very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1875-1876

"I..." Of course, Mike would not say that he was looking for a gun, but when he saw the man smiling in front of him, Mike really dared not answer his question! This is to kill the devil in the blink of an eye!

"Are you looking for this?" Taurus raised his hand, and suddenly. An extra pistol came out of his right hand.

Mike was shocked. But take a closer look. The handlebar in Taurus's hand is the pistol he lost! I don't know when. But the pistol has run into the hands of Taurus!

Suddenly, Mike's face became more ugly. His face also became pale! He knew very well, that is to say, the golden cow was scattered unconsciously. He had approached him and took away his pistol, but he was not aware of it at all!

If Taurus wants to kill him, he will become a dead body like his other subordinates who fell to the ground.

"When I was dealing with them just now. I brought it by the way." Taurus took a look at Mike. He said pretentiously.

This is what he and Yang Ming learned, which is also one of Yang Ming's usual words. Jinniu felt very handsome when he heard from Wang Xiaoyan. So he began to imitate. His goal is. One day he will become a master like Yang Ming, so Taurus has been imitating Yang Ming's tone and style of doing things.

There was a lot of cold sweat on Mike's head. He didn't know how he got into such a person. Didn't he just ask him a word? As for killing all your men? But he forgot that he had ordered his men to control Taurus before.

However, even if he doesn't ask this question. Taurus won't let him go, so Mike thinks too much.

"You...what the hell are you going to do?" Mike is a little scared now, although he is a gangster leader. But he is not a outlaw. He is also afraid of death!

He is getting along well now. I'm getting the trust of the wolf. If you die. There is nothing left. When the time comes. Who will remember him? Those of my subordinates will also have an excellent person in their own position, and they will also become a history. With the passage of time, it has been forgotten by people.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now." Taurus looked at Mike disdainfully and said, "I'm going to take you to the leader.

"Your leader..." Mike is not stupid either. Taurus said that he won't kill him now, but it doesn't mean that he won't kill him for a while, and what makes him more frightening. Doesn't this Taurus look like a leader?

But a person who does business?

He is already so good. What kind of person is his leader? Mike felt guilty for a while. If he had known this, he would not have foolishly recommended himself to carry out this task of arresting people!

I thought. Go and get a foreigner back. It can't be more than a simple thing. I sent ten big men to that man to get pregnant. The man was so scared that he was going to pee immediately!

Results. His ten big men all stood in front of others, and they didn't wait to stand firm and say something. I just lay on it and didn't know how to live. I was so scared that I was so scared that I peed.

Then I even saw the face of the person I wanted to catch... Mike really wants to cry. I'm really unlucky. So active and fart!

"You will see it in a moment!" Taurus doesn't have much to say, and his tone is still cold. Thinking of the relationship between Yang Ming and the hotel. Taurus also understands that the elevator on the top floor is probably locked at this moment. I can't go up. So Taurus is not worried that the bodies in the corridor will be found.

Taurus speaks. He picked up Mike and walked to Room 1.

The movement in the corridor. It did not attract the attention of Zhang Bin's Room 2. After all, Taurus's movement was very fast, and the noise was very small. At this moment, Zhang Bin, Zhang Jiefang and Wang Mei were sighing that they had returned safely this time, and they would not pay attention to the corridor.

Mike was carried by Taurus like a chicken and came to the door of Room 1. Taurus knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened. This time, Mike finally saw Yang Ming, the main owner he was going to catch this time.

After Yang Ming opened the door, he turned around and entered the room. Taurus walked behind with Mike and came to the center of the room. He threw Mike on the ground.

"Brother, I didn't mean to. I'm just a little Louling. I'm a small role. All this was arranged by our boss, the wolf. He asked me to catch people, and I had to catch them! Don't be angry with me. I can't help it!" Mike has figured it out in this moment. Except for kneeling down and begging for mercy. There is no other way. Not to mention whether Yang Ming is powerful or not, it's just his subordinate. It's horrible. One person kills ten people in an instant. What speed is this?

Anyway, if a good man doesn't suffer the current losses, he can't do it himself, and if he doesn't beg for mercy, he will be a fool. It's not too late for a gentleman to have a grudge for ten years. Wait for yourself to go back alive. If you plan again, if you don't even have a life, what's the use of anything else?

So Mike also gave up his dignity. Regardless of the image, he kowtowed in the middle of the room. Anyway, the image and dignity are nothing. Mike's opinion. What dignity and image do you need if you die?

If you don't die. The rest are floating clouds.

"Let him get up. Don't stain my carpet." Yang Ming waved his hand to Taurus. Yang Ming doesn't want to make restraint on the carpet, although it's not his own carpet. But it's not auspicious to live!

"Yes!" Taurus answered. He picked up Mike and said, "The leader didn't let you kowtow. Stay here! "Stay here!"

