very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1802 Kevin Tragedy

Yang Ming suddenly turned the direction of running again, fled to the little leaf's Passat, and flashed Kevin who was chasing him again!

Kevin was really angry this time and rushed over with a roar: "When I chase you, it's your death!", "Open! Aren't you awesome? Aren't you going to kick me to death? I see how you play *..." Yang Ming read the play and turned his head to Kai ** with a big face: "Silly robot, do you think it's awesome? It's not that he still can't run away from me... Ah!" Yang Ming was satirizing Kevin happily, but he didn't look at the road ahead. "It's not small *..." He hit Liu Yezi's Passat machine cover and fell directly on the machine cover, which was also the reason why Yang Ming said "oops".

Hahahaha! Kevin really wants to laugh! What does it mean to be happy and sad? What does it mean that the extreme is the opposite? Don't you have to show off? Aren't you capable? Aren't you awesome? Didn't you laugh at me for not being able to catch up with you? Don't you want me to kick you to death?

It's good this time. God help me, let you walk without eyes, let you look back at me, and let you make a face for me. Is it over? Is it a tragedy? Are you dumbfounded?

Grandpa is here, wait to be kicked to death! Haha!

In an instant, Kevin's body was full of energy and motivation, and he rushed to Yang Ming quickly. He wanted to give Yang Ming a kick, and as a result, Yang Ming's young life was lost!

Yang Ming lay on the lid of the machine, pretending to have been hit lightly. He grinned, but did not notice Kevin chasing behind him.

Kevin got up and kicked Yang Ming!

Kevin can imagine that Yang Ming was kicked out by himself, and his muscles and bones were completely broken. He died directly in mid-air! Thinking of this, Kevin felt comfortable for no reason!

Oh... Yang Ming sneered at the corners of his mouth. Kevin, I didn't mean to lie to you. If I didn't lie to you, I was kicked to death by you, so either I died or you died. Then you still have to die. I have to go to Yunnan. I can't die now.

"*..." A gunshot sounded abruptly. At the same time as the gunshot, Yang Ming suddenly dodged from the machine cover of the car and rolled aside...

"Boom!" Kevin landed on the machine cover and directly kicked a hole in the machine cover of the car!

obediently in the hole, Yang Ming couldn't help smashing his tongue and hid quickly. Otherwise, he would have to kick through this kick himself? Even if you don't die, you have to be half-dead and disabled!

Kevin's impact is still quite considerable... However, after Kevin's leg fell into the machine cover, he never picked it up again.

Yang Ming was also relieved. If he could not deal with Kevin in this way, he could only take the opportunity to get on Liu Yezi's car, let him run for his life quickly, and give up the task for the time being.

Liu Yezi is worthy of being the ace elite of the field group. When Yang Ming and Kevin were chasing, he was ready to sniper heavily, waiting to aim at Kevin's right foot. At the moment Yang Ming fell on the lid of the machine, Liu Yezi had already guessed that Yang Ming was a way to lure the enemy!

Otherwise, how could the trump card of the special service group be so stupid that he was not caught by the enemy, but he hit the lid of the machine and couldn't get up. If it spreads, he would not be laughed to death? So this is obviously impossible.

So Liu Yezi waited for Kevin to kick over, but Kevin really kicked over. Liu Yezi didn't like him and shot him directly in the foot of his right foot...

Of course, Liu Yezi was also very nervous. Although Yang Ming vowed to let him shoot Kevin's right foot, he did not tell him what the basis was, so Liu Yezi was not sure whether this shot would work...

But now it seems that Kevin hasn't moved for a long time. I think this shot will work!

Liu Ye Zifei opened the door and got out of the car. Looking at the big hole kicked out by Kevin on the lid of the machine, she couldn't help but feel a little lingering. If this kick was on Yang Ming's body, would Yang Ming be finished immediately?

"Big boss, are you all right?" Liu Yezi glanced at the motionless Kevin, and then asked Yang Ming.

At this time, Yang Ming also got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and shook his head: "It's okay. I didn't expect it to be effective. This guy is really tragic. He was fooled by me like this *..."

"Brain-damaged*..." Liu Yezi said, "Half people and half machines, that's not brain-damaged...*..."

"Puff...*..." After listening to Liu Yezi's explanation, Yang Ming couldn't help but be happy: "According to what you said, he is really brain-damaged...*..."

"Ha ha, by the way, boss, is this guy dead*..." Liu Yezi didn't dare to touch Kevin.

"Dead*..." Yang Ming glanced at Kevin's footsteps. Liu Yezi's shot was fierce enough. The armor-piercing bullet penetrated through the interface and directly penetrated some parts and electrical debris in Kevin's body. The most powerful thing was to damage the power supply of his feet. It's strange that this guy could move.

Hearing Yang Ming that Kevin was dead, Liu Yezi dared to reach out and take Kevin out and threw him on the ground: "It looks really dead, but it's a pity. This is in Las Vegas. It's not good to take such a body at all. Otherwise, return it back to our research institute, but for our technology. Helpful*..."

Liu Yezi is a little sorry, and he also knows that Kevin's technology is much more valuable than the chip in his hand!

"Oh, then I'll figure it out*..." Yang Ming listened to Liu Yezi's words and said to himself that before he went to Yunnan, he finally made a contribution to the Mystery Investigation Bureau. In case he can't come back, the people of the Mystery Investigation Bureau will also remember their credit and take care of his family is enough...

"You have a way*..." Liu Yezi was stunned and suddenly thought that Yang Ming's network in Las Vegas was quite broad.

"Um, it's almost the same. Let me ask if there is any smuggling, just get it back." Yang Ming nodded and said.

"Big boss, you are fierce*..." Liu Yezi had to sigh that Yang Ming was really awesome, and there was still a way out of his eyes.

"Let's not talk about this, let's see if the chip is on him*..." When Yang Ming said this, he began to look for the whereabouts of the chip with his perspective eyes: "In the inner pocket of the vest in his coat, take it out directly*..."

"Oh..." Liu Yezi undoubtedly obeyed Yang Ming's words, reached out to untie Kevin's coat, and then put his hand into the inner pocket of Kevin's vest. Sure enough, he touched something from it and took it out to see that it was the lost chip he was looking for!

However, Liu Yezi was not too surprised. Now he is not surprised by Yang Ming's magic. He has completely convinced Yang Ming.

"School Huā's Close Master", Fishman's new book, updated 5 chapters every day, can be found from the "Fishman's Second Generation" on the page, the author's name can be directly entered.