very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1655-1656

"Yang Ming, why are you here at this time?" Chen's mother is a little strange. After all, Yang Ming should be in school at this time, and even if he comes, it is impossible to open the door with the key!

"Ah, Mom, are you at home?" Chen Mengyan saw that the door of the house was closed before. She subconsciously thought that her mother had gone to work and there was no one at home. So she asked Yang Ming to take out the key and open the door, but she didn't expect that there were still people in the house.

"Xiaoyan?!" Chen's mother exhaled in surprise and immediately accelerated her pace and stumbled over. As soon as she saw her daughter standing in front of her house, Chen's mother couldn't help but burst into tears: "Xiaoyan, are you really back? Great, Mom is so worried about you!"

With that, Chen's mother couldn't help holding Chen Mengyan in her arms and slapped her on the back: "Xiaoyan, if you don't come back, your mother will die." ..." Chen Mengyan looked at Yang Ming, who seemed to be smiling, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed, "Mom, Yang Ming is still here!"

xia kuang!" Chen's mother saw Chen Mengyan suddenly return home before. She was so excited and happy that she directly ignored Yang Ming beside Chen Mengyan. Hearing Chen Mengyan's reminder, she thought that there was still someone around her, and she suddenly felt very embarrassed: "Yang Ming, I'm sorry to let you see the jokes. Auntie is so happy. If you are excited..." "It doesn't matter, Aunt Chen, if you also care about it, it will be chaotic." Yang Ming smiled and said, "When I first saw Meng Yan, it was the same."

Victoria didn't go upstairs and was left in the car downstairs. Yang Ming didn't let her get up. Otherwise, some things would be difficult to explain at that time, and Yang Ming didn't want Victoria's identity to be exposed, because it also involved part of his own **.

Chen's mother was very satisfied with Yang Ming's interest. She smiled and said, "Yes-, Mengyan, how did you come back? Is your father finally willing to agree to exchange people for you? He has a little conscience and knows which one is more important!"

"Wow?" AFTER LISTENING TO CHEN'S MOTHER'S WORDS, CHEN MENGYAN LOOKED AT HER MOTHER IN STOOD. SHE WAS stunned AND FINALLY UNDERSTOOD THE MEANING OF HER MOTHER'S WORDS. SHE WAS A LITTLE LAUGHING: "MOM, IT'S YANG MING THAT SAVED ME BACK JI! I.. R.. " Yang Ming?" Chen's mother turned the sun to Yang Ming incredulously and said, "Meng Yan, is this true? Didn't your father exchange you back with that drug dealer?"

"Mom, how can my father be that kind of person? Even if he replaces me with drug dealers, I will only look down on him. Chen Mengyan shook her head and said with tears and laughter, "It was Yang Ming who entrusted the relationship, talked to the leader of the Black Hawk Gang, and then let me and Sister Mengxi back.

"Talking to the relationship?" Chen's mother is obviously not as simple as Chen Mengyan. Naturally, she will not believe Yang Ming's words. You know, Chen Mengyan and Victoria are the chips for the leader of the Black Hawk Gang to save their son safely. How can they let him go? Even if the relationship is entrusted again, I'm afraid the leader of the Black Hawk Gang won't agree, right?

Yang Ming's intuition was so keen that he suddenly noticed Chen's mother's suspicion, so he smiled and said, "If ordinary people talk, the leader of the Black Hawk Gang will naturally not give face, but this person is my father's business partner, the current patriarch of the Buffon family, the largest family in Europe, in the whole of Europe With a considerable power, and Russia also belongs to European countries, the Black Hawks have to compromise.

"The Buffon family, so it turns out to be like this. No wonder the Black Hawk Gang will compromise..." Chen's mother showed a clear look after listening to Yang Ming's explanation. It is not a secret that Mingyang Heavy Industry cooperates with the Buffon family. Chen's mother naturally also knows, and how Chen's mother also knows that even if the Black Hawk Gang is a gangster, it is impossible not to sell old Buffon's face. Even if there is all kinds of reluctance, he can only drop his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

This is a major event involving the survival of the whole gang. I believe that the leader of the Black Hawk gang can make a wise choice. This is just a fluke. If the Black Hawk Gang did not belong to the European territory, I believe things would not be so smooth. Yang Ming sighed and said as if it were true or false. That's true, but anyway, Yang Ming, auntie, thank you!" Chen's mother took a deep breath, patted Yang Ming on the shoulder, and said sincerely.

"Aunt Chen, what are you talking about? If I don't save her, who will save her..." Yang Mingdeng felt a little laugh and cry: "Mengyan, she is your daughter, but she is also my girlfriend!" Ha ha, but it's also your child's heart.

Chen's mother sighed, and then said leisurely, "Before, I was worried about handing over Meng Yan to you. I was afraid that you would treat her badly in the future. I was afraid that you would not be able to protect her, but today, I was completely relieved... "Mom!" Chen Mengyan suddenly blushed and felt a little embarrassed: "What are you talking about!"

