very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2172 Come here for nothing?

"I see, and then you want to say that you came here in a crying flying saucer? So, do you think this flying saucer is very familiar? Yang Ming asked.

"Yes, yes, that's it!" Liu Yezi was relieved. He was angry and said, "So Yiyi, don't worry. Like you, we won't give birth to a alien baby..."

"What alien... I'm talking about aliens..." Yiyi said.

"Haha, isn't it all almost the same?" Liu Yezi smiled.

"I said Liu Yezi, it turns out that you have a big background. You are an alien visitor. So, is it really possible that the flying saucer has something to do with you?" Yang Ming asked.

"This... Although I've seen a flying saucer, and I also have a flying saucer at home, I can't say that it's my family..." Liu Yezi smiled bitterly and said, "Now it's so far away that I can't see clearly. Who knows what's going on with this flying saucer? Maybe it crashed here!" "

"Forget it, no matter what it is, I have to go and have a look tomorrow!" Yang Ming waved his hand and said, "It's really too late today. It's not easy to get through, and I can't get through it. I'll talk about it tomorrow..."

"That's right. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Liu Yezi also nodded and said.

However, Yiyi didn't seem to let Liu Yezi go: "Yezi, where is your home? Why did you go to the alien?

"I... In fact, I don't know much about it. My father didn't tell me too much about him. I just came here to practice, and I don't know anything else..." Liu Yezi spread out his hands and smiled bitterly.

"So that's it..." Yiyi nodded and said, "Well... You told me before that you wanted me to go back with you, but you wanted to stop talking. Did you say, let me accompany you back to the planet where you live?"

"Yes, I wanted to say it at that time, but it was too strange, so I didn't say it at that time..." Liu Yezi said, "I said it at that time, and I was afraid you wouldn't believe it, but now I happened to see such a flying saucer, so I also told my background..."

"Then you are from an alien. Do you have any powerful cards?" Yang Ming asked.

"Isn't there only one jade pendant? It is said that it can be used as a high-end communicator and storage space, but it has been broken for too long and has not been repaired. At present, it can only be used as something to predict bad luck, and sometimes it is not very early..." Liu Yezi said helplessly, "As for the rest, I don't have anything else. If Are you taking King Kong with you here?

"It's true!" Yang Ming nodded and said, "I thought you had any powerful cards. It made me happy for nothing."

"What do you think? If there were any powerful special functions, I would have said it long ago!" Liu Yezi smiled bitterly.

Everyone asked for a while, but they didn't ask why, so after the freshness, they were ready to rest.

Everyone has agreed to go straight to the flying saucer-shaped object early tomorrow morning! Let's see what it is.

But what Yang Ming is looking forward to is to find some opportunities to see if he can meet the long old man on the right side of the line!

There was nothing to say all night. The next morning, everyone got up early. Today, everyone agreed to explore the flying saucer, so everyone seemed a little excited!

Although the flying saucer looks relatively close, it is actually very far away, so everyone must return to the battery car first, and then drive the battery car to find the flying saucer!

Because everyone was in a hurry, they walked very fast, and they didn't have the desire to walk and stop to see the scenery before, so it only took a morning to run back to the parking place of the battery car.

Next, everyone drove the battery car non-stop and then drove to the location of the flying saucer!

This time, everyone is moving at full speed, but even so, the speed of the battery car can't be raised. This is also because of the safety of everyone, the right car deliberately limited the speed of the battery car. This battery car is open-top, and the safety factor is not too high. The right car is also afraid that there will be any problems The person was injured. Who helped him study Hercules?

So, even if everyone drives very fast, when they arrive at the location of the flying saucer, it is also the evening of the day!

But it doesn't matter, because hope is in front of us, and everyone is about to come to the location of the flying saucer!

The closer the distance is, the more surprised Liu Yezi is, because in his eyes, this flying saucer is exactly the same as the flying saucer in his house. He is very excited in his heart. Is it true that this flying saucer really comes from his own place?

Finally, two battery cars parked next to the flying saucer. Liu Yezi looked at the flying saucer in front of him in a daze, with a feeling of familiarity. This feeling made him feel a little about you...

"It seems... It seems that it's really the flying of our planet..." Liu Yezi looked at the flying saucer and muttered, "I don't know if it's there? Or is it a flying saucer abandoned here that no one wants?

"It doesn't seem to be morning" Yang Ming shook his head and said, "This flying saucer looks very new, and there is no sign of damage. According to my observation, the facilities inside are also intact... Of course, I don't know what the damage looks like, but there should be no problem with visual inspection!"

"Is there anyone?" Liu Yezi shouted excitedly at the flying saucer!

"There is no one in the flying saucer..." Yang Ming shook his head. He had checked it with the ability of perspective before. The flying saucer was empty, and there was no life in it, so Yang Ming was so sure.

"It turns out that there is no one..." Liu Yezi said with some disappointment, "I thought there would be someone inside... Then how could this flying saucer appear here?"

"How could I know this?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "However, since this flying saucer is similar to that in your home, will you operate it? Can we use flying saucers to deal with the right curd? Are there any high-tech weapons in it?

"How is that possible?" Liu Yezi immediately shook his head with a wry smile: "Let's not mention that I don't have the start password of the flying saucer. Even if there is, this flying saucer is also shuttled through the space, without any attack function!"

"Well... I read that in science fiction movies, flying saucers can emit lasers and so on, as if they are very powerful..." Xia Xue said with some disappointment.

"You also said it was a science fiction film at that time!" Liu Yezi said helplessly.

"Then didn't we... come here for nothing?" Yang Ming frowned and looked at the huge field in front of him helplessly... (To be continued