Nuclear God of War

Chapter 13: The Encircle of the Capital of Heaven

Major General Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Heaven Shield System, is very worried about the current situation. The monitoring equipment of the Shield System found that countless nuclear mutants are approaching the Heaven Capital.

Due to the interference of the loud sound, the Tiandun system has been basically paralyzed and completely lost its defense. Guowei can only report this emergency to the Grand Council.

When the president of the Grand Council, the Eagle, and the members of the Grand Council, learned of this major incident, urgently dispatched four of the five brigades of the First Division of the Nuclear Energy Force to the south of Paradise.

Member Xu urgently contacted Professor Han Xingbo and asked, "Professor Han, nuclear mutants have launched another attack on my heaven. How is your atomic freezing bomb now?"

"Congressman Xu, please hold on with your troops for another three hours. I have found the problem with the atomic frozen bomb. It only takes another three hours to make a test bomb." Han Xingbo reported to Senator Xu.

"Okay, I will do my best to stop the nuclear mutants and get close to heaven." Councilor Xu said with firm confidence.

However, the people in heaven do not know that Qianyan has led the ghost face and fire to the edge of the shield of heaven.

"This damn shield of heaven is still preventing us from entering heaven. If it hadn't existed, we would have taken heaven long ago." The last fire was very annoyed.

"Oi, Mohuo, stop complaining. Let's follow the plan." Qianyan calmly persuaded Mohuo.

Qianyan first changed back to the primary color of his body, exposing him to the ghost face and the last fire under the supervision of the heavenly shield system.

The command of the Heavenly Shield system immediately noticed the Qianyan, ghost face and fire on the edge of the shield of heaven.

All the members who have arrived at the General Headquarters of the Tiandun System, seeing this situation, already knew how serious the situation was, and quickly ordered the Second Brigade of the First Division of the Nuclear Power Force to go to the location where Qianyan and others appeared.

Standing outside the shield of heaven, he saw the heavy armored vehicle brigade and drove here with a smile, "People in heaven, don't you underestimate our nuclear energy people? Mohuo, you can play with them later.

"No problem, I'm just worried that just a few armored vehicles are not enough for me to play, hahaha." Mohuo didn't pay attention to the Second Brigade of the Nuclear Power Force at all.

Before the second brigade approached the edge of the shield of heaven, the last fire could not wait to shoot at the armored vehicles of the second brigade.

A fireball hit a heavy armored vehicle head-on, and the armor plate of the armored vehicle quickly melted into a hole 50 centimeters in diameter.

Seeing this scene, Mo Huo felt very interesting and said, "Yo, the armor of these armored vehicles is good. My flame can't destroy it with one blow. It's a little interesting now."

The second brigade of the nuclear power force, which was suddenly attacked by the last fire, quickly launched a fierce counterattack against Qianyan, the last fire and others.

Qianyan and others, who were fiercely counterattacked by the second brigade, could only hide behind the flame wall released by the last fire and could not continue to attack the second brigade of the nuclear forces.

The ghost face hiding behind the flame wall asked, "Qianyan, what should we do now? The firepower of the people in heaven is so fierce that we can't fight back.

Qianyan was silent, quietly leaning behind the flame wall of the last fire, looking at the sky, with a slightly relaxed expression.

"Qianyan, I can't stand it anymore. The attacks of people in heaven are becoming more and more fierce. They use laser weapons, which are enough to hurt our bodies. What should we do now?" The last fire was a little powerless.

"If you can't stop it, then don't block it. Let them surround us." Qianyan's expression was relaxed and she didn't think so.

"What! Qianyan, do you want me to surrender? It is absolutely impossible for me to surrender to heaven.

"Then you can defeat them. Don't you need to surrender?"

"Okay, then I will let these heavens go to hell." The fire looked angry.

Seeing that the last fire was completely enraged, Qian Yan's face smiled and thought: Last fire, as long as you get angry, even if you triple the enemy, you can easily deal with it.

As the last fire of the fifth-level nuclear energy man, he put away the flame wall and said angrily, "Blast, five-level nuclear fission, a unique trick - the fire flood peak."

The body of the last fire was quickly released like a sea of fire, and the sea of fire instantly devoured the second brigade of the nuclear power force that blocked the last fire and others.

The heavy armored vehicles of the second brigade, which were swallowed up by the sea of fire, all melted into iron water. In an instant, the whole second brigade of the first division of the nuclear energy force was completely destroyed, and no one survived.

"Okay, finally let me see the power of the fire peak. It's really too powerful." Qianyan clapped her hands and praised the end of the fire.

"Qianyan, you have long wanted me to deal with the troops of the people in heaven, haven't you?"

"Ha, that's right, that's what I planned, because among the three of us, your attack ability is the most powerful." Qianyan said with a cunning smile.

"Alas!" Mo Huo sighed, shook his head and said helplessly, "With you, I can only be fooled."


The Tiandun System Command was shocked to see that the second brigade had been destroyed. President Earth Eagle had no choice but to say, "Xu Feng, there is only one person who can save heaven now. She is your daughter. Call her over quickly."

Although Senator Xu did not want to get his baby daughter involved in the war, he had no choice but to call his daughter Pingyan.

Pingyan, located 5,000 kilometers away from Paradise, received a phone call from her father, Senator Xu, and said, "Dad, what can I do for you?"

"Xiaoyan, come to the headquarters of the Tiandun system now. President Earth Eagle is looking for you urgently."

"But, Dad, I'm not in heaven now."

"What! Xiaoyan, where the hell are you now? No matter where you are, you must hurry back to heaven, otherwise heaven will..."

"Hey, hey, Dad, reply quickly." Ping Yan kept shouting at the phone that suddenly hung up.

Facing the sudden interruption of the phone, Ping Yan suddenly became nervous and came to the tail of the Evil Dragon Zero to ask the Hesheng of repairing the Evil Dragon fighter: "Big brother, when can you repair this fighter? There is great danger in heaven."

Qingchu, who was an assistant to Hesheng, immediately became nervous and asked, "Xiaoyan, what you just said was true" as he heard that heaven was dangerous. Is heaven in danger?

"Sister, my father just called me and told me..." Ping Yan told her cousin Qingchu what she knew.

Qingchu knew that heaven must be in big trouble, otherwise Uncle Xu Feng would never get his cousin Pingyan in the war.

Qingchu urged He Sheng anxiously and said, "Xiaosheng, can you hurry up? Paradise is in danger now. Xiaoyan and I must hurry back." →[End of this chapter]