very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2064 Tracking

Although he was talking, Yang Ming's footsteps did not stop at all. Yang Mingming took Liu Yezi and followed the fleeing subordinate far away.

No matter how hidden the fleeing subordinates are and how they want to hide, it is useless in Yang Ming's eyes!

In the jungle, it is a good place for ordinary people to hide their bodies. As long as they walk a certain distance, the people behind can't catch up even if they want to. The terrain makes the stalker traceless.

Therefore, the subordinate who walked in front of him did not run any more after running a distance, but kept a uniform pace forward. In his opinion, it was absolutely impossible for Yang Ming and others to catch up with them.

However, Yang Ming followed these people slowly.

Of course, this subordinate is still very clever. Every time he walks, he looks back and finds that there is nothing abnormal before continuing to move forward.

However, Yang Ming is far away from him. If he can see Yang Ming, he really has the same power as Yang Ming.

Obviously, this subordinate is a person who often walks in the jungle, and he doesn't know how tired after walking a long distance. If it hadn't been for Yang Ming and others who have been strictly trained, they really couldn't catch up with this subordinate at this moment.

However, it is no wonder that in the jungle of Miaojiang, there are trees everywhere, and it is impossible to open to traffic at all. Except for walking, there is really no other means of transportation to rely on.

Even if there are people like the owner of Miaozhai and the right elder, they can only walk by themselves, unless they use a helicopter, but it's a little too troublesome.

After walking for more than three hours, a village appeared not far from my subordinates. I think it's Yimiao Village!

The village covers a large area, which is as big as a small town, but the village is also full of bungalows, and the best one is a wooden two-story building, which is a bit like a primitive society, and there are no high-rise buildings.

I think this is also the custom here, but it is enough to build such a village, it is enough to see the rapid development of this Yimiao village, because although the buildings in this village are all one-story and two-story bungalows, they are beautifully built. If they are placed in the city, they are like villas. In.

At the gate of Saizi, there were several people guarding, but when the subordinate passed by, he just interrogated a little and let him go. Obviously, he knew him.

Following here, Yang Ming can't come forward. After all, Yang Ming can be seen at a glance that they are strange foreigners. If they don't break through, it is impossible to enter smoothly.

"Captain, what should we do?" When Yang Ming brought everyone to the vicinity of the stockade, Feng Tianlong and others also understood that the subordinate had entered the stockade.

"Wait here. Anyway, he can't run away. When Lin Yi saw this situation, he was not in a hurry. He just stopped, found a place where he could hide his figure and the trees were relatively dense, and sat down.

"That's right. If this subordinate reports to their village owner, the bitter village owner may fight in person. It would be good if we were here to wait for the rabbit.

This subordinate naturally thought that Yang Ming didn't know that he was still alive. He ran to the door of the owner's room in a hurry and was stopped by a confidant of the owner: "What are you doing?"

"Brother Yao, I sent me to carry out the task by the village owner before. We were all destroyed, and I was lucky enough to escape. I have to report to the village owner quickly!" The subordinate said quickly.

"Well, please wait a moment." Brother Yao didn't seem to take the whole army destruction mentioned by this man as a matter at all. He said to the man with his nostrils, "Wait a minute. I don't know if the village owner has time to see you!"

As a close person around the owner of the village, Brother Yao is usually very arrogant and doesn't pay attention to the others in Miaozhai at all. After saying that, he did not go in, but just continued to stand there and ignored his subordinate.

When the subordinate saw that Brother Yao did not inform the owner of the village, he was a little anxious and said, "Brother Yao, it's urgent. Why don't you inform the owner of the village?"

"Put it! I'll go if I want. Do I need you to remind me? What are you?" Brother Yao suddenly became a little unhappy. He looked at the man impatiently and said, "Wait and go, don't stand here in the way!"

"Brother Yao, how can you do this? It's really a big deal for me!" The subordinates are a little helpless. Why is Brother Yao like this?

"The village owner is resting now. What should I do if I disturb him and scold me?" Brother Yao is a doorkeeper, so he didn't know at all that the village owner ordered another confidant to ask him to find someone to test Yang Ming's affairs, so Brother Yao is still as usual. He is very bullish to these people who want to see the village owner. If they don't get some benefits, they don't want to enter the door

"If you go, I won't scold you!" My subordinate said, this is dead. What a big deal? How can I scold you?

"I said you're new to another village, right? Why don't you understand the rules at all?" Brother Yao finally became a little impatient and stretched out a palm: "Let me inform the owner of the village. Don't you know how to express it? Who will do the bad things? Who do you think you are?

"You, you" subordinates didn't expect that they had such a big thing to find the owner of the village, and the notification had to be beneficial? This medicine brother is a little too dark, isn't it? He was also a little anxious: "The benefits are gone. If you are willing to go or not, I'll wait here. If you delay the matter, you are responsible!"

With that, he just stood aside and didn't care.

"Wait and go, stupid bird!" Brother Yao curled his lips. He saw a lot of this kind of fool. He shouted that he wanted to wait here and wait. After waiting for a day or two, he would automatically soften. At that time, he would send filial piety to himself and then say a lot of good words?

So Brother Yao didn't mind and continued to guard the gate of the village owner.

The hard-staking owner waited for a long time and did not wait for the return of the people sent out before, so he was a little worried and asked his confidants around him, "Wang Xiaoxuan, those people have been there for so long, why haven't there been any news? Call and ask, what's going on?"

In the jungle of Miaojiang, mobile phones are also used. Yi Miaozhai is the closest to the outside, so the mobile phone signal can also be covered. If it goes further inside, the mobile phone signal will become weaker and weaker...,

"Okay, owner!" The confidant nodded and dialed Wang Xiaoji's phone, but the phone was connected as soon as it was dialed, but no one answered for a long time, and no one answered after waiting for a long time...