very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2373 I finally figured it out

So, Yang Ming was like riding a flying car. As soon as he got on, except for a little disgraced, he did not bring any damage!

This revised version of Super King Kong is awesome. Such an explosion can't hurt Yang Ming at all, which surprised Yang Ming inexplicably.





Continuous explosions came one after another. Dr. Benjamin was packing up. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise. When he didn't realize what was going on, the earth began to tremble the next moment!

"What's going on? Is it an earthquake? Or did the volcano erupt? Dr. Benjamin was so scared that he ran to the laboratory monitor to see what happened on the island!



The explosions continued, and Dr. Benjamin felt that the tremor was getting stronger and stronger, and his laboratory was also shaking, and the things on the ceiling had begun to fall...


There was another loud noise. The room that Dr. Benjamin had packed before collapsed directly and turned into ruins...

Finally, under the embarrassment of Dr. Benjamin, Dr. Benjamin also saw what happened outside in the big monitoring screen! The island actually began to explode in a large area! Dr. Benjamin can't see Yang Ming or Wang Zhitao. He can only see the flying sand and stones and explosive flames on the screen...

"What's going on? How did you detonate the explosives under the island? Dr. Benjamin was shocked and angry. He didn't understand what had happened and why the explosives he buried on the island exploded one after another!

No, I have to run away quickly! This is Dr. Benjamin's first subconscious idea. All the mechanisms on the island were designed by him himself. Naturally, he knew how horrible the explosive explosion under the island would bring!

That's an unstoppable domino-like explosion. In the next 20 minutes, the island will explode in full swing, and the island will also become history. Fire Wolf Island will be buried in the sea and will no longer exist!

Although Dr. Benjamin's laboratory is still some distance away from the explosion point, the previous resonance has turned a room into ruins. Dr. Benjamin can't guarantee that the explosives that will be involved in the next explosion will be involved in other parts of his laboratory. Maybe the explosion hasn't exploded yet. It's hard to say that the laboratory was collapsed first.

So, after seeing all this, Dr. Benjamin stood up and wanted to rush to the submarine's room. He was not ready to take the materials and experiments that could not be sorted out. In the current situation, it is still the most important to save his life!

However, Dr. Benjamin just wanted to escape, and there was a loud bang again. Dr. Benjamin's figure shook a few times, and then there was a "clap" in the laboratory. The door of the monitoring room actually collapsed, completely blocking the way Dr. Benjamin left!

"Damn it!" Dr. Benjamin was stunned all of a sudden. What should he do? Although he is Dr. Benjamin, he can invent and create a lot of powerful Iron Man and Biochemical Man, but he is a powerless researcher. Not to mention letting him open the ruins, he just packed some hard disks, CDs and files, which made him exhausted!

If it were normal, Dr. Benjamin could have created a biochemical man or called Wang Zhitao to open up these ruins for him, but now, he is trapped here and can't get out at all!

"Wang Zhitao, call Wang Zhitao... Fire Wolf God of War, call Fire Wolf God of War?" Dr. Benjamin began to try to contact Wang Zhitao, asking him not to pester Yang Ming anymore, and immediately rushed to rescue him. However, after contacting him for a long time, he didn't get any response!

Could it be... Dr. Benjamin was shocked, but think about it, Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao were killed by such a powerful explosion, right? Didn't you also want to use this method to start the explosives to kill Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao after leaving smoothly?

Thinking of this, Dr. Benjamin suddenly felt a burst of sadness in his heart! It's over, it's completely over. I can't get out, I can't run away! If I had known this, what more information do you need? Just run away. If you don't have time to pack the information, I'm afraid I've run away. Now I'm drifting in the sea, right?

Dr. Benjamin sighed and knew that he could not escape. He was going to be buried with the central base of Fire Wolf Island and regained his mind. Anyway, he was about to die, so he was going to die, right? You can't die without closing your eyes, can you?

Because Dr. Benjamin is very curious, how did the explosives buried in the underground central base detonate? How on earth did Fire Wolf Island explode?

Thinking of this, Dr. Benjamin took the previous surveillance video and locked it in the place where Yang Ming and Wang Zhitao were entangled. Dr. Benjamin saw that Yang Ming smashed the ground with Wang Zhitao and destroyed the rotary reverse magnetic field power grid. What Dr. Benjamin did not expect was that Yang Ming was actually destroying the power grid. After that, it didn't stop and continued to smash...

Did Yang Ming do this on purpose? Sure enough, Dr. Benjamin fast-forwarded some pictures, and saw the scene where Yang Ming blew up the explosives with the fire of the power grid...

It was really done by Yang Ming! It's just that after Dr. Benjamin confirmed this, he was even more confused. Could Yang Ming beat Wang Zhitao and chose to die together? But it's impossible. Yang Ming still has so many family members. If he dies...

Then looking back, Wang Zhitao and Yang Ming were blown into the sky together, but... Dr. Benjamin's eyes suddenly widened!

Because he found that Wang Zhitao was blown up, which was what he expected, because no matter how awesome the Fire Wolf God of War was, it could not compare with this kind of explosive, but Yang Ming... was okay?

Dr. Benjamin found that Yang Ming was blown up, fell again, flew again, fell again, nothing happened!

Is this guy more powerful than Fire Wolf God of War? Are you not afraid of explosives? At this point, Dr. Benjamin finally understood that Yang Ming was intentional and completely intentional. He knew that he would not be detonated by explosives!

So that's it... But how did Yang Ming know that these explosives were buried under Fire Wolf Island? This is strange,... Dr. Benjamin is puzzled...

Suddenly, Dr. Benjamin's inspiration appeared, and his eyes widened incredulously: "Pivotance! It's perspective! I know, Yang Ming's power is perspective!"