Yang Ming also had a strange expression on his face. Unexpectedly, his words attracted so much emotion from Chen's mother. Xiaoyan, don't talk to me! Listen to me." Chen's mother waved her hand and interrupted Chen Mengyan's words to keep her from making trouble. Oh..." Chen Mengyan only nodded and said nothing more. Yang Ming also washed his clothes and listened attentively. Before, when you were together, I didn't say something because you were still young, and it was a little early to say those words. So, I'm going to wait until the day you get married. Chen's mother said, "But now it seems that there is no need to say those words." What are you talking about? Chen Mengyan blinked curiously and looked at her mother's solemn appearance. There must be something important to say.

"Yang Ming, in fact, in addition to Xiaoyan, you are also entangled with two other girls. Uncle Chen knows about this matter, and I also know it." Chen's mother turned around and said seriously, "Although the girl named Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia, the matter between them and you has some coincidence and God's will in it, and I don't know how you let Xiaoyan accept this fact and maintain the balance, what I want to say is that now you We are still young. I don't interfere in these things, but one day you and Xiaoyan get married, and other relationships will be cut off. I don't want my daughter to be unhappy!"

This ten" Yang Ming's heart was cold, and the cold sweat on his face was coming out. He originally thought that only Uncle Chen knew about these things, but he didn't expect Chen's mother to know such details, especially Chen's mother's decision, which made Yang Ming extremely shocked and embarrassed him to give up Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun This is definitely an impossible thing.

It's not only Yang Ming, but also Chen Mengyan's face has changed at this moment. Although she recognized the existence of Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia in her heart, she was known by her parents, and on the other hand, Chen Mengyan felt embarrassed.

"Don't say anything first, listen to me." Chen's mother made a slightly impatient gesture to Yang Ming, and then continued, "However, after today's incident, I don't think I need to say these words..."

"Eh?" Yang Ming's eyes lit up, and he vaguely guessed what Chen's mother was going to say next, and he was suddenly happy.

"There is an old saying that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of great disaster." Chen's mother took a deep look at Yang Ming, and then said, "The husband and wife are already like this, not to mention that you are just boyfriends and girlfriends? Yang Ming, I'm very gratified that you can never leave Xiaoyan and save her back at this time! Although this time, you asked someone to make peace with the leader of the Black Hawk Gang, I'm afraid you know the risks. Some things can't be solved by someone saying yes. In case the other party goes crazy, maybe even you will stay there! What else can I say if you dare to go to Russia alone and bring Xiaoyan back? With this, you can see your feelings for Xiaoyan, so I won't say what I originally said. As long as Xiaoyan is happy and she feels nothing, I will no longer interfere in your affairs..."

"Ji..." Yang Ming looked at Chen's mother in disbelief. Is it over? Originally, Yang Ming thought that he was going to be severely recounted. After all, which mother would find out her daughter's boyfriend and other girlfriends so easily? 1 face 5. Chen Jiacun's phone call, even Chen Mengyan, also had an unbelievable expression: "Mom, are you telling the truth? Chen's mother smiled and nodded calmly.

"Mom, that's very kind of you!" As soon as the big stone in Chen Mengyan's heart fell, she hugged Chen's mother in surprise. This has always been her heart disease. She doesn't know how to explain it to her parents, especially after living under the same roof with Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia. She is worried that one day her parents will find out the secret.

However, can Chen Mengyan be unhappy when she hears that her mother finally promised this matter? After all, the most important thing is to get the understanding of her parents. That's great?" Looking at her daughter's happy appearance, Chen's mother couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Xiaoyan, my mother won't pursue this matter. It should be Yang Ming who is happy. What are you happy with?"

"I'm one by one" Chen Mengyan's face turned red, and she also found something inappropriate. She shouldn't have been happy about this matter. Why are she happy with her? He stared at Yang Ming fiercely, turned his face away, and ignored Yang Ming.

Chen's mother, the original heart knot, also scattered with Chen Mengyan's attitude. Her daughter doesn't care. What else do she care about?

As he was talking, the sound of the key opening the door came again. Chen Fei hurriedly broke in and almost bumped into Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan, who were standing at the door.

"Lao Chen, what are you doing?" Although Chen's mother is no longer so angry with Chen Fei that Chen Mengyan has come back, after all, the whole thing is also caused by Chen Fei. If it weren't for the drug dealer, could Chen Mengyan have been kidnapped?

So, although I no longer hate Chen Fei in my heart, the tone of voice is still cold, without a trace of friendliness.

"Mengyan, you're really back!" Chen Fei ignored Chen's mother's sarcasm, looked at Chen Mengyan with a smile, and then looked at Yang Ming beside him. His big hand directly hit Yang Ming's shoulder: "Good boy, I didn't disappoint Uncle Chen! Let's go to the study with Uncle Chen. Let's have a good talk!"

"Oh...okay..." Yang Ming said in his heart, thanks to me, I have practiced it, otherwise I won't crack your shoulder? If someone had changed, Bao Zhuner would have sat on the ground. If he hadn't insisted on training, how could he withstand such a blow? What? " Chen Fei was slightly puzzled. He was so excited just now that he was not sure of the strength in his hand and waited for Yiyu to pat Yang Ming on the shoulder. It's too late. Although part of the strength has been collected, most of the strength still fell on Yang Ming's shoulder! Chen Fei was shocked. He knew the power of his palm very well!

