very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2083 Unravel the doubts

"It turns out that there is such a thing in this. You are quite generous. I just met my girlfriend a few days ago and gave her a piece of jade, but it was my mistake!" Elder Right nodded: "But in this case, your jade is for Lan Ling. Why don't you look for it? This kind of gift you want to give your girlfriend should be very important, right? But you lost it. It's a little abnormal!"

"Do you also see that it is abnormal?" Yang Ming smiled and said, "It's right if it's abnormal. If it's normal, it's strange!"

"Oh? How to say it?" The right elder was a little upset about Yang Ming.

"Because I have found where the jade is hidden at all." Yang Ming said lightly, "It's just that I didn't take it out!"

"Where have you found that piece of jade? How is it possible?" The right elder was stunned after listening to Yang Ming's words.

"First of all, I saw a familiar figure in the hotel. At that time, he was a waiter. Thinking of his professional identity, I guessed that he probably stole this jade. He stole the jade unconsciously and put it in my room and did it under my eyes. At this point, I'm afraid it's only him..." Yang Ming said, "Secondly, I know someone wants to target me, or Lan Ling, and I don't want others to worry about me, and I don't want Lan Ling to worry about this matter, so I just gave up that piece of jade."

"I didn't expect that, Yang Ming, you are a very tolerant person. At that time, you were not very good, and with this tolerant mind, it is not accidental that you can become my biggest enemy!" The right elder sighed.

"Ha ha, next, let's talk about the man who stole that piece of jade. If I guessed it correctly, that person is my brother Dong Jun, right?" Yang Ming looked at the right elder and said word by word.

"What!" The right elder was stunned, looked at Yang Ming in disbelief, and was shocked, "So you all know?"

"Yes, I know it." Yang Ming nodded: "It seems that I guessed right?"

"I said, if you can guess it, then I will never deny it!" The right elder nodded and said, "It's not wrong, it's really him!" You guessed right. Since you guessed it, it doesn't make sense for me to continue to hide it, because I'm just a cooperative relationship with him. Besides, his repeated plans have failed, which made me lose patience with him! But unfortunately, even if you are sure, you can't ask him for verification, because you can't go back this time.

"Are you sure that I will definitely lose to you. It's impossible to have a chance to go back to Songjiang City?" Yang Ming asked rhetorical.

"Ha ha, it's no use saying anything. I'll see it then!" Elder Right smiled and said, "Well, tell me first, why do you doubt your brother? As far as I know, your brother is a low-key person, right?

"At the beginning, in the hotel in Yunnan, I saw a waiter and felt that his figure was very similar to him, but in the world, there are more than one or two similar people. There are simply too many stars who can find faces, not to mention my brother? So I just doubted for a moment, and then let it go. However, after this incident passed, many other things happened. These things were connected, which made me lock the target doubt on my brother Dong Jun!" Yang Ming's secrets have been kept in his heart for a long time. At this time, they were confirmed by the right elder, so he said them all one by one!

These things are not secrets, and the right elder is also an insider. Most importantly, Yang Ming can rely on the analysis and memory of these things to achieve the purpose of delaying time. Since he doesn't know the limit time that the right elder can stick to, he can Procrastinating for a moment can also create a good opportunity for Lan Ling.

"Is it? It's not easy for you to doubt him. Then tell me, how do you doubt it? The right elder asked curiously.

"As you said, my brother Dong Jun is a low-key person. As the first thief, he gives all the stolen money to the poor, which is very commendable. In the eyes of me and my master, he has always been a selfless person." Yang Ming said, "However, there have been several things that have changed my opinion of him. For the first time, he drove a limited-edition sports car. I can't remember exactly what type of car it is, because I don't care much about sports cars and so on. But is it normal for such a person who has no selfishness and desire to drive a limited-edition sports car? This shows that he still has selfish desires. Once he has selfish desires, he will be greedy. This greed is magnified to a certain extent, and he will do something that harms the interests of others.

"Oh? Sports car?" Elder Right was stunned. Unexpectedly, Yang Ming could see a person's character from such small details: "This doesn't mean anything, does it? Maybe he has a hobby of collecting in this field?

"One or two things, forget it, there are still many such things." Yang Ming smiled and continued, "For example, once, I had something to go to the hospital, but Dong Jun told me that he knew the doctors in the hospital and knew each other very well, and told me that he had many acquaintances in Songjiang City! A good man who does good deeds without leaving a name, how does he get to know these people from all walks of life? If it is not operated on a special, what is the explanation? These things are inconsistent with his own personality. At first, he gave me the impression that he was a good man, no competition with the world, a good man, a good man, no name for good deeds, no competition, no fame and fortune... But according to my observation, on the contrary, he is a person who is very greedy and attaches great importance to interpersonal communication!"

"Sure enough, he is indeed a direct disciple of the King of Killers. This analytical ability is also first-class. This person's personality has been analyzed by you!" Elder Right couldn't help admiring him and said, "Yes, even if he is a hypocritical person, how can you suspect that he is the boss behind the scenes and wants to deal with you? You know, hypocrisy and he want to deal with you, right?

"No, you're wrong. It naturally has something to do with it, and it has a lot to do with it!" Yang Ming said faintly, "As a direct disciple of Fang Tian, the king of killers, I have a kind of inheritance mantle, and the posture of the later one makes him instinctively feel threatened... I think this is the fundamental reason why he wants to deal with me!" RO