetson would be killed by Yang Ming, but thought that cousin Jetson should have something important at the last minute. Otherwise, how could he not be contacted?

"Pretend to be a ghost. What's the ability? If you have the courage, come out!" Thomas didn't take Yang Ming seriously at all. Although Yang Ming could kill Goode silently, "But what kind of skill is Good? He has never practiced any martial arts at all, and the family guards behind him are all secretly trained masters, so Thomas is very confident that as long as Yang Ming dares to appear, he will Stay here. These escorts were all trained during his reign, so Thomas was very confident and rude, and he was not afraid of Yang Ming at all. Oh, come out as soon as you come out. Yang Ming said contemptuously, and then came out of a dark bush and was exposed to everyone.

"Catch him!" Thomas waved his hand to the guard behind him, and the people behind him came up and surrounded Yang Ming.

"Well, although I know that you are all women, who let you be thrangler for these people?" Yang Ming shook his head and said with some regret, "In that case, I'm sorry!"

"Be careful! This boy may be a little tricky!" Although Kweitan didn't think too highly of Yang Ming, he also knew that he was a disciple of the king of killers, so he didn't dare to neglect him too much and reminded him.

"The owner is just a yellow-mouthed child. There is no need to be so cautious." Thomas smiled and said, "It's just right that I can kill this boy!"

"Um." Kvetan nodded, but looked at the field without blinking. These guards were not personally trained by him, but by Thomas when he was in office, so Kevetan's confidence in these people is naturally not as good as Thomas! If he doesn't catch Yang Ming for a moment, he won't relax his vigilance.

Yang Ming looked at the group of elites trained by the so-called Lancer family who were full of frails in front of him, and sighed slightly, so that these weak workers would simply die. If it is the strength of Jetson, Yang Ming will deal with it carefully, but now, it makes Yang Ming feel like he can't laugh or cry, or even can't do it!

However, this moment is not a time of compassion. Since these people have chosen to throw themselves into the door of the Lanyu family, they are not worthy of sympathy. Poor people must have something to hate. Yang Ming's hand is casual, so he clicked the acupuncture points of the nearest people to him. These acupuncture points are one of the dead points of the human Under the fight, all these people fell to the ground silently, without even a moan, and they didn't know how to die.

Seeing Yang Ming waving, seven or eight people were put down, and the guards showed a frightened expression! These days, they have been sent by Keweitan to find trouble for others, smash other people's shops, and beat other families. They are all good at it. At this moment, they are thinking of bullying Yang Ming, but they don't think that the other party is a tough stubble!

Before they could take action, he lost so many people on his own side! Looking at my teammates who fought and robbed with themselves a few days ago and drank and played with women at night, they died like this. Everyone was moved!

Santt, the captain of the escort, grunted in his throat, which was extremely bitter, but he was in a dilemma! The head of the family has an order, and he can't flinch at this moment, but the person in front of him is really too horrible.

Sant only felt that his scalp was blown up, and he knew very well that these people were not opponents of the people in front of him at all. If he came forward, he was just to die! l61Z Your backer is dead

Sant can see the current situation, and Keweitan and Jetson can naturally see it! Although Keweitan had overestimated Yang Ming before and reminded the guards to be careful, he still underestimated Yang Ming's ability!

And Thomas is even more frightened! He didn't expect that Yang Ming's skills had become so horrible that he killed so many people when he raised his hand. How fierce is this?

"F, drop him, use a gun!" Keweitan didn't dare to underestimate his return. He quickly reminded that after all, these people were the defense forces of the family. With so many death at once, Keweitan felt uncomfortable.

"Save your strength, don't fight with him!" Thomas also hurriedly reminded that he did not want the power he had cultivated to disappear.

However, Keweitan and Thomas's words were still a step late. The remaining few people all died in their breaths. Even Sant fell to the ground before he could throw a pistol.

If these people use guns at the beginning, although Yang Ming will not be hit by these people, it will take some effort to kill them, and at least some flying needles will be wasted. At least it won't be so easy, but Thomas and Kvetan were so big before that they made the elites of these 20 families. All the sacrifices.

"I'm really sorry, I'm so fast that I can't stop..." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and smiled apologetically at Keweitan and Thomas: "They died before they could shoot: i; . . . R. . . . "

"You one by one" Thomas was furious. Yang Ming was obviously cheap and obedient. Suddenly, he was shocked and angry. He came in a hurry and did not carry any weapons at all. Although he was very angry, he was afraid that Yang Ming would be unfavorable to him.

However, Keweitan came with guns. As a former arms supply family, it is not uncommon for the Lancer family to own guns. When Thomas opened his mouth, Kevitan was ready to reach out and touch the gun on his body...

"You'd better not act rashly. Maybe you can live a moment more." Yang Ming has the power of perspective eyes. How can he not see Keweitan going to touch the gun on his body? So he sneered and reminded him, but the flying needle also slipped into the palm of his hand in an instant, always alert.

