very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1887-1888

1887 The emergency during the meal was very depressed. The owner actually came to Las Vegas in person, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with what he had done before. In this way, the family's support for himself will gradually weaken in the future, not to mention running for parliament, but whether he can Las Vegas continues to do something else!

Thinking of this, Govixik hated Yang Ming very much, but he didn't dare to provoke him. Even the head of the family dared not provoke him. What can he have to provoke?

However, Govisick is unwilling to do this matter. If he can continue to stay in Las Vegas to deal with the family's affairs, then forget about this matter. If he is removed from his position by the head of the family, then, hum, he can't get better, and he will never make that Yang Ming have a good time. At worst

Yotans rushed to the airport in a hurry. Although he has his own private plane, he doesn't fly whenever he wants. After all, long-distance air routes must be applied for flight coordination before flying, otherwise he may crash the plane. This is not a joke.

"The owner of Yotans, according to the airport staff, no route will be available within four hours," the housekeeper said to Yotans with a helpless face.

"What?" After hearing this, Yotans' face suddenly turned gloomy, "Isn't it in four hours?"

"Yes, owner, this is what the aviation department said..." The housekeeper carefully returned to the tea ceremony.

"Didn't you tell them that I want to use it?" Yotans asked with a drink.

"Speaked...but it can't affect the normal flight!" The housekeeper said, "The flight time is full... Although we are a big family, because it involves transnational routes..."

"You can negotiate again and ask when you can fly at the earliest!" Yotans snorted. He is in a very bad mood now. If he delays another four hours, he can't get there in 24 hours. Thinking of this, Yotans' face can't help but be covered with a layer of gloom. "Okay, I'll go right now." The housekeeper nodded quickly. He didn't know what was wrong with the owner today. Why did he suddenly fly to Las Vegas? What's the big deal?

Yotans hesitated for a moment. "Although I know that it's not easy to disturb Yang Ming at this time, I have to tell Yang Ming again that if I can't get there within 24 hours, God knows what will happen.

So, in desperation, Yotans dialed Yang Ming's phone again.

As soon as Yang Ming called Batton, the phone in the room rang again. Yang Ming thought it was Batton who called back, but he didn't think much about it and picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Mr. Yang, I'm Yotans..." Yotans didn't expect Yang Ming to answer the phone so quickly. He was slightly stunned and said quickly. " Yotans? What's the matter?" Yang Ming asked faintly.

"It's like this... Mr. Yang, the fastest plane on my side will take off in four hours. I'm afraid it won't arrive in 24 hours!" Yotans said carefully, "I want to plead for mercy. Can you give me a few hours?"

Yang Ming frowned, but he didn't expect Yotans to call.

"So when can you come?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

"It may be tomorrow at the earliest..." Yotans said, "Mr. Yang, it's not that I don't want to go. On the contrary, I really want to go as soon as possible..."

"All right, let's do it tomorrow." Yang Ming said impatiently, "Call me when you arrive. Now I don't have time to listen to your ink.

"Ah, Mr. Yang, I can't get there in 24 hours. You can't take sanctions against our Nancheng family, can you?" Yotans still asked with some uneasantness.

"I said, why are you so inked? I asked you to do it tomorrow. As for whether to deal with your family or not, it depends on your sincerity tomorrow!" Although Yang Ming was a little impatient with Yotans' ink, he still explained it to him.

"Okay! All right!" Yotans was finally relieved. Since Yang Ming said so, he would definitely not take any action until he arrived: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, I'm very sincere!"

"All right, it's okay. I'll hang up!" After Yang Ming finished speaking, he couldn't talk to Tans." He hung up the phone directly.

Yotans took the phone that was hung up by Yang Ming, sighed and shook his head slightly. How did he have been so despised? However, I was despised by Yang Ming today, and I still feel normal. I have to be careful to please others!

However, after getting Yang Ming's affirmative reply, Yotans was not in a hurry. After all, if he can't do it today, Yang Ming will also agree tomorrow. The key is how his attitude is tomorrow! If Yang Ming is satisfied with his attitude, then the matter will end like this. If he is not satisfied with his attitude, then at this time... I guess it's not over!

Thinking that all this was caused by Govisick's arbitrary decision, Yotans' heart was extremely angry. He said that when he went to Las Vegas this time, the first thing was to let Govisick get out of here. In such an important position as Las Vegas, there were a lot of people waiting in line. There were so many children in the family Do you want to use this fool?

This time, Yang Ming just wanted to blackmail Yotans, so he didn't care much about whether Yotans could come. I made an appointment with Zhang Bin to accompany him to the nightclub tonight. Even if Yotans came, I guess I didn't have time to see him.

