Nuclear God of War

Chapter 2: Miracle! Reappearance of Dilong Fighter

Seeing that the speeding motorcycle was about to hit Xiao Pingyan, a teenager suddenly picked up Xiao Pingyan and dodged the speeding motorcycle.

The teenager put Xiao Pingyan on the ground and asked, "Little sister, are you all right? It was really dangerous just now. Where are your parents?

Xiao Pingyan, who was shocked, came to her senses and couldn't take her eyes off the teenager. Her eyes were full of gratitude and said, "Thank you for saving me, big brother, what's your name? So that I can ask my father to thank you for saving me."

The teenager did not answer Xiao Pingyan. He stood up and walked far away. Xiao Pingyan stood still, staring at the faraway back of the eldest brother, and looked at the eldest brother full of expectations, hoping that the eldest brother could come back.

Xiao Pingyan suddenly cried sadly and said, "Big brother, thank you for saving me, but don't leave, big brother, don't leave, okay?"


Crying and crying, lying on the sick ** Pingyan, woke up in a coma, only to know that she was just dreaming, but her emotions were still in the dream of memory.

The little nurse who took care of Pingyan and persuaded Pingyan to take medicine. Now it was time to take medicine. Pingyan, who was depressed, suddenly refused to take medicine. This was a bad little nurse and had to patiently persuade Pingyan to take medicine.


All the officers above the rank of second lieutenant in Paradise arrived outside the conference room of the Grand Council and waited for the members of the Grand Council to issue the latest orders.

The officers stood side by side at the door of the conference room of the Grand Council. A middle-aged man in the highest white military uniform walked out of the conference room and said, "Officers, you are the last line of defense in our heaven. Your only mission is to protect the people in heaven. Next, I will give you a difficult task. Are you willing to sacrifice your lives to complete it?

The officers said with one voice: "Yes, we are willing to protect heaven with our lives."

"Good!" The members of the Grand Council in white clapped their hands and said, "You are all brave heroes in heaven. You are the iron wall that is indestructible in heaven. ......โ€

The officers who received orders from the members of the Grand Council did not hesitate to disband immediately and prepare to mobilise their own troops to carry out the orders of the Grand Council of Heaven.

"Guys, wait a minute, I have something more important to announce to you." From the conference room of the Grand Council, a congressman in the same white military uniform came out.

The member of the Grand Council, who came out later, is one of the core figures of the Grand Council. Councilor Xu announced to the officers: "All previous military operations have been cancelled."

Congressman Fu, who announced the new mission to the officers before, did not understand why he suddenly canceled all military operations.

"Alas..." Senator Xu sighed and said, "Presumably everyone knows that the explosion of the hero's nuclear body more than ten minutes ago, and the explosion just shook the whole earth. The most important thing for us now is to appease the people, which is our top priority, otherwise there will be turmoil.


The House of Commons learned that the hero's original nucleus over heaven no longer existed. The legislators were shocked. One senator sighed, "It turned out that the violent shock just now was the explosion of the hero's original nucleus, which is really surprising."

The leadership of the earth world, which knows that there is no hope of capturing the core of the hero, is still unwilling to live in the dark underground world.

Change the strategy from seizing the core of heroes over the capital of heaven to capturing the whole capital of heaven.

This time, 30 anti-nuclear armored tanks, 50 anti-nuclear combat vehicles, and 80 X-47B drones were sent to attack heaven with photon pulse weapons.


Under the comfort of the military, the people of heaven gradually calmed down and no longer worry about the disappearance of the shield of heaven that protects the capital of heaven due to the disappearance of the hero's original nucleus.

In fact, the military soldiers do not know whether the disappearance of the hero's core will lead to the dissipation of the shield of heaven. They are only appeasing the people according to military orders.

In order to understand the situation, Senator Fu went to the Giant Energy Laboratory in person, met Professor Han Xingbo and asked about the situation: "Professor Han, what is the current situation?"

"I'm not sure anything yet, but it's a new miracle that the shield of heaven can protect us again." Professor Han could not answer Congressman Fu accurately.

Professor Han's answer made Senator Fu very worried and worried, "What will we do if the shield of heaven dissipates with the disappearance of the hero's original nucleus?" Is there any hope of survival in heaven?

Professor Han shook his head, turned to the console, and said desperately, "No, once the shield of heaven dissipates, in less than three hours, our heaven will be completely swallowed up by nuclear pollution."

Suddenly, the monitoring equipment of the giant energy laboratory issued a first-level alarm again. A powerful nuclear radiation source appeared over the shield of heaven, with an energy value ten times that of the hero's original core.

The giant energy laboratory could not monitor the optical images, and Professor Han could not be sure what the unknown nuclear radiation source was, so he rushed to the Tiandun System Command to observe this mysterious nuclear radiation source of unknown origin at the suggestion of Senator Fu.


Han Xingbo arrived at the headquarters of the Tiandun system with Senator Fu. Major General Guo Wei immediately adjusted the monitoring mode of the Tiandun system, but there was nothing above the Heaven Shield.

Member Fu suddenly said in surprise, "Is the prophecy of Sirius true?"

Senator Fu finished talking to himself, turned around and left, and returned to the Grand Council to discuss with Senator Xu. Ten years ago, Sirius*'s prophecy.


The Earth World troops who went to the capital of heaven suddenly stopped moving forward and found an unknown blue mysterious fighter in front of them.

What happened to the troops in the world is regarded as a miracle! The eighth-generation fighter with the most powerful weapon in the world - 'Dilong Fighter', code name - Miracle!

[Dilong fighter: 33 meters long, 45 meters in wingspan, 5 meters high, three pairs of wings (excluding vertical tail wings), 4 meters long front wing single wings can move back and forth, 16 meters long main wing single wings can be turned from the front swept wing, 7 meters long tail wing 7 meters long can be moved 3 meters backwards, and the cockpit is located 7 meters behind the nose. The tail is a nuclear energy thruster with four double rectangular nozzles.

The blue Dilong fighter instantly rushed to the air force formation of the Earth World Force and passed through the X-47B drone formation. All the drones exploded in the sky.

The top air combat force in the earth was instantly destroyed by a mysterious fighter, causing the earth world leadership to immediately issue a withdrawal order.

However, the ground troops in the earth world have also been completely unreed, and it is likely that they have been destroyed by the mysterious Dragon fighter.

The code-named Dilong fighter, the miracle, destroyed the land and air troops from the earth world, rushed to a height of 10,000 meters, and then fell to the ground from a height of 10,000 meters. โ†’[End of this chapter]