very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1915 Chen Mengyan's attitude change

Chapter 1915 Chen Mengyan's Change of Attitude

Yang Ming shook his head and put down his missing for Lan Ling. He turned his head and saw Chen Mengyan, who seemed to be smiling. Yang Ming was suddenly a little embarrassed, as if he had been seen through by Chen Mengyan.

"Why, do you miss Lan Ling?" Chen Mengyan glanced at Yang Ming and asked.

"Oh, yes, the first time I came to my godfather's house, it was Lan Ling with me." Yang Ming did not deny it. Anyway, Chen Mengyan also knew about herself and Lan Ling.

"If you go to Yunnan this time, if you find her, bring her back." Chen Mengyan sighed and said, "I will try my best to get along with her..."

"Mengyan, you?" Yang Ming was a little surprised and didn't expect Chen Mengyan to suddenly say these words.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen it?" Chen Mengyan stared at Yang Ming: "What has happened, so what if I escape? Don't you want to face the reality? However, this is the last one. The villa at home is almost full!"

"Hehe..." Yang Ming can only smile bitterly, the last one? What can he say? Did you tell Chen Mengyan that there are still several outside? Didn't that make Chen Mengyan run away?

However, it is also a good phenomenon that Chen Mengyan can accept Lan Ling. Although she has known the existence of Lan Ling for a long time, at least this is a good start, proving that Chen Mengyan's ideology is changing little by little.

Liu Weishan's house was opened, and it was Liu Weishan's wife Chu Huifang, who was also Yang Ming's godmother.

"Gama!" Yang Ming shouted kindly.

"Da Ming, you're here. Come into the room quickly. Your godfather said you were coming and asked me to prepare the food. I was just ready to cook, and you came. I'm not ready yet... Well, these three are..." Chu Huifang looked at the three beauties behind Yang Ming with some surprise.

"Gunma, let me introduce them to you. These three are Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia, they..." Yang Ming was a little embarrassed when he said this. After all, it's a little strange to introduce three nv friends at once!

However, Yang Ming can't help but introduce him. After all, he is a man, and he is still relatively thick-skinned. You can't let Chen Mengyan introduce himself, can he? So he continued to say, "They are all my nv friends... Sister Xiao Qing and they are very familiar with each other..."

"Ha ha, are they all Daming's nv friends?" Chu Huifang also knows a thing or two about Yang Ming. She has also heard some things from Xiao Qing, so she is not unfamiliar with the names of Yang Ming's three nv friends. Although she has never seen a real person, it does not affect anything.

"Gancedmother..." Chen Mengyan and the other three were also a little embarrassed, but they still followed Yang Ming and called Chu Huifang's godmother!

"Give mother, they have met my parents and have given me money, so they are all my wife and your goddaughter-in-law!" Yang Ming said, "You don't have to be polite. If there is anything in the future, just ask them to do it!" They are also familiar with Sister Xiao Qing!"

"This... then the godmother has to change the money!" Chu Huifang said with some surprise, "This family hasn't been so lively for a long time. Daming has a daughter-in-law, and there are three at once. I'm so happy!"

Since her son and daughter-in-law disappeared, Chu Huifang has been very depressed. Although Xiao Qing and Yang Ming have made up for the pain in their hearts, they always feel that there is something missing in this family. After all, Xiao Qing and Yang Ming are both single, and there are still a few when they can come home together Fang always feels that the house is not lively enough!

And now it's all right. Yang Ming brought back three daughters-in-law at once. In this family, there will be some excitement in the future!

"Gunma, you don't have to give it, do you? Haha, when I was called Godmother, you had already given me a red envelope!" Yang Ming said with a smile, "This includes the three of them!"

"So, I've given it to you, and I'll give it to them even more!" Chu Huifang waved her hand and said, "Come into the room first. Wait a minute, I'll give you a red envelope!"

After saying that, Chu Huifang quickly walked into the room, and Yang Ming had no choice but to smile bitterly. After all, this is the rule of the elders, and he can't stop it by force, right?

Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia were very surprised. When they came before, they were very nervous. They were also afraid that Yang Ming's godfather and godmother were not so enlightened that they could not accept the fact that the three of them were all Yang Ming's nv people. At that time, if only Chen Mengyan was It's not what Chen Mengyan wants to see!

Although Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia will not have any complaints, Chen Mengyan will not be comfortable. She has long regarded them as sisters. How can she ignore them?

Now it seems that Chu Huifang has already known the three of them, and she knew it from Xiao Qingjie, so there should be no problem. She also needs to change the money for the three of them. The hanging heart of the three of them is also down!

Not long after Chu Huifang entered the room, she took out three big red envelopes. Looking at the thickness inside, it should be at least 10,000 yuan, which is similar to the big red envelope given to Yang Ming at the beginning!

"Chen Mengyan, this is for you!" Chu Huifang handed one of his red envelopes to Chen Mengyan, and gave the two of them to Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia respectively. Then she said, "In the future, you will also change your words to call me godmother. This is also your home, and you will often come as a guest in the future!"

"Okay, thank you, godmother!" Chu Mengyao, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun thanked in unison and also received red envelopes. After all, this represents Chu Huifang's intention. Moreover, Chu Huifang's family is not difficult, and this 10,000 yuan is nothing.

"I'm going to cook in the kitchen, and your godfather may also come back!" Chu Huifang said, "I'm just starting to prepare, and I don't know when I can get better. I'll have dinner later. Is that okay? I didn't consider Mengyan and others before, so I prepared a little less. Now I have to add some more dishes!"

"Gadmother, we just finished dinner. Don't worry. Let's take it as supper, right?" Yang Ming said.

"That's good. Your godfather also had a working meal in the evening, and I also cooked noodles to eat, as long as you are not in a hurry!" Chu Huifang nodded and said, "Then I'm going to work. Why don't you go to the living room to watch TV first?"

"Gama, shall we help you?" Where does Chu Mengyao want to watch TV? I will follow Chu Huifang to the kitchen with Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun.

"Don't... I'll do it myself. You can watch TV without yours!" Chu Huifang waved her hand and refused Chen Mengyan's proposal.

"How can we keep you busy alone? Shall we help you?" Chen Mengyan thought Chu Huifang was polite, so she couldn't help but go to the kitchen together. RA