"Ah! Yes, yes!" Mike didn't expect that his kowtow would arouse other people's disgust. I quickly settled down. Say it carefully.

"All right, it's useless for you not to do these here." Yang Ming frowned and looked at Mike quietly: "I won't kill you."

"Ah? Thank you! Thank you!" Mike was shocked. He hurriedly said happily.

"What about the people he brought?" Yang Ming didn't pay attention to Mike, but asked Taurus.

"It has been disposed of." Taurus said.

"Good." Yang Ming nodded.. Then he said to Mike, "Take these bodies back and tell you what kind of gang leader's broken-headed wolf. Ask him to tell Govisick. There are still 18 hours left."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely tell you!" Although Mike doesn't know what Yang Ming means. However, Yang Ming obviously wants to let him live now. Of course, he hurriedly agreed! Anyway, as long as he doesn't die, he will do whatever he wants!

"Uh, Taurus. Find some bags. Put the body up and let him find a car to pull it away.

Yang Ming said to Jin Niu.

"Okay, chief!" Taurus mentioned Mike. He directly arrested him again, went out of Yang Ming's room, and then threw him to the door: "Wait for me here. I'll find the bag."

"Yes. Yes!" Mike nodded quickly and saw that Taurus had really gone away. Entering the elevator, Mike's heart was a little lively. Taurus left, and Yang Ming didn't stare here. He could run away by himself. Should he run or not?

The current situation is very suitable for escaping, but Taurus is a little hesitant! I just heard what Yang Ming meant. Obviously, you have to let yourself live, even if you don't run away. I can't die either.

However, in case of running away and being caught back, let Yang Ming and Taurus have any idea and change their mind. That's self-defeating.

So in order to avoid complications. Mike decided not to run away.

After all, Yang Ming said to let himself go. Then it must have passed. There is no need for Yang Ming to lie to him at all. He wants to kill him. It's just a piece of work. What's the use of lying to him, an insignificant little man?

After figured this out, Mike waited there with a bother. It's not too short. Anyway, carrying these dead people back is also their own loyalty. I didn't abandon my companions, and I will give an explanation to the broken head at that time.

After a while. Taurus came back with a few bags and saw Mike waiting there with peace of mind. Taurus is quite satisfied. He threw the bag in his hand to him, and then said, "I will pack up their bodies.

"Yes, yes!" Mike took the bag and began to pretend. Anyway, he didn't care about anything else. If you can't fit it in, it will be folded for a while, no matter what. Let's plug it in.

I have to say. Mike's movements were still very quick, and all this was done quickly. Then he wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled at the golden cow, "Brother. I have already installed it. What should I do now?"

"Oh, it's installed. Just move it down. I'll help you install it in the elevator. After you go down, you'll be responsible for the transportation!" Taurus said.

"Okay. All right!" McClane nodded.

"I'll take six, and you take four, okay?" Taurus took a look at Mike. I told him.

" problem!" Mike was shocked and saw Taurus lifting three bags with one hand and walking towards the elevator entrance with both hands. Mike couldn't help but speak. This man doesn't look so strong. Why is he so strong? This is too fierce. No wonder you choose yourself like carrying a chicken.

Mike is not as strong as Taurus, holding a bag with one gun. It took a lot of effort to pick up the bag, which was simply impossible.

"I... I'll move again!" Watching the Taurus drop the bag and look at himself, Mike said quickly.

"No, you can wait for the elevator." Taurus turned around and walked back. He picked up the two bags with one hand and walked back quickly: "Hold the elevator door later, don't let the door close!"

"Okay. All right!" Mike replied quickly.

The electric sample rises slowly. After a while, the electric door opened. The top floor of the hotel. There are no other guests except Yang Ming. So no one else will come up at all.

After the elevator door is opened. Taurus asked Mike to control the elevator door. Then he threw all the weaving sets into the elevator, and let Mike stand at the door of the electric sample, and then the door slowly closed.

After doing all this, Taurus went back to Yang Ming's place to recover his life.

And Mike. He took a long breath. Huh. It's so scary! I almost died here. What kind of person is this? Why is it so fierce?"

The elevator stopped several times halfway, and some people wanted to go up the elevator, but they saw that the electric sample was full of "goods". They didn't go either. Instead, it is waiting for another elevator. Anyway, there is more than one elevator in the hotel, and there are several others.

"Ding!" The electric sample stopped on the first floor, and the electric sample door slowly opened. Mike looked under the car first, and then carefully got out of the elevator.

Batton waited downstairs anxiously. Yang Ming didn't ask him to participate, and he didn't dare to go up rashly. But after Mike went up with ten big men. Bartton is very worried. I'm afraid that something will happen to Yang Ming.

