very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1837-1838


Bet on your hands and feet.

"Did something happen to Zhang Bin? What's going on?" Yang Ming's heart tightened. Those bad things about Wang Mei. Naturally, Yang Ming didn't want to pay attention to it. But I heard that something happened to Zhang Bin. Yang Ming suddenly became nervous. Zhang Bin is his best friend from high school to now. He is also one of Yang Ming's best friends before he was developed. A while ago, Yang Ming asked him to have dinner with him when he came back from Europe. What happened? "Exactly speaking, Uncle Zhang's father is Zhang Bin's father." Wang Mei said, "Brother Yang, I haven't dared to tell Sister Sisi about this... I think. Only you can help Zhang Bin..."

"You didn't tell Zhao Sisi? Only you know it yourself?" Yang Ming frowned. Is it because of his distrust of Wang Mei? Anyway, Wang Mei is also the woman of Zhang Bing, Huang Lele's friend. So although Yang Ming doesn't have a good impression of Wang Mei. But I don't think she can deceive herself.

"Yes... It was Zhang Bin who took me out privately... I didn't dare to tell Sister Enen. Fearing that she would be happy, "..." Wang Mei quickly explained.

"What do you mean? You make it clear. What the hell is going on! I don't know. Make me confused! What's wrong with Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang? What's going on!" When Yang heard that Wang Mei always mentioned some meaningless little things, he quickly interrupted her and asked.

"Oh...okay, okay!" Wang Mei was a little embarrassed, so she said briefly, "Well... A while ago, Uncle Zhang's jewelry company was invited by the International Jewelry Festival. Go to the International Jewelry Festival, and Brother Yang, you and Zhang Bin's company are also jewelry companies, so Uncle Zhang wants to take Zhang Bin and Sister Sisi with them. But as soon as Zhang Bin left, the company was too busy. Sister Sisi didn't go, and Zhang Bin took me away in private... Of course, I didn't tell Sister Sisi about this. We dare not tell her..."

"Then, let's talk about the point!" Yang Ming reminded her not to always talk about the things between her and Zhao Sisi. Everyone knows these things. There is no need to say so in detail, and Yang Ming doesn't want to care about other people's housework.

"The International Jewelry Festival was held in Las Vegas, so we went to Las Vegas together at the beginning. Uncle Zhang was not very happy when he saw Zhang Bin taking me there. But later I was more obedient, and Uncle Zhang also acquiesced..." Wang Mei explained.

Yang Ming's head was full of black lines, and he said to himself that you don't have to tell me if you are obedient, right? Uncle Zhang has changed his impression of you. This also has nothing to do with me. What I'm worried about now is what's wrong with Zhang Bin!

However, Yang Ming probably also understands Wang Mei's character and knows that it doesn't make much sense to interrupt her. So I could only continue to listen to her and say, "Then what?" "The Jewelry Festival is only held during the day, and it ends at four o'clock every afternoon, so there is a lot of time to arrange by yourself in the evening.

" Wang Mei said, "Uncle Zhang said that this is Las Vegas. I have never seen a real luxury casino before. I just saw it on TV. I'm going to take Zhang Bin to see it...

Zhang Bin also went to the casino when he was in Macau. It's just that the casinos in Macau are compared with Las Vegas after all. It's still worse. After all, Las Vegas is a world-famous old casino!"

"Eh. And then?" Yang Ming suppressed his temper and asked.

"Brother Yang. You know, in Macau, Lele and I are very good, so I'm not interested in casinos, and I know that there are other services in addition to gambling. I'm here. Uncle Zhang Bu definitely can't let go of it. So I didn't go and let the two of them go..." Wang Mei said, "Now I regret that I shouldn't have thought so much at the beginning. I just followed, and so many things would not have happened..."

"What the hell happened?" Yang Ming is really a little anxious. Could it be that Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang had an accident on the way to the casino?

"The two of them went to gamble on the first day and came back better, but the next day.

