very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1873 Unusual Cars

During the routine inspection, the security guard of the parking lot of Songjiang International Hotel in Songshan City suddenly stopped on the windshield of an Audi A8L car!

In the windshield of the car, there are several passes, including "pass for the headquarters of Mingyang Entertainment Company", "pass for Mingyang Security and Security Agency Company", "pass for the internal parking lot of Songjiang International Hotel", "Pass of Mingyang Escort Company" and some special passages issued by some special departments. Certificate, this made the security guard in the parking lot wide open his eyes!

Let's take a look at the license plate number of the car. "Isn't this Songjiang's license plate number? There are so many passes from various companies under the famous group on this car, so the identity of the owner of the car... The security guard was shocked!

Songshan Songjiang International Hotel belongs to Songjiang International Hotel Group. The parent company is Mingyang Entertainment Co., Ltd., and the director of the car actually has a pass for the headquarters of Mingyang Entertainment Company, as well as a pass for all walks of life under Mingyang Group... Could it be a high-level micro-service visit of the group headquarters?

Thinking of this, the security guard was shocked and quickly took the walkie-talkie to call the security captain!

"Head, something big has happened. Come to the front parking lot. On the left side of the third row, I'm 012. I'm waiting here!" Security 012 Call Channel Latest Chapter Baidu Search

"What's the matter? What happened? What happened? I'm going now!" When the security captain heard the tone of security 012, he was immediately shocked. What's the big deal?

The security captain quickly put down the work in his hand, quickly rushed to the parking lot, and saw the security 012: "What's going on? What's the matter?"

The security captain looked all the way and didn't find anything important. Everything is fine. Only the security 012 is standing here. It doesn't look like a big thing at all. The latest chapter Baidu search

"Captain, look at this car..." Security 012 pointed to the Audi A8Li in the parking lot and said heart.

"What's wrong with this car? Isn't it the Audi A8L? What's so strange?" The security captain frowned and said to himself that you called me here in a hurry to show me this Audi A8L? Is there any mistake? Although this car is relatively rare, it is by no means not. There are many cars in this city, and they often go in and out of the hotel!

"No... Look at the license plate of his car..." The security guard 012 stammered.

However, before the security guard 012 finished speaking, he was interrupted by the security captain with a wave of his hand: "Are you free? Did you ask me to look at the license plate of such a car? 9999, what is it? I've seen 8888 before. What's so strange about this? Are you new here? Haven't seen the world?"

"No...head!" Security 012 said aggrievedly the latest chapter Baidu search

"What's not? If you linger again, I'll deduct you 100 yuan! It's really okay to make trouble! Just look at the car! Who came here to eat, which one is not rich? What's so strange about the Audi A8L with four 9 licenses? The security captain waved his hand impatiently and was about to turn around and leave.

"Head, take a closer look! The license plate of this car is from Songjiang's side, and the car is inside..." However, this time the security guard 012 still didn't finish it, and was interrupted by the security captain here.

"If you look carefully, can you see uā? Isn't it normal for rich people from other places to come here for dinner? What's so strange? It's really inexplicable!" The security captain said.

"Head, listen to me!" Security 012 is in a hurry.

"Never, then just say it. Let me see what you're going to say. If it's useless, then don't blame me for deducting your salary directly!" The security captain suppressed his anger and said.

"Okay!" Security guard 012 nodded and said in one breath, "Head, look, there are so many passes in the windshield of this car. Look at the issuing authority written on the pass..."

"Oh?" The security captain then looked at the pass in the car. At a glance, he was also shocked. He was not stupid. He suddenly thought of the possibility that you mean that it was from the headquarters?

"Is there any other possibility?" Security guard 012 was a little proud and said to himself, didn't you say that what I said was useless? Are you scared this time?

"The owner of this car is by no means simple, but I haven't heard of a leader from the headquarters to check it?" The security captain looked at the car suspiciously and wanted to see what clues were coming, but he couldn't see: "No, I have to call Mr. Lou immediately!"

Lou Dayan, the head of the security team, is always Lou Dayan, the general manager of Songjiang International Hotel in Songshan City.

"I just saw Mr. Zhang's car coming... Do you want to inform Mr. Zhang?" Security 012 said.

"Zhang always came with his family. Isn't it good for us to disturb him?" The security captain hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's inform Mr. Lou first and see what Mr. Lou said!"

"That's fine, then find Mr. Lou first!" Security 012 nodded.

Lou Dayan was sleeping in Ernǎi's villa, and a harsh phone rang, which scared him a lot!

Take a look and it was called by the security captain. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would hang up directly.

"Hello? What about Zhao? What's the matter? It's so easy for me to take a vacation today. Why do I still call? Although Lou Dayan picked up the phone, his tone was still a little unpleasant.

"Mr. Lou, there is a big event that I want to report to you!" Zhao, the security captain, said.

"What's the big deal?" Lou Dayan frowned and asked.

"There is a car in the parking lot of the hotel. The owner seems to have a lot of identity. Mr. Lou, do you think you are coming over..." The security captain said heart.

"Which one of the people who came to eat in our hotel has no identity? Let me run over for a car. Isn't it a toss? Just think you didn't see it!" When Lou Dayan heard that it was about this, he suddenly became a little unhappy: "They didn't say hello before they came. Naturally, they didn't want me to come forward. If they had used me, they would have called me long ago!" Who doesn't have my phone number?

"Mr. Lou, he is not from our Songshan City!" The security captain quickly explained, "This is a car in Songjiang City, and the license plate number is Song Security Captain said.

"I don't care where his car is. What's wrong with the car in Songjiang City?" Lou Dayan was a little impatient, because he heard the sound of Ernǎi burning the bath water and asking him to go over: "Okay, that's it, let's not talk!"

"Wait, Mr. Lou, listen to me!" The security captain was a little anxious. Why is Mr. Lou in such a hurry? Don't wait for me to finish my words? But think about it, didn't I treat the security guard 012 the same way just now? It seems that you can't laugh at fifty steps!

To be continued) RA