Nuclear God of War

Chapter 20: Helping the World

In the 17th floor medical ward of the main building of the Grand Council of Heaven, He Sheng slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and was surprised to see Ping Yan and Councilor Xu by the bedside, and said, "Sister Xiaoyan, how did you and your father get saved? Why can I lie here?"

Senator Pingyan and Xu, who heard Hesheng's question, were very surprised. Father and daughter, look at me and I look at you. I can't understand Hesheng's questioning.

"Brother Hesheng, didn't you save me and my father? Don't you remember at all?" Pingyan looked blank, looked at Hesheng and asked.

"Did I save you and Senator Xu? Why don't I remember anything?" He Sheng held his head, and he himself felt very confused.

"Hawasheng, don't doubt it anymore. You don't remember what happened just now because the nuclear energy you released when you were angry interfered with your memory nerves, so you don't remember what happened when you were angry." Professor Han Xingbo came in from outside the room.

"Professor Han, it's great that you're here. Have you figured out why He Sheng fainted?" Senator Xu asked urgently, and Professor Han Xingbo walked into the ward.

"You have to give me some more time. I have something that I haven't figured out yet. However, I'm sure that every time Hesheng releases nuclear energy, it will destroy Hesheng's brain cells.

"Isn't it dangerous to win?"

"It can't be said completely. Hesheng's self-healing ability is far beyond our understanding. As long as Hesheng releases nuclear energy and takes a day off, his damaged brain cells will be self-healing."

"So, as long as Hesheng is not allowed to release nuclear energy many times in a row, Hesheng will not be in danger, right?" Senator Xu analyzed the situation.

"It's like this." Professor Han nodded.

Professor Han walked to the bedside and said in an easy-going tone to the disease** Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, for your own life, please put on this latest emotional suppressor to suppress your anger, so as to control your release of nuclear energy."

and Sheng knew that Professor Han and others were thinking about him. They did not refuse Professor Han and put on a new emotional suppressor for him.

Member Xu understood what Professor Han said to He Sheng and immediately took Professor Han to the conference room of the Grand Council.


The whole earth world sounded an invasion alert, and all the residents living in the first area near the surface were transported by the world's military to the second area below the first area.

When only 40% of the residents in the first area were transported, nuclear mutants have begun to dig holes in the ground on the surface to enter the first region of the world.

Shauns is the supreme commander responsible for the defense of the world. He learned that the residents of the first area had not completely withdrawn. In order to delay the time, he could only send a small force to interfere with the invasion of nuclear mutants into the world.

However, the troops sent by Seans were destroyed after only five minutes and became fierce ghosts under the claws of nuclear mutants.

At this moment, the members of the Earth World Council realized the seriousness of the situation. Some senators who opposed the capture of heaven began to demand a distress signal to heaven.

The senators standing in the position of attacking heaven expressed their strong opposition to sending a distress signal to heaven, believing that the low-level combat effectiveness of heaven cannot save the world at all, and this is insulting the ability of the world.

Senators from different positions began to argue fiercely. In a short period of time, no one could convince each other and continued to be deadlocked.


In the main building of the Great Council, Professor Han Xingbo, brought by Senator Xu, has reported to the members that the nuclear energy in Hesheng can be controlled.

Earth Eagle, the president of the Grand Council, was very happy to learn that nuclear energy could be controlled and released. He said, "Professor Han, you really helped me a lot this time, otherwise I don't know how to make a choice."

"It's nothing. After all, peace and victory are the benefactors of our heaven and the hero in our hearts. It's my honor that I can do something for him.

Seeing this situation, Congressman Hu, who proposed to send Hesheng away from heaven, had nothing to say and no longer objected to letting Hesheng stay in heaven.


Seven four-level nuclear energy personnel who are good at drilling have drilled one kilometer underground and hit the first layer of defense armor plate in the first area of the world to slow down the drilling speed.

Although the world's first armor plate slows down the speed of nuclear mutants, it can't stop nuclear mutants from moving forward.

The world's first layer of defensive armor plate began to break under the continuous impact of nuclear mutants, and the breakage continued to expand over time.

Liant General Seans had no choice but to protect the first area of the world and the residents who have not yet evacuated to the second area decided to personally lead the elite troops to the first area to stop the invasion of nuclear mutants.

When Sean led his elite troops from the central area of the earth to the first area near the surface, the nuclear mutants have penetrated the first layer of defense armor in the earth world and are impacting the second layer of defense armor in the earth world.

At this moment, a member of the Senate of the earth world secretly sent a message to heaven for help, asking heaven to rescue the earth world attacked by nuclear mutants.

Paradise received rescue messages from the earth. Senator Fu of the Great Council was very angry and said, "We have just invaded, and now they have asked us to help them resist the invasion of nuclear mutants. Do they treat us as fools?"

"Then let's be a fool. We will send troops now to help their world." The president of the ground eagle said with a smile.

"No, President Eagle, are we really going to help the earth? They are our enemies. How can we disperse our troops to help their world?

"We aid the world because the people in their world are human beings like us. Although they are our enemies, they are still our kind."

"Why didn't they treat us as our kind when they invaded heaven?" Senator Fu felt very breath- holding his breath.

"You will understand why I did this later." After saying that, the ground eagle turned around to select the troops to help the world.


At this time, He Sheng looked at Pingyan by the bed and asked, "Sister Xiaoyan, do you remember how I saved you? I don't remember how I saved you at the beginning.

"Brother Hesheng, that was ten years ago. Listen to me slowly..." Ping Yan told He Sheng how He Sheng saved her ten years ago.

After listening to Pingyan's story ten years ago, he knew why he had a flat appearance in his mind. →[End of this chapter]