Nuclear God of War

Chapter 29: Blue Sky Loss of Humanity

Facing the black wings from the sky, the blue sky attacked the ground and fought back. His hands crossed in front of his chest, releasing unimaginable green energy, hitting the black wings and killing the body.

After the rekilling and black wing were impacted by this green energy wave, they were instantly bounced off and fell on the ground on the left and right sides of the blue sky, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of their mouth.

"It seems that we can't be serious." Black Wing stood up from the ground, wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and then shouted, "Six-level nuclear fusion!"

The black wing body emits green light, which is completely different from the green energy of the blue sky. His green light is like the light of the sun, and the green energy of the blue sky is in a haze-like form.

Seeing the black wing using six-level nuclear fusion, he was unwilling to show weakness and said, "Black Wing, I won't let you steal the limelight alone. Six-level nuclear fusion!"

When the body was released in the first area of the earth world again, the green light released quickly rushed to the blue sky.

After the melee between Qingtian and Black Wing and the reinsurrection, the president of the Earth Eagle of the Sky Shield System Command looked nervously at the monitor and said, "These two nuclear power mutants are really too powerful. I don't know if Qingtian can defeat them."

"Don't worry, I believe that Qingtian will not let us down." Guo Wei is very confident in Qingtian.


Lying beside Hesheng's bed, Pingyan is always inseparable. She is very worried about Hesheng's safety and thought: Brother Hesheng, wake up quickly. Xiaoyan is really worried about you.

Ping Yan held Hesheng's hand and prayed silently in her heart: Brother Hesheng, you must be fine and get better.

It seemed that Pingyan's prayer really work, lying on the disease**. According to the local world doctor, it would take three days to wake up, and his fingers moved slightly.

He Sheng slowly opened his eyes and saw the corners of Pingyan's eyes crying, which were worried about him. He said, "Sister Xiaoyan, why are you crying?"

"Ah, it's nothing. I'm just a little worried about you and Sheng brother." Ping Yan hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Sister Xiaoyan, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Don't worry, I will definitely take you back to heaven.

"Well, I believe that Brother Hesheng, you can definitely take me back to heaven. By the way, I'm going to find Uvadas.

"Little Yan's sister, why did you ask him to come here?" He Sheng was very puzzled.

"Brother Hesheng, you will know when Uvadas comes over."

After saying that, Ping Yan got up and walked out of the room, went to Gu Quansuo, a close relative of Uvadas, and asked Gu Quansuo to call Uvadas.


In the southern part of Paradise near the edge of the Shield of Heaven, the battle between the blue sky and the reinsurreation and the black wing is still continuing.

Although the battle continues, the gap between the two sides has become more and more obvious. The bodies of Black Wing and the resurreation have been injured to varying degrees, but Qingtian's body has not been damaged.

Black Wing continued to attack the blue sky while thinking: If it goes on like this, I and the rekill will not last long. We must think of a way to defeat this monster quickly.

However, Heiyi also knows very well that it is indeed a very tricky thing to defeat the monster Qingtian now.

"You two nuclear mutants are good. You can fight with me to this extent. I really underestimated your strength at the beginning." Qingtian was very surprised by the power of the reinjury and the black wing.

Although Qingtian is surprised by the power of reinsurreation and black wings, this does not mean that Qingtian is afraid. Qingtian is not only not afraid, but more excited.

The color of the cyan metal armor in the blue sky suddenly became heavier and gradually turned dark green, and the green energy on the body increased unabated and became more and more powerful.

Member Xu of the Tiandun System Command was slightly uneasy about this and said, "President Earth Eagle, let's let Qingtian withdraw quickly. He seems to be on the verge of getting out of control now. We must stop fighting."

"If we really want the blue sky back now, what about millions of people in the southern cities of heaven? Now we can only hope that Qingtian can continue to control his own humanity. President Earth Eagle said helplessly.

On the sky of the southern city of heaven, green light flashed, and the black wings that had been forced to a dead end by the blue sky, said with one voice: "Explosion, six-level nuclear fission!"

Black wings spread their wings and hang on the blue sky, and then shout: "The unique move - Qianfeng Eagle Blade!"

On the left and right sides of the black wing's body, two giant knives in the form of green light and shadow appeared. They opened their left and right hands, held the handles of the two knives, and quickly waved to the blue sky.

Strong nuclear energy cuts from the air to the blue sky standing on the ground. Countless nuclear energy hits the blue sky continuously, and the blue sky's body has been completely buried by light.

At the same time, the reinjul standing opposite the blue sky shouted, "The unique move - cold light killing!"

The black wing trick - the attack of Qianfeng Eagle Blade has not yet ended, and the cold light-like nuclear energy has also hit the body of the blue sky.

Qingtian's body was instantly swallowed up by two powerful nuclear energy, and the black wings in the sky fell weakly and fell beside the killing. He said, "Re killing, do you think we have defeated this monster in heaven?"

"I don't know, this guy is a guy we have never seen before, and I don't know if we can defeat him with our unique tricks." The rein killing looked at the blue sky swallowed by nuclear energy and did not dare to say anything.

Suddenly, from the light released by nuclear energy, the voice of the blue sky came out and said, "You two are indeed the most powerful nuclear mutants I have ever seen, but you still can't be my opponents."

The blue sky, which was swallowed up by nuclear energy, sent out: "Ah!" With a roar, the nuclear energy wrapped around his body was all washed away by the green energy released all over his body.

Qingtian's eyes showed a strong sense of killing, and he walked back to the opposite side step by step, with no expression on his face, like a robot, with no sense of life.

"No, Qingtian, this is really troublesome. Qingtian lost his humanity and became a killing machine." Major General Guo Wei of the Tiandun System Command suddenly hung his heart.

"Don't worry, Guo Wei, you have to believe in Qingtian. Although he has lost his humanity again, he is still attacking nuclear mutants, which shows that he has not completely lost his mind." President Earth Eagle saw the subtle changes that had taken place in the blue sky.

The blue sky is wrapped in a thick layer of dark green gas, releasing completely different energy similar to nuclear energy.

Seeing the current development, he knew that the big thing was not good, and said, "Black Wing, as soon as you have a chance, you will escape immediately, understand? We can't all die here." →[End of this chapter]