very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2322 Who Deals with Who?

Who the hell is it, who is it?!

Dr. Benjamin is going crazy!

What he can't accept most is not that there is an enemy, but that he doesn't know who the enemy is, what kind of people he is, and why he is the enemy of the center and himself!

Previously, he suspected that his enemies were Yang Ming and Dong Jun, but now it seems that they are not!

If you want to say that Zhen Naoshi and another subordinate were killed, it may have been done by Yang Ming and Dong Jun, but it is absolutely impossible for Yang Ming and Dong Jun to kill this Keqi Lair. Are Yang Ming and Dong Jun so powerful? Do you still know where the door of Kechiler's door is?

And listening to his tone, he also killed Jetson and Kevin before, which was even more strange and confusing. At that time, it seemed that Dong Jun had not rebelled, and Yang Ming had no reason to fight against the center, right?

If these are nothing, what makes Dr. Benjamin want to die most is that after his enemy reveals his true face, he looks exactly like himself!

What the hell is this? Dr. Benjamin had the impulse to curse for the first time. Isn't it too tricky?

Abandon the power of nine cows and two tigers, and saw the enemy's face, but it was actually himself!

Grass and mud horse! Dr. Benjamin cursed, but there was nothing he could do. The opponent was too strong!

It's okay for Zhen to die honestly, but the second subordinate is strange enough to die. Dr. Benjamin doesn't know how the enemy found the fwarf and how to kill the second subordinate. There is not even a killer in the video!

The third subordinate, Kechiler. After he came out, he saw the enemy. But he was still killed face to face. The most annoying thing is that this enemy is Dr. Benjamin himself?

"Old mule, what's wrong with this fake doctor?" Dr. Benjamin frowned and asked, "Who is this enemy? How did he know the town that Kechiler went to in the middle of the night and how did he keep up with him? Every time we send someone out, why does it seem that the other party knows it like the back of our hand?

"This..." The old mule shook his head. To be honest, he was also very strange. What's going on? The other party seems to know every step of Dr. Benjamin's plan. As soon as the people sent here went there, they were ready and killed!

In this way, do you still want to live? Go and die one. Don't do Dr. Benjamin's experiment, wait until you die!

"Forget it, I don't know, you definitely don't know more!" Dr. Benjamin looked at the old mule's embarrassed and inexplicable face and sighed. It was the first time he had encountered such a big trouble since his debut. It was almost his death. How could the enemy be so powerful?

When on earth did you form such a powerful enemy? Why didn't you have any impression at all?

Dr. Benjamin is not a person who is good at making trouble. Although the central power has been developing secretly, controlling a lot of chaebols and having huge economic power, it has not offended anyone too much!

In addition to having a grudge against Sun Sikong, Dr. Benjamin has no other enemies. At least he does experiments on the Fire Wolf Island in the central base every day and doesn't go out. How can he offend people?

Is it... Sun Sikong and those people did it? Thinking of this, Dr. Benjamin's heart beat! Only Sun Sikong has such great ability. The ability of that Frankenstein is no worse than his own. If he did it, it was really possible...

It's not really him, is it? If it's him, it's troublesome...

Dr. Benjamin frowned... he felt a little helpless. The current situation has put him in a situation similar to a desperate situation. He can't even get experimental supplies...

"Dr. Benjamin. Why don't we make a transformation for the Iron Man? The old mule thought of a solution, so he said quickly, "The other party may not know where to find the weakness of the Iron Man's door, so he easily killed Kechiler, but if we make a change and send another person, maybe the other party may not be able to react, if the other party can't kill us. New Iron Man, then we can send more of these Iron Man to go shopping!"

"Yes, that's the only way at present!" Dr. Benjamin nodded and said, "That's settled. This time, in order to prevent anyone from leaking secrets, I personally transformed the Iron Man. No one will let them participate. I don't believe it can be leaked this time!"

"Yes, and this time, when the Iron Man goes out, you'd better arrange the time in person. Don't even tell me, this can also be tested. Is there any spy in the center!" The old mule said.

"Well, I still believe it for you, but since you want to get the suspicion out, it doesn't matter. I'll do as you said. I'll start making it in a moment and complete the transformation of this new version of Iron Man as soon as possible!" Dr. Benjamin really can't think of any other tricks, that's all he can do...

Over there, Yang Ming has crushed all kinds of tracking, monitoring and surveillance equipment on Keqiler, then threw Keqiler's body in the trunk of the car, got directly into the car, and said to Dong Jun, "Lean, find a place to throw the corpse!"

"Is that solved?" Dong Jun looked surprised and unbelievable! Because in his impression, the Iron Man is indestructible, which is simply a symbol of invincibility, but when it comes to Yang Ming's side, it was easily done, and it was done by Dong Jun, which made him a little unbelievable!

Although this sniper gun uses armor-piercing bullets, no matter how powerful it is, it should not be able to break the Iron Man. It can only be said that Yang Ming found the weakness of the Iron Man early in the morning!

"It's solved, otherwise what else do you want to do?" Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders and asked.

"It's not that. I feel a little too simple. It's so easy to get it done?" Dong Jun said with amazement.

"Is it easy? I don't think it's easy." Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said, "This is much more troublesome than dealing with the previous two people. They all use guns. Is it simple? Before, that person was so easy that he didn't have to show up and killed him!"

"This... Well, Yang Ming, I find that I admire you more and more. It's awesome!" Dong Jun said, "This is simply that we are dealing with Dr. Benjamin. How can Dr. Benjamin deal with us! I feel that we are hunters, and in our eyes, Dr. Benjamin is no different from prey!"

"We were dealing with Dr. Benjamin, weren't we?" Yang Ming asked rhetorical.