Sure enough, scared by Yang Ming's words, Keweitan's movements really stopped for a moment, and the hand touching his pocket did not dare to move... "Live for a long time, your tone is not small?" Kvitan snorted coldly and said with some guilt. Yang Ming's previous strange skills had deeply shocked Kvitan's heart, so at this moment, Kvitan was also bold, afraid that Yang Ming would suddenly get into trouble. The tone is not small. Why don't you give it a try? Yang Ming said lightly, "Yes, after trying, you will die. It doesn't matter whether you know it or not."

"Yang Ming, don't think how powerful you are," Keweitan hummed, "If it hadn't been for Cousin Jetson's business and left here, do you think you could still stand here alive? If you are knowledgeable, you can spare your life. Otherwise, when Cousin Jetson comes back and finds that you dare to be unfavorable to me, he will go to the whole family of your house and the full family of the butterfly family! Don't think I'm just talking to scare you. Who is better than Wang Songshan? It must be Wang Songshan, right? At this moment, he has become a defeated general and a prisoner of his cousin Jetson. How can you get better?

"Cousin Jetson?" Yang Ming repeated Kevitan's words, and a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face!

"Well, you must have had a fight with him before, right?" Keweitan thought that Yang Ming was afraid and was a little afraid of his cousin Jetson, so he was able to say, "If he hadn't had something to leave, do you think you could escape from the palm of his hand?"

"He has something to do at the last minute? Leave?" Yang Ming's expression became more strange. Is Jetson, an old man, not dead yet? No, I saw him fall into the burning pool with my own eyes and turned into a wisp of smoke?

"How about it? It is wise to choose to surrender, otherwise, think about your family and the butterfly family!" Keweitan continued to threaten Yang Mingdao. In his opinion, Yang Ming did not dare to do it at this moment. It was his own words that played a role.

"Jetteson told you that he had something to leave?" Yang Ming asked in disbelief.

"He didn't tell me. You don't need to know, but when you fight with him, he suddenly left. Is that true?" Keweitan didn't know what Yang Ming meant by this question, but he still asked rhetorical.

"He suddenly left?" Yang Mingwei was stunned, and he understood a little in his heart. He estimated that when the two guys in front of him saw that he was fine, he thought that Jetson had something to leave at the last minute, so he let him go. However, they also trust that Jetson too blindly, don't they?

"What? What's wrong?" Keweitan also vaguely felt that something was wrong. Otherwise, why didn't Yang Ming stop asking?

"You answer me first. Jetson told you in person that he had something to leave?" Yang Ming didn't give up. Although he felt that Jetson had already hiccups and could not speak anymore, the other party was a robot, and something strange could happen. No, I used the walkie-talkie to contact him, but I didn't get in touch!" Kweitan didn't hide it: "If he has nothing to do, how can you stand here?"

"So that's it. I thought the dead could also speak." Yang Ming nodded suddenly and said, "You scared me to death. Jetson has turned into a blue smoke. If he could speak, it would be a hell!"

"What, what did you say? Is Jetson dead? Kvetan's face suddenly changed greatly, and he looked at Yang Ming in incredible surprise: "It's impossible. You're lying. Jetson's cousin's magic skills are unworldly invincible. How can he be defeated by you? You are not even as good as Wang Songshan..."

"Who told you that I'm not as good as Uncle Wang?" Yang Ming replied to Keweitan faintly, "Is that what you imagined?"

"I'm ten" Keweitan was suddenly choked and speechless. Indeed, no one has ever said that Yang Ming is not as powerful as Wang Songshan. All of this is just his imagination and speculation: "Before that, why didn't you come, but Wang Songshan's lead?"

"Originally, we thought that it didn't take so much effort to kill a Good man. Uncle Wang's words were enough to praise you, but we didn't expect that you had found such a helper from somewhere in the center." Yang Ming explained faintly, "It's really tricky, but he was unlucky. He fell into the burning pool and was burned to death in an instant." Burn the dead number-..." Kevetan's face finally changed! What Yang Ming said is rigid and eye-catching, and he is so fearless. Is Jetson really dead?" Yes," Yang Ming sighed: "It seems that no matter how good the martial arts are, they are afraid of burning! "You know that my cousin Jetson is from the center. How dare you kill him?" There was finally a trace of fear in Keweitan's eyes, which was the fear of death!

"What is the center? Is it special?" Yang Ming really didn't know what the center was for. At the beginning, he heard Jetson say how the center was, but he just didn't know what's special about the center.

"Well, you have offended the people in the center, just wait to be exterminated!" Kevitan said with hatred, "Cousin Jetson is already very powerful, but behind him, there is a more powerful Dr. Benjamin. At that time, he will find out that you have killed Jetson, which is your death!"

"Dr. Benjamin?" This is the first time Yang Ming heard the name, but he silently remembered it in his heart. Since he has offended the other party, Yang Ming is not afraid of anything, but it is inevitable to be careful in the future. To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine reading! D