very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 1972 Guess who I am

Chapter 1972 Guess who I am

Looking at Su Ya's back of the security check until she disappeared from Yang Ming's sight, Yang Ming sighed and finally had to say goodbye to you. Yang Ming did not continue to see Su Ya with the power of perspective, but turned around and was ready to return to Songjiang City.

I'm leaving tomorrow. Today is the last day, Yang Ming is going home to accompany Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia!

Yang Ming is very grateful for Chen Mengyan's behavior of finding Su Ya before leaving!

Chen Mengyan did this, showing her demeanor and broad mind!

It's just that I don't know if Chen Mengyan will have such a bigness and mind when facing Zhao Ying and others?

Yang Ming knew that Chen Mengyan had an identity barrier to Zhao Ying and could not change, which made Yang Ming very helpless. However, these things could not be changed before he left. He had to explain to Chen Mengyan and others after he came back!

There is still one day left, and Yang Ming doesn't want to make extrass! Spend this day safely, and tomorrow you will embark on a journey!

A mobile phone rang, and Yang Ming was slightly stunned. The time Su Ya entered the security checkpoint was almost the same as the boarding time. At this time, she should be queuing up to board the plane. How could she call herself?

Did Chen Mengyan call and ask herself if she had sent Su Ya on the plane?

Yang Ming quickly picked up the phone, but when he saw the caller ID, it was a very familiar number, only one place behind Yang Ming's number!

Yang Ming's hand holding the phone trembled a little. He couldn't be more familiar with this number! This is the couple number he did with Lan Ling! Because Yang Ming can memorize it familiar, it is not stored in the mobile phone!

This is also what Chen Mengyan wanted to find Lan Ling's number, but she didn't find it in Yang Ming's mobile phone. In order to surprise him, it was not easy to ask him directly, so she asked Zhou Jiajia to use hackers to check all Yang Ming's call records. From the past call records, he analyzed that he was only The machine number is likely to be Lan Ling's!

Although Chen Mengyan's heart was a little sour when she saw that this and Yang Ming's mobile phone number was a couple's number, she soon put down this little jealousy and returned to normal! There is a very clear relationship in her heart. She knows that this is not the time to be jealous, and Yang Ming is about to leave. How can she make trouble for him?

What's more, accepting Lan Ling is also a decision that Chen Mengyan has already made, and told Yang Ming this idea. At that time, Yang Ming was still very moved and hugged himself in the car. How could Chen Mengyan go back on her word? Didn't that make Yang Ming look down on himself?

So, Chen Mengyan quickly adjusted her mentality, contacted Lan Ling and texted her the news that Yang Ming was going to Yunnan. Unexpectedly, Lan Ling really called her back and agreed to come back to Donghai City today and give Yang Ming a surprise!

"Hey!" Yang Ming took a deep breath and carefully answered the phone. There was an unreal feeling! It's not that someone used any phone number to change the software and called himself to joke, right? Because of this phone call, Lan Ling has hardly called him since he left!

Although there are occasional text messages, there have been fewer and fewer text messages recently, and there have been none in the past two months!

So Yang Ming really doesn't believe it. This is a call from Lan Ling. In the market, there are also some hacker software that can change the caller ID, and even Zhou Jiajia can easily do it! So much so that Yang Ming felt that this was someone else's prank!

But who will know Lan Ling's phone number? Who will simulate her phone call to herself?

Yang Ming thought of this and then shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't have to know Lan Ling's phone number. Maybe someone deliberately got a missing number to call him, but it was just a coincidence that it was the same as Lan Ling's phone number!

"Guess who I am?" On the phone, there was a voice that made Yang Ming familiar with, a little playful and a little sweet.

"Oh..." After Yang Ming was excited, he suddenly smiled: "Ling Ling, is it really you..."

"Oh, guess where I am?" When Lan Ling saw Yang Ming, he immediately guessed it. He was not annoyed and continued to ask.

"How do I know..." Yang Ming said subconsciously, but after saying this, Yang Ming's heart suddenly moved. Since Lan Ling asked so, there must be a reason for her. Otherwise, why did she ask herself where she was?

Is it... Yang Ming suddenly thought of a possibility that excited him!

Su Ya can appear in Songjiang City, which is naturally the credit of Chen Mengyan! And since Chen Mengyan can let Su Ya come to Songjiang City before she left, how can't she let Lan Ling come to Songjiang City before she left!

Is Lan Ling really here?

Yang Ming was moved and excited by his guess: "Are you in Songjiang City?"

"Wrong!" Lan Ling mercilessly denied Yang Ming's speculation.

"Oh...hehe, are you in Yunnan?" After listening to Lan Ling's reply, Yang Ming was suddenly a little disappointed, but it showed that he did not show much, but continued to ask with a smile.

"It's wrong again!" Lan Ling smiled and denied Yang Ming's guess again.

"Then where are you?" Yang Ming was stunned. Lan Ling was not in Songjiang City or Yunnan. Where would it be?

"Can you guess again?" Lan Ling asked again.

"Then I don't know..." Yang Ming shook his head. He really couldn't guess where Lan Ling was.

"Big fool!" As soon as Lan Ling's words fell, Yang Ming felt that someone was quickly approaching him from behind him!

Yang Ming's instinct as a killer subconsciously became alert and looked behind him with his powers. However, when he saw the petite and lovely figure, Yang Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily at the corners of his mouth!

The next moment, Yang Ming's eyes were covered by a pair of cold hands!

"Guess who I am?" The familiar voice sounded behind Yang Ming again...

Yang Ming, who was so excited, suddenly turned around, hugged Lan Ling and hugged him in his arms: "Ling Ling, I miss you so much!"

Lan Ling still looks like a minor little Loli, just like when she left last year. Her clothes are also very cute. At first glance, she is a girl like a small jasper, which makes Yang Ming feel like yesterday, as if Lan Ling has never left, and she has always been by her side!

It seems that Lan Ling only walked for a day or two and returned to himself, but the missing in his heart told Yang Ming that Lan Ling had been gone for a long time... RO