very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1833-1834

1833, elevator men and women.

Zhao Ying frowned when she heard Fan Jinzhe's voice. She is very disgusted with Fan Jinzhe. Although it's a little capable. But he is very boastful and playful. The matter of Fan Jinzhe keeping the bar lady. It's not a secret between classmates. There is no impermeable wall in the world. Several classmates who have a good relationship with Fan Jinzhe have also seen that young lady. We still had dinner together. So the news quickly spread to everyone in the class.

Zhao Ying's indescribable disgust for Fan Jinzhe, who has become a bitch and still set up an archway.

is fundamentally different from Yang Ming. He is a hypocrite and Yang Ming is a real villain.

"You go first. I have something else to do." Zhao Ying slowed down the speed of packing up and said lightly, "Hehe. It's okay. It just so happens that I have nothing to do. If you have anything to do. I'll wait for you. I can go with you." Fan Jinzhe is very thick-skinned. With that, he sat in a seat not far from Zhao Ying.

"..." Zhao Ying was a little speechless. Can't Fan Jinzhe see his dislike for him?

Fan Jinzhe can naturally see that Zhao Ying doesn't like him very much. But in his opinion, these are all meta-called. As long as you hold on to it, you can hold the beauty back. Sister Pao is not afraid of thick-skinned. After a long time, it will naturally be fine.

Zhao Ying didn't expect Fan Jinzhe to be like this, so she had to pack up her things. He walked to the door of the classroom with some depression.

Fan Jinzhe smiled at the corners of his mouth. He stood up and followed quickly. Naturally, he knew that Zhao Ying had nothing to do at all. The reason why he said that before was to avoid him. But Fan Jinzhe doesn't mind. Isn't Zhao Ying nothing to do now?

Zhao Ying has Fan Jinzhe behind her. Naturally, she doesn't want to do anything else, so as not to be more annoying. It's better to go straight to Room 303 and wait for the next class.

Although there is still half an hour left, Zhao Ying decided to read in the classroom for a while.

Zhao Ying accelerated her pace to the elevator. I want to get rid of Fan Jinzhe. But I'm almost there. Fan Jinzhe is also fast, he is slow, Fan Jinzhe is also slow, and the elevator is coming. Fan Jinzhe also entered naturally.

This elevator is a public facility. It's not Zhao Ying's own family, so Zhao Ying has no reason to kick Fan Jinzhe out.

This time. Many courses are over. There are only some special professional courses for graduate majors, so there are not many people in the elevator, only one man and one woman. Zhao Ying, who looked like a couple, entered the elevator and held down the button on the third floor. Fan Jinzhe came in and stood beside Zhao Ying with a smile.

After the elevator door closed, the man and woman who were originally in the elevator said, "I didn't expect you to be so beautiful!" The elevator man looked at the elevator woman admiringly.

"Ha ha, isn't it?" The elevator woman listened to the elevator man. He lowered his head shyly.

"Yes. I'm more beautiful than the arrogant woman I pursue in reality. I knew you were so beautiful.

I pursued you early in the morning, and why did I pursue that arrogant woman? I was taughtn by her in vain.

The elevator man sighed.

"You also said that I haven't solved you on the Internet for a long time. Don't hang yourself from a tree.

You didn't listen to me at that time. Why did you change your mind now? The elevator woman glanced at the elevator man. He said charmingly.

I have to admit it. The elevator woman is still so good-looking. Although she is not as good as Zhao Ying, she is in the technology of the Academy of Science and Technology, where there are few beautiful women. The elevator girl is already above average.

"Yes. What happened to the boyfriend you told me about? The elevator man suddenly thought that the elevator woman had a boyfriend in reality, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

"He... it's not like that. Didn't I tell you that between me and him? I always feel that there is something apart. He is hot and cold to me, and there is no big progress. The elevator woman sighed and shook her head.

"So...what are you going to do? Do you want to go on like this?" The elevator man listened to the elevator woman. Suddenly I felt that there was a door. He hurriedly asked.

