very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1894 Amazing Words

It's just that Liu thrush's single-minded behavior made Yang Ming have a headache, as if he didn't want her and didn't help her.

"Okay, write it down first, and wait until the matter is settled." Yang Ming had to say.

"Ah? So... Will you do your best to help me?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Liu Huamei hesitated a little. She was not sure whether Yang Ming was sincere or perfunctory: "Or you'd better take me first. I'm your woman, and you won't leave me alone."

Because when Yang Ming said that the matter was solved, it was a little sincere, but when he said it again, it was a little perfunctory.

"I'll do my best to help you" Yang Ming was a little helpless by Liu thrush. He could only explain: "I don't think so much about that today. Do you understand the reason?"

"Don't want to?" Liu Huamei was stunned. She really didn't think that there would be such a problem. She didn't have much knowledge about it. She just learned a little from the TV series, but she still asked reluctantly, "Why don't you want to?"

"Because I just had Xiaolu this afternoon... Do you understand this? So I don't want to think about it now," Yang Ming lied to her.

"Oh, that's it, let's do it next time." Liu Thrush is also easy to cheat. He is an idiot in this regard, so when Yang Ming said this, he believed that in fact, Yang Ming had just had a physiological reaction, and Liu Thrush did not understand the knowledge.

"Oced, next time," Yang Ming nodded: "Put on your clothes now."

Although Yang Ming is a little reluctant, he still knows that it is not good to look at Liu thrush like this.

"Since it must be your woman, you don't have to wear it." Liu thrush always wants to confirm the relationship with Yang Ming, so as to ensure that Yang Ming can help her with all his strength.

"This..." Yang Ming sighed: "Ok, you go to bed first and cover yourself with a quilt. It's still quite cold at night."

"Oh..." Liu Thrush suddenly stood up, picked up Yang Ming's right hand, and then put it on his chest.

"Gag?" Yang Ming was shocked. The softness of his hand made him want to move away like an electric shock. He looked at Liu Huamei incredulously: "What are you going to do? Didn't I say that I don't want to... next time?"

"Okay, you touch me now, then I'm also your woman. I can't marry anyone else. I'm no longer pure, and you can't want me." After Liu thrush finished this, she suddenly smiled.

"..." Yang Ming was speechless. This Liu Thrush is really amazing. Looking at her means in the mall before, I thought she was a strong girl. Unexpectedly, her emotional IQ was completely zero. She had no experience at all, but she was a little stupid

Yang Ming said secretly, sure enough, everyone has weaknesses and is not good at everything.

After finishing all this, Liu Huamei went to bed happily and covered the quilt: "Husband, you can come too... I call your husband, okay?"

Liu Huamei originally wanted to get closer to Yang Ming, so she also confirmed the relationship from the name, but after saying that, she was afraid that Yang Ming would be unhappy, and she didn't know where Yang Ming positioned himself. Whether it was a lover, a girlfriend, or a plaything.

"It's up to you..." Yang Ming is a little too lazy to argue with her about these painless questions. You can call them whatever you want

To be honest, Yang Ming is a soft-hearted person, but it's not that anyone asks for it. Will he help? There is no need to do anything else all day. He can promise to help Liu thrush. One is Jing Xiaolu's pleading, and the other is Liu thrush's own attitude. Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Ming helped Liu thrush. Jing Xiaolu has a good friend and a strong helping arm

Yang Ming does not guarantee that after he leaves, the company will encounter unsolvable troubles. Can Jing Xiaolu cope with it? With the help and support of Liu Huamei, I'm afraid she will tide over the difficulties.

It's just that the progress of things is a little unexpected now. Liu thrush regards himself as her man, which makes Yang Ming a little embarrassed. If Yang Ming doesn't go to Yunnan to carry out a mission, he doesn't mind having an affair with a beautiful woman like Liu thrush, but it's not certain whether he can come back What kind of emotional debt do you still owe? Didn't you hurt someone?

But seeing Liu Thrush, a single-minded woman with zero love IQ, Yang Ming is also a little speechless. Who knows if this girl can change her mind at that time? According to what she means, she is ready to sell herself.

"Oh, husband, you will definitely help me, right? I will be your person in the future. You won't watch me be bullied, will you?" Liu Huamei has risked her life, but although she runs a shopping mall, she doesn't know how to please men, so she is like a concubine at this moment, afraid that Yang Ming will ignore her

Yang Ming sighed and removed the disguised Liu thrush. Sure enough, she was just an ordinary woman. Jing Xiaolu was right about this. Seeing that she was so pitiful, she couldn't help nodding: "Tell me about your business. If you can help, I will help you."

"Ah, that can't help..." Liu Huamei listened to Yang Ming's words and was about to cry. Sure enough, she was treated differently. If something happened to Jing Xiaolu, Yang Ming would definitely try his best to help her solve it. Just like the last time, but when it was her turn, it was her turn to help.

"I can't help... I also try to help." Yang Ming had no way, so he had to say.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't treat me differently." Liu Huamei breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll say it"

So, Liu Huamei repeated some of what she had said to Jing Xiaolu before, until she said that she wanted Liu Hua's family to pay for their lives.

The requirements of Liu Huamei made Yang Ming frown. In Yang Ming's opinion, it is not difficult for Yang Ming to get control of the things that Liu Huamei said before. It is not difficult to let Bao Sanli take people there, use both soft and hard, and pay enough price. Those shareholders will give up their shares or support Liu Huamei to take office as chairman.

However, killing the Liuhua family made Yang Ming a little embarrassed. It's not that he can't do it, but whether it's worth it. If Liu Thrush is his wife, then it's nothing, and she won't talk nonsense, but the key is whether it

Although I have a special identity, I can't kill a few people for no reason, can I? Isn't that making trouble for the hail of summer? It's okay to kill Liu Hua's family secretly. The key is whether Liu Huamei will leak the news?

Looking at Yang Ming's frown, Liu Huamei was nervous. She also knew that her request was too difficult to achieve. Is it so easy to kill Liu Hua? Liu Huamei also wanted to hire a professional killer, but she had never been in contact with this industry. Where can she find a professional killer? It's completely blackmailed. No one knows V