I was a little depressed. I asked Zhang Bin what was wrong, but he didn't say anything. He just said that he had lost some money. Wang Mei said, "As a result, call me on the third day. It was yesterday. It is said that they have lost all their money. But I still owe them a lot of money. The casino detained them there, didn't let them come back, and asked people to send money... I don't know who to talk to. Think about it, only Brother Yang can help..."

Yang Ming frowned. Can you help yourself? It seemed that Wang Mei didn't know when she showed her power at Huang Lele Casino. And Huang Lele should not tell her about this, will he? Why is Wang Mei sure that she can help?

Hearing that Yang Ming didn't say anything, Wang Mei thought Yang Ming didn't want to care about it. He hurriedly said, "Brother Yang. Please.. Please, save Zhang Bin. After I lend you the money, Zhang Bin and I will try our best to return it to you.

Yang Ming, please, their people rudely say that they won't send money tomorrow. I'm going to cut off Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang's hands...,

"Cut off your hands? They are quite unscrupulous, right? Yang Ming was a little surprised. Generally, regular casinos will not use this kind of extreme violence, although Bibi casino involves some gangsters. But there are also regulators above. It's impossible to let them mess up.

"Yes"... Yes... Zhang Bin and the others bet red eyes. Finally, I bet on my hands..." Wang Mei explained carefully, "Damn it!" Yang Ming couldn't help but want to curse, so he couldn't blame the casino and gambled between guests. In many cases, there will naturally be additional conditions, such as betting on real estate, companies and even wives and children. Didn't Lan Ling's father sell her to the bathing center for money?

The gambler's heart is very strange, and he can't extricate himself if he loses to a certain extent. I know it's wrong to do this. But he couldn't help gambling, hoping that the god of luck could come to him and turn it back at once.

But the result of this is often to lose all the family and fall apart. When they have nothing. It is possible to bet on your hands and feet or even your life.

Of course, this kind of gambling method is also in the case of both parties. Some gamblers like to play and stimulate others to bet happily, and the casino will not interfere. Keep an eye on this kind of thing.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone will cooperate with the dealer of the casino to frame the guests, so as to defraud a large amount of money.

Yang Ming still doesn't know the situation of Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang. He can't judge the conclusion of the matter, but it must be that Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang lost so much that he made such a decision.

Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin. Let me tell you what's good about you? Yang Ming sighed helplessly. Zhang Bin had an accident. I will take care of it myself. Yang Ming is a very emotional person. Not to mention Zhang Bin, it was Tian Donghua who he met later. Yang Mingming knew that Wang Xue had harmed him or let Wang Xue go for Tian Donghua's face. Tian Donghua's father, Tian Long, did the same.

So Yang Ming will not care about his best friend Zhang Bin from high school to now! Just how to manage it. How to deal with the problem.

"Brother Yang"

..." I heard Yang Ming say, damn it. Wang Mei is sorry. Isn't Yang Ming going to take care of this matter?

"It's good that Zhang Bin still has a little affection and didn't take you out." Yang Ming said lightly, "Where are you? How much does he owe?

"I'm at the hotel arranged by the Jewelry Festival activity group, the Douglas Hotel. It's very famous. Taxi drivers all know it. Wang Mei said, "As for how much money Zhang Bin owes. He didn't elaborate either. The people in the casino asked me to go and say. I "...I'm afraid... I haven't dared to go yet..."

When Wang Meishi, Zhang Bin was also affectionate and righteous. He knew that something had happened to Zhang Bin. No one ran away. After all, if Zhang Bin and Uncle Zhang had no money. Wang Mei is likely to be caught to pay off her debts. It's not in vain that Zhang Bin is deeply in love with her.

"Douglas Grand Hotel?" Yang Ming is dumb. Is it the Douglas Grand Hotel again? But it's okay. It's not the Douglas Hotel that tricked Zhang Bin, otherwise he would have to make a phone call to find Bounque and continue to "acquire" his hotel in Las Vegas.