"I don't know..." The elevator woman shook her head.

"Oh..." The elevator man hesitated for a moment. Finally, I summoned up the courage and said, "You and I are all lovers in online games..." Why don't we try to be realistic?,

"This "..." The elevator woman was obviously a little hesitant before, and she was a little moved by what the elevator man said. However, out of the girl's reserve, she still said, "The Internet is Internet chrome, and the reality is reality, right?"

"We met. Aren't you a real friend?" The elevator man said unwillingly to show weakness.

"This... I can see it. The elevator woman is not without feelings for the elevator man, but it's too sudden for him to accept it.

"I also know that what I said was a little sudden, but I like you. It's like this on the Internet, and after I met you today. This feeling extends to reality. I believe you have the same feeling as me, right? The elevator man said affectionately, "Why don't we go to eat first?"

something. Take your time to think about this problem. Don't be in a hurry to promise me. How's it going?"

"Uh..." The elevator woman nodded with a red face, but anyone could see it. The elevator woman promised, otherwise, she would not accept the invitation of the elevator man.

Damn it. No way? So it soaked up? This is too awesome, isn't it? Fan Jinzhe naturally listened to the dialogue between the two and looked at the arrogant Zhao Ying beside him. He looked at the affectionate elevator man and woman next to him, and his heart was very unbalanced. To read the full version of this chapter, please search the book ^ book ^ website.

Why! As soon as we met, we caught up. It's so unfair that I haven't worked hard for so long! Look at what the elevator man looks like. He is not particularly handsome. I don't have any famous brand on me. Can you also get a sister in this way?

But, this scene. It fell in Zhao Ying's eyes. But it made her feel different. Zhao Ying even doubted it. Did God deliberately send the man and woman to appear in front of his eyes? To imply yourself or something?

The dialogue and identity situation of the two men and women are actually like the true love between themselves and Yang Ming and the world. This kind of triangular relationship. The final ending of elevator men and women. It has been obvious. The two will definitely walk together. And how should I choose and where should I go?

This made Zhao Ying's heart waver before. There was a wavering at one time.

The elevator stopped on the third floor, and Zhao Ying got out of the elevator. I didn't continue to see what will happen after the men and women in the elevator. Because the classroom has arrived.

Fan Jinzhe naturally followed Zhao Ying out of the elevator. But. After the elevator door closed, he said with some disdain, "Online love? It sounds unreliable. How is that possible? I think that pair of men and women are acting, right? It's simply a psychopath."

Fan Jinzhe was jealous of the elevator man, so he said such sour words, but he didn't expect that Zhao Ying was very optimistic about the man and woman in his heart. Even Zhao Ying himself was deeply involved in the distress brought about by this kind of online love, so he had some resonance.

But I heard that Fan Jinzhe actually despised the men and women in the elevator. And saying that they are insane, Zhao Ying is naturally not happy. He glanced at Fan Jinzhe faintly. Without answering, he walked quickly to the classroom.

Fan Jinzhe was stunned. I don't know why I offended Zhao Ying. Although Zhao Ying didn't talk to him just now. But it did not show too much of an extreme plan. But now, it is obvious that Zhao Ying wants to get rid of him.

Did he offend Zhao Ying by what he said about the elevator men and women? It's wrong for Zhao Ying to know the men and women in the elevator. If you know each other. You should talk right. Look at the appearance of Zhao Ying and the man and woman in the elevator. It doesn't seem to know each other.

Is it possible that Zhao Ying supports the men and women in the elevator together? Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe felt that it was very possible. He quickly caught up with Zhao Ying and said, "Zhao Ying, in fact, I'm kidding. I'm also very optimistic about them!"

Zhao Ying didn't pay attention to Fan Jinzhe. Entering the classroom, I found a double table by the window.

Sit on the outside. People can't get in on the inside.

