very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2318 Prepare for Action

In addition to returning to the hotel to sleep every day, Yang Ming and Dong Jun enjoy delicious food everywhere in the town during the day!

And Dr. Benjamin lived in depression. Yang Ming took time to monitor him frequently every day, and then told Dong Jun about Dr. Benjamin's situation. Dong Jun couldn't help laughing after hearing this!

He never thought that he had changed from a prey to a hunter, and Dr. Benjamin became a prey!

Before, Dong Jun thought about asking Yang Ming to help him deal with Dr. Benjamin, but in his idea, dealing with Dr. Benjamin was just hiding. While trying to avoid Dr. Benjamin's pursuit, he then found a way to fight back!

But he never thought that the current situation would become like this. How can he hide? His life with Yang Ming was quite good. On the contrary, it was difficult for Dr. Benjamin to get down. He didn't know how to do it. It's not to send people out, and it's not...

The drugs tested have been used up, and although the center has some living materials, the living materials will become less and less with the passage of time. You can't suffo up on Fire Wolf Island, can you?

Hearing what Yang Ming said, Dong Jun really wanted to laugh out loud!

This Dr. Benjamin, who offended Yang Ming, really threw a stone at his own foot and fell into a dilemma!

If he let himself go obediently and doesn't bother Yang Ming, how can there be so many things?

Finally, Dr. Benjamin couldn't help it. After all, he hadn't done the experiment for N days. So I found the old housekeeper and the big mule to discuss countermeasures with him.

"Big mule. How do you think this matter should be solved? Dr. Benjamin rubbed his temples and asked with a headache.

"Dr. Benjamin, I think we can't wait. We should continue to send people out!" The old mule said, "However, we should send a more powerful person this time. At least, we can't be killed silently!"

"Well...that's right, you mean, send the Iron Man?" Dr. Benjamin raised his eyebrows. Ask.

"Um, at present, the technology of Iron Man is relatively mature. Although the biochemical man is powerful, it is not easy to control. The hypnotist can't give him too many orders at once, so at present, the best candidate is Iron Man. The old mule said.

" OK, then send the Iron Man." Dr. Benjamin nodded and said, "But on the hypnotist's side, we should hurry up. Our latest No. 03 potion can be put into use in batches. If we can create a group of obedient biochemical people, our combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly increased!"

"Okay, I'll go to the hypnotist to study it in a minute." The old mule said. He is the steward of the center, who is responsible for helping Dr. Benjamin communicate with his subordinates.

"This time, we set out at night. It's too conspicuous during the day. This time at night, I don't believe it. At night, there are also assassinations there!" Dr. Benjamin was so angry that he gritted his teeth at the dead man who was strong twice. I haven't figured out how my people died until now. It's completely inexplicable. I didn't even see the shadow of a killer in the video, but who was targeting me. Dr. Benjamin really doesn't know.

"Okay, I'll arrange it!" The old mule answered.

Yang Ming has finished reading it. He almost told Dr. Benjamin to Dong Jun, who was eating barbecue.

"Oh? Are you going to take action again? But what about Iron Man this time? After hearing this, Dong Jun couldn't help frowning: "This can't be assassinated silently, can it?"

"Iron Man is not easy to do." Yang Ming nodded and said, "It's impossible to be silent. I don't know if the camera on the Iron Man is the kind of real-time transmission, but this time, obviously Dr. Benjamin will not use the previous one. He should get a real-time transmission, and I'm afraid he will appear."

" you need my help?" Dong Jun asked.

"Need." Yang Ming said, "But you don't need to show up. At that time, I will turn into Dr. Benjamin. You can hide in the dark and shoot the position I told you with a sniper gun!"

"Puff... You turned into Dr. Benjamin? This is too tricky, isn't it?" Dong Jun was shocked, and then smiled bitterly and said, "Dr. Benjamin will probably be angry after seeing it."

"Ha ha, it's not so smoky, but the shock must be true." Yang Ming said, "But the more so, the more confused he is. Who is his enemy? Although we can't hide it from him forever, now it seems that it's good for us to hide him for a while.

"Um, that's good." Dong Jun nodded and said, "However, with a sniper rifle, at such a close distance, I'm afraid I'll hurt you accidentally. Are you going to fight with that steel man at close range, and then I'll find a chance to do it?"

"I will control him, lift him up, and tell you where to shoot." Yang Ming said, "I'm not worried about your shooting. Your shooting should be very accurate, and even if you accidentally hit me, it's okay. You can't kill me. It's just a sniper bullet. It's nothing."

"Uh... you are tougher than the Iron Man." Dong Jun said with a wry smile.

"Is it okay to get a sniper gun in such a short time?" Yang Ming looked at the time and asked Dong Jundao.

"No problem. If you really can't steal it, it will be more confusing at that time." Dong Jun laughed.

"Well, it's up to you. I'll take a nap first to replenish my energy. It is expected that Dr. Benjamin's Iron Man should arrive in the middle of the night, and we will act in the middle of the night!" Yang Ming said.

"I'm going to get the sniper rifle!" Dong Jun nodded, stuffed a few pieces of barbecue into his mouth, and then got up to settle the bill.

Yang Ming walked straight back to the motel, while Dong Jun drove the car to get the sniper rifle.

This open-air BBQ square is not far from the motel, that is, ten minutes away. Yang Ming soon returned to the hotel to rest and greeted the fierce battle at night.

Probably when it was getting dark, Dong Jun came back with a black suitcase in his hand. Yang Ming knew it was a sniper rifle at a glance.

"Where did you get it?" Yang Ming didn't expect Dong Jun to be so efficient.

"The arsenal of a gang in Lin City." Dong Jun smiled and said, "I wanted to spend money to buy it, but their boss was very drag, so I took the sheep and got it back."

"You are cruel!" Yang Ming got up from **, quickly went to wash up, and then finished wearing it. RS