Nuclear God of War

Chapter 36: Volunteer to join the Revenge

Hamidas's eyes swept, and a flash of lightning passed by. Too many people hit the green energy of Hesheng, which dissipated with the passing of lightning.

"Who the hell are you? Why is there such a strong nuclear energy? Why did you stop me from killing and winning? It won't be good for us if he doesn't get rid of it.

"It's not good for you. It's good for my revenge organization to live, so I will never let you hurt him." Hamidas will not give up protection and victory.

"It seems that you are toasting and not drinking. I can only get rid of the future troubles of the world." After saying that, the big man attacked Hesheng again.

Under the full resistance of Hamidhas, too many people still failed to hurt Hesheng's hair, and too many people could not let people say, "I wanted to kill Hesheng first and then kill you in case Hesheng woke up again. Now it seems that I have to kill you first, and then get rid of He Sheng.

Hamidas was not nervous at all and said, "If you want to kill me, then you have to see if you have such strength."

Hamidas quickly started a fierce battle with too many people. The battle between the two sides is quite fierce, and it is impossible to determine who has the upper hand for the time being.

The big man fought fiercely with Hamidas for hundreds of rounds and never saw a winner.

At this moment, He Sheng, who fell to the ground, opened his eyes, lay on the ground, looked at the sky, and said to himself, "Where am I?" Am I angry again?"

He Sheng tried his best to recall the memory before he fell into a coma, remembering that he was led by Uvadas to the military cell in the central district of the world with Pingyan, and then he didn't remember anything.

"It seems that I must be in the cell. I must have encountered some accident before I was suddenly irritated." He Sheng got up from the ground and said.

The man who fought hard with Hamidas saw that Hesheng had stood up and was very worried and said, "Da Damn, how can Hesheng wake up again? Did I make a mistake in my judgment?"

Hesheng stood up again and looked up. There were two people fighting fiercely not far away, one of whom was Hamidas.

He Sheng will no longer believe in Hamidas, thinking that Hamidas has always deceived him, so He Sheng actually helped too many people attack Hamidas.

While resisting the attack of Hesheng and the big man, Hamidas persuaded Hesheng: "Hesheng, don't do this. This black phantom man is our enemy."

"You are the enemy of my heaven, then your enemy is our friend, and I will not be deceived by you."

"Hawa Sheng, you should have heard that the enemy's enemies are not necessarily our friends. What's more, he is also the enemy of your heaven. Hamidas explained with all his strength.

Just as Hesheng was skeptical of what Hamidas said, too many people suddenly attacked Hesheng, slapped Hesheng on the back, and Hesheng knelt on the ground.

"Hawasheng, are you all right?" Hamidas shouted with concern.

After saying that, Hamidas, who had only been defending, suddenly turned into an attack and launched a fierce counterattack against the big man.

The big man was quickly counterattacked by Hamidus and couldn't stand it. He thought to himself: Who is this guy? Why do you have such a powerful power?

Hamidas has less power than victory, but he can exert his power to the extreme to gain power beyond his ability.

Hamidas is good at using his own nuclear energy, which makes too many people's powerful green energy useless and forcing too many adults to step back.

Suddenly, a green energy hit, and too many people quickly flew into the air. He turned around and saw the blue sky flying in the distance.

Big people saw that the energy he had just escaped was basically the same as the power he had. Knowing that something was not good, he thought: No, how could the blue sky be released? Isn't he completely frozen by heaven?

Hamydas saw that the big man was suddenly stunned and took the opportunity to attack the big man. He punched the big man in the back and spine, and the big man fell from the air to the ground.

The blue sky that had just arrived landed with Hamidas and asked, "Lord Hamidas, what should we do with him?"

"Kill him. He is the most powerful human in the earth. Kill him, and no one can stop us."

"Yes, Lord Hamidas." After saying that, the murderous man walked to the big man, ready to kill the big man who fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, do you think I really have a little ability? Today, I will first show you a ability you have never seen before. The air is like the wind!" The big man suddenly disappeared like smoke.

Hamidas thought that the big man wanted to play some unique move, but after he didn't feel the power of the big man, he knew that the big man had been defeated and evacuated.

Qingtian went to help Hesheng and said, "Hesheng, is it really you? Have you been resurrected?"

"Who are you? I don't know you." He Sheng doesn't remember who Qingtian is.

"He Sheng, I'm Qingtian. Ten years ago, we fought side by side. Have you forgotten it?"

"Sorry, I'm out of memory now, so I don't remember anything ten years ago."

When Qingtian heard Hesheng's answer, he understood whether Hesheng remembered him or not. It was because Hesheng had lost his memory now, so he was not asking Hesheng. He just said, "Hesheng, we were friends ten years ago. I hope we are still friends now."

He Sheng ignored Qingtian's words, and now he is trying to recall where Xiaoyan's sister is.

Guessing that Xiaoyan's sister had been caught by the people of the world, she quickly rushed to the deep hole where he and she flew out of the earth world.

Hamedas stopped Hesheng and persuaded, "Hesheng, we can't enter the earth now. The earth world should have set a big trap now, waiting for us to fall into the trap."

"I beg you, please help me save my sister Xiaoyan. As long as you can promise me to save my sister Xiaoyan, you can do whatever you want me to do." Hesheng request Hamidas

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I'm absolutely sincere."

"Are you willing to volunteer to join our revenge organization?"

"If I join your revenge organization, will you really save my sister Xiaoyan?"

"Of course, I keep my word and will never break my word." Hamidas swore to peace and victory to keep his promise to peace and victory.

Hearing Hamidus's promise, He Sheng hesitated for a moment and said, "As long as you promise me not to let me do anything to hurt heaven, I am willing to join you."

"Okay, I promise you I won't let you do anything that hurts heaven." Hamidas will agree no matter what he wants.

He saved Pingyan's eager victory. Hearing Hamidas' answer, he raised his hand and swore, "I volunteered to enter the revenge organization of your nuclear energy." →[End of this chapter]