Nuclear God of War

Chapter 47: Reversal

All the members in the meeting room of the Grand Council were very surprised to hear what President Eagle said. Senator Fu couldn't help asking, "President Eagle, who do you think will come to save us from heaven?"

"I don't know yet. We need to contact Guo Wei of the Tiandun System Command to get more information."

"President Earth Eagle, you have confused me. Our communication system has been disturbed by people around the earth and can't connect with each other. How can we contact Guo Wei?"

"Guo Wei has just modified the communication system, and we can now communicate with each other through short messages." President Earth Eagle took off the microcomputer on his wrist and put it on the table of the Grand Council.

The president of the Grand Council, Diying, put the microcomputer on the conference table, and then all the other legislators understood what President Diying meant.

Guo Wei, the commander-in-chief of the Heaven Shield System, sent a short message to President Earth Eagle. Content: President Earth Eagle, I found that there are two nuclear mutants who set out from the earth world and rushed to our heaven. The speed was very amazing.

Member Fu still didn't understand and said, "President Earth Eagle, I still don't understand. How can you be sure that these two nuclear mutants are here to save us, not to capture our heaven?"

"Fu Heng, you must have forgotten the very important thing, that is, Hesheng has the nuclear energy of nuclear mutants. Therefore, I suspect that the people who rush from the earth world to our heaven are our Hesheng. After all, when a large number of nuclear mutants go to the earth world, there will be no nuclear mutants from the earth. The world rushes to our paradise. President Earth Eagle told his speculation.

Although most legislators think that President Diying's speculation is very reasonable, Senator Xu still has other ideas about this and said, "However, how does another nuclear mutant explain it?"

The question raised by Senator Xu really has to be puzzling. Even if it is two people who come to heaven from the earth world, one of them is He Sheng, but who will be the other nuclear mutant?

Senator Hu suddenly thought of a person and said, "I guess another nuclear mutant will be our blue sky?"

"Yes, how did I forget the blue sky?" The sad Senator Xu suddenly said cheerfully.

"We just expect this, but in fact, no one knows whether it is so or not. So we must stick to it until the end to know whether our expectations will come true. President Earth Eagle encouraged all parliamentarians.

In fact, the ground eagle does not dare to be sure at all that the people who rush from the earth world to heaven are peace wins.

President Earth Eagle said this to other legislators just to give legislators a hope of persistence in resistance.

Outside the main building of the Grand Council, Tinovs, the pilot of Magic Eagle-1, waited impatiently and said, "You have discussed for almost an hour. Whether you surrender or not, and make a quick choice."

No matter what Tynovus said, the members of the Grand Council never ignored it and did not talk to Tynovus at all.

The members of the Great Council of Paradise ignored Tinos and completely angered the impatient Tinos and said, "I didn't want to hurt the people of Paradise, but you dared to despise my existence. I have to give you a look."

After saying that, the Magic Eagle No. 1 machine driven by Tynovs shot an open space* into a residential area east of the main building of the Grand Council of Heaven.

The phoenix fighter hovered over the main building of the Grand Council to protect the members of the Grand Council. Seeing this situation, its pilot Qingchu quickly shot an interceptor* to intercept the open space that attacked the residential area*.

Although Qingchu intercepted the open space* shot into the residential area, it could not truly save the people of heaven.

Tinoves was very angry when he saw that the open space* he shot was intercepted and said, "I'd like to see how many interceptors* you can carry on this seventh-generation plane."

Tinoves ordered the members of the Magic Eagle Team of the top secret force to take turns to launch an open space* in the eastern residential area until an open space* hits the residential area.

Three minutes later, there was no * available on the Youfeng fighter piloted by Qingchu. He said to himself, "No, it's over now. The * on the Youfeng fighter has been used up. What should I do now?"

Tinoves felt that the phoenix fighter was no longer available, and his Magic Eagle No. 1 personally shot an open space into the residential area*.

At this moment, Qingchu can only look at this open space* and attack the residential area in the east of the main building of the Grand Council.

Suddenly, a red light flashed, and the open space* of Magic Eagle 1 was instantly penetrated and exploded in mid-air.

Then his eyes had turned into a red crystal, and he appeared in the corner of the top floor of the main building of the Great Council, with one foot walking on the edge of the corner of the main building of the Great Parliament building.

"Listen to the people of the earth who besieged the capital of heaven. As long as you take the initiative to evacuate my heaven now, I will no longer pursue your crimes. But if you are obsessed, I will never let you go." He Sheng said with an extremely indifferent expression.

Tinoves did not know that the person at the edge of the main building of the Grand Council was Hesheng with super nuclear energy. He completely ignored what Hesheng said and continued to order the Magic Eagle soldiers to shoot open space into the residential area* until the residential area was destroyed.

When Hesheng saw that Tinovus's team members were still firing* into the residential area, he was extremely angry and said, "You dare to despise my words. I won't let you guys go easily."

After saying that, He Sheng first attacked the open space* in the residential area, shot dozens of nuclear energy, and attacked the open space* in the residential area, all of which were intercepted by Hesheng nuclear energy.

In the meeting room of the main building of the Grand Council of Paradise Capital, I saw * pieces above the residential area, all of which were destroyed and exploded, and my hanging heart was finally put down.

"President Earth Eagle, it seems that your speculation is not wrong at all. The nuclear mutants who rushed from the earth world to our heaven at full speed are indeed a victory." Senator Fu admired the speculation of the ground eagle.

"Now our heaven is finally saved, and it's too timely for Hesheng to come back, otherwise their paradise will be in danger."

"President Earth Eagle, do we want to inform and win now and use all our strength to defeat all the earth world warriors?" Senator Fu asked the ground eagle.

President Diying didn't want to hurt the people of the world more. He just notified Hesheng and said, "He Sheng, they are not your opponents, so don't kill them all. You just need to repel them."

He Sheng, who stood on the main building of the Grand Council, heard what Uncle Di said, lowered his head and said, "Uncle Di, I know what to do." →[End of this chapter]