Nuclear God of War

Chapter 42: Catastrophe

Other members of the Grand Council know that heaven can't be leaderless now, so they can only agree to accept Li Tanshe's appointed as the temporary president of the Grand Council of Heaven.

Li Tanshe successfully became the temporary president of the Grand Council of Paradise, and began to persuade other parliamentarians to give up fighting against the earth and give heaven to the earth world.

As soon as Li Tanshe proposed to give up resistance, it was immediately strongly opposed by the members of the Grand Council. They would never easily give up heaven to their sworn enemies in the world.


He Sheng, Hamidas and Qingtian first reached the position of the earthly world. He Sheng stamped his feet and said, "Hamidas, guess where the earth world will be in this position?"

"I can't figure out where the world is below." Hamidas shook his head with a smile.

"Actually, I don't know, but we can go down and see where the earth is below." He Sheng is ready to take action and enter the world.

"Lord Warlord, let us who can drill into the ground to help you open the door to the earthly world." He came to ask Hesheng for a fourth-level nuclear power who had been killed in the world.

He Sheng nodded and said that he could give it to them. Then he turned around and sat on a rock and said, "I'll leave it to you to open the passage. I just need to take a break to refresh myself and fight with the black phantom.

The person Hesheng is most worried about now is the black phantom man, who is called a big man by President Uvadas.

Hamidas approached and sat next to Hesheng, quietly looking at Hesheng beside him, with a sweet and heartfelt smile on his face.

The earth has found some nuclear mutants and reached the surface above the earth world. The senators' inner emotions have begun to complicate. I don't know whether to surrender to the nuclear mutants or finally insist on a war.

However, President Uvadas will not easily admit defeat, because he believes that as long as there are too many people, the world will never be occupied.

Uvadas suddenly left the parliamentary conference room, returned to his private office, knelt at his desk, and asked, "Too man, please show up quickly, or our world will be destroyed."

Suddenly, a mass of gas appeared on the seat behind Uvadas' desk. This black gas gradually formed a black phantom on the seat.

A big man appeared on the Uvadas seat and said, "Hamidas, are you afraid of the invasion of nuclear mutants?"

"It's too big. Although I don't want to be afraid, I can't help but feel fear in my heart. After all, that's thousands of nuclear mutants." Uvadas told too many people the truth.

"Don't worry, with my 'Tairui' in the earth, no one can hurt the earth, you don't be afraid anymore."

"Yes, it's too big. As long as you are too big, I, Uvadas, will never have a trace of fear. Uvadas is 100% trusted by Tairui.

Tairui stood up, came to Hamidas and said, "I can tell you one very important thing, that is, we have a secret weapon against nuclear mutants."

"Really? That's really great. Too big, what is our secret weapon? Can you tell me?"

"I can't tell you for the time being. After the nuclear mutant enters the earth, you will naturally know what our secret weapon is. Well, go back now to preside over the overall situation, otherwise there may be chaos.

"Yes, it's too big, I understand." After saying that, Uvadas quickly returned to the conference room of the Senate and presided over the overall situation.

Hesheng on the ground has been waiting for a little anxiously. He got up and walked to the big hole dug by the nuclear mutant and said, "Come up. At your speed, we can't enter the earth world in a short time. Let me do it."

Hearing the shout of the King of War, all the four-level nuclear energy personnel who worked hard to make holes in the hole returned to the ground and apologized to Hesheng and said, "Sorry, King of War, our ability is limited and we can't penetrate multiple protective layers in the world in a short time."

"It doesn't matter. It's very good to achieve this level of nuclear energy you have. Leave the next thing to me."

After talking to the nuclear mutants, He Sheng stood in the hole dug by the nuclear mutants and said, "It seems that I can't use too strong nuclear energy, otherwise I will easily penetrate the earth and destroy the core of the earth."

"If you are worried about destroying the earth's core, let me do it." Hamidas stood beside Hesheng.

"No, I'll do it myself." Hesheng insisted on completing the matter by himself and penetrating the defense and protection layer of the earth.

Hamidas did not block and win, and let the winner give full play to his ability.

In an instant, Hesheng's hair has turned golden, and his eyes released a red light. He stretched out his hand and hit a stream of nuclear energy into the hole dug by the nuclear mutants.

He Sheng then jumped into the cave, entered the ground, and broke into the earth world.

Hamedas saw that Hesheng had jumped into the hole, turned his head and said, "Qingtian, you are here to wait for other nuclear people to come, and then lead them into the earth."

"Yes, Lord Hamidas, I know how to do it. Don't worry."

"That matter on the ground is up to you." After saying that, Hamidas followed and won, jumped into the hole and entered the earth.

and Sheng's nuclear energy is not much, which just penetrates the multi-layer area of the world and directly enters the central area of the world.

He Sheng, who had just landed on the ground in the central area of the world, got up and found that he had been surrounded by dozens of world warriors.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't stop me. Take me to Uvadas quickly." He Sheng said with a cold expression.

"Who are you? Why do you dare to despise the soldiers of our world? Don't you want to live? An unknown and victorious world warrior with a tough attitude.

"Alas! I won't waste time with you."

and Sheng's words have bypassed all the earth-world warriors surrounding him and walked to the center of the central area.

Tairui, who didn't expect Hesheng to come back to the world, felt the nuclear energy released by Hesheng and began to feel a little uneasy.

However, Tairui pretended to be calm and sat on the seat behind Uvadas' desk with a very calm expression.

Following Hamidas, who entered the center of the earth world behind Hesheng, suddenly disappeared in the center of the earth world, and even the nuclear energy she released disappeared.

Hamidas hid in the dark and thought to himself: He Sheng, I will help you find your little sister now, even if you owe me a favor this time. →[End of this chapter]