very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1812 Beautiful Fantasy

Oh...No, we are in the hotel**," Chen Zhenyan shook her head and said.

Hearing Chen Mengyan's words, Wang Jiaotou was more sure that Chen Mengyan was lying. How could she be in the hotel**? What kind of friend is this? In Professor Wang's opinion, Chen Mengyan, a student, must be a student who invited her to dinner. Students are responsible for eating. How can they go alone? Isn't this nonsense?

"Oh," what does your friend do?" On the surface, Professor Wang did not expose it, but nodded and asked.

"My friend is also a student of our school, from the computer department." Chen Mengyan said.

"It's also from our school..." Professor Wang withdrew his lips, and the guess in his heart became a reality. Sure enough, the treat was also from the school, so it was even more impossible!

Don't you go to a school together? Who are you lying to?

"Yes..." Chen Mengyan talked to Professor Wang without any partner, and she was also a little nervous. She didn't know how Yang Ming would deal with this matter.

"Meng Yan, take my car later and go there together." Professor Wang was sure that Chen Mengyan lied to him, so he also decided to go to the restaurant with Chu Mengyao. At that time, let's see how Chen Mengyan ended up.

"No..." Chen Mengyan shook her head...

Professor Wang saw Chen Mengyan walking in the direction of the parking lot with him. Although Chen Mengyan said no, Professor Wang thought it was just Chen Mengyan's politeness and reservedness, so he didn't take it seriously. Otherwise, if he didn't take the bus, what would he go in the direction of the parking lot?

Come to the parking lot" Professor Wang took out the car key and opened the door of a Mazda six. He was going to greet Chen Mengyan. Professor Wang also wanted Chen Mengyan to have a look. His own conditions are very good. She still has a car, and she won't suffer losses when she gets married.

However, when Professor Wang turned around, he looked at Chen Mengyan differently and took out the remote hanger and opened the door of an Audi S5! Professor Wang's eyes widened!

The Audi S5 is much more expensive than his own Ma Liu. One can buy several. Looking at Chen Mengyan sitting in the driver's seat, Wang Jiao rubbed his eyes, and he had to re-examine Chen Mengyan!

Originally, looking at Chen Mengyan's ordinary clothes, Professor Wang thought that Chen Mengyan's family was just ordinary and didn't have much money. However, when he saw her Audi S5, the idea suddenly changed...

I don't have any money at home. Can I afford this car?

In this way, Chen Mengyan married her grandson and became her granddaughter-in-law, but she did not climb her own family... And now it seems that her countermeasures seem to be a little wrong. The children of a family like Chen Mengyan will definitely not promise themselves so easily!

Professor Wang sighed. He blamed himself for being busy in the laboratory every day and had no time to look at the students' files. If he had learned about Chen Mengyan's family background earlier, he would have changed his countermeasures in a more gentle way.

Professor Wang usually belongs to the kind of fake and tall person. At school, he also has an attitude of not listening to things outside the window, but now it seems that this attitude is not good!

Professor Wang started the car worried about gains and losses, following Chen Mengyan's Audiqiao...

Chen Mengyan drove her car to the parking lot of the New Songjiang International Hotel. Wang Jiao didn't expect that Chen Mengyan's place to eat would be here! This is the highest hotel in the city. After a meal, you can't get down without a few thousand yuan...

Did Chen Mengyan really make an appointment with a friend? Professor Wang frowned, but he didn't believe it very much. What Chen Mengyan said before seemed to him full of loopholes, so he could only pray that Chen Mengyan was a liar!

Now that the set has come to this point, there is no way out. Anyway, Wang Jiaotou can only brace up, "Chen Mengyan, have your friend arrived? Where is it?

"It should be there... I'll go to the service desk to ask..." Chen Mengyan locked the car and entered the hotel lobby. Professor Wang was more convinced that Chen Mengyan had lied to him this time!

Ask the hotel lobby? How can the hotel lobby have such a good memory and remember if your friends have come or not? It's hard to say whether you know it or not. Why don't you ask...

In Professor Wang's opinion, Chen Mengyan must have booked a room. After telling her the room number, she will wait for her to be embarrassed and then retreat. Professor Wang has exposed Chen Mengyan's little conspiracy in her heart. How can she get what she wants?

So he didn't say anything and watched Chen Mengyan go to the bar with a smile, and he stood calmly in the lobby of the hotel. Although the consumption here is very high, for Professor Wang, it can also be consumed. Not to mention that his son is still opening a company, his salary is also very high!

Especially for a while, the old director of the department is about to retire, and he is competing with another deputy director for the position of director. In his opinion, the deputy director's qualifications are not as good as his own. As long as he is active and looking for relationships, he can go up.

Professor Wang wondered to see if it was one night. He told Xiao Qing, the director of the Department of Computer Science, that he would buy something to visit her godfather Liu Weishan, and went directly to Liu Weishan. Wang Jiaotou still didn't dare to, but there was Xiao Qing, who was basically the same level as himself, and he was This is busy.

Liu Weishan is the vice principal in charge of teaching in the school. He has a great right to speak in the appointment and assessment of the dean of the department. The principal of the school usually does not interfere in these matters, so whether his own affairs can be done depends on Liu Weishan.

In fact, Professor Wang looks very high on the surface, but in fact he is also an official fan. Otherwise, he would not have wanted to compete for these. If it hadn't been for his nature, it would not have been possible to use the professor's authority to make things difficult for Chen Mengyan and let her partner with her grandson.

However, what Professor Wang thought was that I would soon be the head of the Department of Economics. When it comes to the outside, it is also quite a big official. If you want to come to Chen Mengyan's house to know, you won't object to this matter, will you?

Professor Wang was proudly thinking that it was okay, but Chen Mengyan quickly walked to the service desk.

"Hello, madam" What can I do for you?" Seeing Chen Mengyan coming, a waiter at the service desk quickly asked.

"Well, Yang Ming booked a box here, right? Has he arrived? Chen Mengyan asked.

"Yang Ming." The waiter was slightly stunned. He just wanted to ask Chen Mengyan what the box number was, but he suddenly remembered that Yang Ming was the person personally told by the boss Guo Jianchao.

Moreover, when he came just now, Guo Jianchao specially greeted him at the door! Let yourself waiters remember that Yang Ming will be the VIP of the hotel in the future, and you can use the VIP VIP private room at any time! ( To be continued)