At this time. I saw that the electric door opened. Mike sneaked out of it, and Bart's heart suddenly tightened. Has he already captured Yang Ming? So cautious. It's also because I'm afraid that others will see his behavior.

However, next, Mike's behavior was a little bit pressed by Barton. After seeing Mike look around, he returned to the electric sample. Then two woven silk bags were shot out of it and blocked the left side of the two bags at the door of the elevator. It may prevent the door of the elevator from closing. Then he snatched two woven silk bags from the electric sample, dragged the bags, and walked to the door of the hotel.

Batton is very puzzled. What is Mike doing? What is he dragging in his hand? Thinking of this, Batton decided to get pregnant and ask. After all, it's in my own hotel. Ask yourself, and Mike won't answer without giving face.

"Mr. Mike. What's in the woven silk bag in your hand? Do you need my help?" Bartton greeted him and asked.

"Ah, Mr. Batton?" Mike suddenly had some Xu gun. He laughed twice: "No, I just carried it into the car!"

"Then let me help you." As Bartton said, he also took out two woven silk bags from the elevator, but as soon as the bag was bought. Batton's face immediately changed, and he vaguely felt what was in the silk bag!

When he saw Batton's help, Mike didn't stop it. Bi Jing's incident happened in Batton's hotel, and he also saw it with ten people. Now I'm walking away with ten bags by myself. This has to be explained anyway.

"Mr. Bartton, to tell you the truth... I fell this time!" Mike didn't hide it: "It's in this woven silk bag. It's my ten men!

"Ah?" Although he faintly found out what was in the silk bag, he heard Mike say that all his ten men had been hung up. Bartton was still surprised! This...

Is this made by Yang Ming?

"Yang Ming's boy is very difficult! One of his men is even more powerful! I stayed because he was going to use it as a microphone. Otherwise, I would also..." Mike didn't continue to read, and continued to Batton, "Mr. Batton, I advise you a word. Don't mess with that boy again, and don't cause you any more trouble! The rest of the things. Let my boss solve it!"

Mike regarded Butterton as his accomplice, so he was afraid that Yang Ming would be angry with Butterton. I said hello to him in advance, which was also a way to mention him.

"Ah? So awesome? Then I think I should be careful!" Although Batton said so, he said it secretly in his heart. It seems that the owner is right. Yang Ming can solve this matter without his own intervention!

After carrying all the braided banana bags to Mike's business car, Batton returned to the hotel lobby. Although they carried it for a long time. But in the eyes of others. They may have moved the goods or something, but no one doubts it.

Mike drove away quickly, and Butterton dialed Yang Mingfang 1 at the first time

The phone between


"Mr. Yang. I'm Bartton. You have nothing to do, right? Although Butterton has known from Mike that Yang Ming can't have anything to do.

"I'm fine. Has Mike left?" Yang Ming was funny. Batton obviously saw Mike carrying the body.

"Yes. I also helped him get a few of those woven bags!" Butterton said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, no one else is involved!"

"Oh, I know. Go ahead and contact me if you have something to do. After hearing this, Yang Ming said nothing and said lightly.

"Okay. Mr. Yang." Batton breathed a sigh of relief. I know that I have established a good relationship with Yang Ming. After calling Yang Ming. Batton decided to call Keck again to report the situation here.

Although Keke didn't let him report all the time. But he thinks this is also a big deal.

You also need to talk to Keke. The text update of can also show his respect for Keke as soon as possible.

Sure enough. After listening to Batton's report, Keck praised him a few words. Then let him continue to pay attention to the development of the situation.

"How's it going?" Keck just hung up the phone. The elders around him asked in a hurry.

"I went to eleven. Ten died. The leader was put back as a bracket. Keck said.

"Haha. The Han people in Nancheng are also stupid enough. Can he offend Mr. Yang Ming? You deserve it!" The elder, who had a conflict with the Nancheng family, said happily.

"That's right. It's really right. I think this Nancheng family is coming soon. It's not good to provoke anyone. However, he provoked Yang Ming. That's the existence that made the Lancer family perish in an instant!" Everyone else also echoed. The Bijinglanser family has nothing to do with them. Now you can take it out and talk about it.

Keck looked at such a scene. With a slight smile, he became more and more familiar with the relationship between himself and Yang Ming. The status of the head of his own family is also becoming more and more secure.

On the way back to the Broken Head Gang, Mike wanted to make a phone call to report to the Big Broken Head. But when he thought about it, it was better to report it in person, so Mike galloped all the way back to the headquarters of the Broken Head Gang.

Parked the car in the underground parking lot of the company of the Duinhead Gang. I got out of the car in a hurry. Rushing to the office of the boss's broken head. Knocked on the door. Knock on the door.

"Who? How did you knock on the door? The wolf asked a question with some unhppiness. Just as I wanted to say that the door was unlocked and stacked in, I saw Mike rushing in in shock.