very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2349 The Last Trick

This matter is really weird. Benjamin Boshi didn't figure it out, and it was definitely impossible for the old mule to figure out the problem.

"Thank you, Dr...." The old mule said quickly.

"Let's study the next plan..." Dr. Benjamin sighed, waved his hand to the old mule and said, "Failure is failure, and this method doesn't seem to work!"

"Yes, it seems that my idea is still in the normal category, and Yang Ming obviously can't use common sense..." The old mule said with a wry smile.

"Our center is full of high technology. Is there nothing we can do about Yang Ming?" Dr. Benjamin is the first two. What has happened in these days has given him a deep sense of powerlessness!

Dr. Benjamin felt that no matter what he did, Yang Ming could come up with countermeasures. Yang Ming was not only unpredictable, but also could always kill his men accurately, which made Dr. Benjamin gritted his teeth as soon as he thought of Yang Ming's name.

"Doctor, with all due respect, I'm afraid there is no way for Yang Ming!" The old mule hesitated and said, "If we want to deal with Yang Ming, we have to find another way and use some new tricks!"

"New tricks?" Dr. Benjamin asked.

"I heard that the most powerful fighter machine that the doctor has studied over the years is not Iron Man or Biochemical Man, but the Fire Wolf God of War, known as Super Steel Biochemical Man!" The old mule said, "If we can make the Fire Wolf God of War, then we may... deal with Yang Ming."

The old mule's words did not say that it was possible to deal with Yang Ming. This possibility made Dr. Benjamin sigh, but he didn't know that the old mule's confidence was gradually hit by Yang Ming?

"Fire Wolf God of War... It's not that easy to make." Dr. Benjamin sighed and said, "I also tried to transform some of the frozen corpses I got back before, but they all failed..."

"Yes, but doctor, I can't think of any other way. The only way I can think of is this..." The old mule feels a little exhausted.

"You're right. Maybe, this is the only way!" Dr. Benjamin nodded: "The Fire Wolf God of War is the most powerful experimental result at present. Although it is only in theory at present, if it succeeds, it is indeed infinitely powerful! It's just that this Fire Wolf God of War has too high requirements for receptors... There are still two frozen corpses left. If it fails, I'm afraid there will be no chance..."

The old mule was a little silent and didn't know what to say.

Dr. Benjamin patted him on the shoulder, seemed to have made up his mind, stood up and said, "I'm going to the laboratory to transform the Fire Wolf God of War. There is nothing important. Don't disturb me. I'll come to you if there is something!"

"Yes, Doctor!" The old mule nodded.

Dr. Benjamin sighed and seemed to be much older all of a sudden. Yang Ming had to force him to use the ultimate trick... But how difficult is this trick to achieve?

Fire Wolf God of War, in fact, the manufacturing process is not very complicated. As long as one of the organs of the human body is replaced with the internal organs with rabies bacteria, and then the mutated vaccine is injected into the [body], and then the process is a very painful process!

After that, whether you can succeed or not depends entirely on the willpower of the receptor. This is a very painful mutation process. Generally, if the receptor cannot mutate, the rabies attack and die first will survive. The rabies attack does not die, but the process of mutation is also It will be very uncomfortable!

As long as one can't help it, it is possible to return to the west. Only a person with extremely strong willpower can grit his teeth and stick to it! However, after many experiments by Dr. Benjamin, it is found that it is not advisable to replace organs with living people. If living people replace rabies organs, it is easy to die from rabies attacks!

But the body of the person who just died is different. After changing the organ and injecting the vaccine, it can be frozen and sealed at absolute zero degrees. After the onset stage of the disease, the body will return to normal when it begins to mutate!

For those who have just died, Dr. Benjamin can be resurrected by some special means. Of course, this resurrection is only a momentary return of light. After control and the transformation is successful, the body can be resurrected until it becomes the fire wolf god of war.

But if the transformation fails, the body will naturally become a permanent body!

So over the years, Dr. Benjamin has collected the bodies of many newly dead people from all over the world in order to do experiments! The common sign of these corpses is the death caused by broken internal organs!

This is the only way to die. After Dr. Benjamin replaces them with a rabies viscera, he can temporarily bring them back to life.

Of course, there is actually an important reason for making fire wolf warriors from the bodies of these newly dead people, that is, most of the dead people are unwilling to die! And most of these people who died from broken internal organs died of fights or murders. When these people died, they were naturally unwilling and unbalanced!

If you can give them a chance to resurrect and revenge, I believe they will be very happy, and Dr. Benjamin is the one who gives them the opportunity.

As long as there is hatred in the hearts of these receptors, there is a belief. If there is a belief, you can naturally survive the painful transformation and mutation...

However, to Benjamin's disappointment, none of the previous resurrected corpses had hatred in their hearts!

One of them died of suicide, and it is equivalent to suffering to let him live! The other is to die of love killing, but he died with his lover. He died without regret, and naturally he didn't want to resurrect! The third is that he deserved it. He was found by the enemy's son and ended his life. This man's enemy was his former good friend. For many years, he has been living in a sense of guilt. His enemy's son came to end his life, and he was relieved!

Therefore, these three reformers are undoubtedly failures, which makes Dr. Benjamin speechless. How come such a coincidence has been encountered by himself?

Again, the transformation plan was temporarily put on hold, because it was very difficult to transform a Fire Wolf God of War, which required a lot of effort. The test time was also very long, and the failure rate was too high, so Dr. Benjamin temporarily gave up.

At this moment, there is really nothing we can do. Dr. Benjamin is ready to pick up the previous things again and make a Fire Wolf God of War to deal with Yang Ming! ( To be continued