very pure and ambiguous

Chapter 2375 Return

Yang Ming was happy this night, and Dong Jun was a little nervous. He didn't know that Yang Ming was back. He was anxiously waiting for Yang Ming's news. He didn't sleep much all night. The next morning, with dark circles under his eyes, he was ready to ask Alice and Huang Lele to go down for breakfast together.

Knocked on the door of Yang Ming's room, but he didn't expect that the person who opened the door was Yang Ming!

"Yang Ming?!" Dong Jun was shocked, took two steps back as if he had seen a ghost, and rubbed his eyes: "I haven't woken up yet? No way?"

"Dong Jun, didn't you wake up?" Yang Ming was also stunned. He was stunned.

"Oh? It's really Yang Ming. Are you back?" Dong Jun was sure that the person in front of him was really Yang Ming. He was not dreaming, but surprised and happy: "When did you come back? What's going on over there?"

Because it was at the door of the room, although there was no one in the corridor, what Dong Jun said was also very obscure. He just replaced the matter of Fire Wolf Island and Dr. Benjamin with things over there.

"Hehe, it's all over." Yang Ming smiled and said, "Let's be specific later. When Lele and Xiaoai get dressed, you can stand at the door for a while."

"Uh... Lele and Xiao Ai are here?" Dong Jun looked at Yang Ming with strange eyes and a little gratified: "Did Xiao Ai stay here last night?"

"Um." Yang Ming nodded..

"Wow, hahahahaha!" Dong Jun suddenly laughed.

"What are you doing, laughing so strangely? What's wrong?" Yang Ming was shocked by Dong Jun's sudden laughter and stood on end.

"I was depressed because I didn't inherit my master's mantle and changed from a senior brother to a junior. In a blink of an eye, I was older than you!" Dong Jun said happily, "Although you are a senior brother, I am now your eldest brother-in-law, and you still have to respect me!"

"..." Yang Ming suddenly became speechless: "Are you so happy about this? If you want, my brother will let you do it!"

"..." Dong Jun was also a little speechless: "Forget it, you don't understand my fun!"

"The laughter in your life is too low." Yang Ming shrugged his shoulders.

After a while, Alice's voice came from the room: "Le Lele and I are all dressed, Yang Ming, brother, come in!"

Yang Ming then entered the room with Dong Jun. Dong Jun took an ambiguous look at ** and found that the sheets had been removed. He immediately smiled and looked at Alice: "Xiao Ai, your brother's wish is finally here. We have successfully stationed on X Island, and no one can drive us away in the future!"

"..." Alice was also a little speechless and stared at Dong Jun with a clight face: "Brother, what are you talking about!"

"Ha ha, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about Yang Ming. Yang Ming, tell me about Fire Wolf Island and Dr. Benjamin!" Dong Jun looked at Yang Ming. In fact, this is the result he wants to know most.

"Okay, okay." Yang Ming nodded and described the situation at that time in detail. Last night, he spent a lot of money with Huang Lele and Alice, and he didn't have time to talk to them about Fire Wolf Island. Now we happened to talk about it together.

Although Dong Jun knew that Yang Ming had a super-revised King Kong, when he heard that Yang Ming tried to explod the explosives, he still broke out in a cold sweat. Thinking that the Fire Wolf God of War and the central base all exploded, and only Yang Ming survived. How spectacular is that?

Huang Lele and Alice also looked at Yang Ming with a worshipful face. The process was really too thrilling!

"It's finally over..." Dong Jun sighed: "I didn't expect that we won in the end. I would never have thought of this result before you joined the battle..."

"It's time for us to go back, too." Yang Ming smiled and sighed with emotion. In the months of fighting wits and courage with Dr. Benjamin, there were joys and sorrows, and there was no danger. Looking back, he found that he was too cautious: "Well, the center has been destroyed, but around the world, are there still peripheral members of the center? Do we need to remove these people one by one?

"The trees are scattered. These people are not important figures, that is, the role of me before. It's too late to get out of the control of Dr. Benjamin. Who will be a peripheral member of the center after the destruction of the center?" Dong Jun smiled and said, "Moreover, even I definitely can't find them. These people are all single-line contact with Dr. Benjamin. If Dr. Benjamin dies, it will be a hundred."

Yang Ming nodded, but it's true. Dr. Benjamin died. Those little characters, let them live and die for themselves, and they can't afford to turn over the storm.

In the afternoon of the same day, Yang Ming, Dong Jun, Huang Lele and Alice flew to Donghai City by plane. Before leaving, Yang Ming also called his family to report the safety of himself and Huang Lele.

Because we can meet when we get home soon, Yang Ming doesn't have much to say. Let's just wait until we meet.

When the women heard that Yang Ming was safe and sound, they were also relieved. It was time to end. Finally, they could finally live in seclusion on X Island. The biggest wish of the women now is to live safely and happily on a private island with Yang Ming. They don't care about anything else.

Sometimes the disappearance of men can make the woman in the original rival relationship a good friend, which is a very strange phenomenon, and Yang Ming's harem is like this. Chen Mengyan and others get along very well, which saves Yang Ming a lot of energy and time to explain and sort out the relationship.

During this period, Chen Mengyan has also grown up and understood some truths. There are some things that are better than to make trouble for Yang Ming. Instead of making trouble for Yang Ming, it is better to make Yang Ming happy and feel that she owes herself. In fact, this is also what Sun Jie hinted to her. Chen Mengyan also knows that Sun

This time, Yang Ming's plane was picked up by the women. Because Huang Lele was in the airline, the women's cars drove directly into the airport. This is a large and medium-medium bus found by the fat man, but it can take a lot of people.

Yang Ming and his party got on the bus in a low profile and left Donghai Airport.

Otherwise, it would be spectacular if Chen Mengyan and other beautiful women stood at the exit to greet Yang Ming!

"Alice, I've heard Yanyan talk about you for a long time. I heard that we are still alumni? Hehe, I'm glad that you and Yang Ming came back together and joined our big family. Chen Mengyan smiled and said hello to Xiao Ai, who was a little nervous.

Although Alice used to be a powerful business master with a lot of wealth, she was a little woman in front of Yang Ming, especially in the face of Chen Mengyan!

Seeing that Chen Mengyan was really as kind as Huang Lele said, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Sister Mengyan, I'm also very glad that everyone can accept me. Thank you!"