very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2027 The fortune teller

"Then let's go. I'll take everyone to eat that delicious wonton noodles!" Liu Yezi said with a smile.

Li Yezi led the way in front, and Yang Ming and others followed. After a while, he came to the front of a blunt stall. The carved leaves were very familiar with the boss and said, "Boss, four bowls of bait noodles!"

"Oh? It's Xiao Liu! These are all your friends, right? It's coming soon!" The boss was obviously very familiar with Liu Yezi. When he saw Liu Yezi coming, he greeted him warmly.

"Um, my boss came from other places, so I invited him to come to you!" Liu Yezi said with a smile.

The boss does not know the identity of Liu Yezi" because the people of the Mystery Investigation Bureau are not dressed. Although there are military uniforms, for the sake of confidentiality, the people of the Mystery Investigation Bureau will not dress every day, unless there is a special meeting or something.

"All right, I'll be right there!" The boss said enthusiastically.

The four of them found a clean table and sat down and waited. Not far from the blunt stall, there is a fortune-telling stall. There are many people staying there, but Yang Ming saw a strange phenomenon. There are many fortune-telling people, but they collect little money!

After other people's fortune-telling, they all said a few words to arouse the curiosity of customers, and began to hide it. It was not until they got the money that they began to continue to say, "No rabbits don't scatter eagles!" But this fortune teller said directly, "I don't talk about money. If you are willing to give, you can give two money." If you don't want to give, don't give." He doesn't care. He looks indifferent.

"Is this fortune-teller interesting?" Yang Ming took a look and said.

"Eh? What did he say? Liu Yezi took a look at the fortune teller, and then said to Yang Ming, "You said Mr. Mo, he is known as a divine operator. He is a very powerful person and is very famous in the market."

"Oh? Is it really accurate?" Yang Ming is not very interested in some fortune tellers. "After all, Yang Ming's fate is in his own hands in many cases. "There is also a causal relationship." So Yang Ming doesn't believe much about fate!

Most of the time, "a step forward and a step back step are completely out of charge", so Yang Ming doesn't believe in fate.

It's just that Liu Yezi was serious and the old man's fortune-telling method made Yang Ming feel a little curious!

Generally, many fortune-tellings, immortals and so on are also boasted about the reputation of cheating money. The only purpose of fortune-telling is to make money. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some strange people, but all fortune tellers whose main purpose is to collect money and make money are mostly deceptive.

Since the calculation is so accurate, what else can you give to others? Calculate the lottery number and stock trend by yourself, and you have been rich for a long time. Why do you have to tell fortunes for others?

However, like this old man, fortune-telling is free of charge. It doesn't matter whether you give more or less. It's the first time Yang Ming has seen it! Because Yang Ming has seen several ordinary-dressed young people staying there and asking the old man something, but most of them are invited afterwards, and few of them pay!

These people are all workers or students in nearby factories. They don't have much money in their pockets. They usually have to save food and clothing. They must not be able to afford fortune-telling money. "But the old man has no complaint." He is still there enthusiastically fortune-telling for these people!

This situation only explains two possibilities. One is that the old man is not short of money and is completely saving the world. He is really a good man.

There is another possibility that the old man is bored at home and comes out to play!

However, no matter what he is, he has little to do with Yang Ming, and Yang Ming is just casually asking.

"It's really accurate!" Liu Yezi pondered for a moment and nodded: "Our mysterious situation also deals with many strange people, so this kind of thing that science can't explain" is not necessarily not science M"

"Oh?" Yang Ming smiled after listening to Liu Ye Zi's words: "Have you calculated with him?"

"No, but Xiao Susu asked him to calculate. The old man was so powerful that he could see Xiao Susu's fate at a glance!" Liu Yezi sighed.

"Xiao Susu's fate?" Liu Yezi said this, which aroused Yang Ming's curiosity: "What is the fate of Xiao Susu?"

"Xiao Susu's family has a magic spell. The girl can't live to be more than 20 years old. She is also a poor person. Her mother left when she was very young."..." Liu Yezi sighed: "Xiao Susu's mother is also a member of the Mystery Investigation Bureau. The original intention of joining the Mystery Investigation Bureau was to The magic spell of her own family, but she didn't understand it, so she left... "So is Susu, who grew up in the mysterious investigation bureau since she was a child" and Feng Tianlong are also childhood sweethearts, and it is precisely because of her own reasons that she repeatedly refused Feng Tianlong's pursuit, and she was also afraid of involving him because of

"Oh? Does Xiao Susu still have such a miserable life? Yang Ming was stunned! He was stunned! He never thought that "the members of his team still have such a tragic fate" could not live to be 20 years old, and Xiao Susu now seems to be almost 18 years old. Isn't it not long to live well?

"This is not a secret inside our Mystery Investigation Bureau" "Everyone knows!" Liu Yezi said, "But Feng Tianlong is also a seed of infatuation. Even if he knows Xiao Susu's situation, he is still willing to guard her life."

Only then did Yang Ming suddenly understand why he didn't let Xiao Susu go to Yunnan before, and Feng Tianlong was so excited to protect him! Yes, this trip to Yunnan is a fatal situation in the eyes of outsiders. Feng Tianlong's trip "I don't know when he will come back, and Xiao Susu's own reason also determines how long she can't live. If she dies in Yunnan together, it is a relief!

Maybe in Yunnan, "it has entered the mortal situation" Xiao Susu will accept Feng Tianlong, but it is not known!

So, in any case, Feng Tianlong would let Xiao Susu go to Yunnan, so he was so excited before, but after he convinced him, he was silent again. Obviously, he was also a real man. Although he did not want to give up for the sake of love, he still chose to give up for the order of his superiors!

It can be seen that this person is passionate and persistent in his work! This is a good and upright person. If possible, Yang Ming plans to make a deep friendship with Feng Tianlong to deepen his friendship.

"Although I sympathize with Xiao Susu" but these things are not ** heart's turn" Her life is not in my hands, so I can only silently bless her." Yang Ming sighed, "But what does this have to do with the fortune teller?"