very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2052 Being Targeted

"Ah! Then Yang Ming... Why didn't you tell me before: Chen Mengyan's face suddenly turned pale. She thought that Yang Ming's task was only relatively time-consuming. According to Yang Ming, it may be ten or twenty years, but Chen Mengyan thought that even if it was ten or twenty years, she could wait! At that time, I was only forty years old, and it was not uncommon for me to get married late and have children late.

However, what she didn't expect was that Yang Ming actually lied to her. Yang Ming's task was not time-consuming, but extremely dangerous!

"He doesn't tell you. One is that he is afraid that you will worry, because the person he loves most is you." When Sun Jie said this, she couldn't help but be a little jealous: "But you are also not mature. Yang Ming is afraid that after telling you, you won't let him go. If he has to leave, won't he be distracted? Can't concentrate on the task? So, just think of it as a well-intentioned lie!"

Chen Mengyan is a little silent. Sun Jie is not wrong with what she said. With her own personality, if she knows the truth, she will indeed strongly prevent Yang Ming from going, but with Yang Ming's personality, it is impossible to be stopped by her!

"No... I won't... I won't..." Chen Mengyan shook her head: "I've grown up!"

"So, that's why I told you! If it hadn't been for the fact that you have matured a lot today, I wouldn't have said these words to you, so that you can always be in the dark and be a happy little girl!" Sun Jie said.

"Um! Sister Sun Jie, so what should we do now? - Chen Mengyan nodded and asked.

"First of all, analyze the sender's purpose, but now the purpose is almost obvious. He just wants to divide us by this means, let us quarrel to affect Yang Ming's mood, make Yang Ming go unhague, so that it affects the mental state when carrying out the task!" Sun Jie said, "But what puzzles me is that Yang Ming's task should have been assigned recently, right? Before that, Yang Ming didn't know that this task existed at all! And the earliest of these photos is almost a year ago. Yang Ming has not joined the Mystery Investigation Bureau. This person who wants to deal with Yang Ming has been laid out since a year ago?

Sun Jie suddenly saw the point of the problem and pointed out the important doubts in it!

"So, this person has begun to lay out before. Maybe it's not for this matter. He's just planning, planning some possible means to deal with Yang Ming. This time, Yang Ming's task, he just happened to throw out this suitable strategy?" Chen Mengyan was not stupid. She was sent by Sun Jie, and she also said.

"That's good, Mengyan, I can think of this!" Sun Jie nodded with satisfaction: "You're right. Since this person has been planning so early, this is not the only way in his hand. Maybe he has other tricks to deal with Yang Ming or us! This person is very dangerous. If you can find it, it's natural... But I'm afraid it's very difficult!"

"Why? I can ask my father for help!" Chen Mengyan was a little anxious when she heard it. Since this person is so dangerous and the means have not been used, then this person may still deal with Yang Ming. How can she sit idly by?

"I know Yang Ming's skills, and I know my own skills very well! If Yang Ming and I can take these photos without noticing it, how good is his skills?" Wang Xiaoyan opened her mouth at this moment. Since everyone doesn't argue, it's all for Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoyan doesn't mind cooperating with everyone. She is not a person who likes to fight for power and profit. She just wants her own position, and her position doesn't matter.

"What Sister Yanyan said is not wrong! This man is so dangerous! How horrible are the skills of people who can make Yang Ming not aware of it? Sun Jie said, "How far has this man's light work reached? At least it's no worse than Yang Ming!"

"So...what should we do?" After Chen Mengyan heard Sun Jie's words, her eyes were full of deep worries. Only at this moment, everyone's hearts slowly connected, abandoning jealousy and dissatisfaction. Everything was for Yang Ming!

"This is the only way to inform Yang Ming's colleague Fatty and let the Mystery Bureau come forward to investigate. I hope they can get results." Sun Jie sighed and said that she had no choice.

"I know Yang Ming's master. I'll go to him and ask him if he has done it!" Wang Xiaoyan also said.

"Oh? Do you know Yang Ming's master? Sun Jie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, Yang Ming and I are both killers. As I said before, our engagement was hosted by his master and my father." Wang Xiaoyan explained.

"Yes, I almost forgot this! That's great. With Yang Ming's master to help, then everything is not a problem!" Sun Jie said, "Well, I suggest that at this time, if everyone has nothing to do, let's move together first? In this way, it can also give better advice and prevent people with intentions from dealing with us one by one?

Although there is a reason for Sun Jie's proposal, she didn't say the more important reason, that is, she wants to give Yang Ming an extremely united harem after Yang Ming comes back! Let Yang Ming have no worries and worries!

As for danger and so on, Sun Jie believes in Yang Ming, a little man. After seeing Yang Ming's strength with her own eyes, Sun Jie believes that no matter how difficult it is, Yang Ming can get through it safely!

"Sister Sun Jie is right. Let's all live together, and we can also make suggestions for each other!" Although Chen Mengyan also guessed Sun Jie's meaning, she is not a stingy person. Since she has decided to accept it, she should be more thorough and generous, and she can also get everyone's good impression!

Since Sun Jie and Chen Mengyan agreed, the others naturally had nothing to say. They were ready to go back to pack up and move to Yang Ming's villa, while Wang Xiaoyan went to find Fang Tian...

At the same time, Yang Ming and his party have arrived at a small town near Miaojiang. There are no trains or planes here, so they can only drive there. Yang Ming, Feng Tianlong, Liu Ye Zi, Xia Xue and Xiao Susu took an SUV and stopped at the door of a hotel.

Tonight, they will be stationed here. When they get up the next day, they will inquire about the news nearby. It is not easy to find the trace of the old man in the vast Miaojiang. However, what Yang Ming didn't expect was that as soon as they came to the hotel in this town, they were targeted...