very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2000 Side Effects of Heart Raids

Chapter 2,000 Side Effects of Heart Dement

"Then you will always be 16 years old in the future?" At this moment, Chen Mengyan really wants to kill Lan Ling. If it goes on like this, in a few years, Yang Ming's interest will stay on Lan Ling!

"It should be... So is Yang Ming..." Lan Ling said.

"Ah? Me too?" Yang Ming pointed to himself and asked incredulously, "Isn't it? I seem to have grown up, right? Have you become mature?"

"Well... you're tanned..." Lan Ling looked at Yang Ming carefully and came to such a conclusion.

"So...what should we do?" Chen Mengyan is a little crazy. Isn't Lan Ling too happy? Moreover, Yang Ming is also so young. After a few years, didn't he and Jiajia and sister Lin become Lan Ling and Yang Ming's sister or even aunt?

"Hee hee..." Lan Ling smiled and said nothing.

"Ah! I don't want to get old! Yang Ming, Ling Ling, think of a way quickly?" Chen Mengyan feels terrible when she thinks about what will happen in the future.

"The heart... can be contagious..." Lan Ling finally solved the mystery.

"Infectious?" Chen Mengyan was stunned: "How to infect? Through the blood?"

It's no wonder that Chen Mengyan thinks so. According to her understanding, the magma and bacteria should be similar and should be transmitted through blood.

"Sister Mengyan, you have been infected!" Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Has it been infected?" Chen Mengyan just hesitated for a moment and understood what Lan Ling meant, and then her face turned red! She understood what Lan Ling meant, what she said was infected, and how she was infected!

Chen Mengyan hesitated for a moment and asked, "So... Jiajia and Sister Lin are also infected?"

"Hee hee, I don't know. Who knows if you have that with Yang Ming?" Lan Ling said with a smile.

Lan Ling's bold words made Chen Mengyan, Lin Zhiyun and Zhou Jiajia blush! Naturally, all three of them had a relationship with Yang Ming, which naturally infected the poison!

"Haha, Jiajia, it's good that you and Yang Ming did that first, and let Sister Su Ya do that. Otherwise, when Yang Ming comes back, you will all become old women!" Chen Mengyan said with a smile.

Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun suddenly blushed, and some of them didn't dare to look at Yang Ming and Lan Ling! They all think that Lan Ling is too bold!

"Congratulations, it will always be like this in the future!" Lan Ling said with a smile.

"That's good... However, Sister Lingling, this heart is not a good thing, will it have any side effects? Other than that, what's the use?" Chen Mengyan smiled and suddenly thought, how good would it be if everyone was so good?

"Of course, there are other effects of the heart!" Lan Ling said, "After being hit by the heart, it can prolong people's life, strengthen their physique, and be invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. Didn't you find that it's rare to even catch a cold?"

"It's true..." Chen Mengyan hasn't said anything yet, but Lin Zhiyun said first: "After going to college, I don't seem to have been sick. I used to be weak and always sick. So that's the reason... Huh? No, I caught a bad cold during the holiday before I went to college. Before that, I had already been with Yang Ming..."

"Sister Lin, when you and Yang Ming were the first time, Yang Ming hadn't met Sister Lan Ling yet. Naturally, there was no central tmesis, and you didn't have a heart! It should be until you get back together with him that you got hit by the heart, right? Chen Mengyan thought of the key to the matter and said.

"That's it..." Lin Zhiyun was suddenly a little embarrassed: "It seems to be like this..."

"Ha ha, then this heart worm looks good! This is the gospel brought by Sister Lan Ling to our sisters!" Chen Mengyan really thanks Lan Ling sincerely. Lan Ling is really a little lucky star. Now Lan Lai, the only little jealousy in Lan Ling's heart is gone. She will definitely get along well with Lan Ling in the future!

"Sister Mengyan, don't laugh. In addition to these benefits, there are still some disadvantages!" Lan Ling waved his hand and said, "If you don't do it well, it's easy to die!"

"Ah?" Chen Mengyan was suddenly shocked and stared at Lan Ling with wide eyes: "Sister Lingling, what are you talking about? If you can't do it well, you can still die? What the hell is going on? It's not so scary, is it?"

"It's so scary!" Lan Ling nodded and said seriously, "The heart is good, and naturally it also has its disadvantages! The so-called heart is naturally to restrain lovers and can't change their hearts. Yang Ming should have told you about me, right?

"Yes, I also told Sister Lin and Jiajia!" Chen Mengyan nodded. Yang Ming told her about the heart-wrath. Otherwise, Chen Mengyan could not have accepted Lan Ling so easily at the beginning!

The original situation can't be tolerated by her! According to Yang Ming, if he doesn't have Lan Ling in his heart, he will die...

Is it... Chen Mengyan suddenly figured out something, so she quickly asked, "Sister Lan Ling, I probably guessed it, that is to say, people who are be maginted can't change their hearts, right? I can't like others except Yang Ming, can I?

"There is nothing wrong!" Lan Ling nodded: "But for men, it's just like this, but for women, it's still a kind of chasteness, as the name implies... You should understand what it means, right?"

"Sister Lingling, you mean..." Chen Mengyan looked at Lan Ling and was a little embarrassed to say it.

"Yes, the only man in your life can only be Yang Ming. If it's enough, you can only die." Lan Ling said solemnly, "Although I don't think you will betray Yang Ming, I still have to say this matter in advance to avoid mistakes in the future!"

Chen Mengyan didn't feel anything terrible. There was nothing wrong. Lan Ling was right. She could not betray Yang Ming. Even if Yang Ming said before that it would take him a long time to carry out the task, Chen Mengyan had never thought of letting go of Yang Ming.

"I think I can only accommodate Yang Ming as a man in my heart." Chen Mengyan nodded and said.

Zhou Jiajia and Lin Zhiyun also nodded. They also have the same idea. In their hearts, they can only accommodate Yang Ming alone, so the side effects of this heart can be ignored!

"Okay, I've told you everything. Why don't you let me in?" Lan Ling blinked her eyes and asked.

"Ah, I forgot it. I said it at the door for a long time! I'm sorry!" Chen Mengyan was a little embarrassed and quickly let Lan Ling in: "Sister Lingling, please come in! Please come in!" RO