When Batton was ready for dinner, he called Yang Ming and asked when Yang Ming would go to dinner? After thinking about it, Yang Ming called Zhang Bin and asked him to prepare and go downstairs for dinner together.

Yang Ming hardly ate anything except in the morning, and Zhang Bin and others didn't seem to eat anything! When I left before, I told Zhang Bin to be careful. Don't leave the hotel if you have nothing to do, and don't open the door when strangers knock on the door. I think Zhang Bin is cautious that he didn't even eat or order food casually.

"Son, is there anything wrong this time?" Zhang Bin soon came to Yang Ming's room, and then said in a low voice, "If it's not over, you can't have enough fun at night!"

"There's basically nothing wrong. You don't have to be so careful." Yang Ming said with a smile. Previously, he was afraid that the people of the Broken Head Gang would be unfavorable to Zhang Bin, but now the Broken Head Gang has been extinguished, and the boss of the Broken Head Wolf of the Broken Head Gang has also run away. Yang Ming's worry is naturally a little superfluous.

Batton still carefully sent Yang Ming and his party into the luxury private room of the restaurant, and then Batton personally ordered the waiter to prepare the dishes.

Yang Ming has nothing to do with Batton's humble attitude. Wang Mei is also used to it because of previous things, but Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang's eyes widened! When they learned that Batton was the owner of the Douglas Hotel, they were shocked. It was reasonable to say that Yang Ming had a relationship in Las Vegas and could get the luxury top-level room of the Douglas Hotel!

However, it allows the owner of the hotel to serve in person, and it seems that he has great respect for Yang Ming, which is a little abnormal! What kind of identity can Yang Ming make the owner of a hotel condescending to serve him in person?

In China, it is still possible, but this is the United States, Las Vegas. How can such a situation happen?

Zhang Bin's adaptability is strong, and he soon thought about it. The boss is the boss, which is awesome everywhere, while Zhang Jiefang is surprised. The impact Yang Ming brought to him this time is really too great!

Although he heard that Zhang Bin also said at home that Yang Ming is not what he used to be. He is doing well in Songjiang and knows people, it is just a city. How can he get out of the city and go abroad?

However, although Zhang Jiefang is curious, it is not easy to ask questions, so he can only enjoy the meal.

Not long after eating, there was a noisy sound at the door of the box. Yang Ming frowned and just wanted to ask what was going on with Batton. The door of the box was pushed open. Now the young man came in. He shouted in English: "I'd like to see who is in this box!" Does Mr. Lange dare to occupy the box?

1888 Although the man who came in the ninja turtle is not very fierce, in terms of clothing and demeanor, he is not like a good person, but a rich man's thug or bodyguard.

As for what he said about Mr. Lange, he is his boss.

Yang Ming was nothing. He just looked at the man who came in with some disgust and didn't come out. With Barton standing aside, I believe he will deal with it.

Therefore, Yang Ming did not get up and still kept the posture of eating, without looking at the man who entered the door.

As a direct subordinate of Lange, Slyte is also a role in Las Vegas. Where can others be careful? At this moment, I saw my voice, but no one in the box paid attention to him at all!

Although some of them looked at him in shock, some people didn't even look at him and still ate there! Slyt is angry now. Isn't it obvious that he doesn't pay attention to himself?

"Have you never heard of Mr. Lange? Do you want to be the enemy of Mr. Lange? Slyt pointed to Yang Ming and others and roared.

"What Lange? It's still Sly held!" Yang Ming frowned and remembered an animated face called "Ninja God" that he had seen when he was a child. There was a big boss named Lange, but this big boss also had a little B named Slett. SS.

"You know I'm Slychi, and you're still so big? Who are you?" When Slyte heard Yang Ming call out his name, he suddenly became even more angry and wondered if these foreigners did it on purpose? Do you know your identity and still be against yourself?

"What? Your name is Slychi?" Yang Ming was stunned for a moment and looked at the person who came: "Why don't you say that your name is a ninja turtle?"

"What ninja turtle?" Slytter obviously didn't understand Yang Ming's words.

However, at this time, Barchiton, who was standing aside, also ran over quickly and said to Yang Ming first, "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I'll talk to Mr. Slychi!"

Batton said and pulled Slyther out. Slyther didn't see Batton when he came in before. Now he suddenly sees that Batton, the manager of the Douglas Hotel, is here, and he is also stunned: "Mr. Bartton? Why are you here?"

"Mr. Slytter, these guests are arranged by the owner of our family. Please forgive me..." Bartton smiled bitterly and said, "Today, I'll change Mr. Lange's box. I can't afford to offend the people in this box!"

