very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1816 Shen's Mother's Thoughts

After Yang Ming left last time, her daughter was really happy for a long time. Shen's mother saw it and naturally hoped that Yang Ming could come to the door for the second time.

"Mr. Yang, you can still come to see my house in your busy schedule..." Shen's mother warmly welcomed Yang Ming in, which made Yang Ming a little embarrassed.

"Auntie, don't say that. Shen Yuxi is an employee of our company, so I will naturally come to visit!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

Shen Yuxi was lying quietly reading the book. He heard the door of the house ring, and then his mother's voice spoke. At the beginning, Shen Yuxi didn't pay attention and thought it was the neighbor.

For a while, it's not interesting for my mother to stay at home alone. There are some neighbors who have nothing to do, so they come to talk with my mother.

Shen Yuxi didn't care. He told his mother many times that she would not be unable to think about it, but she didn't listen and still stayed with her. Shen Yuxi stopped saying anything. After a while, maybe her mother would be relieved.

Now Shen Yuxi's mood has calmed down. Although he can't walk, he has learned some knowledge of enterprise management well. He always said that he could let her go back to work, so that he didn't have to stay at home every day.

However, Shen Yuxi did not hear the voice in the living room, but heard the footsteps coming to the door of his room from far to near. Then there was the sound of the door being pushed open.

Shen Yuxi didn't care. He didn't look up at the book and said, "Mom, who's here? Why did you leave so soon?"

"Mr. Yang is here, Xiaoxi." Shen's mother said, "Look at you, you don't wear good clothes, just like a friend?"

Shen Yuxi is lying in **. Naturally, he won't wear too much. It's already summer. Shen Yuxi just wore a small vest and small pajamas. There was no bra in the vest, and the content inside was looming, which made Yang Ming look a little hot-blooded...

It is undeniable that Shen Yu was very beautiful, otherwise Liu Zhaojun and others would not be beastly. It's just a pity... Shen Yuxi couldn't stand up and could only live in a wheelchair, which made Yang Ming very sad.

Yang Ming turned his head unnaturally and didn't look at Shen Yuxi, but his mouth was still a little dry: "I'll go out first, auntie. I'll come in when Shen Yuxi puts on his clothes..."

"There is no need to avoid anything when you go out." Shen's mother quickly said, "Yuxi, just cover it with a towel and quilt!"

If it had been before, if it hadn't been Yang Ming at this moment, Shen's mother would naturally not have been so casual. If her daughter wore so little, she would let Yang Ming in. But now it's different. The doctor in the hospital has made it very clear to Shen's mother that it's almost impossible for Shen Yuxi to stand up!

There is no perception in front of the waist. It is not a bone problem. Bones can be slowly nourished. The most important problem is the nerve problem! There is something wrong with the nerve, which is the most difficult to cure.

My daughter likes Yang Ming, and Shen's mother naturally sees it. Now she doesn't expect Yang Ming to like Shen Yuxi. Which normal person with a family background like Yang Ming will like the girl lying in ** today?

I just hope that Yang Ming can spend more time with his daughter, even if he lies to his daughter and is perfunctory, as long as he makes his daughter happy, that's fine. Therefore, for her daughter, she wears very little and lets Yang Ming in. In fact, Shen's mother also wants to seduce Yang Ming. If Yang Ming is in love with her daughter, it is naturally the best. Even if her daughter lies in ** and can't stand up, she is one of the most beautiful girls.

If there is some ambiguity between the two, whether Yang Ming comes out of the truth or pretends, or just impulsiveness, it will make his daughter happy, which is also what Shen's mother is willing to see.

Just now, when she saw Yang Ming's eyes staring at her daughter's chest, Shen's mother felt that her plan could be done. But in a blink of an eye, Yang Ming's eyes moved away again and wanted to go out, which made Shen's mother slightly disappointed.

But of course, this disappointment can't be said, so I can only let my daughter cover her with a quilt.

Shen Yuxi was a little embarrassed. He pulled a towel and covered his body: "Yang Ming..."

"Ha, you guys talk, I'm going to make tea..." Shen's mother knew that she wanted to create opportunities for her daughter, so she turned out of the room and left the space for Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi.

After Shen's mother left, Shen Yuxi smiled apologetically at Yang Ming: "I'm sorry, my mother, I'm a little too enthusiastic."

"It doesn't matter... hehe." Yang Ming handed the bag in his hand to Shen Yuxi: "This is some information about economic management. I brought it to you. You can have a look when you have time."

"Thank you..." Shen Yuxi happily took the information bag given to her by Yang Ming.

"Thank you for what." Yang Ming said, "Ster study hard and go to the company in the future. I have already said hello and arranged a special office for you. My aunt will be your life secretary and get paid as well."

"This..." Shen Yuxi didn't expect Yang Ming to be so good to him. He not only kept his job for himself, but also arranged his mother's work. He was suddenly a little excited: "Yang Dong... Thank you... Thank you..."

"I told you to call me Yang Ming. What's your name Yang Dong?" Yang Ming sweated for a moment: "If you call me that again in the future, I won't come to see you."

"Well, then I'll call you Yang Ming." Shen Yuxi nodded happily. The closer she was to Yang Ming, the happier she was.

"Do you feel anything in your legs?" Yang Ming asked.

Shen Yuxi looked gloomy and shook his head; "Not yet, but I don't want to. It's good to live."

"I'm going out in a few days. When I come back, I'll help you figure it out." Yang Ming sighed. Shen Yuxi can't go on like this. Is it delayed all his life?

Yang Ming was kind to Shen Yuxi. On the one hand, he came out of sympathy for her, and on the other hand, it was also because it was rumored that she was his lover at night before. Although Yang Ming also denied it, since this kind of thing happened, it would be ruthless if Yang Ming denied it again. Some people who didn't know Yuxi couldn't stand up before he abandoned her, so Yang Ming simply took care of it to the end.

"Well...thank you..." Although Shen Yuxi had no hope for this, he still nodded happily. At least Yang Ming could run for her business.

"Thank you for what?" Yang Ming waved his hand and didn't know whether he should tell Shen Yuxi about his going to Yunnan, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up. Now Shen Yuxi regards himself as her spiritual pillar. Although she doesn't say it, Yang Ming can feel that if he goes to Yunnan, he can't come Can Shen Yuxi still have the confidence and hope to live?

This is not what Yang Ming wants to see, so Yang Ming decided to give Shen Yuxi a space for reverie and expectation.