1838. Dig your own corner.

"Yes... I heard. Songjiang also opened a restaurant..." When Wang Mei left, the Douglas Hotel had not been acquired by Songjiang International Hotel. The news came after they left. It's normal that they don't know outside.

"Ap, wait for me. I'll be there as soon as possible." Yang Ming comforted, "You don't have to worry. Since they want money, naturally they won't do anything to Zhang Bin. Don't rush to the casino to find them now. Try to contact them. Tell the other party that you are raising money from China. Do it to them first, and we'll wait until I go over.

"Okay, Brother Yang, I know... Thank you! Wang Mei said gratefully.

"Don't thank me. There is nothing to thank for my relationship with Zhang Bin. It's you. I have changed my impression on you this time. Follow Zhang Bin. There is nothing wrong with your choice. Yang Ming said lightly. He also made some hints to Wang Mei. Although Yang Ming knew that Wang Mei did not leave by himself in this case. Obviously, he had feelings for Zhang Bin, he was still afraid that she would do something irrational. So I hinted to her.

Before Yang Ming went to Yunnan. Naturally, we should also send out the business of the jewelry company. This object is naturally Zhang Bin. So it is also a reminder to Wang Mei that even if Zhang Bin has no money now, she should not look down on Zhang Bin.

For a gold worshiper like Wang Mei, Yang Ming feels that it is still necessary to say a word. If there is something, it will be encouraged.


After hanging up Wang Mei's phone, Yang Ming rubbed his temple. This is Zhang Bin. When did you get rid of the problem of gambling? Or was it suddenly pulled away by Uncle Zhang? What about losing your eyes?

If it is the first case. It is a little difficult for him to quit gambling. In the second case, I believe that after this incident. He doesn't dare to gamble anymore.

As for how much money Zhang Bin owes. Yang Ming doesn't care about money. Yang Ming has a lot. No one can cheat at the local Douglas Hotel. It's just a matter of electric work. I believe in the reward. Keck is happy to sponsor it.

Before going to Yunnan, Yang Ming did not intend to leave Songjiang. But I didn't expect that the plan did not change quickly. The incident happened suddenly, and Yang Ming had no choice.

Call Bao Sanli first. Ask him to book the fastest ticket from the East China Sea to Las Vegas for him. Then he sent a text message to Chen Mengyan, telling her that Zhang Bin had an accident in Las Vegas and that he wanted to go there.

Chen Mengyan also knows about Zhang Bin's going to Las Vegas. She and Lin Zhiyun are also members of the jewelry company. So he soon came back with a text message to ask Yang Ming what happened to Zhang Bin. It doesn't matter.

Yang Ming didn't want her to worry. He just said that there was something wrong with Zhang Bin's funds there, so he would deal with it by himself.

When Chen Meng saw Yang Ming say this, he didn't say anything, but told Yang Ming to be careful.

She is used to Yang Ming running around. On the contrary, Yang Ming has been staying at home all day recently. Instead, let Chen Mengyan wonder if something happened to Yang Ming. Before Chen Mengyan asked, Yang Ming's matter came again. I just went out, which also made Chen Meng's trace of worry go away.

Yang Ming didn't expect Zhang Bin to have an accident. Instead, it solved a big problem for myself! Why don't Chen Mengyan ask? It's really hard for me to explain why I've been staying at home and lingering with them;

After Yang Ming and Chen Mengyan finished speaking, they sent text messages to Xiao Qing, Sun Jie, Jing Xiaolu and Wang Xiaoyan. As for Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun. Chen Mengyan is with them. Naturally, he will tell them, and Yang Ming is not worried.

However, Zhang Bin was not mentioned so carefully in the text message to her. I just said that I have something to do.

After thinking about it, Yang Ming sent another text message to Zhao Ying. Although Yang Ming felt that it was better not to provoke Zhao Ying during this period. It's better to let her forget herself and develop online love with "there is no truth in the world" on the Internet, but think of going out. Even if it's a friend, it's right.