This Slyp and Lange, Batton obviously dare not provoke. Lange is the leader of the Flying Car Party, one of the three major gangs in the city! Although Douglas Hotel does not operate those gang-related projects, as an entertainment industry, it also needs to rely more or less from the protection of local gangs, so the relationship between Bartton and this flying party is quite good.

So, Bartton doesn't want to offend this Slite. Although the owner is more important, and Yang Ming can even destroy the Broken Head Gang, Bartton is naturally more careful? What is it compared to the Flying Car Party?

Because his personal relationship with Lange is very good, he doesn't want to offend Lange. After all, Yang Ming can't be here forever, he has to leave, and he has a good relationship with Lange for the future.

I heard Batton say that the guests in the box were from the Batton family, and Slytel also knew that if he forced those people to give up the box, Batton would not agree!

Although Lange is very powerful here, Barjiton will not offend the family for him. After all, if he offends the family, it is not certain whether he can continue to do it as a hotel manager!

So Slyther listened to Bartton's words. Although he was a little unhappy, he couldn't say anything more. He went out of the box with Bartton and walked to Lange not far away.

"Mr. Barjiton?" Lange was also very surprised to look at Batton, the hotel manager who came with Shree. He didn't expect Butterton to suddenly appear here.

He came to the Douglas Hotel for dinner today and did not inform Batton when he came. After all, although Batton's identity in Las Vegas is not as good as Lange, he is from the Douglas family. So in front of Batton, Lange will not pretend to be big! After all, in front of his family, the leader of the gang is nothing.

The Douglas family is the real godfather of the underworld.

After Lange came, he just asked the lobby manager downstairs and found that there was already a person in the box he often sat in the restaurant. He decided to send Slater to inquire about the background of the people in the box. "If they are not cruel, let them change the box.

But I didn't expect that Batton came out of the box.

"Mr. Lange, I'm really sorry. The person eating in this box is the owner's guest. Do you think it's your treat?" Batton asked with a smile.

"That's it!" Lange frowned. When he heard that it was a guest of the Douglas family, he was suddenly a little unhappy. It was just a guest of a family, not a figure of the family, but also occupied the box!

However, Lange also knew that Batton must be a little embarrassed and would not offend the people in the box. Lange had no choice but to give Batton a face: "Okay, let's change the box!"

Bartton breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw that there was not much smile on Lange's face, he knew that this would make him unhappy. But Batton was a little upset. I kindly asked you to change the box, don't you want to?

You really don't know how the Broken Head Gang came to an end! If you knew it, would you still do this? I guess I have to lie on the ground to add Yang Ming's toes, right? Batton thought evilly in his heart.

Lange's son inherited his father's business. He sat in the position of the boss of the Flying Car Party at a young age. Naturally, he was a little arrogant and domineering. For the sake of Barton's age, he didn't say much.

But after entering the box, he frowned and asked Sly, "Who are there in the box?"

"It's all a few foreigners, an older man, with three children!" Slyte regarded Yang Ming and others as children.

"Hmm! For Bartton's sake this time, give them face. Next time we meet, it won't be that good!" Lange sneered: "There is still business today, so I won't care about them!"

"Yes, Mr. Lange, it's still important to pick up girls. Those people, leave them alone!" Slytter quickly complimented.

"Your message is right? Did the boy really bring his girlfriend here? After listening to Slyther's words, he asked a little uneasantly.

"Don't worry! Mr. Lange, the girl's classmates have been hooked up by the people I sent. They travel to Las Vegas together this time. I heard that there is an acrobatic performance in the nightclub of the Douglas Hotel tonight. The girl is very excited about acrobatics and so on. They will definitely come!" Slyt said proudly.

"Um, that's good! Has the background of that man been investigated? Lange snorted coldly: "Damn it, he robbed a woman from me and crashed my car. Let's see how he died!"

"The investigation is clear. It seems to be the son of a big family in China, but it doesn't matter. Their influence can't come here. This is our territory. I'm afraid he is a bird!" Slyt said disdainfully.

Lange was also relieved after hearing this. In his opinion, as long as the boy has no background in Europe and the United States, it will be fine. As for China, far away, it doesn't matter as much as him.

"Damn it, in the territory of my flying car party, I actually beat me by playing racing, which made me lose face. Today, I want him to know who has the final say!" Lange said viciously.

In fact, this is the case. Lange's current identity is the leader of the flying car party who inherits his father's career, but he also has a clear identity as a college student!

In school, he fell in love with a girl, the one Shree said before. However, after pursuing failure, he was also provoked by his boyfriend...