very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1837 Acting

\"Boss, are you calling for a trailer? I'm from Niu Lao San Automobile Repair Center! The skeleton vest came over with a smile on his face and said to Xiao Wang.

Before Xiao Wang could speak, Fan Jinzhe quickly climbed over: "It's me. I called. Our tire was punctured by a nail. Can it be repaired*..."

"No problem! Isn't this a small matter?" The skeleton vest smiled and said, "Guys, please drive the car to the trailer!" Although the tire has been punctured, it is impossible to explode into fragments like a balloon. After the tire is punctured, there is a process even if it leaks, and there is no problem to drive forward for a while.

So it is also possible to drive the car to the trailer.

Xiao Wang and Fan Jinzhe drove the car to the trailer respectively. The skeleton vest rubbed hands and looked at Yang Ming and others: "You can also get in the car, but you can't sit in the cab. You can only get on the trailer first, but it will arrive soon, not far ahead*..."

Skull vest said," he also stretched out his finger not far away and said.

"Let's go... Yang Ming nodded to the trailer.

Nine times out of ten, the nails on the road were withdrawn by the people of Niu Lao San Automobile Repair Center. Although Yang Ming has no evidence, this kind of thing can also be seen, but Yang Ming is in a hurry and has no time to entangle with these people because of this little thing, so he bought a comfortable one with hu money.

Soon, the trailer drove into a repair shop on the roadside. The yard of the repair shop was very large, but there were only a few junk cars in it, not even a car to repair the car here.

But it's no wonder that this repair factory is in such a place where there is no shop in front of the village. It's strange that there is a car to repair it. Who will send the car here for repair? The car is here. How can people go back? Do you want to walk back from the highway? Obviously, it is impossible.

So the only way to generate income is to repair the broken vehicles along the way, but this kind of business is really rare. Ordinary people will test the overall performance of the car before running on the highway. What's more, there are very few cars that are temporarily broken." It is estimated that they can only repair the tires and rebrate!

And most vehicles have spare tires. Many people can change a tire directly on the road if they break a tire. There is no need to repair the tire immediately, so I want to generate income. You can only throw some nails on the road to make the passing car burst, and not only one tire will burst. Only in this way can there be business.

Looking at the deserted repair factory, Zhao Ying and Xiao Wang obviously also thought of this. There is absolutely something wrong with this Niu Lao San Automobile Repair Center. It is not a serious repair center.

"Brother Yang... I see the nails on the road" was probably made by them. "No one here came to repair the car at all. If you don't play some tricks, you will lose your life*..." Xiao Wang said.

"Ha ha, this is *..." Yang Ming nodded.

"Brother Yang, do you need me..." Xiao Wang was obviously very indulent. The manager of the security department, who was famous for entertainment, was set a trap by several gangsters, and he was a little unhappy.

Isn't it easy to eradicate this small auto repair center by means of famous entertainment? So Xiao Wang waited for Yang Ming's words, as long as Yang Ming agreed. He just asked someone to calm down here!

"Forget it, we have no evidence. And I'm in a hurry... Yang Ming shook his head and stopped Xiao Wang's further action: "Anyway, someone is paying now, and we don't have to pay for it*..."

Yang Ming refers to Fan Jinzhe. Since this guy has volunteered to bear the repair fee. What trouble is Yang Ming looking for? It is also Fan Jinzhe who wants to find trouble!

"Okay..., Xiao Wang had to nod helplessly and gave up his intention to teach these people a lesson. Yang Ming was also right. "Since Fan Jinzhe pays the money, what is he worried about? It's just that I'm a little upset.

The trailer stopped in the yard of the repair factory. The skeleton vest jumped out of the car and shouted at the repair factory: "Xiao Qian, Pu Zi, everyone came out to work *..."

After a while. Several young people stained with red, green and small white hair ran out of the repair factory and came to the edge of the trailer. They first threw their tools on the ground, and then drove the car off the trailer and was ready to work.

"Seser by several bosses. It's hot outside. Go into the rest room and rest for a while*..." The skeleton vest smiled and said to Yang Ming and Fan Jinzhe, "There is a TV in the room, as well as air conditioning and drinks*..."

"Well, that's great*..." Fan Jinzhe immediately nodded and answered. It's going to rush in.

And the skeleton vest saw that Yang Ming and others were not moving, so he asked, "Aren't you going in?"

"Then go in and sit down... Yang Ming nodded faintly and walked in. He wanted to see what Fan Jinzhe was doing with the plane. Previously, he suspected that he was with the repair factory, but in Yang Ming's opinion, "Fan Jinzhe should not have such a low IQ. He brought himself and others here just to pit the cost of tire repair.

The environment of the lounge is not bad. There is a large sofa and an LCD TV of more than 50 inches. The skeleton vest diligently helps several people turn on the TV, and then points to the beverage adjuster next to the sofa and says, "There are iced coke and juice over there. If you want to drink, you can pick it up by yourself

"Okay, okay! Let's drink by ourselves. Go ahead*..." Fan Jinzhe waved his hand and said to the skeleton vest.

"Okay*..." The skeleton vest nodded. He turned around and went out: "If anything happens, call me at any time. My name is Xiao Ma*..."

What is playing on TV is a very old martial arts film. It seems that it has been some years. There are some movie stars in it that I don't know. Yang Ming looks at it casually, and Zhao Ying is also watching it boringly.

However, Fan Jinzhe seemed to watch it with great interest and kept grinning!

Of course, the reason why Fan Jinzhe is happy is not because the movies on TV are good, but because he is happy about the good things that are about to happen!

Before long, the skeleton vest, the pony, turned around and walked back to the lounge: "Ses of bosses. Please pay the well management fee first. This is the document! "Oh. How much is it! Fan Jinzhe waved to the pony and motioned him to hand over the expense sheet.

"Boss. It's very cheap, only 10,000 yuan!, Xiao Ma said with a smile.

"What? Ten thousand yuan? Is there any mistake! Ten thousand yuan to repair a tire*..." Fan Jinzhe suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the pony: "Did you miscalculate and bring someone else's repair documents? I don't need 10,000 yuan to buy a tire! "It's right*..." Xiao Ma laughed and said, "Boss, we clearly marked the price. We repair the tire quickly, and the fast and easy-to-use materials are naturally good. Make sure you run fast and safely on the highway*..."