very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2238 The Last Card

Yang Ming was a little puzzled by the right elder's action. What did this guy say half of his words?

However, when he saw the right elder take out a piece of paper to look through, Yang Ming instantly understood why this guy still remembered his name after losing his memory! Because on the paper, Yang Ming has seen it through his ability through perspective. It is written that there are five big words of the great enemy Yang Ming, and the following are some ways to deal with Yang Ming and explanations of why Yang Ming is his enemy!

Although Yang Ming is a little speechless about the right elder's practice, he has to admire that the right elder is a personal talent. He actually uses this method to record his hatred. Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to remember anything.

But with this piece of paper to help the right elder, it can make the right elder always remember that he has an enemy named Yang Ming...

After a few glances on this paper, the right elder said, "Yang Ming, you tried your best to cheat me, wanted to destroy me and get rid of me, but you didn't expect it, did you? I remember you in this way! Don't think that you rebelled against Dong Jun, let him deal with me with a fast cicada, and turn me into an idiot, and I will have nothing to do with you!

I didn't expect me to do such a trick, did I? How about it? Yang Ming, I force myself to remember one thing every day, that is, you are my big enemy, and my failure is caused by you. I don't care about others, so I must retaliate against you!

And now, I did it! Yang Ming, don't you know what the black fog I just made is? I don't know what consequences will happen if they enter your [body], right?

"What are the consequences?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

Because the right elder opened his mouth. Therefore, Yang Ming could only turn his attention to the right elder again and dare not continue to read the things on the paper. He was afraid that the right elder would play any more tricks.

So Yang Ming really doesn't know what the black fog is and what the consequences will be.

"Haha. Let me tell you! The black fog is actually the poison of the modified King Kong Goose that I forced out of the [body]!" The right elder laughed and said, "The poison of the modified King Kong is not in the form of insects. I used the secret method to force part of it into your [body]! But don't worry, although it is only a part of it, when it comes to your body, it will continue to reproduce and grow rapidly, and soon become the owner of incomplete King Kong Goose like me. Besides, you have no medicine to solve! Hahahaha!"

"Incomplete King Kong Gobage? Did you force part of it to infect me? Yang Ming understood what Elder Right meant, but he didn't understand what he meant by doing this. What kind of revenge is this?

"Yes! Yang Ming. Your memory won't be that bad, will it? Do you remember what I just said? My yesterday is your tomorrow!" Elder Right sneered and said, "You also have incomplete King Kong demagions this time. In the future, you should also regularly sacrifice with the blood of the dead, otherwise you will definitely die. Ga Ga! You have also become an evil villain. Today, you have to get rid of me, tomorrow. Someone will get rid of you because of this! Hahahaha, Yang Ming. Accept this fact! Although it can be replaced with animal blood at ordinary times, it can be replaced every once in a while. You must use human blood to sacrifice, otherwise you will be devoured to death!"

"Is this what you call revenge?" Yang Ming frowned and looked at the right elder and asked.

"Of course, how about it, Yang Ming, I'm very bad, isn't it? In the future, you will also become a thorn in other people's side!" The right elder said.

"Oh, but how did I hear you say that as long as you use the complete version of King Kong Gos, and merge with the incomplete version of King Kong Gos, you can not only retain the powerful ability of the incomplete King Kong Gos, but also like the full version of King Kong Gos, without blood sacrifice?" To be honest, Yang Ming really didn't mean to understand the right elder's revenge plan. People with amnesia just can't do it!

"Is it? So what?" Elder Right's face changed slightly, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have ignored something, but his mind was empty and he couldn't remember anything...

"In that case, you won't forget the purpose of catching me, right?" Yang Ming asked.

"The purpose of catching you?" The right elder frowned and quickly took out a few more pieces of paper from his body and turned them over. When he finished reading it, his face suddenly became worse. He seemed to find something wrong: "I... I came to you to refine King Kong for me?"

"Yes, I refined it successfully, and I ate it myself!" Yang Ming nodded and said, "So, thank you for the incomplete King Kong Gut for giving me. When I merge with the full version of King Kong Gu in my [body], I will become really invulnerable to water and fire, and there is no more fbreak! Thank you so much, thank you!"

"What!" The right elder finally understood what he had ignored. In an instant, he felt a stream of blood rushing to his brain. At this moment, he returned to his light and seemed to remember everything. He remembered the reason why he caught Yang Ming. Yang Ming refined the diamond but secretly took it privately. He was hit by Dong Jun, and he was In the state of forgetfulness, I wrote down the name of Yang Ming, the enemy, and in the state of forgetfulness, I found a good way to deal with Yang Ming who thought was "perfect"!

But this method is to make a wedding dress for Yang Ming, which not only did not harm Yang Ming, but also made Yang Ming stronger!

Thinking of this, the right elder's heart surged up with aggrievedness, and a fire rushed up to a mouthful, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground full of blood foam and foam, rolled his eyes and twitched...

A few pieces of paper in his hand were also thrown to the ground, blown away by the wind...

The change at this moment made everyone in You Miaozhai dumbfounded, and the right elder fell down!

Their spiritual pillar has fallen, and the most powerful existence of You Miaozhai has fallen. No one can help them, and no one can be the opponent of Lan Miaozhai anymore!

And Heigao and Kuncun didn't expect that things would develop like this at the last step!

They were quite happy to see the right elder deal with Yang Ming as soon as he came out. If they can control Yang Ming and capture Yang Ming as a prisoner, they can also let Lan Miaozhai throw rats. At that time, they can negotiate with Lan Miaozhai and strive for some benefits!

But now, everything has gone to nothing with the fall of the right elder!

Hope, collapse at this moment.

Hei Gao and Kun Cun even forgot to resist the attack of Elder Zuo again. They stood stupidly on the spot and couldn't speak... (To be continued)