very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2316 Do It Again

Dong Jun knew that Yang Ming was going to take action. He nodded, then stood up and asked the waiter to settle the bill. He pretended to be a guest who had just finished dinner with Yang Ming and walked slowly to the dock. At this time, a colorful speedboat not far away was flying...

The position where Yang Ming stands is a dead corner. No matter where the camera of the speedboat is installed, it is impossible to capture Yang Ming and Dong Jun at this moment. The reason why Yang Ming can see the speedboat is naturally the power of perspective.

Without this power, Yang Ming would naturally not be so confident to kill the people in this center without being discovered by Dr. Benjamin.

Yang Ming and the people on the speedboat are actually not far from each other, but Yang Ming is standing behind a big billboard at this moment, and Yang Ming's eyes do not seem to be on the side of the speedboat, but under the billboards, selling seafood stalls...

Yang Ming's hand seemed to wave inadvertently. No one noticed that a flying needle had been launched along Yang Ming's hand, like a sharp sword directly submerged into the heart of the speedboat. The flying needle is a special flying needle made for Yang Ming. After entering the human body, it will be melted by blood, and there is Come on, even if Dr. Benjamin takes it back to study, he won't find anything.

Dong Jun knew that Yang Ming would kill the people in the center independently, so at this moment he cooperated and bought a few gadgets on the seafood stall at will. When Yang Ming stood up, Dong Jun knew that Yang Ming had finished it.

The two of them took the seafood they bought and left here without looking back.

The people in the center are still on the speedboat. The speedboat did not dock. It's just on the shore. He died on the speedboat. At this moment, no one found it. It is estimated that by the time he was found, Yang Ming and Dong Jun had already left here.

Yang Ming and Dong Jun turned around and came to a nearby parking lot. They got into the car, drove the car, and went straight to the motel they had checked in before.

"Did you do it?" After getting on the car, Dong Jun asked.

"Dad it." Yang Ming nodded..

"It's so fast, so sharp!" Dong Jun gave a thumbs up. He didn't even know when Yang Ming made his hand and how to do it. It seemed that Yang Ming had been standing with him, but Yang Ming inadvertently completed an assassination!

"It's okay." Yang Ming said, "Our face now. It can be used a few more times, but after a long time, we still need to change it. After all, if we are at the scene of every murder, the local police may also suspect it. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, we'd better be careful.

"That's true." Dong Jun nodded and said, "But my level of susceptibility is limited. After all, my appearance is here, even if it is different. It's also inseparable from it. I'm afraid that there will be more times when the time comes, and some people still doubt it.

"That's okay. I'm just different. Although we are always two people, every time I'm completely different from the previous person, then no one will doubt you. If it really doesn't work, I can become a woman." Yang Ming said.

"Haha, that's right. I'd like to forget that you are completely imaginary, and you can become whatever you want!" Dong Jun thought of Yang Ming's special function and nodded.

Sure enough, as Yang Ming expected, it had been ten minutes since he and Dong Jun left before someone found something wrong. Because the ships of the people in the center do not dock in the water on the shore of the dock. No one paid attention because there were no other speedboats passing here before, but now there are other speedboats to pass by, and the speedboat in the center just blocked the passage, and naturally someone found something wrong.

When the dock administrator shouted and asked him to drive the speedboat to the shore or leave without success, the administrator also found that something was wrong, so he sent someone to drive the boat to approach, and found the person who had died in the center of the speedboat!

So, the alarm, the screaming...

On the distant Fire Wolf Island, Dr. Benjamin looked at the surveillance pictures sent on the screen with a gloomy face. He never thought that his people would die before they landed!

Before, he wondered why the speedboat did not go ashore, but stopped at the sea not far from the dock. Dr. Benjamin thought something had happened!

Because the automatic navigation program of the speedboat can only navigate to the vicinity of the dock, it is impossible to automatically stop the ship to the position of the empty speedboat. This step can only be completed by the driver himself.

So, it was not until someone shouted that the person on the speedboat was dead that Dr. Benjamin was shocked. It turned out that his own man was dead?

This situation made him shocked and angry. He didn't find out when he died!

Of course, the bodies of his own people can't fall into the hands of the police. Let alone the devices on the speedboat, even Dr. Benjamin himself wants to figure out how his own people died, so he took advantage of those people to go ashore to call the police and activated the automatic return function of the speedboat, so the speedboat took a kind At a fast speed, I drove back to the central base Fire Wolf Island!

The administrator on the shore was afraid of destroying the scene of the murder, so when he saw the death of the people on the speedboat, he did not contact him again. He wanted to wait for the police to deal with it, but he didn't expect that the speedboat would automatically launch and fly to the depths of the sea...

When the police came here, the speedboat had already gone without a trace!

When the local police came here to investigate and collect evidence, and then contacted the helicopter to track it at sea, it was a long time later, and the speedboat had already sailed back to the central base.

However, when Yang Ming was watching the news that night, he also found a problem. He didn't expect Dr. Benjamin to do so and take the body back. However, in this way, I'm afraid the local police will pay more attention to the case.

And this also reminds Yang Ming that in the future, when assassinating the people in the center, try to wait for the people in the center to come ashore and kill them in places where there are few people. If Dr. Benjamin gets people back every time, it won't be long before the dock will be monitored!

If Yang Ming can do it again, it will become very difficult.

Of course, the reason why Dr. Benjamin took the risk of transporting his own bodies back is actually to see how his own people died! Otherwise, he can fully start the self-detonation device of the speedboat, create an explosion, and let all the bodies of the speedboat and his own people explode. At that time, it will look like the destruction of the corpse, and it will not cause so much trouble. ( To be continued.