You know, he once won the title of Sanda champion in the provincial police. "If you slap this palm, Yang Ming doesn't sit on the ground, and his arms will be in the wrong ring. The best situation is also black, but Yang Ming seemed to be fine. He easily endured it, and even his shoulders did not tremble. Next, there is nothing wrong with the expression! This made Chen Fei secretly surprised. He said that Yang Ming really had some ideas. No wonder he valued Yang Ming so much! You and Meng Yan are going to prepare something delicious. Yang Ming and I will have some wine to celebrate in the evening!" Chen Fei told Chen's mother. It's no problem to do it for Yang Ming. Just give it to you!" Chen's mother snorted coldly. Obviously, the anger in her heart had not been straightened out.

Chen Fei didn't care. He pushed Yang Ming in the direction of the study. When he entered the study, he closed the door casually, because if the two wanted to talk later, it involved some confidential things, and even Chen Mengyan and Chen's mother could not let them know.

Chen's mother and Chen Mengyan looked at each other and smiled: "Xiaoyan, are you tired too? Go and have a rest. I'll get some food, and then order a few bottles of beer from the supermarket downstairs for them to deliver." Mom, I'm not tired. Chen Mengyan shook her head and refused Chen's mother's request: "I'm not sleepy now, and I'm in a good mental state." Oh? Aren't you sleepy? Chen's mother was slightly stunned: "You didn't sleep last night, did you? Metsina Town is so far away from Songjiang. You have to be on your way all the time, right?" No, it was Meng Xi who drove the boat before, and Yang Ming drove the boat before. I've been resting all the time, so I'm not tired at all. Chen Mengyan smiled and said.

"Sister Mengxi... Are you talking about Chen Mengxi?" Chen's mother 9! I stared and remembered the girl who was kidnapped with Chen Mengyan. Previously, I didn't think about Chen Mengxi's identity because I was worried about Chen Mengyan's safety, but now that she has calmed down, Chen's mother is a little suspicious: "Xiaoyan, tell your mother the truth, who is the girl named Chen Mengxi?"

"Who is it? It's nothing. It's just a relative of Yang Ming. She has no household registration in the mountains. Yang Ming helped her register here and go to school with me. Chen Mengyan blinked her eyes and did not say Victoria's true origin and identity. Hiddenly, Chen Mengyan felt that these should be secrets. Since Chen Mengxi confessed to herself, she could not talk nonsense to her casually, so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble.

"relatives?" Chen's mother still frowned: "Xiaoyan, don't be deceived by any appearance. Why have I never heard the Big Brother say that the Yang family has any relatives in the mountains? Is this person also Yang Ming's...

"What?" Luo Mengyan was stunned and looked at her mother with some puzzlement.

"You child, why are you so careless?" Chen's mother looked at her daughter helplessly and said lovingly, "I doubt that Chen Mengxi also has something to do with Yang Ming? Is it also his girlfriend?"

"Ah?" Chen Mengyan thought that her mother suspected that there was something wrong with Chen Mengxi's identity, but she didn't expect that this was what her mother was worried about! Suddenly, he said, "Mom, you are too careful. Sister Mengxi is definitely not. I'm sure about this!" Is that right? It's not good." Chen's mother nodded. Seeing that Chen Mengyan was so determined, she stopped saying: "Well, let's go to the kitchen to cook together."

The mother and daughter were talking, but the phone rang in the living room. Chen's mother walked over and picked up the phone: "Hello, who are you looking for?" Chen's mother thought it was a call from a colleague who cared about Chen Mengyan or Chen Fei, but she didn't care. But on the other side of the phone, there was a familiar voice. Xiaoyu, I'm your eldest brother Chen Zhifu!" On the other side of the phone, a male voice came.

"Ah, it's the big cousin!" Chen's mother's name is Chen Fangyu, and Xiaoyu is her nickname. She and Chen Fei both came out of Chenjia Village. All the relatives in Chenjia Village can get in a relationship. Cousin, cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins and so on are all in the village. This Chen Zhifu is one of them, and he is a well-known No. 1 person in the village.

It is said to be the eldest cousin, but in fact, he has no relationship with Chen Fangyu at all, but the people in the village call him that way. In his early years, Chen Zhifu returned to the north from Guangzhou to sell machine accessories and made a lot of money. Now he runs a good agricultural product company, which can make tens of millions of yuan a year. He is a celebrity in Chenjia Village.

Of course, Chen Zhifu is not the richest person in Chen's Village. The richest person in Chen's Village is Chen Zhifu's own brother Chen Zhiye. However, Chen Zhiye offended Hu Laosan, a big hooligan in Songjiang in his early years. At that time, Hu San covered the sky in Songjiang, not to mention Chen Zhiye could only run away from home and went to the south. It has been eight years, but he didn't expect to meet a nobleman by chance. The nobleman is a big boss of a foreign country. He started a business in China. Chen Zhiye has been working under him and has been very important. H