Zhao Ying was listening to the class, and the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated twice. Zhao Ying thought it was still the meaning of "there is no true love in the world". I frowned. I took out my mobile phone, but I didn't expect it to be a short message.

However, when he saw the sender of the message, Zhao Ying avoided it, and it was actually sent by Yang Ming! Self and Yang Ming. You haven't been in touch for a while, have you? Why did he suddenly send a text message at this time?

Zhao Ying quickly pressed the reading button, but only saw Yang Ming tell her in a very flat tone.

I'm going abroad. I can't turn it on recently. Don't worry.

What does Yang Ming mean? I've been back for so long, just after a meal. I didn't get in touch again, so I took the initiative to find him. Doesn't he have that kind of feeling for himself?

Zhao Ying looked at Yang Ming's plain text message. My heart began to get upset again. To say. He and Yang Ming, who should not have been together, refused from the first moment. Maybe it is destined for today's result.

If you miss it, it's gone. No matter how you make up for it afterwards, you will eventually miss it. It is Yang Ming's beautiful women around him now, and he is not bad at all. "Sister Zhao Ying, the relationship between the two people. It's really getting lighter and lighter...

Zhao Ying sighed and returned in a very flat tone: Pay attention to safety. Let's get in touch when we get back to China. I also saw the flat tone of Zhao Ying, and Yang Ming was slightly disappointed. Could it be that Zhao Ying has fallen in love with the "no true love in the world"?

But immediately. Yang Ming sighed that he was seriously ill. "There is no such thing in the world" is also himself, isn't it? If you dig your own corner, what's the point of losing?

After contacting Zhao Ying, Wang Xiaoyan called back.

"Yang Ming. What's going on? The plan is ahead of schedule? Wang Xiaoyan's tone seemed a little short and worried.

"No." When Yang Ming heard Wang Xiaoyan's question, he knew that Wang Xiaoyan had misunderstood. I thought I was going to carry out the dangerous plan: "It's a friend of mine. I owed some gambling debts in Las Vegas and was withheld. I'll deal with it."

"Well..." Wang Xiaoyan was relieved when she heard that it was not a big deal: "This kind of thing, just find a subordinate. You don't have to go there in person. It's so easy for you to rest at home for a while and still have to go out? If you can't trust others, I can go there in person.

"Ha ha, look at what you said. I just went to solve the problem, not to kill people. What are you going to do? Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Don't you want to save your friend?" Wang Xiaoyan asked back.

"Specific situation. You have to take a look to know that if they lose money by themselves, it's none of anyone else's business. Yang Ming said, "It happens that I have been at home for too long. I think many people doubt it. It's easy to go out."

" That's right. That's fine. Go back quickly. Be careful." Wang Xiaoyan told, "Yes. Did you tell her from Victoria? "That's not true. You can talk to her." Yang Ming forgot about Victoria.

"Okay. Then I'll talk to her." Wang Xiaoyan answered.

As for Huang Lele and Su Ya, they are both flying people. It may not be where it is at this moment. Yang Ming didn't have to tell them specifically.

Not long after Wang Xiaoyan's call came, and Jing Xiaoru's call also came. She was also a person who knew the truth, and she also wanted to go with Wang Xiaoyan. I was directly worried and asked Yang Ming if he was leaving. Yang Ming had to explain it in the same way before Jing Xiaoru was relieved. Yang Ming thought that in order to save trouble, he wrote a few words less. Unexpectedly, it caused such a big reaction. He shook his head with a wry smile.

Sun Jie and Xiao Jing quickly replied to the text message. Obviously, they were used to Yang Ming's frequent going out. They just told Yang Ming to be careful and didn't say much.

As for his parents, Yang Ming made a phone call in person. But what I told them was about the jewelry festival. Zhang Bin is over there. He just went to have a look by himself. There is no specific mention of Zhang Bin's accident. I heard it's a matter of the company. Yang's father and mother didn't say anything. Unfinished