very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2135 There is no way

"I have something important to tell you. Let's go to the small conference room of the research room, right?" Lin Dongfang said to everyone.

"Ah?" Liu Tianqi was stunned: "Brother Lin, which play are you singing?"

"Godfather, what are you?" Yiyi is also a little puzzled.

"Everyone will know when you go..." Lin Dongfang smiled bitterly: "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Yang Ming nodded and said, "Let's go together!"

Yang Ming spoke. Naturally, several of Yang Ming's men would not say anything more. They all stood up one after another and followed Yang Ming in the direction of the research room!

Lin Dongfang walked in the most face, and there was also a burst of helplessness and bitterness on his face. Finally, it was this day. There are some things I have to say. I hope you don't worry too much!

After entering the conference room next to the research room, Lin Dongfang sat on the main seat, while Yang Ming and Liu Tianqi sat around.

"This time... can you say it?" Seeing that Lin Dongfang was so serious, Liu Tianqi said with a wry smile, "Brother Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Yes, aren't you arousing our appetite?" Yang Ming also smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Lin, what important things do you have to tell us?"

"Well, in that case, I'll tell you the truth!" Lin Dongfang nodded and said, "Actually, when I first came here, I was betrothed by the right chamolder..."

"Ah!" Lin Dongfang's words stunned all the people present, but then Liu Tianqi said with a strange face, "I was also behilated... Brother Lin, don't you know that? Why did you... suddenly talk about this matter at this time?"

"Yes, we were also behed before we came!" Yang Ming also said, "The members of our whole team have been poisoned and need to take the antidote regularly, but I have a few super decoction pills, which have been poisoned for them..."

"Super Jiegudan? How can you have a super anti-detic elixir?" Liu Tianqi said in surprise, "The poison between me and Xiaojing also needs to be solved by super elixirs, otherwise we can only take the antidote provided by the right long old man on a regular basis..."

"I have the refining formula of this super elixirs, and the refining materials should also be found here, but my current level is not enough, and I can't master the refining skills. However, I believe that practice can make perfect. With the study of Hercules and King Kong elixirs, after a long time, I will definitely be able Yes! So, you don't have to worry, there must be no problem!" Lan Ling said, "Brother Lin, are you worried about this? It doesn't matter. In fact, we all have a tact!"

"I know you are all poisoned... But the poison on me is different from yours, not the same "..." Lin Dongfang said with a wry smile: "The poison on my body is a very powerful poison refined by the right long chamelon, and the super depressing elixir is also ineffective..."

"Ah?" Liu Tianqi was stunned: "Brother Lin, why haven't you said it before? I thought you were the same kind of poison as me!"

"I didn't say it before, because Yiyi was still young at that time. I said it for fear that she would be worried!" Lin Dongfang said, "And later, this poison has never occurred, and my body has not been any different, so I forgot this one, and thought that the right long cross is always a lie..."

"Yichen..." After listening to Lin Dongfang's words, Yiyi suddenly felt very responsible...

"Yiyi, don't talk first, listen to me!" Lin Dongfang waved his hand and motioned Yiyi not to speak first: "It was not until recently that I found that my memory has declined significantly. It is often the thing I just finished, and I turn around and forget it. What I did yesterday can't be remembered for a long time... Even how many chicken legs I just ate, I now I can't remember..."

"Ah?" After listening to Lin Dongfang's words, everyone was very surprised. What kind of poison is this? How is it similar to amnesia?

"This is not a poison, is it? Why does it look like a memory decline? Yang Ming looked at Lin Dongfang strangely and asked.

"That's true!" Lin Dongfang said, "After this poison attack, it is exactly the same as the memory decline! At first, I don't remember what just happened, and then I will slowly forget what happened in the past. The end result is that every day after I get up, I don't know what happened yesterday, let alone what happened in the past. I feel like an idiot, but I'm not an idiot, but I don't have the function of memory. !"

"I remember..." Lan Ling suddenly said, "I have seen this kind of poison recorded, which is called fast cicada. I have seen it in the information before, but I didn't expect that it was this kind of poison given to you by the old man!"

"Is it really a poison?" Liu Tianqi said in surprise.

"Naturally, it's poisonous!" Lin Dongfang smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone should know my medical skill level. Before, I also tried to configure a lot of memory-enhancing drugs, but the effect was very little. This fast cicada is really too powerful, and I tried it with various drugs, and I can't kill it!"

"Ling Ling, is there no antidote to this fast cicada?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

"No!" Lan Ling said affirmatively, "At least it is not recorded in the information, and I believe no one has developed it. This fast cicada is one of the most powerful poisons, which is often used to control some enemies, which is very vicious!"

"So, there is no way to solve it?" Yang Ming asked.

"You can say so!" Lan Ling nodded: "It is more difficult to refine this antidote than to refine Hercules and King Kong!"

"Isn't my godfather... "..." Yiyi's face changed and she was shocked.

"Hehe, Yiyi, don't worry too much. In fact, I've already figured it out. What are you still struggling with?" Lin Dongfang laughed and said, "Yiyi, my godfather is not dead, but I just lost my memory. In the future, I'm afraid I'll trouble you to take care of my godfather! Your adoptive father has taken care of you for so many years, and you should also enjoy it!"

"Yichen... Of course I will take care of you!" Yiyi nodded with tears. She knew that although Lin Dongfang said it was easy, he must be very bitter in his heart, but there was no choice but to look at things optimistically!

"Ha ha, that's all right?" Lin Dongfang smiled and said, "I want to tell you about this matter, and I also want to say that in the future, my memory may get worse and worse and become an idiot. Don't despise me as an old man!" ( To be continued