very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2212 Little Think Tank

Chapter 222 The little think tank "Oh, I'm coming. Shangfeng explained my task, but I don't know what to do!" After drinking a glass of wine, Dong Jun said with a sad face, "I originally thought that you and Yang Ming have fought many times. I have inquired for some information from you and can go back to work, but it seems that you don't know anything about Yang Ming's special ability!"

"Oh, yes, it's my fault. I didn't pay attention to it before!" Elder Right said, "However, now you go to Yang Ming to inquire. With Yang Ming's shrewdness, he should not say anything to you. Moreover, after you go, you can come back or not!"

"Yes, after I went there, I'm afraid Yang Ming left me behind and killed me quickly!" Dong Jun smiled bitterly and said, "But brother, you know, I'm here. If I go back with nothing, I'm afraid I'll be punished more severely... Impulsive is the devil. Before, I proudly agreed to my brother's invitation, but now, I'm in a dilemma..."

Dong Jun was originally a person who was good at camouflage. If he hadn't been good at this, he would not have deceived Fang Tian for so many years, and he also deceived Yang Ming at the beginning! It's just that after being with them for a long time, it just showed some fw.

However, there are very few opportunities for Dong Jun to contact Fang Tian. The number of times the two people meet is limited, and most of them contact by phone, so Dong Jun is fierce at this moment, and he cheated the right elder at once!

Especially his sensational expression and tone, which moved and moved the right elder!

The right elder has an illusion that Dong Jun came to Miaojiang this time for him. He came to see him pretending, and even did not hesitate to deceive Shangfeng!

This made the right elder very grateful.

Of course, the right elder is a very shrewd person, but there are several kinds of shrewd people. In front of Dong Jun, who is good at camouflage, the right elder's shrewdity is obviously not enough. Now it can be said that he has completely believed Dong Jun's words!

However, it is no wonder that Dong Jun and the Right Elder have always been friends and collaborators, so he will not have too much hostility to Dong Jun, but the Right Elder and Yang Ming are different. Both have always been hostile, so the Right Elder does not trust Yang Ming at all. Even if Yang Ming says or does anything, the Right Elder The first thought of the subconscious is doubt!

This is also the reason why Yang Ming has been repeatedly defeated, because the right elder does not believe in anything Yang Ming said and does. First of all, he looks at what Yang Ming does with colored glasses, so it can only be said that the right elder's shrewdness also varies from person to person.

"That's true, but don't worry, I'll help you figure it out!" Elder Right said quickly, "You came for the face of my brother. I can't let you not do it. I have to think of a good way for you!"

"That's great. Thank you so much, brother!" After hearing this, Dong Jun's heart moved slightly and said happily.

"Thank you for what? This is what I should worry about. I caused you trouble. If I don't help you solve it, what will happen? The right elder waved his hand and said in a big way.

"I won't say thank you. Let's find a way together. At the very least, we have to deal with Yang Ming's affairs. Otherwise, I'm always worried!" Dong Jun said.

"Well, I'll help you figure it out now. I have a confidant, a think tank, and an absolutely trustworthy person around me. Why don't you come over and help you think about it?" The right elder asked.

"Since he is a person trusted by the right elder, what else can I refuse? Let him help me!" Dong Jun nodded and said.

"Good!" As the right elder said, he took out a communicator, pressed a few buttons, and then said to the other side, "Come here!"

"Is this your own communicator? Does it look fun?" Dong Jun said.

"Haha, yes, our internal mobile phone signal is blocked. Only my satellite phone can call you. In addition, no one can contact the outside world, which also prevents spies from sneaking into it!" The right elder explained.

"So that's it..." Dong Jun nodded.

While the two were talking, a man came here respectfully, nodded to the right Elder, and then nodded to Dong Jun, and then said, "I've seen the Right Elder and Falcon!"

"All that's it, you don't have to be polite. You're not an outsider!" Elder Right waved his hand and said to Dong Jun, "This is my think tank. Just call him a little think tank!"

"Little think tank brother, please figure out more about my affairs this time!" Dong Jun said so. In fact, he has been guiding the right elder. He has a complete guidance plan in his heart, which can unconsciously guide both people's minds in his direction!

"If there is anything, I will try my best to figure it out!" The little think tank said.

"Here's the thing..." The trouble encountered by the right elder Dong Jun and the little think tank said.

The little think tank nodded and began to close his eyes and meditate. The trouble Dong Jun encountered was simple, but it was really complicated!

"I have a suggestion, but this suggestion is a little risky, but I don't know if the falcon senior can accept it?" The little think tank pondered for a moment.

"Oh? What's your suggestion? Dong Jun asked quietly. "

"Well, we can use a counter-trick to let the falcon senior pretend to see Yang Ming, and then lied to Yang Ming that the falcon senior actually came to save Yang Ming and gain Yang Ming's trust. Then in this way, the falcon senior can pretend to ask Yang Ming what tricks he has, so that he can be He took out all Yang Ming's tricks. The little think tank said, "However, this strategy must first convince Yang Ming that the predecessor Falcon actually pretended to accept the invitation of the right elder, but actually came to save him!"

Dong Jun laughed wildly in his heart. This think tank is really a think tank. He actually thought of going with himself!

Dong Jun thought of this move. Let's see how he can secretly connect with Yang Ming, so he didn't hesitate to act before to win the sympathy of the right elder, but he didn't expect that Dong Jun had not guided him. The little think tank found by the right elder was so good that he said everything he wanted to say, and he

But on the surface, Dong Jun pretended to be very embarrassed and said, "But now the key question is that Yang Ming has exposed me? If you didn't expose me before, this trick would be just right to work, but now, I say that I'm actually here to help you, not to help the right elder, can he believe it?