very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2331 Talking to Alice

Fang Tian never thought that his apprentice would be so powerful!

Originally, in his opinion, it was good for Yang Ming and Dong Jun to touch some clues of the center in a year and a half, creating a small thing and a small conflict. He never thought that Yang Ming had already worked with the center with great fanfare. He not only killed several of the center's steel men, but also forced Dr. Benjamin to jump Feet, this is a one-sided blow!

In the end, Fang Tian had to say the word of admiration and sighed, "It's true that there are talents from generation to generation, and one generation is better than generation!" Yang Ming is better than me, Dong Jun, your business, with Yang Ming, the big deal is settled! The center is over..."

This is Fang Tian's evaluation of Dong Jun, which makes Dong Jun happy and in a better mood!

However, Yang Ming's defensive work also reminded Dong Jun that he didn't have anything, but he was mainly worried about the situation on Alice's side! Although he broke up with the center, Alice hasn't directly tore up with the center!

After all, although Dong Jun and Alice are brother and sister, it doesn't matter whether the brother and sister are brothers or not. The main reason is that they are loyal to the center, and Alice is one of the financial resources of the center, so Dr. Benjamin did not treat Alice for the time being.

But this does not mean that Dr. Benjamin was a little fucked up after investigating that the previous series of incidents were done by Yang Ming and Dong Jun, and the unpleasant revenge in his heart was on Alice, so Dong Jun had to take preventive measures in advance!

So. After talking to Fang Tian. Dong Jun dialed Alice's phone again.

"Xiao Ai, it's me, Dong Jun!" Dong Jun said.

"Ah, brother, how are you doing?" Alice has been paying attention to the situation of the center recently. She also knows that her brother broke up with the center, but during this period, she has been afraid that the center will find out. I lost contact with Dong Jun!

Although she also heard about the center from her own channels, Dr. Benjamin's Iron Man and his men had been killed several times, and she was so angry. Alice doesn't know if her brother did it, but she is still very happy!

Because her brother broke with the center. Although she is still empty with the center on the surface, she has been ready to break up for a long time. She has begun to secretly slowly transfer the industry in her hand to her own name and prepare a way out for herself!

As long as her brother completely and publicly announces the war with the center, she will completely get out of the relationship with the center!

After all, the business in Europe has been controlled by Alice for a long time, and it is almost fixed by her! And the center didn't think that Alice might be sentenced before. Even if those sentenced have run to the ends of the earth, no matter how powerful bodyguards are around them, they can't escape the pursuit of the central Iron Man!

So Dr. Benjamin used to be arrogant and confident. He would not restrain his subordinates too much, because he felt that these people did not dare to be sentenced, and betrayal means death! Of course, Dong Jun is an exception, and it is also from Dong Jun's time that Benjamin found himself wrong and was proud of the Iron Man. It doesn't work at all!

Not only that, he can't even get out of the Fire Wolf Island now. No matter who leaves the center, he will be killed. The opponent is almost so sure about the center. This drives Dr. Benjamin crazy!

Of course, what Dr. Benjamin doesn't know is. In fact, he still has the opportunity, because after all, Yang Ming is not a robot, and he also has to eat and sleep. It is impossible to monitor every move of the center all the time!

If they calculate the time and calculate Yang Ming's rest rules, then they can secretly send people out while Yang Ming is sleeping, so that they may be able to take advantage of the loophole! But Dr. Benjamin didn't think about it at all!

He is a science maniac. In his eyes, there is only high technology, so he takes it for granted that the enemy also has high technology and can monitor their every move at any time. As long as they react, the enemy there will respond directly. There is no time to rest, because What kind of rest does the machine need?

So Dr. Benjamin can only stay still and start to investigate the cause of Jetson and Kevin's death...

"I'm fine. I've already started to fight against Dr. Benjamin and the center!" Dong Jun said, "At present, the plan is going well!"

"Ah! So, during this period of time, you have done all the big things that happened in the center? Although Alice had speculated before that all this might have been done by Dong Jun and Yang Ming, but after all, it was a little too shocking, because in Alice's opinion, Dong Jun had always been oppressed and frightened by the center. How could it be reversed all of a sudden? Did you just take Dr. Benjamin at a loss?

"Yes, but to be precise, I don't have any credit for your brother. I'm just a helper. It's Yang Ming who did all this!" Dong Jun didn't boast and said directly, "How's it going? Are you shocked?"

"Well... I'm a little shocked, but I'm also a little unin shocked." After Alice listened to Dong Jun's words, Yang Ming's figure appeared in her eyes again, a figure that made her linger. At the beginning, she wanted to assassinate Yang Ming, but failed. Instead, there was a little ambiguity with Yang Ming. Then, there was this shadow in Alice's heart...

She doesn't want her brother to be against Yang Ming, but she has nothing to do because of the central thing! After all, my brother also wants to deal with Yang Ming's power and then deal with the center in turn. However, although Alice promised to help, she has been releasing water, including the assassination of Yang Ming... Find a killer who is not good at close-range assassination. These things are actually obvious. How can Dong Jun not see it? Question mark

It's just that I didn't want to believe it before, but now after hearing Alice's words, Dong Jun suddenly realized and suddenly understood Alice's thoughts: "Little love, in fact, I turned to Yang Ming, which was the most correct choice. Even my master said that Dr. Benjamin is finished..."

"Hehe, yes, Yang Ming is actually very good." At this moment, Alice is more like a little woman of Huaichun: "If only we could get out of control of the center smoothly..."

"For sure. At that time, our brother and sister will settle down on Yang Ming's island and eat and drink for a drink. I will rely on you for the rest of my life!" Dong Jun laughed.

"Fare you on me? What's up to me..." Alice blushed. Why can't she hear Dong Jun's hint?