very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2066 has been found!

"The whole army was destroyed... After listening to it, the bitter village owner... couldn't help sighing. Although the news was a little sad, it was also within the expectation of the bitter village owner! Yang Ming's group of people is so powerful that the owner of the bitter village had expected it.

Otherwise, why do you have to let yourself deal with it? However, Wang Xiaoji couldn't understand. They underestimated the enemy and thought that these people were easy to deal with. They volunteered to kill the enemy and made contributions. What was the result?

Except for one who was not killed, everyone else is dead!

"You mean that Yang Ming's martial arts are very harmful. He almost kills the enemy in one move. You didn't even have a chance to fight back, so you were killed by him. Is that right?" The owner of the bitter village asked.

"Yes, he was killed by him before he could react. He was so fast that we were not opponents at all, and we were not good at close combat." He nodded and said truthfully.

"That is to say, you haven't had time to use the magic, just because your opponent is too fast, and you don't have a chance?" The owner of the bitter village asked.

"Neither!" The little man shook his head and said, "The man named Yang Ming didn't seem to be afraid of poison, because when he met Wang Xiaoji, he did not take action, but asked Wang Xiaoji a few questions, so as to prepare enough time for Wang Xiaoji, but Wang Xiaoji's poison had no effect on him, and he waved his hand gently and It's gone..."

Xiaode and Wang Xiaoji are on an equal footing in the stockade, but when he temporarily carried out the task, Wang Xiaoji became the leader, but when he returned to the stockade, Xiaode naturally did not call Wang Xiaoji the leader, but called his name directly.

"Don't be afraid of tact... Sure enough." The owner of Kuzhai immediately frowned: "It seems that these people have certain precautions. Ordinary tricks should have no effect on them..."

"Yes, I also escaped from death. Come back quickly and report their news to you!" He said with a little head.

"All right, you go back first. The news you brought back this time is very useful. I will reward you." The owner of Kuzhai waved his hand and sent the little one away first. At that time, just let him be a small leader. The biggest problem of the owner of Kuzhai now is how to deal with Yang Ming.

Now it seems that he has to take action in person. Throughout the whole Yimiao village, the person who is a little more powerful in tacti is himself, and only he can use some high-level tactites, while others can do it.

"Zhai master, what should I do now?" Brother Wan asked.

"It seems that I'm the only one who can do it myself!" The owner of Kuzhai sighed and said, "No matter how many others go, they will just die!"

"But... the village owner, you go there in person. What if there is any danger?" Brother Wan said with some worry.

"It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided. Since the old man of the Right can give this task to us, I must do my best to complete it. If I don't do it, then once the old man on the right gets the power, it will be the day when our Yimiao village The bitter village owner said helplessly, "Now, do I still have a choice?"

"But..." Brother Wan was still a little worried.

"No, but I went there myself. If I can't come back, I will take the initiative to kill my Miao Village. You people, no matter who is the owner of the village, it is impossible to maintain the status quo of the Miao Village. In the end, it can only be destroyed, so if I really can' Let's turn to the right curtaceous old. This is the only way out. The owner of Kuzhai waved his hand and said.

Although Brother Wan is a little unhappy with the words of the owner of the bitter village, he also knows in his heart that what the owner of the bitter village is telling the truth. None of them can stir up the beam. If the owner of the bitter village is really finished, they can only turn to others, otherwise the Miao village will collapse in an instant.

"Akay, I know!" Brother Wan could only nod and say.

Since the owner of Kuzhai decided, he did not delay and quietly went out of Yimiaozhai alone. It's quiet, but it's just a secret from the whole person in Yimiao Village, but it can't be hidden from Yang Ming. Yang Ming has been locking him with his power since he entered the village when he was a child. Although Yang Ming can't get in, he can't escape Yang Ming's eyes in Yimiao Village!

From beginning to end, including his quarrel with Brother Yao and meeting with the owner of Kuzhai, Yang Ming saw it clearly.

From this clue since he was a child, Yang Ming also let him know the appearance of the bitter village owner.

Originally, Yang Ming was still thinking about how to attract the bitter village owner, but to Yang Ming's surprise, the bitter village owner actually came out to fight in person, which saved Yang Ming a lot of trouble.

"The owner of Kuzhai came out in person. I don't know his means. Be careful. I'll go out to meet the enemy alone for a while. You hide first and adapt to the changes!" Yang Ming told Xia Xue and others.

"Yes!" What Yang Ming said was an order. Xia Xue and others must obey unconditionally.

The owner of the bitter village naturally did not know that Yang Ming and others had followed Xiaode to the vicinity of Yimiao Village. He thought that they were still at the border of the Miaojiang jungle, so after he left the Yimiao Village, he kept marching to the border of the Miaojiang jungle.

Yang Ming followed the owner of the Kuzhai, and followed him not far away.

However, after walking a distance away from Yimiao Village, the owner stopped, suddenly turned around and said to Yang Ming and others, "After following for so long, come out!"

Yang Ming was shocked. His own tracking technology was first-class, and the bitter village owner could actually find it? Isn't he deliberately deceitting himself and others?

It can be seen that the owner of the bitter village is a cautious person, but Yang Ming and others are not the kind of people who show their feet as soon as they scare them, so after a brief look at each other, they all leaned down and hid.

These people are not inferior to Yang Ming's stalking masters, and they are also confident that they can't be found by the bitter village owner. Moreover, they are far away from the bitter village owner. The bitter village owner has no eyes for thousands of miles. How can they find the trace of everyone?

The owner of Kuzhai waited for a while. Seeing that no one was talking, he couldn't help sneering: "What a rat, hide. If you don't come out, I will catch you in person!"

However, after saying this, Yang Ming and others still had nothing to say.

And the bitterzhai owner, in the case of fruitless waiting, actually strode back! It is the direction where Yang Ming and others are hiding!

Yang Ming suddenly had some doubts in his heart. How could this bitter village owner be so sure that he was being followed?