Anyway, the number of graduate students is not large, and there are still some who don't come to class. It's good to be half full in a classroom. Graduate students are more relaxed than undergraduates. You can not go to class at ordinary times, as long as you can't be absent from regular internships and group activities. As long as you finish the paper for each semester, it is not mandatory to attend classes.

Zhao Ying really wants to learn something, so she doesn't miss every class.

Fan Jinzhe wants to sit next to Zhao Ying, but every time Zhao Ying chooses this kind of seat. He had no choice but to sit behind or next to Zhao Ying.

1843. Investigate Yang Ming.

After sitting down, Zhao Ying took out the book of world economics from her bag and looked through it.

In my heart, I still think about the truth between myself and Yang Ming and the world.

Fan Jinzhe originally wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Zhao Ying, but when he saw her entering the classroom, he was reading there. I can't find a suitable topic. I wanted to talk about learning, but Fan Jinzhe later transferred to the Department of Economics and was not familiar with the subject of the Department of Economics at all. These days, I'm annoyed by resentment and don't have the heart to study, so I don't know anything about world economics.

Yang Ming, hum. How dare you fool me, I won't let you go! Luo Jinzhe said with hatred in his heart.

However, he also knows that since Yang Ming can invite Sun Jie and Zhao Ying to dinner at Songjiang International Hotel.

It's definitely not an ordinary person. The conditions at home must also be very superior. I want to make trouble for others.

may not have strength. So this matter can't be reckless. It must be long-term.

Of course, he has to find Yang Ming first. The first thing he suspects is that Yang Ming is also a student of Songjiang University of Engineering. Only then did I get to know Sun Jie, but then I thought about it again. Yang Ming didn't go with Sun Jie that day. If Yang Ming is also a student of his own school. So why don't we go to Songjiang International Hotel together?

So Fan Jinzhe didn't have much hope. I just asked a junior who works in the student union to ask him about someone. But the younger brother was a little busy the other day. He said he would call himself when he was free.

Fan Jinzhe is not in a hurry. Because he didn't even think that Yang Ming could be a student of Songjiang University of Engineering, it didn't matter much sooner or later.

While thinking about how to talk to Zhao Ying, Fan Jinzhe's phone rang. In the quiet classroom. It seems particularly abrupt.

They are all graduate students. Students who can also come to class on time. Naturally, they are the kind of students who like to study very much. Everyone is reading quietly and coming into the classroom. The mobile phone will also be adjusted to vibration. So Fan Jinzhe's mobile phone ringtone is very disgusting.

Many people raised their heads, saw the root cause of the ringtone, and glared at Fan Jinzhe.

Fan Jinzhe was a little embarrassed, and naturally he knew that he had committed public anger. He is not the kind of student who likes to study. The reason why I went to the class before was to see if I could meet a beautiful woman, but I didn't expect to meet Zhao Ying.

He also knew that it was very impolite to answer the phone in the classroom, but he waited for him to enter the classroom. There is no such consciousness to turn off the mobile phone, which is why it has caused the current situation.

Fan Hezhe could only make an apologetic gesture, grabbed his mobile phone and ran out of the classroom, and lowered his head again, busy with his own business.

After leaving the classroom and walking a long way, Fan Jinzhe looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, it was the call from the student union he asked.

"Hello? Small standard. Fan Jinzhe answered the phone.

"Brother Zhe? It's me, when you called me the other day. The student union is in session, and I can't tell you in detail. I've been busy with this for the past few days. I didn't call you back, do you mind?" Xiao Biao said with a smile.

Xiaobiao obviously valued Fan Jinzhe very much, and now there is a lot of employment pressure. Especially those who have no background in the family like Xiaobiao. Although they have a part-time official in the student union, it is of little use in society.

The junior year is about to pass, and the senior year is about to start looking for a job. Xiao Biao also took care of it. I met Fan Jinzhe through my buddy's introduction and knew that Fan Jinzhe himself runs a company outside the school. Although the scale is small, the benefits are good, and employees earn a lot. So I thought that if I can't find a job in the future, I can go to Fan Jinzhe for a transition first. At this time, we must have a good relationship with him.

