very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1946 You shouldn't come back

Chapter 196 You shouldn't come back

"Brother Zhe, it's not good. Feng Sibiao was suddenly knocked down by Yang Ming. I didn't see how Yang Ming punched clearly, so he flew out backwards!" Feng Jiuneng also said nervously.

"Put it! What kind of underground boxer are you looking for? Is it a liar? Why was he beaten by Yang Ming all of a sudden? The flower shelf is not so easy to fly out. Isn't it too much? Fan Jinzhe was going to be angry. Originally, he was full of confidence and ready to watch Yang Ming make a fool of himself. He fantasized that Feng Sibiao could kill Yang Ming with one punch, but Feng Sibiao not only did not kill Yang Ming, but he didn't even touch Yang Ming, but was beaten away by Yang Ming!

The gap before and after is a little too big for Fan Jinzhe to accept it all of a sudden!

"Brother Zhe, he is really a boxer in the underground boxing ring in the south v city. There are also videos of his game on the Internet. It is really very powerful. It is often fatal to hit the opponent. You can see that there are also his comments in many forums on the Internet, saying that this person is very powerful..." Feng Jiu can

"So what's going on today? Don't tell me that Yang Ming is better than the underground black boxer. Is that possible? Fan Jinzhe roared, "What should I do now? Go and see if Feng Sibiao has hung up. If not, let him get up and call me! Damn it, he's going to lose. Who's going to run naked? Are you running or me running?"

"This..." Where can Feng Jiu dare to see if there is anything wrong with Feng Sibiao?

"What's this and that, solve it for me quickly!" Fan Jinzhe cursed angrily, and then hung up the phone directly.

Feng Jiu can hold his mobile phone, which is really a dilemma. Feng Sibiao's appearance is obviously unable to get up. If he can get up, with his endurance in the underground boxing field, he will definitely stick to it.

In fact, although Yang Ming seriously injured Feng Sibiao, he did not kill him and killed him in public. Yang Ming still didn't want to do it. After all, this is a school, not an underground black audience.

After Feng Sibiao was beaten by Yang Ming, he only felt that his internal organs had moved, and his whole body was indescribably uncomfortable, and several ribs were broken! The shock in his heart was no less than Feng Jiuneng and Fan Jinzhe, or even more!

He doesn't believe that Yang Ming's punch can bring him so much harm! Before, he had always looked down on Yang Ming. It can be said that he paid attention to Yang Ming at all. Yang Ming said some funny things there, but he didn't take it seriously. He thought Yang Ming was talking big. Who can't brag?

Feng Sibiao doesn't believe how powerful a freshman student can be. In fact, anyone can brag, but in Feng Sibiao's opinion, only those newcomers can brag. An old and honored old boxer like him doesn't have to brag at all!

He once defeated countless bragging players in the ring. Everyone's tragic fall to the ground is in sharp contrast to their previous rhetoric. Feng Sibiao likes the irony brought about by this gap. Only in this way can he highlight his supreme and awesome image!

However, Yang Ming's bragging today is a little ridiculous, so Feng Sibiao still replied a few words! Of course, Feng Sibiao didn't think he was bragging with Yang Ming. He felt that what he said was true! Only when powerful people say it can it be called a fact. College students like Yang Ming don't know the depth of heaven and earth. After watching several videos of boxing matches, they think that they can defeat several community masters in the school, and they will be invincible in the world!

It's so ridiculous. Doesn't he know what it means to have a mountain outside the mountain?

However, after Feng Sibiao fell to the ground, he found that he didn't know that he was the one who was thick in heaven and earth! Yang Ming didn't brag at all before. When he hit himself, he killed him in seconds!

This speed and power completely overwhelmed Feng Sibu. He didn't feel Yang Ming's punch at all, but he had flown out!

So Feng Sibiao also knew at this moment that what a real mountain is higher than a mountain! Yang Ming's strength is much higher than his. Feng Sibiao has never seen this kind of second kill before. He has seen it! I have also experienced it! However, he killed others in seconds, not others killed him in seconds!

Feng Sibiao enjoys the pleasure brought by killing the weak in seconds. Of course, this great disparity in strength can bring this pleasure!

However, now he has changed his angle with his opponent. It is Feng Sibiao lying on the ground, and his opponent is the one who enjoys the fun of killing in seconds!

Feng Sibiao knew that Yang Ming was merciful, otherwise with this absolute power gap, Yang Ming could definitely kill him with one punch!

So Feng Sibiao didn't dare to stand up. Even if he could stand up from the ring, he didn't do it! The reason is very simple. Yang Ming didn't kill him this time, so he may not show mercy next time!

He doesn't want to die yet. He hasn't lived enough! In the bank account, he has saved enough 7 million, and it will be 10 million soon. He has set a goal of 10 million retirement. He doesn't want to be killed before retirement!

As for getting up to fight back against Yang Ming, Feng Sibiao simply didn't think about it, because Feng Sibiao was not sure about dealing with Yang Ming at all! He knew that he had stood up, and he must have been beaten!

With no expression on Yang Ming's face, he raised his leg to Feng Sibiao and stopped beside him. He looked down at Feng Sibiao, and then said faintly, "Sorry, you can't box again in the future. I accidentally ruined you."

"You--" Feng Sibiao was shocked after hearing Yang Ming's words. He suddenly found that he didn't know when his hands were interrupted by Yang Ming! That is to say, the hands he relied on to survive have been abolished by Yang Ming!

Even if you recover in the future, it is impossible to return to your peak state, and you can't go boxing.

"How did you do it? How can it be so fast?" Feng Sibiao only felt the pain in his chest before. He thought that he was just hit in the chest by Yang Ming and broke a few ribs, but he ignored the pain brought by his hands, but only now did he feel the severe pain from his hands...

That is to say, Yang Ming had not only one punch, but three punches before! Three punches were actually made in one move, and each punch hit the target. What kind of strength does it take to do this?

Quick! It's too fast! Feng Sibiao can't believe that Yang Ming has reached such an extraordinary speed and strength! How can a freshman be? But the truth happened in front of him, which made Feng Sibiao have to believe that all this is true!

His ribs are broken, his wrist is broken, and the pain is not fake.

"You shouldn't come back to Songjiang City. This is your nightmare." Yang Ming said lightly. RO