"It's okay," Fan Jinzhe didn't expect that Yang Ming was in the school, so he inquired about Xiao Biao. It's also an unintentional move. There is no match. I don't care much: "I just ask you to ask about someone.

. Please help me ask if this person is from our school.

"Oh. Ask about the person, what's the name, male and female, just tell me, I'll find the person in charge of the student union in charge of discipline inspection to check the file. Xiao Biao heard that this is the matter. It's too easy to be relieved.

In the discipline inspection department of the Student Union, there are files of the whole student dormitory, and each student is registered for use during bedtime check. So as long as you know the name and gender, you can easily find it out.

"That's great. It's a man named Yang Ming." Fan Jinzhe said, "The age should be about the same as you and me, and I can't see it."

"Yang Ming?" Xiao Biao was stunned: "Which Yang Ming?,

"What? Are there still a few people named Yang Ming in the school? Fan Jinzhe was also stunned. I didn't expect Xiaobiao to ask like this.

"Our school is a big older. There is a computer department named Yang Ming. It is very famous in our school. The art festival also performs programs. It is the idol of many students in our school!" Xiao Biao said, "I don't know if you're talking about Yang Ming. Or there is another one named Yang Ming in our school.

"Art Festival? Really?" Fan Jinzhe is a graduate student. I basically don't participate in school activities such as art festivals. This kind of activity is not mandatory for graduate students. You can join in the fun. You can also not go, especially Fan Jinzhe, who has business outside, will not participate.

Unless it is an activity organized by the graduate school department, Fan Jinzhe generally does not go to the kind that must go.

"Well, Brother Zhe, where are you? I'm going to the Student Union now to pull out the files of the person named Yang Ming. I'll show it to you, and you'll know at a glance!" Xiao Biao said.

"It's okay. Then I'm in the teaching building of the School of Economics, on the third floor. Just call me when you come." Fan Jinzhe said.

"Okay. I'll go there as soon as I'm done.

" Xiaobiao hung up the phone after saying that. Is there really someone named Yang Ming in this school? I don't know if it's that boy? But. Yang Ming is a very common name. Don't talk about a school. It is possible for a class to have a name, so Fan Jinzhe doesn't take it too seriously.

Especially when I heard that the famous Yang Ming was a freshman. I think it's even more impossible to be Sun Jie's boyfriend, because they are both in graduate school, and they are several years apart. How can it be a romantic relationship?

Fan Mingzhe originally wanted to go back to the classroom, but he thought that Xiaobiao would come here to call himself, so he didn't go back to the bathroom and lit a cigarette.

Xiaobiao's action is only more than ten minutes fast. The call came to Fan Jinzhe's mobile phone here. Fan Jinzhe quickly picked up the phone.

"Xiaobiao, have you arrived?" Fan Jinzhe asked.

"Yes, Brother Zhe. I have arrived at the third floor of the teaching building of the School of Economics. I'm at the elevator entrance. Where are you?" Xiao Biao said panting, obviously he was very tired before.

Fan Jinzhe is quite moved. It seems that this little standard really works hard for himself. "I smoke in the bathroom on the third floor. I'm going out now."

Fan Jinzhe said. He threw the cigarette in his hand into the garbage can. Then he turned out of the bathroom and said, "I see you, all the way."

Fan Jinzhe waved his hand to the small label at the entrance of the elevator and walked over quickly. hand-made update. Brother Zhe also walked over quickly, and then handed the stack of printed materials in his hand to Fan Jinzhe. "This is the file of the person who learned to be called Yang Ming, the only one named Yang Ming.

is the person I'm talking about, and another one has graduated. The other is that correspondence graduate students are out of town and are usually not in school at all.

"Oh, let me have a look!" Fan Jinzhe is interested in the correspondence graduate student. Although Xiaobiao said that people are not in school. But isn't this just the reason why I didn't go with Sun Jie that day?

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